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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I would not say benzos are a better option, but for a week or two is probably fine while the storm passes. I believe she tapered too quickly and that's why she's having such a hard time.

I know you're in the middle of a storm right now, so let me know how it all turns out for her.


I've been on it for months and I know that one day I'm going to have to taper off the med, so it looks like in my case I might taper off it between 1-3 months. I'm on 150mg.


Don't keep her on benzos for too long (just 1-2 weeks max and wean herself off of them).  It will pass sooner than benzos w/d I bet.


Cheering for your daughter to get better soon...



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Two things:

1. To correct dosage record, she was on 200 mg per day at peak usage and not 300 as I posted earlier.

2.  Yesterday was so bad we had to go to ER.  A very sympathetic doc who had some knowledge of problems involved with this med used great bed side manner and iv sleep meds to get back down to earth.  Hoping today is better.

Jarocho-Your insight on too fast of taper is probably correct.  We have come so far in getting off the poison that we are going to try and get to otherside and resist re-instating.



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I believe I'm suffering from Lyrica interdose w/d as I feel fine after I take it at night, but awful once the levels in my blood are down to almost nothing (i.e. the next day's afternoon). As much as I hate to do this, I might have to ask the shrink if I should take another dose during the day to keep me more stable. Yesterday was insane and I don't blame benzos on that as much as I do Lyrica.


Hoping your daughter returns to normal soon...and yes do not go back to benzos...bad, bad idea.



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Unfortunately we have had to use benzos to survive Lyrica withdrawal.  My daughter got off benzos and it was long process and difficult but a fraction of difficulty of Lyrica.  Lyrica is in universe by itself in terms of misery.  We are in week 3 after taper was concluded and are just starting to see symptoms recede.

I cannot over exaggerate the need  to use great caution in getting off this drug.  Your thoughts of 1-3 month taper are probably appropriate.

I guess, if I were you,  I would be considering tough decision of getting off vs. going up on dose.

As soon as we get beyond Lyrica we will immediatly begin taper off benzos.  Lyrica has set us back 2 or 3 months in getting off all these meds.

And when you do get off Lyrica get 25mg capsules (I believe lowest strength they make) and taper ever further down using portions of cap.


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Yeah I just took some blood tests right now and will get the results in a few hours, but it looks like Lyrica might be doing me more harm than good and I might have to follow your daughters steps. 

I hope not!



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Lyrica, like benzos, tends to provoke -during withdrawal-symptoms that the drug is meant to prevent.  Depending on what you took drug for is probably the main symptom of withdrawal.  My daughter took it for anxiety and that is main problem in withdrawal.  We assume your worst withdrawal symptom will be anxiety.  That is what is most commonly reported on internet.

          The 5 or 6 symptoms my daughter struggled with are Anxiety(Extreme), Insomnia, headache, Muscle seizures(stiff or vibrating/shaking muscles),crawling skin, alternating temperature extremes(clammy and flushed or chills and shaking), also it has a nasty habit of waking you at 5am with a sort of flu mimic-sweat,sore joints and muscles with the anxiety also. The worst of this 'flu-mimic' happens when you drop too fast. Unfortunately because Lyrica is so new,  the doctor's told us to jump off, but cold turkey is not an option for this drug, it is what my daughter calls, "A quaint little circle of Hell". I assure you if you taper over months you will be much better off, and the symptoms will be less intense.


      The time will pass slowly, and the anxiety my daughter experienced, as well as all the symptoms, were by far the worse she had felt. This includes prior surgeries and illnesses that caused the need to taper off both high levels of Narcotic and high levels of Benzo's.


From Swedish Daughter:

This is worse. Much worse. I say this not to scare you but to say that if this medicine is not necessary for your health and you do not plan on staying on it forever, Do NOT go up, and avoid it like the plague. It is a serious, powerful med where the effects on the brain is uncertain as well as long term effect on One's health.


Please be warned, be careful, and I hope you do not suffer as I have. I would not wish it on anyone. Good luck, you can do it, the mind truly is stronger than the body.


Swedish Dad & Swedish Daughter


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Remember when I first starting getting withdrawals. I was convinced it was flu. Then for many years I believed it was periodic nervous breakdowns. I thought I was weak and half-crazy. And so the medical profession heals us ... by making us feel crazy.


Oy vey! http://content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/00020074.gif



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How is your daughter doing now? How much benzo did she have to take to deal with Lyrica w/d?

Is she back on benzos now? If yes, then what's your tapering plan since she was on them for such a short time?


The only good thing I can say about Lyrica is that it has taken months to build some tolerance to it and it has mask a lot my benzo w/d sx. 





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My daughter is improving very gradually.  The headaches have gone away.  Instead of anxiety running almost constantly, it ebbs and flows with still real spikes of panic. Still muscle seizure and hot/cold/ temps plus skin crawling.  All of which have cut back some.  Still very troubling.

Using 20-30 mgs (or equivilants) of valium daily.  Plus visitril.  Also 3 emergency room visits where they essentially sedate her.

This is day 30 off Lyrica.  Again we were mistakenly off the drug too quick believing 2 1/2 week use would allow same.

I have carefully sifted internet and it seems people with problems coming off this drug are taking 2-6 weeks to report relief.

You know what you are going to have to do to put Lyrica behind you.

In our experience I would rather get off benzos many times over then get off Lyrica once.

It is clear that all neurodynamic medications have serious side effect/withdrawal implications.  Big Pharma has to be forced to inform the public.

Also, anecdotally from internet it appears people come down from higher doses to 100-150 mgs Lyrica fairly easily.

It is getting finally off and withdrawals that are difficult.  I guess super slow taper from 100 on down is the stategy.


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My daughter is improving very gradually.  The headaches have gone away.  Instead of anxiety running almost constantly, it ebbs and flows with still real spikes of panic. Still muscle seizure and hot/cold/ temps plus skin crawling.  All of which have cut back some.  Still very troubling.

Using 20-30 mgs (or equivilants) of valium daily.  Plus visitril.  Also 3 emergency room visits where they essentially sedate her.

This is day 30 off Lyrica.  Again we were mistakenly off the drug too quick believing 2 1/2 week use would allow same.

I have carefully sifted internet and it seems people with problems coming off this drug are taking 2-6 weeks to report relief.

You know what you are going to have to do to put Lyrica behind you.

In our experience I would rather get off benzos many times over then get off Lyrica once.

It is clear that all neurodynamic medications have serious side effect/withdrawal implications.  Big Pharma has to be forced to inform the public.

Also, anecdotally from internet it appears people come down from higher doses to 100-150 mgs Lyrica fairly easily.

It is getting finally off and withdrawals that are difficult.  I guess super slow taper from 100 on down is the stategy.



Man, what a nightmare...I have to report that in my attempt to quit the drug I did a fairly quick taper myself that went this way:

Day 1: 140mg

Day 2: 130mg

Day 3: 120mg

Day 4: 100mg

Day 5: 75mg (enough!!!)


I felt that going from 150 to 100 was tolerable, but from 100 and down it was tough, so base on that experience I expect somewhere between 1-3 months to get off the drug (assuming I'm able to stay at 150).


As self reminder I think this schedule might work for me:

From 150 to 100: Cut 10mg every 3 days (12 days)

From 100 to 25: Cut 5mg every 3 days (45 days)

From 25 to 0: Cut 2.5mg every 3 days (40 days)


The good about this is that I can feel the w/d sx right away and if I'm not doing well during any one of the cuts I can slow it down. Also Lyrica is much more friendly to water (i.e. water soluable) and won't have to stir like crazy to get it well-distributed.



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Just know that withdrawal problems are withdrawal problems.  They will pass.  I think that because Lyrica is so new that many of its problems are not widely known and it can be frightening to experience nasty symptoms and not know what is happening.

Lyrica withdrawal problems -at least in anecdotal reports on internet and with my daughter-are fairly consistent.

Everyone has same group of symptoms-plus or minus-with intensity the great variable.

Slow slow taper and you should do fine.


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Sorry I know I've asked this somewhere, but how much benzos is your daughter now taking?  If she out of the woods now?




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Valium/benzo use has jumped around with intensity of symptoms. From 15 to 25 mgs of valium equivilent.

As to being out of the woods, things have definately changed and mostly for the better.  No more headaches.  Sleeping is much improved.  Frankly she is sleeping alot more and I think it is healing process and recovery from earlier Lyrica withdrawal problems.  She still has involuntary muscle spasms. Temp sensiitivity.  Anxiety spikes that are much more controllable and less frequent.  And the racing uncontrollable thoughts have reduced to periodic 'snapshots'.

Poison is receding but it is not gone.  Not out of woods but there is light and clearing ahead.

I think my daughters benzo use in this is probably not particularly relevant.  Your needs will depend on your current tolerance etc.

Anecdotal internet info does suggest that most use benzos to get thru withdrawal if withdrawal is difficult.

Hope this helps.


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check out progress under 'Help with Daughter' under 'General Withdrawal'.

Still having rough withdrawal.  Progress but very slow.

I am stunned by the tenacity of effect of this med.






















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  • 1 month later...

Lyrica update-Approx 10 weeks off Lyrica and it appears (I hope) that we are back to somewhere close to where we started before taking this drug.  Anxiety yes but not at the levels experienced during withdrawal.  Most of the physical symptoms have abated.  Infrequent muscles spasms. To all who may find these posting while deciding whether to use this med-USE CAUTION.  This is powerful drug loaded with S/X and with real problems during withdrawal.  If you are sensitive to other neuro-active meds (benzos, etc) you probably will have issues with this med.  People with neuro-related pain  (shingles, diabetes, etc) seem to find some relief but my humble advice is to research and weigh pluses and minuses.  The HUGE minus is withdrawal.  Pleasw withdraw slowly and consider months as probable best course.

Much suffering getting off this for many.


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  • 1 month later...

Final comment-10-12 weeks of withdrawal total.  We are several weeks beyond that and Lyrica has apparently let my daughter out of its scaly grip.

Again, this is powerful med with real withdrawal consequences for folks sensitive to any neuro-active substances.

USE CAUTION when trying this drug.  I would suggest starting at small doses (25mg) and step up as you know what this stuff does to YOU.

We had to re-instate benzos to get off this poison and now are withdrawaling from those tiny bombs.

If I can save anyone the torture my daughter went thru then it is a good day.

Google 'Lyrica' and 'withdrawal' before you decide if you want to use this med.


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Thanks SD for that information.  Many people have asked about Lyrica and your post gives them the info to make an educated decision.  :smitten:
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  • 2 years later...
Personally i love lyrica 100mg 2times day with my c/t 7  months out neurontin didnt help me wit nerve pain from this still got pain but not as bad at all as was tightness is so much better i noticed relief in mins much better than neurontin , it is like neurontin but newer and iam thankful i tried this i needed abreak in pain think people on neurontin should switch if they dont see any improvement , better than taking hydros and narcotics like some do for pain.
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Personally i love lyrica 100mg 2times day with my c/t 7  months out neurontin didnt help me wit nerve pain from this still got pain but not as bad at all as was tightness is so much better i noticed relief in mins much better than neurontin , it is like neurontin but newer and iam thankful i tried this i needed abreak in pain think people on neurontin should switch if they dont see any improvement , better than taking hydros and narcotics like some do for pain.


Hi nikicole,


I'm glad you're getting some relief, but it's important to keep your posts from becoming prescriptive.  You might want to read this policy letter for a better understanding of this issue.  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=25837.0



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