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There is hope, this will be deleted but give yourself a chance, this is goodbye


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This will probably be deleted, this is my goodbye to BB, this group was indeed helpful when I was in wd, it was hell yes, but my wd did NOT started because of benzos but due to anaphylaxis from Salbutamol. I was off all meds for almost 13 months, I reinstated Valium (10 mgs) amd started on Zoloft (75 mgs) last April 5th and it has been a life saver. I am 90-95% healed. Since I was a kid I had OCD and intrusive thoughts (hram/suicidal) I had no idea it was an actual ILLNESS... when my daughter was 5 months old BEFORE VALIUM I had this "urges" of throwing her down the stairs (she's 20 yo now and the love of my life, I did NOT wanted to kill her, it was my mental demons) that's when I started using (and abusing) Valium (up to 200 mgs a day for 19 years) yet it saved my life, those thoughts stopped and I was able to raise her and have a normal life. Even so, OCD has always been a part of me, last March and May 2016 I had two anaphylaxis due to Salbutamol and almost died, I had horrible PTSD and stopped all meds and started tapering Valium, it was a nightmare but now looking back I'm not sure how much of it was real wd and how much it was PTSD... had horrible sxs (mental and physical) ... all physical sxs went away and after almost 13 months off I was housebound again due to my harm/suicide thoughts, it was NOT wd, I had them before benzos, those thoughts are the reason I started on Valium. I was desperate and took Zoloft and reinstated Valium, I can truly say that my life changed... contrary to what most ppl say, my life on benzos is way better, some on the fb groups even say "that mental illness is a lie"!!! WTF?? NO!! it's like there is a new mafia against Benzos where ppl rather commit suicide than admit they need a med... I really wonder how many of the ppl who committed suicide would be alive today if they had reinstated. I'm not saying that valium or any other benzo or SSRI is a "magic pill" and no, should not be taken for sleep or for pain, but brain chemical imbalance is real... if all of you guys who want to create awareness about wd also create awareness about MENTAL ILLNESSES... I'm not pro or against Benzos, I'M PRO MY OWN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH, and if I need a pill to feel fine I will take it, it's also self-care. I joined here more than two years ago, now I leave, I got useful advice and to me, I am a success story, I am living a life I actually enjoy, that's all that matters to me... my final words are that I hope this is not deleted (I will not log in anymore) and I hope ppl know there is a choice, fight for your health, not against meds, do what's best for you, I did and I don't regret it, thank you and best wishes.
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I am sorry you are leaving us, but you have to do what suits you.

I dislike the FB groups but wont go into that right now. I don't like FB, period. People lie there and benzos people do not need  lies.

I DO understand what you say about your drugs causing PTSD I feel the same way. I know I have PTSD after going CT off  ton of benzos and SSRIs. My journey has not bee easy or fun at all. I have suffered deeply and paid the price for relying on pills to get me through. WD from many psych meds can cause PTSD.

Because of your history I would tell you to avoid benzos and all psych drugs in the future. None of them will help you, so why bother? I would suggest finding a decent counsellor, someone well versed in CBT stuff.

I wish you all the luck in the world asd please, never give up on yourself. Everyone CAN heal and aren't you lucky, having  daughter you truly love? Wish I did.


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What a difficult post to not reply to. I had to think about it.... I deeply respect your position, it is real and has context, you must do what is best for you...




If I were suicidal and psych meds did what they do and I did not commit suicide then I would appreciate that and say good for them. I was never in that situation..... also I am only 17 months post jump so I am not sitting here with years of a normal life under the belt post benzos.


To simply be anti-psyche drugs because of one select groups experiences and apply that universally is not the best thing to do. The inverse applies too.


I think most people here choose their attitude towards psyche drugs because of their personal experience  - and it is completely valid  - I, and we, (I do not speak for everybody or anyone else) got beat up by benzos and here we are, seriously hurt, stolen from, defeated but not destroyed. To walk the line of recovery all the way we have to reinforce the anti benzo sentiment in everything we do  - for our sanity, for our suffering, for our walk to recovery.


Very few here deny that benzos were absolutely great as we started to use them  - they did amazingly well. But they were at best meant for 4 weeks use...... we were not told that. It was not in the fine print inside the package, years later, it was added to the package info sheet...... like a goal post that moved......


I wish I never took benzos, it would have maybe meant I worked less and did less for 2 or 3 years when my approach to life that was wrong or flawed resulted in panic attacks. I would have been forced to work on my cognitive approach and my arrogant ignorance that was borne out of my youth and life experience background  - all the stupid things I was doing and living that precipitated anxiety and panic.


One brush does not paint this whole picture  - those who should have never been prescribed benzos would not be victims if the medical marketing machines did not say, like liberals, or conservatives for that matter, "we know what is best, for everybody!"


I do not know of one person whose life was saved medically by benzos. "I am going to have a heart attack!" I felt in panic - benzos made me so calm, so calm, so calm, like suspended animation or a zombie..... you think the benzos took away your crazy thoughts? You would have harmed someone if you did not have benzos? The benzos did not take away your crazy thoughts  - they took away your thoughts! See the difference?


You can advocate the validity of benzos all you like, for every one person they help based on what at best may be questionable data they steal years of life, family, relationships, careers  - LIVES! You have 245 posts on BB - sure the tone of the ANTI - BENZO sentiment has got to you.


You have a very good point to say to be completely against benzos is ludicrous when you focus on how benzos knock someone half out everyday. They work well to "lobotomise" the user. If people need that to say it stopped them from acting on crazy thoughts then they will believe that. Everyone has crazy thoughts, your brain is an organ, it thinks, if you do not keep it busy it will start chewing on the piano like a bored puppy! Everyone has crazy thoughts.... benzos did appear to carry me through tough times  - objectively it was people that gave me room to be less than perfect and the lobotomy effect of the benzos  - this is false, they did not carry me through, they switched me off and the grace of those around me tolerated it....


For those who have lost years, friends, family, vitality  - their struggle to overcome what benzos have done is not ludicrous  - some people need to be anti- benzo cheerleaders to reinforce the validity of this struggle in their heads. THERE ARE STILL MANY SITES AND MEDICAL SCIENCE ITSELF THAT UNDERMINE EVERYTHING ABOUT PAWS.


Since 2003 I think there have been tens of thousands (not sure of exact number sorry) of buddies here  - what they did was not madness, it was not a whim it was not an impulse or clutching at straws or a hard core emotional choice because nothing else was available and they were mentally unstable people who were incapable of making good choices. Their choice was based on the reality of suffering, shared problems, symptoms, shared travesties and life catastrophes as a result of benzos and, in some cases, other psyche meds. Their choice was slow and measured and deeply powerful, validated by the fact that they all went through tremendous physical suffereing when VOLUNTEERING to taper and jump! Validated in every cry for help, admission of pain both physical, mental and spiritual in the process.


Medical science has saved millions of lives and is amazing, but even though it claims to have protection from commercial interests, there have been casualties and I am so thankful for the POWERFUL INTELECTUAL PROPERTY that BB shared with me for free  - it set me physically free!!!!! I had to attend to under lying cause as I became aware of it.


Like a dangerous manipulating narcissist, medical science and its ancillary support industries cannot admit they are wrong, they hate being caught out and no longer get fed by those "in the know" of this marvellous intellectual property.They continue to undermine every person who has been through benzo hell. The narcissist will invalidate your argument, cause you to doubt yourself, cause you to question yourself, confuse and destroy your sanity and self esteem! You will question the validity of your own symptoms for years, you will believe the hype and be rewarded with more candy per day if you tow the line, as long as you pay, you can have more benzos every day! When you question it, beware, the wrath of the narcissist.... have you been through this? Sound familiar?


I love myself, I respect my nerves signals to my brain, the narcissist branch of medical science called psychiatry hurt me, they are in denial of that, they are in a campaign to undermine any resistance to them, like narcissists they are relentless. I can carry on and on but I am slow and laborious in verbalising my thoughts........or else I would have said this with respect and mindfully, in one paragraph.


If you read this I hope you can see that your validation of benzos is perfectly true under a certain set of circumstances viewed under a light of scrutiny that allows for little time from the anxiety sufferer to prepare or learn an appropriate long term response.









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Hello BeeFree,


I am glad that you have found a better way forward for you. But I should like to point out that BB is not against the use of medication, or even against benzodiazepines. This support forum primarily exists to help support people with withdrawal from benzodiazepines, but it is not our purpose to urge such action. People come here because they are experiencing problems with their use of or withdrawal from benzodiazepines. So, we fill a need for support. But, actually, we support members in whatever decision they take over their use of benzodiazepines. The only thing we do not allow is the promotion of benzos (or z-drungs) as this would be diametrically opposed to the purspose of this support space. But you reporting that reinstatement was best for you is no problem - it certainly does not qualify as 'promotion' or otherwise risks derailing the reasons for other members being here. You are probably unaware of a similar post from a couple of weeks ago. It might help reassure you:




I think it is also worth me highlighting the BenzoBuddies Mission Statement:


Mission Statement


BenzoBuddies: an inclusive, nonjudgmental mutual-support environment for those who wish to withdraw from benzodiazepines.


Members of the BenzoBuddies community are encouraged to exchange ideas, information and support during the process of withdrawal and recovery.


Although outside of the immediate scope of BenzoBuddies, members are free to discuss their wider medical problems and needs as they relate to benzodiazepine use and withdrawal.


Taking or quitting any medicine—including benzodiazepines—should be a personal decision made in consultation with a suitably qualified medical practitioner.


Through a peer-support model, we strive to help members achieve their goals.


So, you see, there is nothing wrong with your post, or your reinstatement as far as BB is concerned. You should do what is best for you. The only caution I will provide is that anyone considering reinstatement is for them to take some time and properly consult with their doctor.


As for your general point about how some people might benefit from use of benzodiazepines: this class of drug is like any other in that there are potential risks and benefits, and they will vary from one person to another. This is why we are so strong with instructing members to consult with their doctors. There are potential risks each way: some are damaged by taking these drugs; and yes, some are more damaged by not taking them. There are no hard and fast answers to this.


Having said all that, I do suggest that some of the negative aspects of benzodiazepines are quite insidious in nature. But since you are an old hand at this, I assume you better understand this than someone new to these medications and your reinstatement is a considered decision. So all there is left for me to do is to wish you well and good luck.


I hope that you do report back some time to let us know how you are doing.


Take care,



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Colin I think most of the people who are posting are against benzos they say it all the time  but for me they made me come to life I was able to do things I never thought i could now I can hardly leave my bedroom
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Colin I think most of the people who are posting are against benzos they say it all the time  but for me they made me come to life I was able to do things I never thought i could now I can hardly leave my bedroom


Hi kachina,


Yes, I too felt I had a new lease on life when I started on clonazepam too to treat a neurological disorder.* But as I said in my last post, they have an insidious side, where side effects sneak up or are unrecognisable through the benzo-induced fog. They also stopped working for me after a time. Breaks from the medication were only partially successful. In the end, for me, the endless cycle of limited effectiveness for a limited amount of time, withdrawal, break, and reinstatement became unsustainable. Only when I had quit, properly and for good, did I recognise just how negatively affected I was from my use of clonazepam.


* The irony being that I have outgrown the neuro disorder, but I retain a few small (but still diminishing) problems associated with my use of benzodiazepines.


But the point is that this is how I was affected. My physiology, situation and medical problems are unique to me, and the same is true for you, BeeFree, and all of us here. We do what is best for ourselves - that's all we can and should do.

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Can I ask if your symptoms s got much worse when you initially reinstated the Valium. Also did you get any new symptoms you did not have in WD.


I have tried to reinstated but it now causes extreme terror, hyperacusis with terror and frenzied uncontrollable eating of biscuits.



I had to go back down on dose again but not enough to help severe muscle contracture.


I am trying to switch to Clonazepam  which is not so paradoxical but does not release muscles as well.


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  • 3 years later...

I just want to respond to a comment made by the original poster which needs clarification. The original poster talked about "Chemical imbalance is real", I completely agree just not in the sense of which it's implied or even how the medical community tried pushing it within the 80's.


A Chemical Imbalance is created it's not programmed at birth. If you consume the wrong foods which produce a higher volume of let's say dopamine or serotonin, of course at one point or another you will experience a chemical shift. Same with medications like psyche meds, if you take them for too long the bill will come due.


I'm glad you found a way forward, congrats and God bless

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I always mention reinstating and I don’t think anyone has said anything against it. I would hope you don’t feel that way. These meds are needed in many cases and are also misperscribed in others. They have their place and are very helpful. It is easy to forget that the population of benzo users that have adverse affects are small 🤷‍♂️ I am happy you found your balance and I want nothing but stability and happiness for you :3
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First of all this an old topic.


Before people start to think about reinstating and that these drugs are just 'needed' by some people, please read her story. Been given benzo's since birth. This is not a normal situation. These drugs do not belong in the brain. It makes people ill. This is an exception. I also want to disagree with Thisbur that we are in minority here who has problems. It's just not true. Maybe in lower dosages on less potent benzo's, but everybody who takes high dosage high potency benzo's will build up tolerance and will have problems getting of this medication.


Please do not let this topic you inspire you to reinstate or think that you need this medication, because few people do. There are other ways to cope with situations.


About chemical imbalance: it doesn't exist. It can occur due to stress, or maybe food like someone else that, or substances that don't belong in the body. But with a healthy lifestyle the brain will always come back into balance. I think chemical imbalance from birth doesn't exist, and if it does, it's very rare. This person took massive amounts since birth and her mother had benzo's during pregnancy, which is very very sad.


My opinion. I really felt like giving some counteract with this post, before it hurts people.


I still wish the best for the topicstarter, who will probably not read this.


This is her story, I copied it:


'I think I must begin saying that I was born a "benzo baby" as I call myself. I'm from Mexico, and beanzos are not as controlled here as in the  US. Both my parents are gyn-obs and my mum took Valium while pregnant, I was born having panic attacks and it was my mum who gave me my first Valium pill at 12 yo during a panic attack, that day I discovered Benzos. I grew up "fine" though I drank a lot. Graduated from college and started working. I met my daughter's dad, he moved to another state in 1997, that's when I began taking Valium, an average of 400mgs a day, crazy. I used to steal my dad's prescriptions and got away with it. A year later, January 1998 I found out I was pregnant, I CT immediately and had NO withdrawal symptom at all, my pregnancy was perfect and my baby girl was born perfect too, I was stupid enough to go back to Valium after breastfeeding her. I've been taking Valium since around 1999, an average of 200 mgs a day I think, not sure, maybe more. I also drank alcohol while taking Valium. I'm single mum living with my parents and my now 18 yo daughter. Last September things in my house got hard and I drank a lot last Sep 18 2015, my parents got me into detox (for alcohol) for a month, I had no sxs either during that month. I  got out and moved to LA with my daughter, I was still angry and bitter, I drank again, started taking Klonopin too (I brought the meds from Mexico) and one night I mixed Valium, Klonopin and weed, I was robbed and had to go back to Mexico. I came back to Mexico last January 2016, I got the flu, I took antibiotics and it didn't help, so last March I asked my dad to inyect me penicillin and to buy me Salbutamol because I was making strange noices when breathing and I self-diagnosed  and thought it might help, my dad (as usual) bought me the Salbutamol and while he was preparing the inyection I inhaled like 15 times the Salbutamol (an overdose, now I know) he inyected me immediately after that, and in about one minute I know something was VERY wrong, I was dying... I had an anaphylactic shock! he immediately iyected me ephineprine and I was back to life, but we both thought it was an allergic reaction to the penicillin (though I was not allergic before) anyway, I kept the Salbutamol in my drawer and had more panic attacks after the anaphylactic shock. I was still taking K and V. Exactly two months after the first shock, I was having a panic attack on May 26th 2016 and I thought that the Ventolin (salbutamol) could help, I inhaled only once and I was in shock again, my daughter called my dad, and he inyected me again. Life was chaos after that. My body was VERY frail, I thought it PTSD, I went to a phyc this time and he prescribed more k (4 mgs) life was a mess, I threw up everything, I was terrified and just couldn't handle the Klonopin, I CTd the Klonopin (which I took for about 9 months an average of 4 mgs a day) last August and drasctically cut the Valium from 200mgs to 90, then 70, 50 and 30 mgs with no schedule, I hadn't read The Ashton Manual and I thought I was sick because of the shocks. I went through pure hell, was bedridden for about a month, couldn't swallow, was on Ensure for about a month, ended in ER once due to a panic attack and just after that I started doing some research and fi¿ound out about tapering methods. I was doing better last November and mid-Dec, after being bedridden, I was able to walk on the treadmill for 2 hours. I still had sxs, been having breathing issues for about three months but I've got worse since Christmas day, I'm very dizzy, with vertigo, jelly legs, palpitations, dilated pupils and many symptoms that were already gone, I was on 30mgs of Valium all December, but these last days I'm having paradoxical reactions to it, I'm getting very dizzy when I take every dose ( I took 6 5mgs doses a day) so yesterday I only took 15mgs because I felt like fainting after my third dose, and today I think I will take 15mgs total (I will take 6 2.5mgs doses) I'm desperate becuase I know that is too much cutting BUT everytime I take my dose it makes me feel worse and breathing is harder each day. I had a complete check up about three weeks ago, everything was fine except for cholesterol adn I have a previous hemiblock, I saw a cardiologist and he said I was fine, told me that many people have that and don't even know it. Anyway, these last days I've had a lot of vertigo, dizzines, muscle weakness, photophobia, shortness of breathing and I'm alone, there are no benzo wise doctors in Mexico, so my doctor is my 80 yo dad. I need help. I've read The Ahton Manual a thousand times but I still think my brain is damaged, I need to know I'm not alone in this. I think this is basically my story, I have to keep on fighting for my daugter, Today is my birthday btw, Im 47 yo today. Thank you so much and please forgive any typos, I'm photophobic, wearing sunglasses and not looking very much at the screen. Thank you. '

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This story should be just to prevent people from taking benzodiazepines while pregnant, and in insane dosages (400 mg Valium), not to reinstate or just live with it. Benzodiazepines makes lives worse, not better.
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* This story should be used to prevent people from taking benzodiazepines while pregnant, and in insane dosages (400 mg Valium), not to reinstate or just live with it. Benzodiazepines makes lives worse, not better.


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Also want to disagree with Collin.


'As for your general point about how some people might benefit from use of benzodiazepines: this class of drug is like any other in that there are potential risks and benefits, and they will vary from one person to another. This is why we are so strong with instructing members to consult with their doctors.'


Most of them really don't know either, and a lot of them are pill pushers. In those cases it's very dangerous to 'consult' with your doctor. Only consult with doctors that have real knowledge and know what they are doing, which are rare. There is so much not known about these pills and what they do to the brain.


General advice is just to look out for your mental health, do not try to rely pills, exercise, live healthy. Life on benzo's is way way worse in the end than that was troubling you in the first place. learn to know yourself, act on that. Pills are not the answer.


My opinion, I really felt like saying something because this topic made me shiver.

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It seems quite clear that many more people suffer serious side effects from benzodiazepines than is generally acknowledged by the medical fraternity. On the other hand, BenzoBuddies, and places like BenzoBuddies, are self-selecting groups. All those who suffer few problems, or decide to reinstate and 'live with it', are generally not represented here. They tend not to discuss their situation as they are generally happy with it or have accepted it. This can skew our perspective or what is 'normal', common or uncommon.


This does not mean there is not a significant problem. But we cannot make assumptions based upon members of BB and similar platforms. At the end of the day, taking or quitting benzodiazepines is (or should be) up to the individual. But, of course, any medical decision should be made in consultation with a doctor - random, anonymous people on the Internet are no replacement for this!


What random and anonymous people on the Internet can offer is a sounding board, camaraderie, affirmation, and, hopefully, alternative perspectives. Through these things we might fare better and arrive at better decisions for ourselves and our particular situations. It is important to understand what places like BB can offer, but also their limitations.

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I just want to respond to a comment made by the original poster which needs clarification. The original poster talked about "Chemical imbalance is real", I completely agree just not in the sense of which it's implied or even how the medical community tried pushing it within the 80's.


A Chemical Imbalance is created it's not programmed at birth. If you consume the wrong foods which produce a higher volume of let's say dopamine or serotonin, of course at one point or another you will experience a chemical shift. Same with medications like psyche meds, if you take them for too long the bill will come due.


I'm glad you found a way forward, congrats and God bless


I do not think that chemical imbalances in a drug-free brain exist except maybe for short time due to some diet issue or something for which I think the brain will balance it out.

I do not think that the theory of « chemical imbalances » has ever been proven - do you have any scientific paper it has ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just want to respond to a comment made by the original poster which needs clarification. The original poster talked about "Chemical imbalance is real", I completely agree just not in the sense of which it's implied or even how the medical community tried pushing it within the 80's.


A Chemical Imbalance is created it's not programmed at birth. If you consume the wrong foods which produce a higher volume of let's say dopamine or serotonin, of course at one point or another you will experience a chemical shift. Same with medications like psyche meds, if you take them for too long the bill will come due.


I'm glad you found a way forward, congrats and God bless


I do not think that chemical imbalances in a drug-free brain exist except maybe for short time due to some diet issue or something for which I think the brain will balance it out.

I do not think that the theory of « chemical imbalances » has ever been proven - do you have any scientific paper it has ?


I agree, you actually hit the nail on the head. The American Psychology association's pushed narrative of "The Chemical imbalance" which started in the 80's as a means to promote the usage of Antidepressants (SSRI/SNRI) isn't a real thing, you're correct the medical community actually abandoned this theory due to lack of evidence.


I was strictly talking about dietary consumption to which I don't believe the brain is capable of figuring out chemically driven neurotransmitter alteration especially in a society which encourages the consumption of crazy food, if you keep reexpsoing a certain food and or ingredient which alters the neurotransmitters mainly Dopamine such as D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 subsets and Serotonin:5-HT1, 5-HT2, 5-HT3, 5-HT4,5-HT5, 5-HT6, 5-HT7, there's no room for readjustments. I do agree with your point that this alteration can be acute and or temporary however that's if you're able to recognize the harm of said foods such as the SAD diet and or a plant based diet which is high in plant toxins and antinutrients such as Lectins, Amines, Tannins, Trypsin inhibitors,

Salicylates, Oxalates, Sulfites, benzo ates, MSG, Non protein amino acids, Glycosides

,Akaloids including solanine and chaconine, Triterpenes,Lignins, Saponins, Phytic acid, and Isoflaones to which each have been shown to harm your neurotransmitters after prolonged exposure. This is where I believe a actual chemically induced injury and or alteration causing a chemical imbalance secondary of course just as seen in psyche meds cause a secondary induced introgenic injury... The same thing happens with the foods we eat.


The issue is the department of Agriculture who in 1992 released The Food pyramid which I'm very surprised was sued more for the health declined they caused, The American Nutrition association allowed this ridiculous food guide to stay active knowing it was based around shaky and unconfirmed scientic research, then there's the sugar industry who paid three scientific persons to based Saturated fat which the American Nutrition association also allowed to go under the rader, in general... The American Nutrition association (ANA) is our primary source of knowledge sounding food yet they keep getting caught in lies its no wonder depression, insomnia, Anxiety is sky rocketing, it's not because they're being recognized more we've known about these previously.


Hell look at what The American Nutrition association did to Red meat and saturated fat based around Ancel Key's and his ridiculous flawed "Seven Country study" released in 1958 which literally brought everyone who didn't know any better to the conclusion that red meat/Saturated fat was bad for the heart which we now finally know he lied, hide any information which didn't support his information and to really drive this hope let me ask "Red meat consumption went down 62% while Saturated fat went down 76% in consultation from 1960 to 2018...why is heart disease still the number one killer and on the rise? These are the lies I'm talking about. They tricked a nation to avoid a food group our ancestors have consumed for the past 350,000 years yet Google who receives pay to produce certain materials over others... Do a Google search looking for how far back human beings go and your see 200,000 whuch is false,  Homo bodoensis go back 500 000 years ago to which we know they ate primarily red meat thanks to research involving Nitrogen 14 and 15 isotopes yet for some reason now red meat is a issue for human heart even though your Heart muscle runs primarily on Saturated fat? Make it make sense?


Nope, instead they tell us that healthy eating is primarily a plant based diet which 84-85% end up having to go back to animal products within a year with 54% of said 84-85% developing health issues within the year due to plant based being inappropriate for human beings, yes we are omnivores however our species has always leaned towards animal products.








Its the food we eat which causes this actual chemical imbalance


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What a difficult post to not reply to. I had to think about it.... I deeply respect your position, it is real and has context, you must do what is best for you...




If I were suicidal and psych meds did what they do and I did not commit suicide then I would appreciate that and say good for them. I was never in that situation..... also I am only 17 months post jump so I am not sitting here with years of a normal life under the belt post benzos.


To simply be anti-psyche drugs because of one select groups experiences and apply that universally is not the best thing to do. The inverse applies too.


I think most people here choose their attitude towards psyche drugs because of their personal experience  - and it is completely valid  - I, and we, (I do not speak for everybody or anyone else) got beat up by benzos and here we are, seriously hurt, stolen from, defeated but not destroyed. To walk the line of recovery all the way we have to reinforce the anti benzo sentiment in everything we do  - for our sanity, for our suffering, for our walk to recovery.


Very few here deny that benzos were absolutely great as we started to use them  - they did amazingly well. But they were at best meant for 4 weeks use...... we were not told that. It was not in the fine print inside the package, years later, it was added to the package info sheet...... like a goal post that moved......


I wish I never took benzos, it would have maybe meant I worked less and did less for 2 or 3 years when my approach to life that was wrong or flawed resulted in panic attacks. I would have been forced to work on my cognitive approach and my arrogant ignorance that was borne out of my youth and life experience background  - all the stupid things I was doing and living that precipitated anxiety and panic.


One brush does not paint this whole picture  - those who should have never been prescribed benzos would not be victims if the medical marketing machines did not say, like liberals, or conservatives for that matter, "we know what is best, for everybody!"


I do not know of one person whose life was saved medically by benzos. "I am going to have a heart attack!" I felt in panic - benzos made me so calm, so calm, so calm, like suspended animation or a zombie..... you think the benzos took away your crazy thoughts? You would have harmed someone if you did not have benzos? The benzos did not take away your crazy thoughts  - they took away your thoughts! See the difference?


You can advocate the validity of benzos all you like, for every one person they help based on what at best may be questionable data they steal years of life, family, relationships, careers  - LIVES! You have 245 posts on BB - sure the tone of the ANTI - BENZO sentiment has got to you.


You have a very good point to say to be completely against benzos is ludicrous when you focus on how benzos knock someone half out everyday. They work well to "lobotomise" the user. If people need that to say it stopped them from acting on crazy thoughts then they will believe that. Everyone has crazy thoughts, your brain is an organ, it thinks, if you do not keep it busy it will start chewing on the piano like a bored puppy! Everyone has crazy thoughts.... benzos did appear to carry me through tough times  - objectively it was people that gave me room to be less than perfect and the lobotomy effect of the benzos  - this is false, they did not carry me through, they switched me off and the grace of those around me tolerated it....


For those who have lost years, friends, family, vitality  - their struggle to overcome what benzos have done is not ludicrous  - some people need to be anti- benzo cheerleaders to reinforce the validity of this struggle in their heads. THERE ARE STILL MANY SITES AND MEDICAL SCIENCE ITSELF THAT UNDERMINE EVERYTHING ABOUT PAWS.


Since 2003 I think there have been tens of thousands (not sure of exact number sorry) of buddies here  - what they did was not madness, it was not a whim it was not an impulse or clutching at straws or a hard core emotional choice because nothing else was available and they were mentally unstable people who were incapable of making good choices. Their choice was based on the reality of suffering, shared problems, symptoms, shared travesties and life catastrophes as a result of benzos and, in some cases, other psyche meds. Their choice was slow and measured and deeply powerful, validated by the fact that they all went through tremendous physical suffereing when VOLUNTEERING to taper and jump! Validated in every cry for help, admission of pain both physical, mental and spiritual in the process.


Medical science has saved millions of lives and is amazing, but even though it claims to have protection from commercial interests, there have been casualties and I am so thankful for the POWERFUL INTELECTUAL PROPERTY that BB shared with me for free  - it set me physically free!!!!! I had to attend to under lying cause as I became aware of it.


Like a dangerous manipulating narcissist, medical science and its ancillary support industries cannot admit they are wrong, they hate being caught out and no longer get fed by those "in the know" of this marvellous intellectual property.They continue to undermine every person who has been through benzo hell. The narcissist will invalidate your argument, cause you to doubt yourself, cause you to question yourself, confuse and destroy your sanity and self esteem! You will question the validity of your own symptoms for years, you will believe the hype and be rewarded with more candy per day if you tow the line, as long as you pay, you can have more benzos every day! When you question it, beware, the wrath of the narcissist.... have you been through this? Sound familiar?


I love myself, I respect my nerves signals to my brain, the narcissist branch of medical science called psychiatry hurt me, they are in denial of that, they are in a campaign to undermine any resistance to them, like narcissists they are relentless. I can carry on and on but I am slow and laborious in verbalising my thoughts........or else I would have said this with respect and mindfully, in one paragraph.


If you read this I hope you can see that your validation of benzos is perfectly true under a certain set of circumstances viewed under a light of scrutiny that allows for little time from the anxiety sufferer to prepare or learn an appropriate long term response.

You got a smart brain 🧠


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