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Need to know? Peripheral Neuropathy from Benzo's?


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Hi guys. I need to know is this from benzodiazepines or not? 

Last 6 years when I was on Klonopine so I think I have peripheral neuropathy (Docs don't believe that can't be from benzo's) but now  I can't be sure from what it exactly is, because I have Hypothyroidism (hashimoto's). I take everyday 50mg levothyroxine but still I have nerves compression on different places on my body. I was 6 years on benzodiazepines and in all these years I was have this problem but now in my withdrawal is even worse. Now everytime when I have nerve compression I visit therapist to unlock the nerve compression because is awful. All my bloodtest are okay. I don't know what to do with that and how to help myself even don't know is this from benzodiazepines or not? Only one buddy said in one old post that he have same issue here in BB. Please share your opinion.

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I don't know if my experience helps with your question but i developed peripheral neuropathy about 4 weeks after i started taking Valium, It got a lot worse when i tapered and i still have it at almost 8 months post jumping, worse when i am in a wave. I think this may be a sx that i will have to with for a long time.
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Thank you so much for your answer! I am the same,these problems starts before 6 years when I start to take Klonopine. I have nerve compressions in different parts on my whole body and now in my withdrawal they are more often when I was on Klonopine.I don't know what this poison do to my muscles but it's horrible. I ask my therapist why I have these problems today, maybe from thyroid issue or something other and he says all this is from troubles with your muscles. I am pretty sure that this is neuropathy but is it symptom or will stay forever because it's awful, also I am 8 months off too and when I have nerve compression this compression increase me a wave! What is your neuropathy symptoms? Do you have nerve compressions?
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My symptoms are a horrible burning and tingling in my legs and down into my feet, and my feet are often numb and even a cold feeling. I used to get it in my hands but that has passed off thank god. I get very bad muscle fatigue and i get tight muscles in my chest so i can't breathe deeply. My dr told me that it's w/d. I can't walk far without my muscles feeling heavy and walking brings on the tingling and burning sensation. Sometimes it's so bad in a wave that i can hardly feel my legs at all because they are burning so much. I have had a couple of times when these horrible symptoms have gone away but only for a very short time. These drugs are evil poisons and so are the drs that prescribe them. I think if symptoms start when you either start the drug or stop the drug then they are caused by the drug and not something else.
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Just letting u know I have the same sx. I’ve had them for 2yrs since coming off drugs. Hope your improves. But wanted to let u know u are not alone.
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Thanks Joe

I think lots of us on here have these sxs, if it would just notch down a bit i could probably cope with it better and distract myself from it. The fact that it went away for a while gives me some hope that eventually it will be much better but I accept it is likely to be a long haul. Good luck with your healing.

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This is really common in BWS. I got it too. It comes and goes . I would be willing to bet that it will heal in time. Even people with lingering issues may find that in time they get better.
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