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My story ( I am from INDIA)


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  It  started in January 2014. On 25th of January  i had a full blown panic attack at night for the first time in my life. At that time i was not aware of the terms panic attacks, anxiety and all. The panic attack was so severe that i was completely out of my breath. A sudden wave of extreme fear,panic,feeling like i was not getting my breath,numb from chest. I was running here and there. It lasted for 4 hours. I don't know how i survived. I was taken to the emergency room where my BP and heart was completely alright. My ECG was normal. I was so horrified  and in panic as I was gasping for breath. Then i slept till 9 am in the morning. The doctor told me to sleep saying that it is nothing and just relax. But i was unable to control my own body.

After waking up in  morning i was not feeling okay. I was feeling a strange heaviness on my whole body specially on my chest.

Then i went to chest specialist, had a CT scan of chest and all came normal. He told me to eat something and had given me a small pill.

After taking that pill I was completely fine. Don't know what was going on. Now i understand that he had given me Clonazepam as it is

a fast acting benzo which gives immediate relief.

Then my doctor told me to meet a psychiatrist. I was like why should i as i have no problem, was happy in my life.

But after few months i went to a psychiatrist as i was not feeling well because that feeling that i was not breathing was not going away

and i was gasping for breath. I understand now that my body was so much stressed out at that time due to my daily routine of college and studies as i was sleeping only for 3 hours at night. That's why i had that episode of severe panic attack.



  So i was on antidepressants for 6 months. During these months i had many unknown panic attacks. After 6 months i was feeling better so completely stopped my medicines(cold turkey) as i was not aware of the terms withdrawal of antidepressants and benzodiazapines. My doctor also said that were on a very little dose of these antidepressants so you can stop it.


After 1 month i had muscle spasms, twitching, vibrations in my whole body. I was so horrified due to these symptoms so i went a senior most psychiatrist for this. She said you have to take these antidepressants for a long time as you need treatment. I told her that these are withdrawals but she said no these are not and you will need treatment as you have anxiety and depression. I was not in depression but i was so horrified at that time as i was not understanding what was going on with me and my body.



So i agreed with her as she is 70 years old and have so much experience and cured so many patients. At that time i was not aware of antidepressants and why they are given and for what purpose.

I was treated for 6 months and she started tapering. She was doing fast tapering and all my symptoms came back like muscle twitching, brain zaps, vibrations in my whole body which were unbearable.


During her treatment i had few panic attacks so i thought i have a panic disorder and that was my biggest mistake. Now i came to know that those panic attacks were result of the tapering process.

I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms for 3 months and taking her medicines also. I was crying daily. Then one day a full blown panic attack came.


Then i went to another psychiatrist  and he treated me for 6 months. I went to him for tapering but he was also not believing my withdrawals and he started his own treatment. But i was not feeling better at all. So i left his treatment after 6 months as he was so rude and was not believing me.


So i went to another psychiatrist who is  living in my town only. I told him my complete story and ask him for tapering.


So he prescribed me ETIZOLA BETA 0.25 MG(propranolol  20mg+ etizolam 0.25mg) in morning and at night along with 0.50 mg Clonazepam at night. For 15 days i had taken them and i was only feeling too sleepy and nothing else. Then i slowly tapered from ETIZOLA BETA and was taking only 0.50 mg Clonazepam at night. Then slowly tapered from Clonazepam(by gradually decreasing the dose !/4 of it in 15 days) as this pill is so small and i can divide it in 4 pieces only.


During my withdrawal from last Clonazepam i  had increased heart rate, few episodes of palpitations and few panic attacks for 2 months.


I found BB when i googled the symptoms during that time when i was taking the treatment from that old lady. You can see my registration date on BB. I got registered in 2016 and by reading some of the stories on BB i have tapered successfully in DECEMBER 2016 because BB has given me the hope at that time. I was free from my medicines for almost 1 year.


But again in October 2017 i started taking Clonazepam 0.50 mg as my anxiety came back :-[

I started tapering in December 2017 till mid FEB 2018 by splitting the dose in 4 pieces. But my withdrawal symptoms are horrifying me as they are not going this time. I have tried propanolol for 15 days in FEB 2018 but i was not feeling good by taking it so i stopped it by fast tapering it.


Now i don't know whether i should switch back to Clonazepam 0.25 or 0.50 mg to stable my body on a dose and then gradually start the tapering or i should take no medicine. Because from 15 days i am feeling horrible and not taking any medicine. Clonazepam is the only tablet which stabilizes my body

Right now i am feeling insomnia, severe pressure on my head and on my complete body and  i am feeling like my head will burst out.From 2 days i am taking painkiller for this headache which has given me relief for some hours but had not cured it. While going to sleep i have brain zaps, muscle twitching, severe pressure on my head which is not letting me sleep. My body is shivering from inside same as an earthquake like an earthquake is going on inside my body, DP/DR, nausea, dizziness, difficulty in concentration, blurred vision,heavy sweating on palms and feet,electrical sensations through my head which are very scary. And specially breathing problems as i am feeling that i am not breathing properly and breathing hard and sudden increase in heart rate upto 120.


I have gone to my doctor several times and he said my BP  and heart rate are normal.

Please help me.

Do you think i should take clonazepam and should stabalize my body on it or i should suffer these withdrawals but  i am not able to handle them. :-[

  I don't want to take these pills anymore.

Right now i am managing all my symptoms as they are manageable now but only one symptom is making my anxiety worse that is the breathing pattern. I am feeling like i am breathing shallow and i am not feeling like i am breathing. I am feeling like i am not breathing normally.


Please reply whoever wants to. I need help. :smitten:




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Hi innocent baby :hug:


Before starting, please let me tell you how much I'm saddened to learn the sufferings you are enduring especially when you are that young  :(. Many health professionals are not sufficiently benzo-educated. A lot of havoc and useless sufferings could have been saved for people like us. I was thinking about doctors forcing cold turkey or recommending a 2-week detox facility.


In my case I was under 0.5 mg of clonazepam for more than 3 years and it took me 9 months and 1 reinstate to get out. I decided to get rid of benzo after I finished twice to ER for heart problem and multiple secondary issues (cognition, memory, skin, weight loss, intense cold...). Every time after several tests, doctors/neurologist/sleep specialists found me in...excellent health >:( as if I have invented those problems just to come to see them. Finally I found a doctor who was aware about benzo and from there I started this long journey towards freedom.

I started tapering (Clonazepam) in December 2017 till mid FEB 2018 by splitting the dose in 4 pieces. But my withdrawal symptoms are horrifying me

The general recommendations are to reduce the daily dose by somewhere between 5% and 10% every 10-14 days. When you cut a quarter, with or without crumbles, it's about 25%. If it is done in one go rather then divided to several days then it could explain why the symptoms were so strong and unbearable.


In my humble opinion, you should not go on to suffer like that. After all, medications good or bad, are there to help alleviate sufferings. Let's possibly go back to 0.5 mg/day, it will lengthen the dependency duration but it certainly won't kill you, wait for one or two weeks for the body to get acquaintained to the dose and slowly taper from there.


To taper as gradually as possible, possibly consider the Liquid Taper method. To better understand what it is and how it works, have a look here. According to my first calculation based on a conservative reduction pace of 5%/14 days (fixed quantity), you will probably be benzo free by Xmas this year:








If questions, just ask.


Wish you all the best :hug:



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So he prescribed me ETIZOLA BETA 0.25 MG(propranolol  20mg+escitalopram 0.25mg) in morning and at night along with 0.50 mg Clonazepam at night. For 15 days i had taken them and i was only feeling too sleepy and nothing else. Then i slowly tapered from ETIZOLA BETA and was taking only 0.50 mg Clonazepam at night. Then slowly tapered from Clonazepam(by gradually decreasing the dose !/4 of it in 15 days) as this pill is so small and i can divide it in 4 pieces only.



Hi IB,


Sorry to hear about your encounter with benzos and psychiatrists at this age. But, something is wrong in what you say above. Etiozola is not esciitalopram as per google. Google your medicines please and state correctly, chronologically, with dose strengths, what drugs you have been taking and for how long.


Please know that propranolol is a beta blocker (for slowing down heart rate).

Escitalopram is an antidepressant

Clonazepam, as you are aware, is a (powerful) benzo.

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So he prescribed me ETIZOLA BETA 0.25 MG(propranolol  20mg+escitalopram 0.25mg) in morning and at night along with 0.50 mg Clonazepam at night. For 15 days i had taken them and i was only feeling too sleepy and nothing else. Then i slowly tapered from ETIZOLA BETA and was taking only 0.50 mg Clonazepam at night. Then slowly tapered from Clonazepam(by gradually decreasing the dose !/4 of it in 15 days) as this pill is so small and i can divide it in 4 pieces only.



Hi IB,


Sorry to hear about your encounter with benzos and psychiatrists at this age. But, something is wrong in what you say above. Etiozola is not esciitalopram as per google. Google your medicines please and state correctly, chronologically, with dose strengths, what drugs you have been taking and for how long.


Please know that propranolol is a beta blocker (for slowing down heart rate).

Escitalopram is an antidepressant

Clonazepam, as you are aware, is a (powerful) benzo.


  Hi  :)


  Yes you are right. ETIZOLA BETA 0.25 mg( propanolol 20 mg+0.25 mg etizolam).  I corrected my mistake.


I don't know the name of all the medicines that i have taken during my second treatment with that old lady. I only remember one name that is  Venix XR 75 mg and clonazepam 0.25 mg was always in SOS during my treatment and i have taken it rarely 4-5 times in a year as the treatment lasted for 1 year.


During my treatment with 3rd psychologist only i have taken clonazepam ) 0.50 mg for 6 months with different other medicines which were not benzo. I tapered it and was free of medicines for almost 9 months before taking clonazepam 0.50 mg in October 2017.

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Hi IB,


In my opinion, Jim has given the best advice. I reproduce it:


In my humble opinion, you should not go on to suffer like that. After all, medications good or bad, are there to help alleviate sufferings. Let's possibly go back to 0.5 mg/day, it will lengthen the dependency duration but it certainly won't kill you, wait for one or two weeks for the body to get acquaintained to the dose and slowly taper from there.


To taper as gradually as possible, possibly consider the Liquid Taper method. To better understand what it is and how it works, have a look here. According to my first calculation based on a conservative reduction pace of 5%/14 days (fixed quantity), you will probably be benzo free by Xmas this year:


As he says, there is no reason to suffer. If I were you, I would reinstate on 0.5 mg clonazepam and do a daily liquid microtaper. By the end of this year, you should be off clonazepam. Who really knows? Your slow taper might treat your anxiety and panic issues too. I feel it is worth it.


During this time (the rest of the year), please also explore natural ways to calm yourself down -- meditation, therapy and pranayama.

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I also feel that you have to examine if your panic and anxiety are just withdrawal symptoms or a chronic disorder. You have enough experience with tapering, antidepressants and benzos, to be able to distinguish between the three states. You should also, for your future reference, try and recall which medicine had what effect on you -- specially the antidepressant for by now you know exactly what the clonazepam does. If the antidepressant helped you, you can make a note of this for your future reference in life if you ever decide to take medicine. Keep a diary -- you are, in some ways, your own doctor for life if you have these ailments.


Because these symptoms are mostly mental, unlike a body temperature that can be recorded with a thermometer, a doctor will rely solely on what you tell him. If you say you hardly get any sleep, he will surely prescribe you a sleeping pill without asking you. Words like "earthquake" will automatically invite a higher dose of a potent drug. So you have to be very careful in what you say. But if you ever decide to take pills from a doctor, I will suggest you not go the an old, famous or busy doctor. Go to a young doctor who is not very busy. Young doctors will be more agreeable to discussing various medications and their side effects with you before prescribing. And in psychiatric illnesses, it is as important (if not more important) for us to understand the medicines as it is for the doctor, before we introduce them to our bodies. And, of course, read as much as you can on the web about these disorders and their drugs!

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Hi innocent baby :hug:


Before starting, please let me tell you how much I'm saddened to learn the sufferings you are enduring especially when you are that young  :(. Many health professionals are not sufficiently benzo-educated. A lot of havoc and useless sufferings could have been saved for people like us. I was thinking about doctors forcing cold turkey or recommending a 2-week detox facility.


In my case I was under 0.5 mg of clonazepam for more than 3 years and it took me 9 months and 1 reinstate to get out. I decided to get rid of benzo after I finished twice to ER for heart problem and multiple secondary issues (cognition, memory, skin, weight loss, intense cold...). Every time after several tests, doctors/neurologist/sleep specialists found me in...excellent health >:( as if I have invented those problems just to come to see them. Finally I found a doctor who was aware about benzo and from there I started this long journey towards freedom.

I started tapering (Clonazepam) in December 2017 till mid FEB 2018 by splitting the dose in 4 pieces. But my withdrawal symptoms are horrifying me

The general recommendations are to reduce the daily dose by somewhere between 5% and 10% every 10-14 days. When you cut a quarter, with or without crumbles, it's about 25%. If it is done in one go rather then divided to several days then it could explain why the symptoms were so strong and unbearable.


In my humble opinion, you should not go on to suffer like that. After all, medications good or bad, are there to help alleviate sufferings. Let's possibly go back to 0.5 mg/day, it will lengthen the dependency duration but it certainly won't kill you, wait for one or two weeks for the body to get acquaintained to the dose and slowly taper from there.


To taper as gradually as possible, possibly consider the Liquid Taper method. To better understand what it is and how it works, have a look here. According to my first calculation based on a conservative reduction pace of 5%/14 days (fixed quantity), you will probably be benzo free by Xmas this year:








If questions, just ask.


Wish you all the best :hug:


Hi Jim  :)


I am feeling slight improvements in my withdrawal symptoms. Right now i am feeling a pressure on my head and muscle tension too.


Breathing pattern is my only worrying symptom as of now.  Maybe i should wait for few days to see how my body is responding.  ??? 


Thank you dear because you are  a very kind hearted person. I will update my progress soon here.







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Hi IB,


In my opinion, Jim has given the best advice. I reproduce it:


In my humble opinion, you should not go on to suffer like that. After all, medications good or bad, are there to help alleviate sufferings. Let's possibly go back to 0.5 mg/day, it will lengthen the dependency duration but it certainly won't kill you, wait for one or two weeks for the body to get acquaintained to the dose and slowly taper from there.


To taper as gradually as possible, possibly consider the Liquid Taper method. To better understand what it is and how it works, have a look here. According to my first calculation based on a conservative reduction pace of 5%/14 days (fixed quantity), you will probably be benzo free by Xmas this year:


As he says, there is no reason to suffer. If I were you, I would reinstate on 0.5 mg clonazepam and do a daily liquid microtaper. By the end of this year, you should be off clonazepam. Who really knows? Your slow taper might treat your anxiety and panic issues too. I feel it is worth it.


During this time (the rest of the year), please also explore natural ways to calm yourself down -- meditation, therapy and pranayama.


  Yes you're right. I agree totally with Jim. But i have to go to hospital for some tests as i am having a swelling near my ear, some

  hearing issues related to my right side ear. After that i'll think about reinstating clonazepam.


Thank you dear for your kind advice about medicines, keeping a diary, pranayam etc. I'll definitely follow it.




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Innocent Baby,


I am new to this process as I have only been Benzo free for 2 1/2 months. However I would like to tell you that before you take any antibiotics from your ear doctor please ask some of the older members of this site because sometimes ear problems is a withdrawal symptom. I do not want you to get a setback. Talk to some members first before taking medication for ear problem.


Hope everything works out for you.

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Hi innocent baby  :smitten:


As extracted from Ashton's manual:


Antibiotics for some reason, sometimes seem to aggravate withdrawal symptoms. However, one class of antibiotics, the quinolones, actually displace benzodiazepines from their binding sites on GABA-receptors. These can precipitate acute withdrawal in people taking or tapering from benzodiazepines. It may be necessary to take antibiotics during benzodiazepine withdrawal but if possible the quinolones should be avoided.

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Yes, I had problems with both my ears, the right moreso.  Pressure and aching.  Seems to be improving, but still have tinnitus. 
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  • 5 years later...
I am on benzos for about a year and want to taper. I am in Bangalore, India. Does any one know of a benzo-aware doctor in Bangalore or India who is knowledgable about tapering and can help support a taper? Thank you.
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