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I joined flat earth society


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Did Spielberg die?


I just corrected my post.  It was Stanley Kubrick who made the fake moon landing videos.


Yea, right. I seriously doubt that. He's a writer. You must have seen that movie with Dustin Hoffman...... :laugh: It was a joke.........

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Did Spielberg die?


I just corrected my post.  It was Stanley Kubrick who made the fake moon landing videos.


He did not die. He recently got a job in the White House.

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I'm a member although I haven't been to the site in a couple of years.  You may find a post of mine lurking around somewhere questioning the map on the site (it doesn't agree with air travel times and I asked for clarification).  Nobody ever had anything to clarify my question (which would have been impossible to defend anyway).


Funny group.  Lots of trolls.

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Did Spielberg die?


I just corrected my post.  It was Stanley Kubrick who made the fake moon landing videos.


Yea, right. I seriously doubt that. He's a writer. You must have seen that movie with Dustin Hoffman...... :laugh: It was a joke.........


Yea, right.  He's not just a writer.  Stanley Kubrick did it all:  directing, photography, screenwriting.  He was well-respected for his work.



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i want to explore the hollow earth. i always have these dreams for years now about living underground and only being able to come up to surface at specific times of the day.  i love these dreams. i also have dreams about monks and we are walking around the pyramids and he is telling me the secrets of life.  one time i had a white light beam me in the head about 3 times. while i was laying in bed and i had this energy though out my body. my brother had the same light hit him and after that he understood calculus.  i have felt this crazy energy multiply time. i always feel hands on me when feeling this energy.  so many other stories for a while i thought i was cray but turns out I'm not. i think lol i love these experiences. sorry off topic a little.



i should be opened minded about the flat earth theory. ill do some more reading about it and then form my opinion.



another reason getting off these pills for good is being able to connect with all of this again.  :mybuddy:

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So I went to the flat earth webpage and did some nosing around and well....unless you believe NASA is a hoax and discredit pictures of the earth from space and believe moon landings are all fake, then it's still hard to really believe. I can't believe folks really buy this. I'm all for a good conspiracy theory but this just seems a bit much. Unless, someone can prove me otherwise. Like is there anymore to it than just believing flat vs spherical?
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> Well I sure do wonder why we havent been back to the moon in all these years


The beaches are better in the Caribbean.

Aaaahhh.... silly me.... -I was thinking it was cos we still had room on earth for toxic waste.... But thats probably the cynic in me...


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> Well I sure do wonder why we havent been back to the moon in all these years


The beaches are better in the Caribbean.

Aaaahhh.... silly me.... -I was thinking it was cos we still had room on earth for toxic waste.... But thats probably the cynic in me...


Thanks for the nice dose of cynicism.  I usually have to get my morning 'hit' from foxnews.com  :thumbsup: :thumbs:



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> Well I sure do wonder why we havent been back to the moon in all these years


The beaches are better in the Caribbean.

Aaaahhh.... silly me.... -I was thinking it was cos we still had room on earth for toxic waste.... But thats probably the cynic in me...


Thanks for the nice dose of cynicism.  I usually have to get my morning 'hit' from foxnews.com  :thumbsup: :thumbs:

Well, i just took out a patent on "Moon Golf"... -but thats probably the optimist in me... (or the 1.5hrs sleep)...


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Did Spielberg die?


I just corrected my post.  It was Stanley Kubrick who made the fake moon landing videos.


Yea, right. I seriously doubt that. He's a writer. You must have seen that movie with Dustin Hoffman...... :laugh: It was a joke.........


Yea, right.  He's not just a writer.  Stanley Kubrick did it all:  directing, photography, screenwriting.  He was well-respected for his work.




I know that. So why do some countries on this planet have a winter while others have a summer at the same time? This thread is so crazy I have to lol.  :laugh: :laugh:Yep, I bet Stanley did those fake moon landings. It makes more sense than Chemtrails...... :D

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I believe in all the chemtrails, too.  I'm a "conspiracy theory nutjob," I guess.  I don't care.  I've always thought outside the box all my adult life.  Always went against the grain my entire life.  Even in first grade I got in trouble because I wanted the merry-go-round to go the opposite direction all my classmates had it going.  I tried to stop it myself with my feet with about 10 kids on it, so I could make it go the other way.  My classmate complained to the teacher about what I was doing and I had to stand along the blacktop the rest of the recess as punishment.  After recess, the teacher asked me what I did and all I did was cry.  I didn't even know.   
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Conspiracy theories are fun to think about Becks and I believe some of them. For instance I believe big pharma and big ag have conspired to withhold knowledge of the benefits of vitamins in  doses far exceeding the US RDA's so as to keep us dependent on their patented drugs. I had high blood pressure 200/150 and cured it myself by drinking the juice of several stalks of celery a day. My bp now regularly tests at 115/70 with NO DRUGS. Check out this site Becks Doctoryourself.com and let me know what you think. And don't feel bad. We need our out of the box thinkers. I don't know you personally but from reading your comments, I enjoy the way your mind works. Everybody believes some conspiracies; maybe we should start a thread--Name a conspiracy you believe in. Might be fun.
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Thanks, confused1.  Don't meet too many people like you in this world.  Usually I always get attacked by the less intelligent types who can't have a real discussion, but can only attack the "conspiracy nutjobs."  What would this world be without those who go against the grain?  I'm on dialup, so can't get on other websites. 
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Try, you might be able to. Its only text not loaded with pictures or videos. As far as the criticism of others goes, I've never met a person I couldn't learn something from. Night Becks, past this old man's bedtime. TTYL.
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Try, you might be able to. Its only text not loaded with pictures or videos. As far as the criticism of others goes, I've never met a person I couldn't learn something from. Night Becks, past this old man's bedtime. TTYL.


I like you, confused1.  I remember you.  You're the one said you get alot of OMG'S! and the one with all the kids.  You've always been supportive and not argumentative.  Catching hell on this forum for speaking the truth about stuff you were feeling about your wife.  Can't mention the comment you made since it will bring on more OMG'S and shut this thread down. 

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Oh crap! I just discovered a hole in my aluminum foil hat. That will however explain a lot.

***singing... -There is a hole in your bucket, dear Aloha...


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i love learning about conspiracy theories....my family makes fun of me all the time. but hell they dont even believe in mkultra or sex rings. this world is a sad one. 
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