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I was having frequent urination and bladder pain so I was pretty sure I had a UTI. I put off going to the doctor for a few days drinking acv, cranberry juice and lots of water. It didn't work so I went to my family doctor. I was prescribed bactrim, and the doc called a few days later with a confirmed UTI. I took bactrim about 7 months ago and it gave me insomnia. I had trouble falling asleep and when I did i was very restless and woke up a lot. As soon as I stopped bactrim, my better sleep returned.


I did have the same experience this time with bactrim for the UTI with insomnia. I have been off the bactrim for over a week and I still have the same sleep issues. I hope they will resolve soon. I just wanted people to know that bactrim can rev up your symptoms.


My problem is also the UTI did not go away completely. I am allergic to penicillin so my choices are limited. I know to avoid cipro, and I am concerned that my doctor will prescribe it. Anyone have a recurrent UTI and prescribed other antibiotics? Any recommendations? Thanks buddies.


Becky  :smitten:

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My girlfriend gets them and she was put on keflex I think. Then she was put on macrobid. That clears it up and now she has to take one a day to keep from getting them. I have 2 daughters and they kept getting recurrent ones and the only med that cleared them up finally was 3 days of levaquin. Must be powerful to clear it up in 3 days but it's a fluroquinolone. It was only one pill a day for 3 days but my younger daughter had sleep issues from it. In my experience all antibiotics hurt me. Bactrim gave me anxiety and horrendous stomach pain. Zithromax made my heart beat slow and faint and I thought it was going to just stop. Maybe see what others say about macrobid? It has 2 other names, macrodantin and nitrofurantoin.
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Thanks cool. I'm going to make an appt. tomorrow with my doc. I have to get rid of this uti even with these antibiotics giving me side effects. Before taking meds, I never had reactions like this taking antibiotics. I even always asked for cipro because it always worked great for me. I'll avoid it if I can. Levaquin is also a fluoro a/b too.


Anyone sensitive to a/b's and tried Macrobid and Keflex?




Becky  :smitten:



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Becky, Bladder spasms and frequent UTIs have been one of my chronic WD sxs. Six months after taking ambien my nightmare began with the blood in urine, UTIs, pressure to urinate. I underwent ultrasound, cysto, CT scan, urine cultures. A former BB Lostdog recovered after 22 months and bladder spasms were his worst WD issue. (Read his success story)


I have 6-7 confirmed UTIs a year, confirmed by culture, but also numerous times have moderate blood in urine w/o a UTI. I have taken bactrim for confirmed UTIs. What has helped me is to be sure to empty my bladder completely. Even if you think you have emptied it completely sit on the toilet a few more minutes and do the kegal exercise and most likely you will expel more urine. Part of the problem with UTIs in WD is that we have lost the sensation to completely empty the bladder and retaining urine cause infection. The bladder is a muscle and benzos affect the muscles.


My urologist now believes me, and he has given me renewals on bactrim w/o me having to see him. He has given me the tests strips so I check myself for UTIs and avoid his office. At times, I will go in for a culture if I doubt an infection. I have also had 24 hours of high blood in my urine and then it is completely free of blood . Very weird sxs, what these dam drugs have done to us.


Anyways try sitting on the toilet an extra few seconds, and as with all these bizarre weird sxs , "this too shall pass."

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Thanks cindy for the message and stopping by my thread. I just returned from the doctor and took another urine test to be cultured. He said he wanted to hold off and see what the culture says before prescribing something else. The doc advised me that it could be three things: I could have picked up a different bacteria, I could have a yeast infection, or I could have cystitis. I don't know what's up but I feel lousy but that could be from insomnia type sleeping for the past few weeks. I have bladder pressure, burning (inside and outside), and some spasms. I'm glad he's waiting for the culture results though so I won't have to take something unnecessarily.


I'm holding my traz taper until things improve. Last month it was sciatica, this month it's bladder stuff.  But I'll get back to tapering soon enough Next month I will be 2 years off Ambien, a horrible drug imo. I'll finish up the Traz, a crappy med, and then onto my last drug Remeron. Remeron might be tough to taper, but I'm tougher. Again, thanks for stopping by. I'm off to drink some water lol.


Becky  :smitten:

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Thanks cool. I'm going to make an appt. tomorrow with my doc. I have to get rid of this uti even with these antibiotics giving me side effects. Before taking meds, I never had reactions like this taking antibiotics. I even always asked for cipro because it always worked great for me. I'll avoid it if I can. Levaquin is also a fluoro a/b too.


Anyone sensitive to a/b's and tried Macrobid and Keflex?




Becky  :smitten:


I've just had to take Bactrim during my taper. I was already nauseous and made it worse. Before that I had Keflex after a surgery during my taper and I did fine with it except it gave me a low grade fever. I think this is because I had a penicillin allergy and there is a certain percentage of people allergic to penicillin who cross react with the cephalosporins (Keflex).  I have been on Macrobid pre benzos and it worked for my UTI. Did they run a culture and sensitivity? That will tell you what the infection is sensitive to.

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Yes doc ran culture and sensitivity and said that Bactrim should have worked. Bactrim made me feel like I was on another planet when I took it and gave me blurry vision. It also gave me insomnia which is continuing today, a week and a half after I finished it. I've read that antibiotics don't work as well as they used to so I think I just need something stronger. I wouldn't be surprised if the culture came back as the same bug. I have a penicillin allergy too Hope. :smitten:


Becky  :smitten:

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Yes doc ran culture and sensitivity and said that Bactrim should have worked. Bactrim made me feel like I was on another planet when I took it and gave me blurry vision. It also gave me insomnia which is continuing today, a week and a half after I finished it. I've read that antibiotics don't work as well as they used to so I think I just need something stronger. I wouldn't be surprised if the culture came back as the same bug. I have a penicillin allergy too Hope. :smitten:


Becky  :smitten:


Well hopefully they can find something that works for you  :smitten:

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Well I am having some more unsettling symptoms today. I started getting lower back pain last night after I bent over for a few minutes to do some cleaning. It really hurt this morning so I'm taking Ibuprofen and heat. I had a morning bowel movement and my poop came out with some long strings in it. What is the heck is that all about anyone know?


At least my insomnia from the Bactrim is starting to improve.

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Well I am having some more unsettling symptoms today. I started getting lower back pain last night after I bent over for a few minutes to do some cleaning. It really hurt this morning so I'm taking Ibuprofen and heat. I had a morning bowel movement and my poop came out with some long strings in it. What is the heck is that all about anyone know?


At least my insomnia from the Bactrim is starting to improve.


My back got thrown out recently too. I got out of the shower and bent slightly forward and it made a clicking sound. After that it got worse over the next few days and I was basically bedridden with pain for 6 weeks! This happened at 16 months off too.


My bowl movements have been really weird since month 8. They started turning a yellowish light brown color like there is oil or fat in them. At month 22 I got colitis and it lasted a year. I'm still not right. My bowl movements have been weird ever since. Stool is sometimes flat or thin, diarrhea or constipation. I had a colonoscopy done and all was fine. It still flares ulibari from time to time but it's mostly pain and a little mucus not blood anymore. It's truly terrifying!


For u it could be the bactrim upset your normal flora in your colon. It will balance back out. What's strange is I got my colitis 3 weeks after they gave me a 1000 mg shot of rocephin. The night before I ate a hamburger from carls jr and it seemed stale. That morning I woke up with the most horrible pain in my colon and had confirmed hemorrhagic  colitis from a ct scan with contrast.

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I'm taking Nitrofurantoin for a UTI presently and haven't noticed any problems. I took it about 3 months ago, while still in acute with no problems that I could discern, anyway. I was pretty out of it back then.  :sick:
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Okay I'm a little freaked out. The doctor just called and said I still have a UTI. He said it was e-coli but a little different from the first that was also e-coli. Doc said he would prescribe Cipro but I told him I was concerned about it from what I've been reading. He then prescribed me Keflex. He said the bacterial from the first UTI was 100,000, and the second one 60,000. This latest one was not sensitive to sulfa meds. Bactrim is a sulfa med correct? So did I have 2 different UTIs at the same time.


Anyone have back-to-back UTIs that can explain some of this? Thanks buddies.


Becky  :smitten:

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Today is my last day of Keflex. The s/e's were not as bad as Bactrim but it's starting to give me a lot of nausea and some anxiety. I'm glad it's my last day on it. I figured out that the back issues were from the UTI. It was not only my lower back but upper too. I hope it did not go into my kidneys. They are now gone, but I am still having burning in my bladder and frequent urination. The frequent urination I've had before all of this so that does not bother me so much. I would not be surprised if I still have a UTI. This would be #3.


In two weeks it will be 2 years from from Ambien. I have stopped my Trazodone taper. I think both of these meds cause bladder issues.


Has anyone had frequent UTIs like this who can give me some hope? This really is terrible to deal with.


Becky  :smitten:

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So thankfully I think the Keflex worked and after 3 weeks the uti cleared. No residual effects from the Keflex, but it caused chemical anxiety while I was taking it. The Bactrim caused insomnia that lasted about 2 weeks after I stopped it. Time to start tapering soon.


Becky  :smitten:

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I spoke too soon. Feel ill today with w/d type symptoms, legs ache, nausea, etc. I am definitely in a wave. I'm sure it's the antibiotics.


Becky  :smitten:

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I'm going to my gyn to get a third urine culture done tomorrow. It feels a lot better but I am still getting some symptoms. I'm also getting tested for yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis. I have burning, itching and some bladder spasm/urgency. So far I have been on a course of 7 days bactrim and 7 days keflex. I've learned that Z drug can have bladder issues during w/d. Next week I will be 2 years free of Ambien.  Also, trazodone causes urinary issues. I remember when I went of traz for 3 months the frequent urination stopped.


Becky  :smitten:

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  • 2 weeks later...

All cultures have come back negative yay. I am still plagued by a wave from the antibiotics. It definitely revved up my symptoms. It's been 17 days since my last dose of keflex and I have morning leg pain and nausea. At least it's not constant. Yesterday I had a good day with no s/e's until evening. Some days are worse than others. I hope this lifts soon.


I've been holding off my tapering of Trazodone until this settles.


Becky  :smitten:

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The effects of a/b's are over thankfully. So I would say it took me about 3 weeks until things went back to somewhat normal.


Becky  :smitten:

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