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Exercise support group


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Hey ang111,


Personally, if I could do what you are doing, I would go for it.  I think you  are just experiencing healing.  I got really sick with flu during my taper and exercise went to the wayside.  My hear is beating so fast it scares me to exercise too much.  Not a panic attack, just a constant rapid heartrate.    But I am doing lunges and walking when I can.  I think exercise will help you through it all eventually.  But I am not on the other side, YET.  I just think there are too many benefits from exercise to not do it.  Let us know how you do. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders....

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Hey ang1111

            I had the same issue pushing through all my workouts I thought I was doin good till I got slammed last month I tried working out many times after that and it keeps making things worse I thought it was beta blocker I was taking wich it wasn't it turns out I have histamine intolerance just like last year same time I got slammed with all the same symptoms but I had not clue why I just said its a bad wave wich it's not I eat a lot of reheated animal protien that's loaded with histamine it gets worse this time of yr cause of pollen counts that causes the body to go into histamine overload add any food to the mix even low histamine food and it can start to feel like anxiety so I would start to push through thinking I'm exercising to get rid of my anxiety but exercise increases histamine I did this for about 8 months and I thought I was improving cause I could exercise longer then as spring started approaching I started having issues in the gym last two times I went I got panic attacks I tried to push through wich is a horrible idea cause then I was flooded with histamine now I haven't been able to exercise in about a month I was suffering a great deal even my pots came back then I was talking to a lot of friends all hav heat intolerance the same tightening of the neck wich is really inflammation of the vagul nerve all had light and smell sensitivity at one point wich I had last yr this time all of them believed they are histamine intolerant sum worse than others basicly you have these DAO enzymes in your guy that break down histamine benzos seem to either destroy or mess with them mabe lack of GABA who knows so I decided to try low histamine diet cut out animal protien and try to stay indoors also I fast here and ther for 6-12 hrs and it's made a huge diffrence especially wen I fast my pots symptoms will go away completly nots sure if this will work for everyone but it's helped many

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Hey exercisers! Should have joined this a while ago.


I crossfit 3-5 times per week no matter what my symptoms are (even when they are really severe). I just keep telling myself that I need the BDNF and I am regrowing and healing my brain.


But, something came up during yesterdays workout. I got so anxious and I felt so out of control and had really scary thoughts again (the kind where you are afraid you might do something really stupid.)


I was so filled with fear that I couldn't think.


then the coach asked me what pound of dumbbell I wanted and I just said, "I'm having a panic attack right now and I can't even think straight." She handed me heavy ones. lol


I made it through that workout but left immediately and was too afraid to drink my whey protein because I thought it would make my anxiety worse.


If this ever happens again should I just leave or is it best to just fight through these horrible symptoms and keep going?


I am having pretty bad wave right now so don't know if its better to rest or work out when this happens?


Thanks guys



Hi angg,  :hug: you probably need to slow down rest it sounds like too much adrenaline pumping into an already over excited CNS, I was an Olympic standard athlete in my younger days, and still athletic but I'm now exercise intolerant due to withdrwal which is common, and its no good pushing it if that's what's happening. This time last year I could hike and climb for hours now its hard work moving around indoors but it will improve in time :)


Why don't you try doing something less strenuous or lightening the routine your doing now and see how that goes, lots of people on BB have had to go from Gym bashing to walking as it got too much for the body to cope with, or it could just be now's the time to rest for a while period. Rest is just as important as exercise when your healing, too many people think exercise is the only way but that's just a dogmatic mind set, sometimes rest  alone is the remedy needed.


Its your body listen to it instead of asking some body, we're all different bodies but the one we need to listen to is our own. I personally go by ''when in doubt don't do it'' rule.  :-\ If I have to try make a decision about something that's routine to me because I'm unsure, I back off, you alone will know when its best for you to go again, it work's for me  ;)



Love Nova xxx :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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We all have different needs from exercise, and it's probably very personal what is going to be best for you, so good luck on your journey to see what will help you most.


Please don't think badly about me for saying this, but is it kind of considered not okay to come into a special support group and suggest people not do the thing that the support group is for? I get that some people feel exercise isn't a good thing during this illness, but this isn't Chewing The Fat, it's a support group for people who want to try to exercise, isn't it? I dunno, maybe I'm out of line, but I wish people would maybe not come here to tell other people not to exercise here. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose of a support group.

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I appreciate both of your opinions and I think nova might have a good point.


I didn't post this part but that I was feeling very weak during that workout and don't know if it was because I hadn't eaten very much or because my cns needs a rest. Or just because I was basically having a panic attack the whole workout.


I don't know which one of you is right and really don't know how to proceed. But I've been working out this hard for 2 1/2 years so this is not a new routine to me.


I would think my routine works for me and is probably not for everyone just like running is not for me.

I also think if I simply stop working out or just walk that might do me way more harm than good. I have old injuries that worsen when I don't exercise. Also the stress of this withdrawl needs to be combatted somehow. Waking will probably not do enough for me.


So I guess that leaves us all with a new question...

How do we know when exercise is hurting or helping us? Is exercising in a wave a bad idea? Or does it help?



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Vegan I think everyone's on here either because we have a love for exercise or it really helps us is wd one hit a wall and can't and it's very discouraging I feel like many on here are just trying to offer support and advise to where many of us don't become discouraged I don't think it's about detouring anyone from exercise its about letting people know it's ok and most of us hit that wall
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Vegan...I started this thread for supporting exercise but I think the main goal of any thread on here is to see us heal. If that takes the form of  advising someone to rest if they are reacting poorly so be it.  I think pushing through sometimes can be a hinder to healing or at a minimum it definitely can increase symptoms.  I pushed through many times and I recently spoke to Baylissa about exercise.  She suggested that when my body responds negatively to my exercise(which it is now) I really should give it a rest and try a few weeks later to see if things improved.  We are not "normals" who will always benefit from pushing our bodies some of the time.  It is very difficult for me currently to not exercise at all but healing to where I can exercise again and benefit from it is my true goal.




Ps-I think nova's response was a very good one.  Recommending something maybe less strenuous. in addition the response IS supporting someone exercising. 

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Sorry, I didn't mean to single out Nova. What she says at the end about listening to your own body is great advice, in my opinion. It's generally frustrating to try to help here because I never exercised before benzo illness so I don't even know what the right thing to do is normally, let alone what the right thing to do when having a panic attack during a steep hill climb. Nova follows the "when in doubt, don't do it" rule and I follow the "pwn it before it pwns me" rule. Everyone else should probably try to find a sweet spot in the middle of those. :)


Bart wrote a long piece about benefits of exercise during recovery post ( http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=77609.0 ) and I used that as my jumping-off point. I know Nova is incredibly smart, so I'm sure she has lots to add to that conversation.


Like I said, I didn't mean to single out Nova. It's a thing I've seen a couple times here and I wanted to say something because it really felt like a weird thing in a support group. I am thinking twice about that now because I realize how weird this particular subject is and absolutely sometimes the right thing to do is not exercise for a while. It's just that I'm not sure when those right times are so I don't ever feel comfortable telling someone else to slow down when the right thing for them might be to push harder. It's difficult.

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None of us know as its a constant battle.  It's definitely walking a fine line between being helpful and symptom inducing for me. I used to be more on your side of pushing through but I've learned at almost two years out there are so many variables I was unaware of.  All I know for me when I'm feeling good I can hike three miles and feel good.  When I'm not feeling great it's the opposite.  Right now my heart rate goes up and I get breathless just climbing a flight of stairs(doesn't usually happen).  That tells me it would not be beneficial. I fought against accepting the fact that exercise could escalate my symptoms for a long time. I'm always shocked by what this drug can do.


Btw-I read what you're doing exercise wise and am amazed  :thumbsup:

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I think it's just a constant battle for each person, trying to figure out where to come down on this, how much to push and how much to just give it a rest.


What proved true for me over the course of this is that it just didn't pay to push it.  Not to the extent of trying to make it to the gym or go to a dance class.  The times I did I just felt lousy through the class and no, it didn't trigger a miracle of feeling better.


What DID work is gently encouraging myself to pick something right here at home--walking my tree loop, getting on the stationary bike for a few minutes and of course, every day I did my own little yoga program.  That ALWAYS helped.  I can remember a few times not being able to make myself to yoga and then just dragging myself outside to stagger around the fields in the morning light.  You know what?  It worked.  I can't explain it, but there IS something about getting outside.  Sometimes my husband would do the dragging.


I truly believe there are people on here who simply cannot exercise and I believe that because I had periods like that.  This is really a tough gig, learning to be a good boss of yourself while at the same time being a co-operative patient.


In the end I think it's time that does the magic, and however we deal with ourselves as the time passes is just whatever seems to make it even slightly more tolerable. :thumbsup::smitten:

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I just want you all to know that I value each and every one of your opinions. I am very new to this site but I am warmed by your kindness and thoughtful replies. This is tough and especially when you feel like no one around you understands. So thank you for understanding and being kind.


I'll let you know how my next workout goes and I'm thinking about yoga inside the house. I walk the dog too and that definitely helps but it's been a few days.


I am active and laying here really isn't working for me. 2 days off is a long time for my anxiety.


I will probably just take this one day at a time. Decision making at this point is probably not a good idea. HA!

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ang111--whatever else you decide, you can't go wrong with one day at a time!  I always heard that phrase thrown around so much before benzo withdrawal--now I've learned what it means to actually live it. 
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I just want to double up on the suggestion that something about being in nature is really, really helpful, even if you're not doing much in the way of exercising. I'm so fortunate to live nearby to the UW Washington Park Arboretum and I spend a lot of time in the Rhododendron Grove, especially on hot days last summer. The giant sequoias there are awe inspiring.


Just as far as my personal experience with exercise, maybe it's because I had (maybe still have) such fearsome akathisia, I couldn't *not* be doing something physical. Things are better now and it can be a little difficult to do as much as I used to do back then, but I want to be clear that I still struggle with some of the symptoms we all know too well. Sometimes it feels like I am running on bloody stumps, and it felt even worse on a lot of those days when I was just starting out. Maybe I would have gotten better just the same if I hadn't pushed myself, maybe I'd be even better off if I'd have stayed in bed all that time, but I was agoraphobic and crippled for so long and I felt so strongly I couldn't go back to that, not even for a little bit. I would rather have died, maybe, than stayed in bed.


So, clearly, I have my own personal issues with exercise that probably have less to do with benzo withdrawal and more to do with my own sense of feeling like I'm moving on with my life. It's what I need to do for myself. Heaven help me if I ever tell someone else different than what they need to do for themselves. Absolutely do what you need to do for yourself.

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Vegan-it comes back to there is no research on this at all and we are left blindly bumping into walls to see what moves us through the maze.  :smitten:
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I took a 0.8 mile walk with my dog today. I did not do Crossfit because I woke up at 4am with a nightmare so I took that as a sign to take it easy again today.


I felt tired when I got home from that so I take that as that was enough.


One day at a time. Sometimes a few seconds at a time.

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Been a while since I checked in. Things are still going well with my fledgling attempt at becoming fit despite this taper. Some days I don't have it in me and I notice that my muscles take a bit longer to recover than they did pre benzos. But I keep pushing through most of the time.


Today's treadmill results were 1 hour, 3.79 miles, and 517 calories burned. I managed to jog for 10 minutes straight for the first time. So, while compared to most, this is no big deal; I'm pretty pleased. ;D

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Great job Edzo! Proud of you!


Vegan... I read this post a few minutes ago from Frantastic... What do you think about it?

I did read Spark which is why I have been pushing myself so hard!


"Hi Herckie-Keep working out!!! I am 100% convinced that exercise is what expedited my recovery. Have you read the book "Spark" by Dr. John Ratey? It's about the benefits of exercise and the brain (BDNF). I emailed Dr. Ratey and he told me to work out daily, lift weights and incorporate HIIT into my daily work out. In his opinion he feels that this will up-regulate Gaba receptors.


My friend is a Neurologist and he recommend that I eat a yogurt that contains a strain that has been tested to up-regulate Gaba receptors in mice. I just found an article on line and they mention the strain and that it will up regulate Gaba in humans. I'll attach the article below so you can read it. Feel free to PM anytime."

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Hi all  :hug: I managed a half hour walk at 5.45 today, its the first time since September I've been able to do it, its revved up some symptoms  :D Nothing unusual there ::) At least I got outdoors and that's what counts  :) Was only going for 5 to 10 mins as its crazy to push it right now but didn't know I'd gone longer that that as the walk I took usually takes me about 3 to 4 minutes to do so its not like I intensionally over stretchered myself this early on. I've done that in the past and now know its madness. :crazy: What I want to do and what my body needs to do are 2 different planets and needs are much more important than wants  :thumbsup:



Love Nova ♫ xxx  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Great job Edzo! Proud of you!


Vegan... I read this post a few minutes ago from Frantastic... What do you think about it?

I did read Spark which is why I have been pushing myself so hard!


"Hi Herckie-Keep working out!!! I am 100% convinced that exercise is what expedited my recovery. Have you read the book "Spark" by Dr. John Ratey? It's about the benefits of exercise and the brain (BDNF). I emailed Dr. Ratey and he told me to work out daily, lift weights and incorporate HIIT into my daily work out. In his opinion he feels that this will up-regulate Gaba receptors.


My friend is a Neurologist and he recommend that I eat a yogurt that contains a strain that has been tested to up-regulate Gaba receptors in mice. I just found an article on line and they mention the strain and that it will up regulate Gaba in humans. I'll attach the article below so you can read it. Feel free to PM anytime."


Thanks Ang!  What is the strain that is possibly beneficial to Gaba receptors called?




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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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To look at the effects of probiotic bacteria in mice, the authors of this paper looked with the bacterium Lacobacillus rhamnosus, which is currently the bacteria of choice for the Amerifit Brand that produces Culturelle.


Lacobacillus rhamnosus GG seems to be the one that everyone is talking about. I just try to eat a lot of fermented foods like different cheeses, kimchi, yogurts, and kefirs. You can certainly try the more expensive and less tasty supplement route, but I recommend the fermented foods because they're delicious and you only live once. I've had really good results from Brie.


The Case For Exercise In Benzo Withdrawal post by Bart has information on why exercise causes our body to release all sorts of hormones and other chemicals that can help us in our recovery. Yes, some of these can make us feel uncomfortable, such as cortisol, but cortisol is how our body reacts to injury and it's part of the natural healing process. I don't want to argue with people about whether it's good or bad because I agree that it feels awful, but for me, I just can't live a life dedicated to avoiding it.


Good luck to everyone, no matter what you're doing to help your recovery. Everyone who is reporting exercise results here, thank you all, you inspire me to keep going on what I need to do for myself. Everything you do, even if you feel like it's not enough helps someone else, because you're helping me. You're sharing your strength with me. Thank you. It's unbelievably helpful.

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I believe that's one that helps destroy histamine bacteria not positive but I think there's three I know bifido is one fermented foods feed histamine
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I know when I walk even just 15 minutes a day, I feel and sleep better....I don't overdo it.  But just moving forward is important.  There are too many brain/body benefits that I am aware of that make me feel I must continue best as I can...  Trying to get at least 15 minutes in per day.
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I hit my goal of 30 minutes on the elliptical.  Now I will keep that consistent for awhile.


I am up to 1.05 miles jogging.  The rest of the way I walk and I will up my distance .05 on my treadmill days.


My next goal is a 3 mile jog.  I can't believe this is happening.  A year ago I couldn't do anything.

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