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Exercise support group


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Chris: Haven't had that, so I can't say. Don't do weights, though. Doing a search for "breathing feels like cold air" I get hits for asthma and anxiety. If you have asthma, it's probably that. Otherwise, I'm going to go with anxiety.


Oh, I said I'd update on magnesium. Magnesium is dumb. Heh. Okay, so one day I'll take Magnesium and it'll stop the twitching like someone flipped a switch. Absolutely nuts! Awesome, but nuts. The next day I'd take it and ... nothing. Maybe I'm on some edge case where I have a slightly lower amount of magnesium than I need and only need to take it once a week rather than every day. That is too much work.


My general thought on supplements is that it's better to just eat foods high in vitamins and minerals. We have cravings for a reason. Generally, we will crave foods that fulfill some need that our body has. Of course, for most of us this is out of whack because we will crave sweets and salts and fats, because those are awesome. If I find myself daydreaming about bananas, I buy myself a banana. Now, if I could only stop dreaming about Kit Kats.


Anyway, magnesium is stupid. That's my final answer.


The number one reason not to be like me: Couple days ago I was running, going for speed (my fastest five and a half miles ever!), and I felt a pulling in my right calf and I was like, "ow, that's unpleasant", but I kept running on it because I am all about pushing through the pain, it's the only way through to the other side... yeah, idiot me pulled a muscle and kept running on it. Not cool! This stupid illness makes me mad some days. Really burns my biscuits, I'll tell you.


Well, couple days on the injured list. I was able to ride my bike yesterday and I'm going to try to jog a couple-three miles today, go easy on 'er. I guess I have to pretend I'm a normal human and that I have limits, huh?




Happy trails everyone. It's almost Spring! You don't have to exercise but you do have to go out and play!


ETA: And, of course, I go out to jog slowly and carefully and end up running my third fastest eight miles. It's a funny old life.

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You are awesome Vegan

I wonder if running would help me. I cant lift much wt like i used to. I can only do 30 sec jog at a time though!


Anyone know if there is any best exercise to help us heal? I know its been said just any exercise to start and use your best judgement but Id like my cardio to improve! I have a fear of lung cancer as parents died of it. I used to always be active, sports etc till i was burned out on stress and turned to klon.


btw my guys at physical therapy are great...my crooked pelvis is already feeling more normal when i walk!  :thumbsup:

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I've only started running in December and I love it. When I was in high school they wanted me to run cross country, but it seemed so boring and I didn't enjoy it at all. Now running feels meditative and makes me feel alive... very, very tired but also alive.


No idea if it'll help you get better faster, though. Probably not? Maybe? It seems like it would be best to do what makes you feel good. Feeling good is going to make you feel better even before you get better. How cool is that?


I've read that the best thing for cardio is High Intensity Interval Training: that stuff is super hardcore.


Personally, I'd go with your heart and what makes you happy.


This video really warmed my heart:


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Chris: I just don't enjoy lifting weight. I guess maybe because the scenery never changes. I do planks and crunches for core exercises when I'm not running and it bores me to tears. I hate being bored probably even more than benzo withdrawal.
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Oh it's really all I can do I can't run yet not sure if I'll ever b able to again wich sux cause I'm crazy fast wen I run
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Personally, I'd go with your heart and what makes you happy.


This video really warmed my heart:



Hey Vegan, that made me smile! And the way you write is very entertaining too  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Gosh, your history of 4 mgs K... you've tapered really fast and you're up and running & cycling?  :o


Waw, good on you!!! Keep it up!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Great you tube link  :)


I want to say thanks Vegan....I read one of your posts some time ago about running and pushing through the pain which has also been what I've been doing although I'm not at run status... just a really fast walker ;D ..sorry about the pulled muscle though :-\...anyway I slacked off with my fast walking during a nasty downturn plus I became a little lazy over the winter.  ::)  My goal was to begin exercise again March 1 no matter how I felt and frankly I'm still not feeling so great, go figure, but hey that's how it goes with this isn't it?


I channeled some of your strength when I thought I'd die pushing myself so hard the last few days, lol, but it turned out to be a really good move yet again. I'd forgotten just how much it helped me in the past.  Thanks for reminding me sometimes it doesn't seem to make any sense to push ourselves through pain but it can and does work for some of us. By the way awesome sauce on the updated benzo free status  ;)



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Hi All,


Been a little while since I checked in last. Just a brief progress report. I wasn't able to make it to the treadmill the past two nights due to sx, but came back strong (for me) tonight. Up to 55 minutes of power walking with a 5 minute cool down.  Began at 42 minutes a few weeks ago. Even managed to jog for 5 minutes during my activity tonight. Over 500 calories burned. Feeling pretty good about that.


That is all,



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Hi all...plodding along in benzo world.  I tried a bit of physical activity yesterday which consisted of just GENTLE walking for thirty minutes(1.5 miles at 20 min mile pace).  It was in no way aerobic.  All i know is after I finished my whole body tightened up in my legs and back.  That led to Vise Neck which led to The Headache.  After that died down I was wakened with a 1am cortisol rush which I haven't had for a while.  Baylissa suggested I stop all exercise for a month or two to let my CNS settle down but I didn't think walking 20 minute miles would screw me.  Just depressing as I feel like my body is just so unhealthy not moving.


I just can't seem to get anything going in the way of exercise.  Can't believe a generally in shape 47 year old can't do this at 22 months off.  that is all  :sick:

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When I exercise daily, how long should I take walks for? I don't want to push myself by any means, however at the same time I want to get better. Any tips?
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I try to do 10-20 mins.  Maybe start at 10 minutes, and add a couple minutes every few days.  That is how I trained for a marathon with running...Not running now, but you get the idea. 


I just try to enjoy it and not push.  It seems to help.  We are meant to move, and I think our brains need it too. 


Especially when I use my senses.  Meaning I stop and look at what is around me for a minute, (not my phone); then smell the air (after I pick up the doggie poo  ;)), then listen to the sounds., feel the air...It helps me appreciate it.  And I don't do it enough....but gentle walking is still a use of your muscles and we are made to move....New stimulation and coping with it is good too....Just take it easy is the key.  By all means enjoy the fresh air.


Drew I am sorry you had a bad experience, I hope it gets easier for you.  I still can't imagine SOME form of exercise is bad for healing in the long run.

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Finally figured out why my neck tightens wen I exercise or get to hot or eat food it's a histamine intolerance apparently benzos cause this crazy stuff
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Hi guys checkin in here w concern...Hi buddies..


Could the muscle pain/fascia be resolved after wd or is it from unresolved emotional crap?? Im scared of this since I heard about the possibility.  :idiot:Hope to hear from those who may be familiar w same situation and have healed physically and emotionally  - I want to just believe its all klon wd.


Chronic LT stress led to klon. The lung C phobia started while in tolerance, then insomnia, then quit klon, then back on klon.


I havent done much w the gym. Having more anxiety and fatigue lately. almost 2 months off klon now.

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So, I had a great day. Ran eight and a half miles and the first mile I made in under 10 minutes per mile. Most of it was downhill, but it's a goal I've been stretching for quite a long time. I think I've mentioned earlier how slow I am when I run, especially when I started out. Make manageable goals for yourselves, okay? If you demand too much of yourself you're not going to feel good about what you were capable of. Keep pushing at the edges of your current ability and it'll get slowly easier and you'll get faster and stronger at whatever it is you're doing.


I wanted to reply to Kris' question about unresolved emotional crap. That's a difficult question. There are people in the world who will try to sell you services that will "resolve emotional crap" for you as a cure for all kinds of illnesses. It's largely a scam because pretty much everyone has unresolved emotional crap in their lives. That's sort of the definition of being a human being, being an emotional stress ball.


That said, sure as shootin', that kind of thing will cause all sorts of physical and mental issues. But you know what the only cure for that is? Resolving the emotional crap. Anything else is someone selling you something you don't need that isn't going to work for you. Maybe if there is laying of hands involved, there will be some amount of good feeling from that, but that's because having other people touch us in a kind and consensual way is life affirming and healing. It's almost always cheaper to spend the money on a haircut which'll give the same effect and you'll at least have stylish hair to show for it.


It's hard work to resolve emotional crap, though. Sometimes it involves forgiveness for unforgivable things. Sometimes we, ourselves, are the people who did the unforgivable thing. It's worthy work, no doubt about it, life affirming and healing and it makes us better people. It can be really painful and take a long time, not unlike this benzo withdrawal illness.


It's highly likely you have muscle pain/fascia issues from the withdrawal illness. Might also be age related, that can happen, I guess. Maybe it's a combination of all three.


Keep up the good work everyone. You all give me a lot of hope and hope is in short supply sometimes. So, thank you.

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Vegan--Jo Marchant addresses this issue in her book, Cure.  She explores all the positive thinking stuff from a sceptical point of view and yet she's willing to be convinced of how our brains can help us heal.  Her bottom line is that we can't all think our way out of every medical problem, but there's convincing evidence that how you think about what's wrong with you plays a part.


Your post here reminds me of her final chapter, where she goes to a Reiki healer and it's almost like the person is trying to play fortune teller, saying things like, "I see you as a little girl, all elbows and knees and nobody will listen to you."  And the author is thinking, "Actually, I was short and plump and I'm pretty sure I made myself heard!"  And yet the healing aspects of having somebody touch you and pay attention to you cannot be denied and many people are helped by such alternative practices.  If they actually have less physical pain, does it matter how it happens?

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I wanted to post this here as well.



In the talk, she discusses running (at the end she says pretty much any exercise that gets blood to the brain, but we're still in early days of understanding this) and shows two slides, one of the brain of a mouse that wasn't allowed to run in its cage and another of the brain of a mouse that did run in its cage. The differences are striking.




The black dots are *new neurons*.

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I have crippled myself using benzos.  :tickedoff: could not move. I want to lift weights again. I change my dna and grow new braincells/pathways.


:tickedoff: YES


And if it takes years - i don't care.



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I managed to get back into the gym after way too long of skipping it because of the winter weather.  I rode about 11 miles on the stationary bike for cardio.  I also did some light lifting on the machines.  I'm a bit scared to try free weights right now.  My upper body has practically no strength compared to my legs.
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Almost ran a half marathon this morning: twelve and a half hilly miles. Took me two hours and twenty minutes which isn't awesome but also isn't terrible. All things considered, I feel wonderful about it. It's a gorgeous day and I have the sunburn to prove it.


I also have the thing where I have no strength in my upper body. I imagine it has more to do with me never actually doing any work on my upper body other than the occasional planks and push-ups and crunches and such.


Maybe if I wasn't so sick all the time I'd be super-fast on my feet and running marathons twice a day? Yeah, that's the ticket.



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Hey exercisers! Should have joined this a while ago.


I crossfit 3-5 times per week no matter what my symptoms are (even when they are really severe). I just keep telling myself that I need the BDNF and I am regrowing and healing my brain.


But, something came up during yesterdays workout. I got so anxious and I felt so out of control and had really scary thoughts again (the kind where you are afraid you might do something really stupid.)


I was so filled with fear that I couldn't think.


then the coach asked me what pound of dumbbell I wanted and I just said, "I'm having a panic attack right now and I can't even think straight." She handed me heavy ones. lol


I made it through that workout but left immediately and was too afraid to drink my whey protein because I thought it would make my anxiety worse.


If this ever happens again should I just leave or is it best to just fight through these horrible symptoms and keep going?


I am having pretty bad wave right now so don't know if its better to rest or work out when this happens?


Thanks guys

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