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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

6-12 month thread....


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it's hard waking up with no emotions everyday.. will my emotions come back even if i have d/r?? anyone here have both?


Yes.  You'll eventually have "windows" where your feelings come back, and then they're gone again, but you'll remember how you felt, and you'll know that it's just withdrawal.  I'm now at a point where I can "fake it" when I'm dead inside because I know the dead feeling isn't real and it's not forever.  It can be very scary and weird.  Don't worry, a lot of us have had it and it goes away.

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Good morning buddies....

.....How are you doing out there Life?...

...Peace...yes, dropping the multitasking has been a great life lesson for me too. I used to buzz around running circles around my friends . My energy level has always been busy busy busy...and I loved it. ...Now after months of walking hand in hand with time I have learned to do one thing at a time because for so long, and still doing one thing at all was a triumph. I used to wash the dishes by hand and then wash them all over again because it was rhythmic and soothing and distracting and I could do it without thinking. I did the same with folding the laundry and making the bed. I learned so much about how our littlest Montessori students live in the moment with their works.. how setting the table, washing the plants, returning works to the shelf, the elongated meal periods, learning to roll up a work mat...all the care of thus environment and the routines and rhythems of the day...the entire curriculum for our little ones. They had no concept of time or ' getting things done to move on to the next thing that ' had to get done '.( unless time pressure was imposed by an adult). They were completely immersed in the doing. Much like Nova 's ' chop wood carry water '....I was always able to gear down in the classroom because I never wanted to rush or intrude upon a child, but out of the presence of children I was buzzing around ...I don't think I ever got more accomplished by buzzing. Now the 'one thing at a time ' way of life is mandatory as too much can rev up a wave. Most importantly the small moments of the day,  like getting the dog out, going to the grocery, watching Frozen with my grandsons, walking with my friend, growing my patio garden....they all became triumphs and moments of joy because there were too many days in which I could not do them...or be connected to those moments because of fear or d/r of anxiety...now when I am at my baseline I realize how precious the small every day moments are the moments our lives flow from. ...I wont lie...I look forward to picking up the pace a bit but I no longer tell myself " I don't have time "...or rush the dog through his walk...he is another one who whewn smelling the grass is only smelling the grass.

....Peace I think about you every day at your teaching work. I send you prayers daily to support your sacred work....coop


Coop, that was absolutely beautiful.  I hesitate to say ANYTHING positive about withdrawal, but it sure did slow me down, let me smell the flowers.  I was racing through life, racing straight to the grave, I think.  I hope we never forget this, when we are healed and withdrawal is a fuzzy memory

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Coop...At 14 months now I am dealing with more fear, depressed thoughts and anxiety about the future.  Driving me nuts every morning.  It gradually subsides during the day or when I get some form of distraction going.  Just not being comfortable at where I am in life is the best way to describe it all.  I use to be able to live day to day and enjoy life rather than have these unusual feelings I have now.  I try and take it a day at a time..sometimes moment to moment when things are really out of kilter.  Yes, I guess it is time but it is so frustrating worrying about how your feeling day to day.


Garton, this is my fear.  There are some who are plagued with the "mental" symptoms well into their second year.  In my tenth month, I can feel these mental s/x revving up.  I wonder if some kind of spiritual support or TM meditation -- I don't know, something along those lines, if it might help.  I'm not particularly religious, but I am spiritual, and I truly believe that our withdrawal experience has a spiritual component, not just mental and physical.  I think even though we've gotten so much better physically, that we've been battered by withdrawal, and our "spirits" are battered, and it's difficult, as Nova says, "to reenter" the world, re-attach to our families and lives.  I don't know.  Just thinking out loud.

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I know pretty much what you're enduring Life.  It's discouraging this far out.  Unfortunately, I ran across a thread having to do with individuals that are 3 to 5 years out still experiencing many of these sxs.  That really got me down.  I know from reading that there will be a minority who fall in this category.  How will you ever know for certain that this is just the way we are wired or is it still the result of the benzo use and just slow healing.  That really drives me crazy just thinking about it.


Here is my plain and simply answer to this question.... If I feel like I do at 18 months I will more than likely reinstate myself  - that might change but I sure do not want to be living like this 2-5 years out. I know that the wave I am in is due to outside stressors and if I can just come to grips with it I will be fine. I know that I have had major healing going on but I need to be without stressors to heal more. That being said, at some point quality of life is important. As it stands I am fantasying lately about reinstating ( which I wont) but after 18 moths I will reassess if that is the case. I hope I am not letting you down but I am being authentic. I got off this drug for a better life -- not a worts one. My ego is not about if this drug wil win or not -- I have already won by being off 11 months. No, I just want to feel good and if that was to come in the form of another drug I will gladly look at it but I don't think that drug is out there.


I think part of what I am going through is not just benzos but a normal reaction to an outside high anxiety event. One I get through that event I will be much better no doubt -- just my thoughts.




Life, I went off benzos in 2009, and reinstated after nine months because I didn't "feel better."  I was benzo clueless in those days, I had no idea what was going on.  I thought I had a bad withdrawal then, but I guess not that bad because I was able to work and my kids were still in school then, so I functioned.  I reinstated at nine months out.  I had a little relief, quickly went into tolerance, and had to increase the dose so frequently the doctor soon didn't want to see me anymore.  I just barely put my retirement papers in before the sh*t hit the fan.  I went off Xanax and all hell broke loose.  I guess that's kindling.  My point is, I think we're playing Russian Roulette if we take this medication again, after we've experienced protracted withdrawal syndrome.  Because that's what this is.  We are a relatively small segment of the population of benzo-taking patients who are very sensitive to this medication.  I'm just saying, with our CNSs in this condition, it's a crap shoot.  Feel better

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Coop we are only human.. We can only endure so much. For me I want to be functional again... The reason why I came off of benzos is because I had tapered down from about 25 mg a day of Volume to 15 BUt I did t without knowing about tolerance w/d. I started having tolerance. I know of many people that have one dose and they take it at that level for years w/o any tolerance. I was different .. I would take one pill one day and two the next if I felt bad and then back again without understanding tolerance or whatever was going on. I was in a high powered career that took on major stress and I used the benzos to calm me.... and they did. I paid the price though. Benoz are not a good drug but for the Love of God how much pain can someone take?


I will not think about reinstating until 18 months but I am hopeful that things will get better around "life's world". I do not like to feel dysfunctional... not to say the hit my ego has taken from this mess. I am not the same person anymore..... Here's the kicker... I believe I am a better more compassionate person and one that has come to grips with his skeletons in my past. Even if I ever did reinstate -- which it does not seem likely at all... none of this has gone to waste because I have learned something about the human condition that many will never -- This is as close as I ever wantto get to mental illness. This process is dreadful..


We will never get kicked off because we are stating what many believe they "can't say". How long were you on benzos and for what conditions? Coop did you have anxiety before the w/d?




You're absolutely a better, more compassionate person.  We all are.  And you're going to start feeling better, and then you're going to be a healthy, happy, healed compassionate better person.  Okay?

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I have no judgment for anyone who reinstates, but I have to say I personally do not believe it would help at all in the long run. I think some people may have a bad reaction to taking it again. I have read so many stories on here from people who reinstated and ended up feeling sicker. Also, at some point with benzos you WILL hit tolerance and then your quality of life will be worse than it is now. I was in tolerance for 2 years and was bedridden the entire time. I would gladly take how im feeling now, then to go back to that miserable time in my life. I really feel like we will all heal at some point and there is no need for reinstatment . I hope you both know I'm not judging, but coming from a place of caring for both of you. Jenny


Me, too, Jenny.  The hell of my tolerance withdrawal was unbelievable.  Like you, I couldn't get out of bed.  Had to crawl to the bathroom on all fours.  Once we've hit tolerance, protracted withdrawal, WE CAN NEVER EVER SAFELY TAKE THIS MEDICATION AGAIN.

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Thank you Jenny...you are a kind friend who is going through all the pain that the rest of us are. It would never cross my mind that you would judge anyone. I am just in such a frantic place today with dizziness and anxiety.  I was medically reinstated in month 3 and as you say it was miserable and made things worse. I would not reinstate, just wishful thinking that there really did exist a magic pill for anxiety. I have not had all day anxiety for months and I didn't even have this kind of dizziness in taper or acute. I have been bouncing back and forth between anxiety and panic all day. If things don't shift a little I might consider buspar. Apparently it is very low risk for safety and dependency and easy to get off of.. I am just completely frazeled and worn out. I also think the dizzinwss could be from the propanolol which is a new medication.

.....Thank you so much Jenny...I also was. in tolerance from my ativan early on...probably within 3 months...and truthfully it wasn't much better than this. ...

.........How are you doing today Jenny...you came through a long wave recently...I hope things are better.... oop


Coop, I can hear how hard a time you're having.  Do your old distractions work for you now?  Does getting out of the house help?  I feel the anxiety, too, and that pure raw fear feeling, that is very scary for me.  That's new.  I try very hard to "redirect," sometimes it's so exhausting, to redirect all day long.  Hoping we all get some relief soon.  I'm looking forward to fall and the holidays and hoping they're better -- well, they HAVE to be better, I was in a acute in November last year.  anyway  :smitten:

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Coop , I've  been dealing with dizziness for weeks now comes and goes randomly so heavy at time feels like I'm going to pass out.

Although if your dizziness started after your BP med then that may be a player.


I did see where remeron was mentioned and yes it has helped quite a few but like all these meds it has it's issues. I was on low doses for sleep aprox 5 months but had to come off due to adverse effects. I'm a slow metabolizer even on low dose it was building up high blood serum level therefore revving me up even on 1.5mg. I had a gene DNA test done which shows the meds I would have issues with. Ive been off remeron now for 90 days and feel the WD has quite a bit to do with months of hurt.


I continue to have a very rough time in this recovery. I've had fair days, hours, but mostly bad times.


Im constantly obsessing thinking which drug I haven't tried yet might alleviate my sx's. I also have seen 8 psychologist and 9 pdoc last 9 months including one pdoc in Boston where I flew over and back same day last week.

It was quite the ordeal getting on those planes feeling the way I do. The drs suggestion was , yep another heavy med. He suggested Lamictal, Sam-e, L-methofolate and melatonin. The Lamictal can be a nightmare as far as sideffects and WD.


My point is the only way out for me , is through it. I know I'm so sensitized that adding anything could be a disaster. Although when we feel so ill both physically & psych, we continue to think of any and all possibilities. May not discover the cure but the meantime the distraction doing all this is helpful.

I truly thought that getting passed 6,7 months the sxs would have eased dramatically.


Below is something that may be of interest. Best of luck to all.




"Pamela Smith 10:04pm Aug 26

Have you heard there is a test to see if an antidepressant will work? Seems like we should all be tested before being put on an antidepressant:

By Mayo Clinic Staff:

Your doctor may use cytochrome P450 tests (CYP450 tests) to help determine how your body processes (metabolizes) a drug. Our bodies contain numerous P450 enzymes to process medications. Because of inherited (genetic) traits which cause variations in these enzymes, medications affect each person differently.


The P450 enzyme with the most variation in different people is the 2D6, which processes many antidepressants and antipsychotic medications. By checking your DNA for certain gene variations, cytochrome P450 tests can offer clues about how your body may respond to a particular antidepressant. Other cytochrome P450 tests are available for other enzymes.


Cytochrome P450 and other genetic tests (genotyping tests) are becoming more common as doctors try to understand why antidepressants help some people and not others. While their use might be increasing, there are limitations."


Hi Jrod,

You're one month behind me, I think?  I jumped November 15, you're Dec 12?  Don't be discouraged. I did almost a cold turkey, and I had a very bad time.  My CNS was sooo sensitive, I knew instinctively not to take anything at all, and it was hell.  But in the next month or two you might see some positive changes.  I really didn't get windows, maybe just a few hours here or there, and I promise you, it does get better.


I had the 23andMe testing.  It was interesting.  I think I'm a fast metabolizer.

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I love you, buddies. There is no way out but through. This is all I know for myself. My body doesn't tolerate meds. I think my body doesn't even tolerate my own natural chemical changes very well - hormone changes, cortisol, that kind of thing. I have a very sensitive vessel.


If there was something, anything that would bring any of you real and lasting relief, I would want you to pursue it. Even if it's not for me. And 18 months is still a long way off and by them waiting a few more months won't mater.  ;):smitten:


Tired ramblings from a tired worker.



You are my hero.  You're amazing, Mighty Girl!

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Green, we are so incredibly fortunate to have you as a friend in this group. Thank you for your

wonderful support. ......

....Things are calming down ...the panic and raw fear quit...the dizziness is better..my hope is trying to sputter into life again. ..I did take half of a Bonnie for the dizziness...once the dizziness backed down my anxiety calmed down and my b/p fell. I honestly think. the propanolol triggered dome of this. I have not had a day like this since acute. ...NOTHING helped. not distraction...not lavender soaks..not relaxation breathing..I was unable to concentrate on anything. Going outside helped a little. The Bonnie helped, but I am afraid that I will become raeliant on it...

.....thank you buddies for helping new through this. Writing for hours on BBs today was the only thing that I was able to concentrate on..

....wishing everyone a restful night....coop

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Hello to all of you.

I haven't posted for over a month because I just didn't feel up to it. However, I have tried to keep up with all if your posts because they keep me connected to reality. I am starting day 1 of my 10th month. Month 9 I thought was supposed to be the beginnings of seeing healing with a few more windows, instead it turned out to be one long horrible wave.  I kept hoping for a window but it never appeared.  I'm pretty much stuck with the same symptoms that take turns attacking me. The worst is the burning skin on my lower legs and feet that can become very painful and keeps me from sleeping.

Then the big ole Benzo belly swells and created a terrible constricting feeling around my ribs. Then of course I live constantly with the boaty feeling as I walk around like a drunken sailor.  Sometimes I get cog fog but that's usually because I haven't been able to sleep.  A few other Sx sneak in an attack me but then leave.  These long waves with no windows are difficult to endure. I just try to get through one day at a time and keep telling myself I well get better with time.  Tonight, I feel a little better, so I guess that's why I'm posting.  I hope it's a sign of easing symptoms and more windows in month 10.

We're getting closer to healing the longer we endure.  Thanks for helping mr get through this.


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Korben great to see you, you are exactly my age  then ? I will be 10 months out tomorrow and I was thinking of making a big deal out of it. Or as close to a big deal, as I can these days ! ;)


I am just posting to share this beautiful post over at accentuate the positive, just in case you had not read it.


  Sorry it is a little long ! Check it out !


One of the biggest issues in withdrawal, is the anxiety. Anxiety is a state of nervousness about things (most of the time) that have not even happened yet. It is safe to say that talking about the future is not the greatest thing to do while in withdrawal, but I want to do something a little bit different here...


My head is constantly filled with things like:


Is this actually withdrawal? or is this how I am forever?

Will I recover? Am I ever going to be able to handle stress again? Will I be able to blow arguments off?

Will my relationship work between my girlfriend and me? Will my family be strong again? Will I ever have kids and be a successful father?

Will I be able to go to school again someday and actually be immersed in my studies?

Will I find a job that I like waking in the morning to do?


So right now, I just wanted to write about my future, fill my head with good anxiety.


I see myself running, lifting weights and sweating. I see a full workout done and myself laying on the floor with a smile on my face as I breath deep. I get in my car and head home from the gym to my beautiful wife. She's cooking some form of pasta which I love. She yells at me softly as to not wake my baby girl in the next room. "You left for the gym and I had to rock your daughter to sleep for the past hour and a half!" I smile and grab her and plant a huge kiss on cheek. She is so beautiful. Her cooking is just a beautiful. I love it when she is angry  ;)


Work calls. "Hey, it's _____. Don't worry about coming in tomorrow. I don't need ya. Take the day to relax." This is perfect because I have a 3 page paper to write for the class that I am taking currently at the university. The wife is happy because this means she can sleep in.


The baby is asleep in the other room and isn't waking up anytime soon. Time to watch a good ol' movie. The wife loves the Godfather. It's one of her favorites. I love it because I first saw it in the Fall of 99'. I took a break from watching it and went outside. The cool fall air fills my nose now. Great memories. I start to actually drift off to sleep I am so comfortable. I get shaken awake though, "Let's head to bed."


It's just myself, my wife and my baby girl lying between us...suddenly, I remember withdrawal. Gosh it's been so long since I thought about it. All that pain was worth it, to come out clean on the other side now. My life is beautiful and I can see it now. Like sparkling diamonds on the sunset horizon...


Stress isn't stress anymore, it's an "I got this" opportunity. It's a wall to be climbed and learned from.


Whats better, is my future will probably turn out better than I think! I challenge everyone reading this, to post your beautiful future below. It's ok to cry as you type. I did.


Everything is going to be ok  :)

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Korbe...I am just a few days from.stepping into month 10 as well... Also in a wave. Pulsing ears and head, dizziness, anxiety, weird pressure point pain that cones and goes in head ( head pressure is better), sensitive scalp..elevated b/p....however somewhat better than yesterday......

....I agree..I thought month 10 would look better than this..I was frantic yesterday,  but trying to accept things as they are today. ...I haven't been in bed during the day for months. , but I was so dizzy yesterday I couldn't stay up. This feels like acute all over. .

......Some of the buddies say that right before some significawnt healing we have a brutal wave. Megan ( moderator) posted on a thread yesterday saying that she had a bad bout of dizziness right before she saw healing...hoping for that. ..I get the burning feet and ankles too. Hot bath soak with epsome salts ( lavender bath salts are very good) help alot with the burning sensation.

......I hope your wave lifts soon ...All of us are looking forward to. much better Autumn than last year. Those of us at 10 months and more are very much hoping for one year celebrations and good healing for Christmas. ...good to hear from you. ...feel better...coop

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For what it's worth, I had a really bad wave in month 6 and then the clouds broke and I'm doing really well now in month 7.  All of my symptoms are gone except for 4 am waking.
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The early morning waking for me has caused the intrusive thoughts to spike.  If I could sleep a little later I would probably get up feeling rested and my mind would not go to into thinking all kinds of negative thoughts.  Sleep for many of us would probably help relieve many of our mental and physical symptoms.  I have been VERY fortunate that I have no physical sxs except for being tired. I can still work and exercise.  That I am so thankful for.


Green...sometimes I wonder if there is a spiritual piece missing in my life.  I have never been a religious person.  I know for many having a god or a higher power really helps them through these difficult times.  I would love to have that in my life.  It is all about faith and that is something that I have never really had.  I have questioned it, asked god to intervene in my life...but nothing ever transpired.  I am still working on it but is something that comes from deep inside.


I see so many suffering at this point.  We've all been through this for many months.  I truly hope we start to see improvement.  Who will be first?  Let's keep posting and encouraging.  That's what this board is all about!

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I am only posting this because I have been doing pretty good functionally and have found great victory.  This is only to show it must be a 10 month thing.  I am 10 next Thursday.


I was hit by a sizeable wave last night.  Even asked to go to emergency.  Woke not knowing where I (we drove up to San Fran) heart pounding head hurt.  Extreme panic and fear.  My hubbies aunt is a nurse and she took my vitals and watched me as my heart slowed.  I am trembling right now as fear is still on me and I'm exhausted.  My head feels tight like a cap is on it.  I feel very ill and I'm it sure if dropping the caffeine did this or if I dropped it in the Nick of time.


If you can reassure me in any way please do so.


For those who pray, please include my name.  I am going to try to stay off the boards until this passes. 


Mrs- please repost the threads from awhile back about success. 



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i'm starting my 9th month soon the 1st of sept.. this morning i had 3 brain zaps and my body is zooming with electricity, tingling and vibrating.. my mind seems to be a litle clearer.. yesterday was brutal all day ,crying, intrusive thoughts and the body crap..


i'm not looking forward to month 10 if everyone here is having trouble in month 10 UGH!!  :crazy:

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Susie..I' am no expert but the fact you didn't use much and not for long I would think you might see improvement sooner than others like myself.  Don't give up on this month it could be a breakthrough month for you. 
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:smitten: praying for you mommy r, maybe this is coming to an end with all of you after the 10th month horror. i sure hope you all heal after this as you all deserve some peace finally..


keep fighting mommy r.you'll get through it.. i'm praying now.. :angel:

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garton.. i hope you are right, but right now i don't feel like it.. it's been a long hard journey for me, one i never expected for sure.. i never knew anything about these drugs when i c/t and was shocked what they did to me :'(. we all suffered too mch already. i hope everyone here is healed soon.. thank you for your encouraging words.. i will surely be yelling off the roof tops if i do heal soon and you guys will be the first to know.. :smitten:
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Green, we are so incredibly fortunate to have you as a friend in this group. Thank you for your

wonderful support. ......

....Things are calming down ...the panic and raw fear quit...the dizziness is better..my hope is trying to sputter into life again. ..I did take half of a Bonnie for the dizziness...once the dizziness backed down my anxiety calmed down and my b/p fell. I honestly think. the propanolol triggered dome of this. I have not had a day like this since acute. ...NOTHING helped. not distraction...not lavender soaks..not relaxation breathing..I was unable to concentrate on anything. Going outside helped a little. The Bonnie helped, but I am afraid that I will become raeliant on it...

.....thank you buddies for helping new through this. Writing for hours on BBs today was the only thing that I was able to concentrate on..

....wishing everyone a restful night....coop


Coop, what is the Bonnie?

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Sussie, I really do  hope you  do get better. Reading our stories can be discouraging but it might not mean a thing.


I never got many of the good or bad things that others on the forum have talked about. THis is the one time I have been sick at the same time, so I would say it is a coincidence.


Mommy I am so sorry for what you are going through. The boards are for support and information but if you feel it is hurting you at any level by all means take a break . I can understand how it might be affecting you.

I too wonder about being influenced by what I read but the benefits have so outweighed the negative aspects. When I really can't take it I do take a few days off, just keeping in touch through Pm.


About palps. Mommy went to the hospital and this raises an interesting point. I have held back and resisted, I know it is wd. But when we talk about heartbeat acceleration our families have every right to worry.

What I want to know is this , when tachycardia sets in is it dangerous, is there anything we should be doing ? When buddies go to the hospital do the doctors come up with anything ? It is not caused by anything physical, so what can the doctors do ?


Yesterday was really out of control, I understand being on the safe side. If we know we do not have any underlying physical conditions is it still dangerous ?


Sorry I am so roundabout, I find it incredibly hard to express myself these days .



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Good morning, everyone


I think I'm out of sync, I'm coming on long after everyone has posted.  I'm east coast, I know a lot of you are west, maybe Midwest.  And now it's morning here.  I still have a lot of the 10 month out s/x, but I'm oddly peaceful, for today, anyway. 


I was lucky enough to have a conversation with a nurse who went through protracted withdrawal ten years ago, and she was helpful, reassuring.  Her withdrawal was very bad, she didn't have BB, and she remembers being afraid she would never get better, that she was broken -- all of our fears.  She said it was two years for her, for full recovery, but she was quick to reassure me that she felt a lot better after the 12-14 mark.  It makes sense.  It fits in with where I'm at right now, where everybody on here is, what I read in current posts of people who post a success story before two years, and then still have some short waves or mild s/x here and there.  Like Sky said, I have a brain now to see what's going on, to help me cope with the s/x, and the fact is, there's a lot of fine tuning left to be done.


What's helping me these days?  Acceptance, patience.  Gratitude is a big one.  Grateful I have my brain back, on most days, anyway.  very, very grateful for that.  Grateful I have my emotions back, on and off. 


Make a list of what's better, go back to tolerance, remember how you were then.  Go back to acute, remember those delightful days.  Think about how lucky we are to have BB, the support on this thread.  I can't imagine going through this without support, I just can't.


So I have my list, shower, wash hair, lol, and then some errands.  I guess this is reentry, just living as much as we're capable of, and believing it will get better until it does.  :smitten: :smitten:

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sky.. unfortunatly some of us short termers are having a had time , myself, benzomammas daughter, and another guy he only used for 3 weeks at .25 of K.. and he is 10 months out.. i know it doesn't make much sense but we do suffer as long :crazy: i'm hoping for a year recovery..
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Sussie, I really do  hope you  do get better. Reading our stories can be discouraging but it might not mean a thing.


I never got many of the good or bad things that others on the forum have talked about. THis is the one time I have been sick at the same time, so I would say it is a coincidence.


Mommy I am so sorry for what you are going through. The boards are for support and information but if you feel it is hurting you at any level by all means take a break . I can understand how it might be affecting you.

I too wonder about being influenced by what I read but the benefits have so outweighed the negative aspects. When I really can't take it I do take a few days off, just keeping in touch through Pm.


About palps. Mommy went to the hospital and this raises an interesting point. I have held back and resisted, I know it is wd. But when we talk about heartbeat acceleration our families have every right to worry.

What I want to know is this , when tachycardia sets in is it dangerous, is there anything we should be doing ? When buddies go to the hospital do the doctors come up with anything ? It is not caused by anything physical, so what can the doctors do ?


Yesterday was really out of control, I understand being on the safe side. If we know we do not have any underlying physical conditions is it still dangerous ?


Sorry I am so roundabout, I find it incredibly hard to express myself these days .


First, I didn't know Mommy went to the ER.  I'm sorry to hear that.


Sky, you raise some good points.  I have had tachycardia and always ignored it.  Maybe my heart didn't go so fast it was a medical emergency.  I think we have to follow the medical guidelines for heart rate and BP.  If it gets to a certain level, ER.  I know heart rate over 160 is not good.  But there's also something about sustained versus spikes.  For me, the skipped beats were the most frightening.  I had an ablation for uncontrolled heart rate in 2012, and I was very worried the withdrawal might trigger that condition again.  I always asked myself the question, what do I think the ER can do for me?  Are they going to give me more drugs?  Most likely.  That's what docs and hospitals do, it's how they treat.  I still get the palpitations and skipped beats in waves. 



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