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Blogging on the new BB forum



I have been in two minds about whether to continue to blog or not.  I have been on BB for such a long time, since 2014 in fact.  Why am I still here?  The reasons are simple, I continue to live with the long term effects of a benzo brain injury and I have made some good friends on this website.  Not only that I have acquired a whole family of virtual critters who inhabit my blog, in fact they think it belongs to them.  They will appear now and again, of that I am sure.  


You can read about my history here. 


Old blog is here. 


It is over 10 years since I completed my taper, I had no idea what was in front of me.  Most of us are in the same boat.  It has been a very long journey, the journey continues.   I have come a long way from being virtually bedridden, however I am still chronically tired and am limited in what I can do in any one day, many days I do very little and have to spend quite a bit of time resting and recovering after being out of the house, meeting friends etc.  Hopefully I can work out how to use this new blogging system.  As well as being on BenzoBuddies I have been very active in campaigning about benzo and antidepressant harms, I have been on Twitter since 2014.  I have been on TV and in the press.  I now take life a bit easier and don't do any more interviews.  I am tired.  I will see how this new blog goes, it isn't so easy to adapt to change now. 

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As it turns out, my daughter is barely allergic to cats and maybe not at all. Without that excuse to fall back on, she has declared she doesn't want any pet at all no matter what. Puff wonders if she considers him to be chopped liver.:classic_rolleyes:

(I haven't given up.)

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Goodness me, this is all rather complicated!   Tootles doesn't need tutoring, she is all grown up and has her own catering business.   Fifi, Buttons and Henri would definitely benefit from it and I am sure Puff would too.  Henri can just get those ideas out of his head and concentrate on his studying.  Mr Stripes can come along and make sure Henri behaves!   Middle of the night here and I can't sleep!!  

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Sorry for your insomnia, Fiona. It's a bear,  I know. Oh my goodness, Bianca didn't know Tootles has her own catering business. :classic_blush: How cool! These must be some of her creations! She's so talented.


bianca 75.jpg

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22 hours ago, [[l...] said:

Goodness me, this is all rather complicated!   Tootles doesn't need tutoring, she is all grown up and has her own catering business.   Fifi, Buttons and Henri would definitely benefit from it and I am sure Puff would too.  Henri can just get those ideas out of his head and concentrate on his studying.  Mr Stripes can come along and make sure Henri behaves!   Middle of the night here and I can't sleep!!  

I'm sorry you had a bad night. I hope tonight is better. Of course, the critters have said they will be extra quiet until you are sleeping better. Or at least until Saturday.:classic_rolleyes:

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7 hours ago, [[o...] said:

Sorry for your insomnia, Fiona. It's a bear,  I know. Oh my goodness, Bianca didn't know Tootles has her own catering business. :classic_blush: How cool! These must be some of her creations! She's so talented.

bianca 75.jpg

OK, now I'm hungry!

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7 hours ago, [[g...] said:

OK, now I'm hungry!

Aunt Gardie can you get the Cat-Craft ordered so Bianca has a free ride to Mansion?

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59 minutes ago, [[b...] said:

Aunt Gardie can you get the Cat-Craft ordered so Bianca has a free ride to Mansion?

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it.

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Thanks, everyone.  Managed to go out with friends yesterday but otherwise not been feeling so good.   It was a lovely day, quite warm, sun shining.  I will have a day in bed today, not feeling up to doing very much.   The Cat Craft does seem to have disappeared but apparently MC has purchased a new mode of transport for the critters.  It will be on its way after the school vacation is over, they have another week off school so Bianca still has time to prepare.  :classic_smile:

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Apparently MC has booked this villa for a week and the critters are jetting off today.   The hall is littered with suitcases. :classic_smile:  No need to pay for flights as they have their own transport. 


Holiday villa in France.jpeg


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Maybe Bianca would like a week at a French villa.  The critters can pop by and pick her up later today.  And Mr Stripes too.  Sorry about this last minute arrangement, the critters are just hopeless at planning ahead.  Would Puff like to go too?  Anyone else?  The villa is big enough!  Maybe Aunties would like a vacation?  Sorry have to make your own way there, the critter transport is for critters only.  :classic_smile:

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I'm glad you were able to go out with friends. It's nice to be able to get out during the warmer months. I'm sorry it always makes you so tired, though. With the critters gone, you should be able to catch up on your rest.

Puffball would like to go to the villa but thinks the new catcraft looks scary! And his mum is NOT booking a flight on an airline. Anyway, he needs to stay here and babysit the kittens.


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Puff is so darn cute, critters said the New Cat-Craft is awesome, MC has such good taste. They are sorry that Puff will not visit, especially Fifi. They have enjoyed the day swimming.

Fiona,glad you got out and about, critters want Mum to visit them soon and all Aunties too, and new critter friends.:classic_biggrin:  Cici designed new suits, but she is going back to the sewing machine...she lost her bikini bottom in the pool oh dear....she said that we all have a new Bikini waiting for all of us...MC charged them to his card...:classic_rolleyes:



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It's Sunday, and the vacationing critters want to assure everyone that they are going to church. Or at least that they are in the general vicinity of something that looks church-y.

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Mr. Stripes is on his way to pick up Bianca on his motorcycle. They'll be on their way to that villa with the pool in a jiffy . . . just as soon as Bianca finishes packing. What to bring for a week at a French villa? Oh dear! 

bianca 81 (2).jpg

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Poor Puff!!  Never mind next time he can go on vacation with the critters.   Glad Bianca and Mr Stripes can go and enjoy the villa.   A new bikini sounds really nice.  I wonder.   Scottie Dog and I have had second thoughts, maybe a villa in France is a great idea after all.  We are off to the airport.  :classic_smile:  How could I miss out on that beautiful swimming pool!!


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I'm sure after the week together at the villa, they will all want to go visit Bianca! 

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I started my kitten fostering journey at the end of May with mainly very difficult kittens, one after the other. I decided I was going to keep fostering to try to find a very laid back kitten who would not be much trouble to keep in a small "apartment," and keep it downstairs with me because I am sick of being alone most of the time. 

My daughter (who said absolutely no adopting, only short-term fosters) and my SIL (who has always wanted a cat) have told me they want to adopt the 2 current kittens I am fostering. Yay! That means I don't have to pay for any more cat expenses, and the cats can come to visit my in-law suite but they do not live down here in my tiny space 24/7. Daughter and SIL have plenty of room for two in their house, which I do not have. The kittens can keep each other company and entertain each other during the crazed-kitten stage and whenever my daughter wants them out of her hair.

The male's name is Leo (let my SIL name the kitten he liked the best), and the female's name is Cali (let my daughter name that one). Leo is a lump who would be basically a doorstop if not for Cali jumping on him and making him play. She is the runt so a little lower energy than the other boys (who have already gone out for adoption). These were both a bit sick with URIs so I kept them longer than I kept the rest. But they are fine now and will go for their surgeries this week and then be adopted by us!

I am drop dead exhausted from all of this, but.....


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Gardie, YAY!!!!!! Those little fosters sure worked their kitten magic on your daughter and SIL. That often happens with fosters, the little rascals. Any idea about names, yet? Here's a kitty celebrating . . .don't know who she is . . . surely not ANOTHER mansion guest? Good grief.


bianca 85.jpg

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That is fantastic news, gardie, I am so pleased for you.  I am sure that having kitties for company will make a big difference to your quality of life.  I mean what would I do without all the critters for company every day.  :classic_smile: 

I have been taking a trip down memory lane today, this is a photo of my great grandmother, the only photo I have of a great grandparent..  I also have very few photos of three of my grandparents!!  My great-grandmother was born in 1839 and died in 1930 so she lived a long life. I wonder what her life was like!!  Must have been very hard.

Agnes Reith.jpeg

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1 hour ago, [[o...] said:

Gardie, YAY!!!!!! Those little fosters sure worked their kitten magic on your daughter and SIL. That often happens with fosters, the little rascals. Any idea about names, yet? Here's a kitty celebrating . . .don't know who she is . . . surely not ANOTHER mansion guest? Good grief.

bianca 85.jpg

That's got to be MC celebrating.

The kittens are Leo and Cali, as they were named by my SIL and daughter in order to get them to attach to them. This has been a long, successful, covert operation!:classic_ninja:

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47 minutes ago, [[l...] said:

That is fantastic news, gardie, I am so pleased for you.  I am sure that having kitties for company will make a big difference to your quality of life.  I mean what would I do without all the critters for company every day.  :classic_smile: 

I have been taking a trip down memory lane today, this is a photo of my great grandmother, the only photo I have of a great grandparent..  I also have very few photos of three of my grandparents!!  My great-grandmother was born in 1839 and died in 1930 so she lived a long life. I wonder what her life was like!!  Must have been very hard.

Agnes Reith.jpeg

I'm so glad you have at least one picture. I know I used to have a picture of my great grandparents, but I haven't seen it in years. I should go look through my old photos! 1839 to 1930. Wow. You are right. Life was hard back then, especially for women, who had so few choices.

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It is funny how we start to think back.  I just realised I never heard my mother talk about her grandparents, she talked about her parents and many of her relatives, I think I would remember if she had talked about them.  I was checking and she would have known three of her grandparents.  Another account is impersonating me on Twitter, the other one was suspended so they have just created another one.  I need the critters to get on the case right away. 

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She looks like a no-nonsense woman, Fiona!  I have only one pic of my grandmother (on my father's side) , but no pics of anyone else in that age group . . . no grandfathers and no grandmother on my mother's side. 



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