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OK. Test reply, then.

Blogging should work. I am sure we will need to apply some tweaks. But is should be operational now.


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Ok Colin, I'll check it out :) Thanks so much!  Love ELO!  All I could think of when I woke this a.m. was dancing.  I hope to be moving by end of Summer, to a city south of me by about 300 miles, that has all sorts of things to do, including lots of dancing ;) Denise

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Yes Oregonlady, ELO:s music is great! And what music do you like?

And more music that make you happy! :clap: I hope so.



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Why is there no end this suffering? 90 months. And how do you explain to others internal organ pain, and other weird symptoms? What can we do? Distraction Alan Rickman as Severus Snape! He was so sexy! And I'm drooling like Homer Simpson. :socool:       R.I.P.



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Hey Anna! Life is suffering, cause we constantly crave something. In order to diminish the suffering, we need to diminish the craving. This is what Buddha has taught me. Together with dear old Arthur Schopenhauer and some guys from ancient Greece. 

"My apartment is one big mess, my head is one big mess, my life is one big mess - but I'm a work in project." Sounds as though I was manic.

Lemmy had one hell of a life, but look how he managed. Stopped listening to the music recently, was so depressed.

I'm watching your Swedish compatriot, Benita Larsson, on YouTube and think: "shoot me", "shoot me now"😆 Her life/apartment is so damn neat & orderly. Total opposite of mine. Why cannot I be like her? Here is to chaos and Lemmy:



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Thanks Estee, I love the music! :clap:

Since English is not my native language, I just want to give up this new forum. I'm totally lost, and I feel so stupid at time.  :idiot:  And everything feels like a big mess because I don't understand. It was so easy to find on the old forum, and now so much have disappeared.

Why these changes??? 23 pages questions and problems "support". I think a lot of sick members have lost interest and given up. Maybe this new forum is easier for the moderators, but I don't know what to do.   :brickwall:




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Just give it time dear Anna. I also feel lost. I log here regularly and just browse. We need to get accustomed to the changes. There really is no alternative. I wouldn't trust Facebook with my data, even under a fake name. There are these stages of adaptation to change models in psychology, here is one:


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Most of us don't handle change well, given our age, circumstances, also our IT shortcomings. Life is all about learning. I'm planning to stay, cause people put a lot of effort into it and probably had a vision, which I'm currently unable to grasp completely. But I've been here since 2015 and I've learnt a lot.

This is a unique place on the net. I may not agree with many things, but I consider most social sites harmful to me. Except this one and Youtube. You are here for a reason: to be aware that there's no such thing as safety from the BZD.

I went to AA meetings with Husband and I sometimes wanted to strangle the guy who was talking. But this constant brainwashing made me unable to drink even a drop of alcohol, so it turned out effective. I disagreed with so many things. But he went, so did I.

Sometimes all you have to do is to hang around, learn and observe. Sometimes you don't even have to talk. When you feel like you have nothing to say. Nothing that would make sense. Just for the sake of talking.

There are so many ways of communication different than words. And words can be totally fake, manipulative, dishonest. This is the trick with the internet. The longer you hang around, the more you learn about people. As you have no chance of non-verbal communication, which is the main form of communication.

Love, Paula

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