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I know you are not doctors


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Thank you all for the insults.


I did not mean to offend anyone. This is not an offense. I am sorry when people call me maniac, ignorant, stupid, delusional, paranoid ... But I am used to. Because of my work. I thought I could share here some of my findings (with the evidence) and I will NEVER apologize for speaking the truth.


If you want to BAN me DO IT.

I don't CARE.

I prefer to die before telling lies just because the mass media which have the same shareholders than Pfizer protects its owners business.


And I understand that after sharing my research, I will not receive any help from the people here. Not the first time I pay the price of not being part of the herd....


So ...


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I am sorry when people call me maniac, ignorant, stupid, delusional, paranoid


I'll have to look back through this thread, but I don't recall anyone calling you any sorts of names.  Your IDEAS and OPINIONS are what have been called into question. 

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and others using terms like "god damn ignorant and fucking stupid"....

she/he doesnt have great english, so they probably misread that as a direct address...

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Thank you all for the insults.


I did not mean to offend anyone. This is not an offense. I am sorry when people call me maniac, ignorant, stupid, delusional, paranoid ... But I am used to. Because of my work. I thought I could share here some of my findings (with the evidence) and I will NEVER apologize for speaking the truth.


If you want to BAN me DO IT.

I don't CARE.

I prefer to die before telling lies just because the mass media which have the same shareholders than Pfizer protects its owners business.


And I understand that after sharing my research, I will not receive any help from the people here. Not the first time I pay the price of not being part of the herd....


So ...



This is really really combative.... Before you start accusing others of insulting you take a moment to reflect on what you said please.

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I agree with Colin on this. Wakefield was clearly shown to be a fraud, lost his license and became a pariah in the scientific community. Recently,  an extremely well known researcher from South Korea was exposed for faking data on his stem cell research. I'm more familiar with the doctor in South Africa, Werner Bezwoda, who faked his research on bone marrow transplants and high dose chemotherapy for breast cancer. Bezwoda became a highly sought after speaker and was acclaimed internationally for some years until his fraud was exposed. After he started publishing his made up findings, it seemed all the major research centers jumped in. It takes a long time to get funding, conduct the treatment and follow the patients for several years to accumulate survival data. When Bezwoda's results could not be reproduced, the studies were repeated and eventually his fraud was exposed. Bezwoda did enjoy several years of scientific fame until it all came down. Sort of like Bernie Madoff. Breast cancer research was set back for maybe a decade in this area. Unfortunately, fraud has always existed in science and medicine.  Who knows how many people have been killed by these fraudsters? I've been interested in the psychology of belief in discredited claims. Some believers are certainly not stupid, but they always seem to have a background in something other than the field in which they believe in a disproven claim. A "true believer" tends to exhibit a high degree of emotionalism and I've yet to run into one who has changed his mind.






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It is very easy to throw around "evidence", and state that your evidence is the truth, but I can guarantee you that for every piece of evidence that says one thing, there will be another piece of evidence that says the opposite.


TBH, I don't have any faith in the evidence that’s given as the work of someone who has no medical credentials at all, and who basically blames cancer victims for their own illness. This is very insulting to all those people who owe their lives to the advanced cancer treatments of today.


If cancer is something best left alone, to do its own thing, then why have survival rates for breast cancer been steadily increasing since the early 90s? This has been due to improved education, early detection and treatment, although I’m sure you’ll have some reason to say those facts aren’t “reliable”, but I’m afraid I get pretty bored with conspiracy theories.


I have a friend who was diagnosed with cancer in both breasts 20 years ago. She had both breasts removed, reconstructive surgery and chemo, and 20 years later she is still travelling the world as a Red Cross nurse. Her sister, who was diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years after her, chose not to have treatment, and followed some idiotic “alternative” treatment, and is now dead. 


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I am glad your friend survived DP. Unfortunately my only sister died from breast cancer at 52 after diagnosis at 48. She did everything she could medically and had the biggest optimistic and brave heart I've ever see. She had everything to live for - five kids and a first grandchild on the way. She adored children and had fostered a large number, including one child who had to be removed from an abusive home who was left with my sister until 2 weeks before she died. Her grown son cared for her at home.


I suffered endometrial cancer 6 years ago and it took 3 gynaecologists to diagnose me. I recently told my GP that he saved my life because he said, 'get a third opinion'. I am recovered so far.


I am not saying 'poor me' as I think cancer is such an insidious and common disease in our world that there would not be many people here or anywhere who have not been touched by it in some way.


That is why it is so hurtful to see someone dismiss cancer as a 'lifestyle' illness or suggest it will fix itself. Little babies get it. And the 'positive attitude' mantra smacks of blaming the victim for not 'trying hard enough' to get better.


Sad memories are stirred up by this sort of talk.


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Why 60 years ago there were only two vaccines for children and those children (today adults) can live perfectly?


Why all people die of cancer when our great-grandparents died of natural causes and cancer was a rare disease? Except for those who were sprayed with Monsanto's Agent Orange in Vietnam?

Why do people heal without any treatment?


Why after seeing the EVIDENCE that I posted exposing that mass media and major laboratories have the same owners-shareholders you still believe that media is honest and capable of ruining the pharmaceutical business attacking its own owners?

Why after seen the evidence behind the unfair attack against Dr. Wakefield  you still believe he's a fraud?


I could understand this from the people who is not aware of the crimes perpetrated by laboratories but no from people which is suffering thanks to the labs in a benzodiazepines withdrawal forum...


Anyway I am done here.

You all hate me in the same way you all hate the truth.

I will not receive any help here and I don't feel comfortable sharing my fears and my problems with people who are insulting me and denigrating my work even when while facing the evidence a quoted.


Requesting to be removed of this forum.

Good luck, good bye. :idiot:

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Hi brendarmar,


I think you can still get support here. No one hates you. It's just hard for most to agree with your comments on this thread. I suggest you let all of this go and continue to seek support. However, if you feel you do need to leave, you can leave a ticket at the help desk and someone from the team will help you with that.


Best of luck.



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I'm a lot older than you and know more about the history of these things you mention--I lived through some of it.  Let me correct some of your assumptions:


Why 60 years ago there were only two vaccines for children and those children (today adults) can live perfectly?


I was born in 1950, and at that time polio, or infantile paralysis, was rampant all over the world.  There was no cure once you got it.  I remember one time, as a small child I went wading/swimming in a small creek near where we lived.  There were beautiful tree frogs there and I wanted to see them.  Well, my mother practically had a heart attack when she found out.  I didn't understand, but this is how people--usually small children--contracted polio.


In 1955, when I was 5, the first polio vaccine was tested on children in the U.S.  It was the biggest medical trial ever.  Hundreds of thousands of children got the shots, and I can still remember lining up with all the little kids for it.  It was celebrated all over the world as a medical miracle.


Why all people die of cancer when our great-grandparents died of natural causes and cancer was a rare disease? Except for those who were sprayed with Monsanto's Agent Orange in Vietnam?

Why do people heal without any treatment?


This is not true.  Our great grandparents did not all "die of natural causes."  Up to a hundred years ago most people died of communicable diseases, many of which, if not most of which have now been vanquished by modern vaccines. A hundred years ago most people did not live to see 60.  Dying in your 40's or 50's was the norm. 


Why after seeing the EVIDENCE that I posted exposing that mass media and major laboratories have the same owners-shareholders you still believe that media is honest and capable of ruining the pharmaceutical business attacking its own owners?

Why after seen the evidence behind the unfair attack against Dr. Wakefield  you still believe he's a fraud?


Your Dr. Wakefield and much of the other "evidence" you cite has been proven to be highly flawed.  You can believe this stuff if you like, but you have no right to try to force it on others.  It has no place on this forum.


I could understand this from the people who is not aware of the crimes perpetrated by laboratories but no from people which is suffering thanks to the labs in a benzodiazepines withdrawal forum...


Anyway I am done here.

You all hate me in the same way you all hate the truth.

I will not receive any help here and I don't feel comfortable sharing my fears and my problems with people who are insulting me and denigrating my work even when while facing the evidence a quoted.


Requesting to be removed of this forum.

Good luck, good bye. :idiot:


Whether you leave or not is up to you.  No one "hates" you, but your opinions are highly offensive to most people here.



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No one is calling you a liar.  You obviously believe this stuff.  However, we are saying that your theories have no basis in fact.


If you post these kinds of outlandish "conspiracy theories" here, you can expect other members to dispute them.  In fact, Colin, the founder/owner of BenzoBuddies, encourages healthy (polite) debate of these sorts of theories if they appear on this forum.  We will continue to do so, with you or whoever else might post things like this.  It is nothing personal.



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What Megan has said is very true. I'm not quite "as old" as Megan (sorry Megan..lol...), but I was born in 1959 and I know that most of what you are saying Brenda is just crap. I was certainly vaccinated against more than just two things when I was a baby/child.


Polio was something that sent parents into a panic, until the vaccine breakthrough. I remember seeing a documentary on it not that long ago. Years ago a lot of people also died from "unknown causes", and a lot of those unknown causes are now known to have been cancer.


What about Consumption? That was something that a lot of people commonly died from, even as recently as when my grandparents were alive. It was a prolonged and hideous disease where you would basically start coughing up bits of your own lung. These days it's called tuberculosis, and very few people even know anything about it, thanks to vaccines and better hygiene.


In the late 70s I was vaccinated against small pox, because I was travelling to a country (south east Asia) where it was still contractible. Now, small pox has been totally eradicated because of vaccines.


These are undeniable facts, yet you keep insisting that we’re wrong. Many people have given a lot of their time to try to help you with your benzo problem. It's very sad to see you being so combative over facts that are basically very flawed, as are most things that come from the conspiracy theory camp.


I understand that a lot of people feel very let down by their doctors because of their benzo issue, but to blame the entire medical community, and question all the advancements that have been made is – well – just ridiculous and ungrateful as far as I’m concerned.


Take a good look around you Brenda and really think about all the benefits you are enjoying today, simply because of modern medicine.


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I am glad your friend survived DP. Unfortunately my only sister died from breast cancer at 52 after diagnosis at 48. She did everything she could medically and had the biggest optimistic and brave heart I've ever see. She had everything to live for - five kids and a first grandchild on the way. She adored children and had fostered a large number, including one child who had to be removed from an abusive home who was left with my sister until 2 weeks before she died. Her grown son cared for her at home.


I suffered endometrial cancer 6 years ago and it took 3 gynaecologists to diagnose me. I recently told my GP that he saved my life because he said, 'get a third opinion'. I am recovered so far.


I am not saying 'poor me' as I think cancer is such an insidious and common disease in our world that there would not be many people here or anywhere who have not been touched by it in some way.


That is why it is so hurtful to see someone dismiss cancer as a 'lifestyle' illness or suggest it will fix itself. Little babies get it. And the 'positive attitude' mantra smacks of blaming the victim for not 'trying hard enough' to get better.


Sad memories are stirred up by this sort of talk.



I'm sorry to hear all that Xana. Cancer is such an insidious disease, and I doubt that there is anyone who hasn't been touched by in in some way. So to hear it being dismissed as being a "lifestyle" issue, and therefore the patient much be somehow responsible, is just disgusting.

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What Megan has said is very true. I'm not quite "as old" as Megan (sorry Megan..lol...), but I was born in 1959 and I know that most of what you are saying Brenda is just crap. I was certainly vaccinated against more than just two things when I was a baby/child.


Polio was something that sent parents into a panic, until the vaccine breakthrough. I remember seeing a documentary on it not that long ago. Years ago a lot of people also died from "unknown causes", and a lot of those unknown causes are now known to have been cancer.


What about Consumption? That was something that a lot of people commonly died from, even as recently as when my grandparents were alive. It was a prolonged and hideous disease where you would basically start coughing up bits of your own lung. These days it's called tuberculosis, and very few people even know anything about it, thanks to vaccines and better hygiene.


In the late 70s I was vaccinated against small pox, because I was travelling to a country (south east Asia) where it was still contractible. Now, small pox has been totally eradicated because of vaccines.


These are undeniable facts, yet you keep insisting that we’re wrong. Many people have given a lot of their time to try to help you with your benzo problem. It's very sad to see you being so combative over facts that are basically very flawed, as are most things that come from the conspiracy theory camp.


I understand that a lot of people feel very let down by their doctors because of their benzo issue, but to blame the entire medical community, and question all the advancements that have been made is – well – just ridiculous and ungrateful as far as I’m concerned.


Take a good look around you Brenda and really think about all the benefits you are enjoying today, simply because of modern medicine.


Exactly DP. Well said!


Looks like I must have been one of the first wave of polio vaccinations. I am a tad older than you. I still bear a large scar on my upper arm in memory of the smallpox vaccine we all received when migrating to Australia in 1961.


I remember my mother telling me she remembered the invention of antibiotics (penicillin). My sister was a small child and very ill. She said it was like a miracle to see her recover quickly. So many medicines as well as vaccines have prolonged lives.


I was recently rather amused about a facebook acquaintance (not friend) of mine who does not believe in vaccination and has 3 young children who have had none. The eldest is 7 and cries in fear if she HAS to go to a doctor because she has been brainwashed into thinking they are bad. While they were on holiday in Germany her husband stood on something and straight away went for a tetanus shot!  ::) Rapid tun around!


This same person (woman) also nearly died from pneumonia last year because she caught some bad strain of flu (the one that did kill that young mother here in Qld). She had refused to have a flu shot. During this illness she gave birth at home (as planned) with a doula. In the photos she looked so sick. She finally gave in and took antibiotics - but was pondering whether to take the whole course. In the 'good old days' she (and  the baby) possibly would have died. Did she change her mind about flu shots? No. I just don't understand it.



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Hi Brendamar,


Please don't leave the forum. I understand that you're upset but why not think things over for a day or two and see how you feel?


I hope you'll stay and let us help you with your taper.


I certainly don't hate you, no of course not. You seem like a very likeable person and I find you intelligent and thoughtful. I know you are very strong in your beliefs and while I don't agree with them all, I admire your passion.


My life has been touched by cancer too; I lost my father to colon cancer. I'm not offended by what you wrote because it is just an opinion, and it may have some merit. I just don't know. I empathize with other members here who took umbrage at what you wrote but I also believe that you didn't try to offend so it's "case closed" to my way of thinking.


Anyway that's my two cents.

Please reconsider? I would like to see you finish your taper and if I can help I would be pleased to do that.



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What Megan has said is very true. I'm not quite "as old" as Megan (sorry Megan..lol...), but I was born in 1959 and I know that most of what you are saying Brenda is just crap. I was certainly vaccinated against more than just two things when I was a baby/child.


Polio was something that sent parents into a panic, until the vaccine breakthrough. I remember seeing a documentary on it not that long ago. Years ago a lot of people also died from "unknown causes", and a lot of those unknown causes are now known to have been cancer.


What about Consumption? That was something that a lot of people commonly died from, even as recently as when my grandparents were alive. It was a prolonged and hideous disease where you would basically start coughing up bits of your own lung. These days it's called tuberculosis, and very few people even know anything about it, thanks to vaccines and better hygiene.


In the late 70s I was vaccinated against small pox, because I was travelling to a country (south east Asia) where it was still contractible. Now, small pox has been totally eradicated because of vaccines.


These are undeniable facts, yet you keep insisting that we’re wrong. Many people have given a lot of their time to try to help you with your benzo problem. It's very sad to see you being so combative over facts that are basically very flawed, as are most things that come from the conspiracy theory camp.


I understand that a lot of people feel very let down by their doctors because of their benzo issue, but to blame the entire medical community, and question all the advancements that have been made is – well – just ridiculous and ungrateful as far as I’m concerned.


Take a good look around you Brenda and really think about all the benefits you are enjoying today, simply because of modern medicine.


Exactly DP. Well said!


Looks like I must have been one of the first wave of polio vaccinations. I am a tad older than you. I still bear a large scar on my upper arm in memory of the smallpox vaccine we all received when migrating to Australia in 1961.


I remember my mother telling me she remembered the invention of antibiotics (penicillin). My sister was a small child and very ill. She said it was like a miracle to see her recover quickly. So many medicines as well as vaccines have prolonged lives.


I was recently rather amused about a facebook acquaintance (not friend) of mine who does not believe in vaccination and has 3 young children who have had none. The eldest is 7 and cries in fear if she HAS to go to a doctor because she has been brainwashed into thinking they are bad. While they were on holiday in Germany her husband stood on something and straight away went for a tetanus shot!  ::) Rapid tun around!


This same person (woman) also nearly died from pneumonia last year because she caught some bad strain of flu (the one that did kill that young mother here in Qld). She had refused to have a flu shot. During this illness she gave birth at home (as planned) with a doula. In the photos she looked so sick. She finally gave in and took antibiotics - but was pondering whether to take the whole course. In the 'good old days' she (and  the baby) possibly would have died. Did she change her mind about flu shots? No. I just don't understand it.




I went to primary school with some kids who’d migrated to Australia. For some reason I was always jealous of those funny little scars they had on their upper arms. I wanted my own small pox scar. If ever I got a scab on my arm I would always pretend it was my small pox scar. The weird things kids do ..lol… I had to wait until I was about 18, but I finally got my own scar. It’s less noticeable than it used to be, but it’s still there.


I remember receiving my polio vaccine. It was when they were still giving it orally. Sabin I think it was called. I still remember having it given to me on a little spoon. It was pink and tasted sweet. At least that’s how I remember it anyway.


What always upsets me about people who refuse to have vaccinations is that they don't consider the danger they are putting other people in. There are a lot of people who aren't able to have vaccinations because of other health issues, or simply because they are too young. I wonder how many people have seen a teeny tiny baby struggling to breathe because they've contracted whooping cough and they were too young to be vaccinated. If we had the majority of people vaccinated we would have "herd" protection and these people wouldn't be put in jeopardy. There are some diseases which were almost unheard of 10-20 years ago, but are now making a comeback because of people who refuse to vaccinate.


Anyway, to Brenda, I know you are having a tough time with your taper, because I’ve read your posts on the valium thread. I also know how much help and support people have been giving you. Please don’t throw all that away because people don’t agree with your POV.  We are all entitled to have our own opinions. You need help and support with your benzo taper. Don’t leave just because of one silly thread, or because people don't agree with you.


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Hi Brendamar,


Please don't leave the forum. I understand that you're upset but why not think things over for a day or two and see how you feel?


I hope you'll stay and let us help you with your taper.


I certainly don't hate you, no of course not. You seem like a very likeable person and I find you intelligent and thoughtful. I know you are very strong in your beliefs and while I don't agree with them all, I admire your passion.


My life has been touched by cancer too; I lost my father to colon cancer. I'm not offended by what you wrote because it is just an opinion, and it may have some merit. I just don't know. I empathize with other members here who took umbrage at what you wrote but I also believe that you didn't try to offend so it's "case closed" to my way of thinking.


Anyway that's my two cents.

Please reconsider? I would like to see you finish your taper and if I can help I would be pleased to do that.




I know that 90% of people believe big pharma lies. MY FATHER HAVE CANCER TOO

My bad......!

posting here evidence which nobody wants to see.

But even being my bad Is better to me leaving.


Im not the "attention whxxe" Im just leaving.

thank you anyway,  :smitten:


BTW and I repeat: My father have cancer tooo. And I dont use it as a crutch or slogan.


One of my father's best friend died of a flu, with his immune system destroyed by Cancer industry: Rays, chemotherapy.


You know.. this is a world where you don't have nothing to fear, excepting Corporations and its destructive products.



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Hi Brendamar,


Please don't leave the forum. I understand that you're upset but why not think things over for a day or two and see how you feel?


I hope you'll stay and let us help you with your taper.


I certainly don't hate you, no of course not. You seem like a very likeable person and I find you intelligent and thoughtful. I know you are very strong in your beliefs and while I don't agree with them all, I admire your passion.


My life has been touched by cancer too; I lost my father to colon cancer. I'm not offended by what you wrote because it is just an opinion, and it may have some merit. I just don't know. I empathize with other members here who took umbrage at what you wrote but I also believe that you didn't try to offend so it's "case closed" to my way of thinking.


Anyway that's my two cents.

Please reconsider? I would like to see you finish your taper and if I can help I would be pleased to do that.




I will miss posts like this  :'(


Anyway.. but my my principles and ideals are stronger than my fear I think.

Sometimes I really wish to be different. But I helped a lot of people by spreading the truth. Thats cool :)


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Okay Brenda, if you are so set on leaving there really isn't anything anyone can say. It's your decision after all. I hope you have gained enough information to complete your cross over and taper without any problems at all. Don’t forget that even if you aren’t a member you will still be able to read a lot of the information here, if you should need it.


It just seems such a shame that this is all over one thread where people haven't agreed with your POV. I've had a lot of people disagree with me, but it's never made me want to leave. It's called life. People are not always going to agree with you. Everyone is entitled to believe want they want to believe. You choose to believe what you believe, and others choose to believe differently. Who's to say who is right or wrong.


This whole thing isn't even relevant to the actual reason all of us are here. We should all be connected by our one aim to be benzo free. How or why anyone started taking benzos is totally irrelevant. We just don't want to take them anymore. What any of this has to do with cancer or vaccines is beyond me.


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I am from Esterrn Europe and I moved to Canada 11years ago. From the beggining I was told that there are certain tabu subjects that I shall not discuss except when the very close friends. I am taking about politics and religion.

Initially I found that outrageous. With time I learned that it had a certain logic behind: conflict makes you lose focus on the current essential things.


I think that for the "safety" of our forum, vaccines and cancer treatments may be added to that list. I have my own opinions, quite contrary to the majority on these subjects, but I chosed not to intervene because I didn't want to keep a dispute alive that is not helping anyone here.


Funny thing that even Colin and Bart, some of the coolest guys here ( I mean cool and reserved) got very passionate about this subject, totally out of the forum' s scope.

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