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I know you are not doctors


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Actually no one ever died of cancer. People die for the terrible treatments.



I really don't want to get involved in this discussion about vaccines, but I honestly can't believe you actually just said that. Do you actually think that cancer is some kind of benign illness, that if left alone will just go away like some common cold. Come on....


You are fast to read !

I linked a book.

anyway: A doctor prescribed you benzodiazepines or no? How many warnings about benzodiazepines you saw in TV?

What was your doctor warning about benzos?

I cant believe you still believe the industry is concerned about your health.



It was MY choice to take valium. I take full responsibility. My doctor did give me warnings about it, but when you are suffering from menopausal insomnia you don't always make good decisions. I will not say anything bad about my doctor at all. She has been incredibly supportive.


I didn't read too fast. I saw your link, but I was asking you what YOU thought, not what someone else thinks. You have provided one link to one book, and that is supposed to convince me that what you are saying is correct. Sorry, it doesn't.


I suspect that it wouldn't matter what links I provided, you would still say it wasn't "trustable". I've learned that it's pointless debating these kinds of things because you obviously have a very specific POV, and that is a POV I don't share, and you're not going to convince me otherwise.

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Actually no one ever died of cancer. People die for the terrible treatments.



I really don't want to get involved in this discussion about vaccines, but I honestly can't believe you actually just said that. Do you actually think that cancer is some kind of benign illness, that if left alone will just go away like some common cold. Come on....


You are fast to read !

I linked a book.

anyway: A doctor prescribed you benzodiazepines or no? How many warnings about benzodiazepines you saw in TV?

What was your doctor warning about benzos?

I cant believe you still believe the industry is concerned about your health.



It was MY choice to take valium. I take full responsibility. My doctor did give me warnings about it, but when you are suffering from menopausal insomnia you don't always make good decisions. I will not say anything bad about my doctor at all. She has been incredibly supportive.


I didn't read too fast. I saw your link, but I was asking you what YOU thought, not what someone else thinks. You have provided one link to one book, and that is supposed to convince me that what you are saying is correct. Sorry, it doesn't.


I suspect that it wouldn't matter what links I provided, you would still say it wasn't "trustable". I've learned that it's pointless debating these kinds of things because you obviously have a very specific POV, and that is a POV I don't share, and you're not going to convince me otherwise.



I have more links if you want.

Because I really believe what I said and I did a huge investigation that I can provide you.


I'm so sorry for my abrupt answer.  :sick:  And I'm sorry that you've had to go through this.  :( However I did not make the informed decision to take clonazepam. I was cheated. And most people are.  :(


That book says that cancer is not a disease but a survival mechanism. Says the body would never do anything against your health. In a few words the doctor says that cancer is a body response similar to stress.


The doctor who had a lot of experience with cancer patients and wrote the book says Cancer is a warning for you to change your lifestyle or... for example and being more graphic: move to another house if you live near a nuclear plant. But mainly talks about everyday habits and even unresolved emotional issues.

He says chemotherapy, surgery and rays have nosense, saying that those therapies are the same than spray water on the leaves of a diseased tree, instead of searching for the real problem in the root.


He says that 80% of tumors dissolve without help while appearing and disappearing in the body all the time. As support he quote an study of autopsies in USA over people who died by natural causes. Forensic doctors found remains of tumors dissolved long ago, deceased elders were never aware about it.


He's not the only doctor condemning the cancer industry. If you would like more information I can leave links. :)

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The man who wrote that book is not a doctor. He also died quite young under "undisclosed" circumstances, so make of that what you will.


Thanks, but I'll take my information from the medical community, because I have a basic distrust of the alternate practitioner community (of which this author was one).

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The man who wrote that book is not a doctor. He also died quite young under "undisclosed" circumstances, so make of that what you will.


Thanks, but I'll take my information from the medical community, because I have a basic distrust of the alternate practitioner community (of which this author was one).


Ok.  :)

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It was a licenced, and supposedly highly recommended and qualified, naturopath who totally screwed up my whole hormonal system, caused me to consider suicide, and is what resulted in me needing to take valium for menopausal insomnia.


It was my stubbornness about wanting to handle my menopause "naturally" with a naturopath (which in reality is actually "artificially") that stopped me from listening to my doctor. Once I gave in, and allowed her to treat me with natural and regulated hormones, I began to feel well again for the first time in about 12 months. Sorry, but you won't get any positive comments from me about naturopaths.

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It was a licenced, and supposedly highly recommended and qualified, naturopath who totally screwed up my whole hormonal system, caused me to consider suicide, and is what resulted in me needing to take valium for menopausal insomnia.


It was my stubbornness about wanting to handle my menopause "naturally" with a naturopath (which in reality is actually "artificially") that stopped me from listening to my doctor. Once I gave in, and allowed her to treat me with natural and regulated hormones, I began to feel well again for the first time in about 12 months. Sorry, but you won't get any positive comments from me about naturopaths.


There are good people and bad people in all areas.

I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

I also know many charlatans.

There are stupid people and smart people too. And unfortunately they can study any career.  :(

But I came to this forum because you and everyone else here, are precisely an alternative support.


If you are interested in the above topic I can cite reputable doctors who criticize the cancer industry and recommend alternative techniques.


Dr. Mercola has written two best sellers for the New York Times, and he was consulted from many major TV shows.

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The only kind of problem the doctors are good for.


I hope your life will not take a direction that will make you want to eat those words.


Medical doctors spend a great many years studying. They are selected to do this study from the highest of our academic achievers here in Australia. They are highly intelligent. Amongst the most highly intelligent in our community. I believe most of them want to help people. Some are poor communicators. Some are greedy. Some are incompetent. Some let their patients down. But you will find this scenario in all areas of expertise.


I find this frequently occurring derogatory commenting on doctors highly offensive. Most doctors sacrifice many things in life to help people. They work terrible hours during training. Then they work long hours when practicing. They have to know an incredible amount of information. They have to deal with all sorts of people - some of whom are mentally ill or physically and mentally handicapped. They most definitely save many lives. While they are doing all this, their families often suffer.


They are human. They make mistakes. Don't we all?


Please give them a break. Every one of us needs their help many times through our lifetime. Have some respect. Please.




Sadly universities are totally co-opted by Big Pharma. The doctors learn many things but also while they suffer a brainwashing.


And Big Pharma is just a crap.

There in Australia now they want to try an aerial vaccine which will be sprayed without dose control over the population. That sounds very similar to fumigation for me.


The problem is not the honest people who start medicine with the hope of saving lifes. The problem are things like this:






Check Mercola.com for more terrible vaccines and medications.


Doctors can save lives after an accident where people suffered physical damage. Or muscle problems. O making surgeries. And nothing more.


The vaccine industry, the cancer industry, and the industry of legal addictive drugs are the problem. WHO = CRAP for me.


Edit: links deactivated




I'm sorry to be so blunt, but, bullshit! The whole anti-vaccine movement is asinine. There is always a theoretical risk associated with any medical procedure/intervention, but vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives (or more)! You have heard of smallpox, haven't you!? Have you heard of the sharp rise in preventable deaths from diseases which were all but irradiated (in the West) until the past decade or so? And, all down to people who - foolishly - think the tiny theoretical risk of being inoculated with a vaccine compares with the risk of developing the disease.


It gets worse than this. There are groups of people who cannot take vaccines for specific and real medical reasons (babies, or those who are allergic to the vaccine). They have no choice but to risk not taking the vaccine, but because growing numbers of people are too lazy to research the true situation for themselves (instead believing some self-obsessed idiot on the Net), the number of unvaccinated individuals rises and those almost extinct diseases become almost common again, killing not only the fools who will not take the vaccine for specious reasons, but also those who cannot legitimately take the vaccination, including babies. What a ridiculous state of affairs. How damn selfish.


This idiot must take a large chunk of the blame:






He had his license to practice medicine revoked - he should have been jailed! After all, he acted out personal financial gain. Not only an idiot, but an asshole too!


I strongly suggest that you read the following Wikipedia page. It includes many links and references:




I've not read through this thread, but clearly the above belongs on The Alt. Therapies board - where it might be dissected there too.


brendamar, I hope you understand why my response is so strong. I don't think it is fair to allow people to post such unsubstantiated and dangerous claims without them being challenged in strong terms.

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I generally highly respect your opinions. In fact I have just wrote that on another post. I disagree with you this time. My disagreement is based on years of research. I am an engineer not a doctor, but I am good with math and statistics. The last hundred years of statistics show a very different image of the current "saving lives" dogma. I keep questioning everything.

I did not intervene on the vaccine subject because I consider is sort of out of place on this forum. It is also a subject that can create very heated discussions, that again have no place here.

You may find weird but a lot of "anti-vaccins" people are more educated and more inquisitives than average.

I will stop here and I promise not to carry on any vaccines debate on this forum. I am sure that the bad of the benzos is big enough that may make any vaccination effects negligible.

All is in the context .....

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Hi darkshadow,


If you have some good references, even secondary sources (as I did with Wikipedia), please feel free to post them.


I think of it like this. If there is ever a good and valid piece of information, it is buried by the general anti-vaccine propaganda (spread by some). Much the same effect happens with Scientology. If ever Scientology should have a legitimate point to make about Psychiatry, it would be destroyed by the overwhelming amount of specious propaganda with which they attempt to misinform the general public. Worse, because of this incredulous propaganda, it also destroys any legitimate concerns and debate others might make about how psychiatry is practiced. I assume you have some specific examples in mind. Yes?

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The only kind of problem the doctors are good for.


I hope your life will not take a direction that will make you want to eat those words.


Medical doctors spend a great many years studying. They are selected to do this study from the highest of our academic achievers here in Australia. They are highly intelligent. Amongst the most highly intelligent in our community. I believe most of them want to help people. Some are poor communicators. Some are greedy. Some are incompetent. Some let their patients down. But you will find this scenario in all areas of expertise.


I find this frequently occurring derogatory commenting on doctors highly offensive. Most doctors sacrifice many things in life to help people. They work terrible hours during training. Then they work long hours when practicing. They have to know an incredible amount of information. They have to deal with all sorts of people - some of whom are mentally ill or physically and mentally handicapped. They most definitely save many lives. While they are doing all this, their families often suffer.


They are human. They make mistakes. Don't we all?


Please give them a break. Every one of us needs their help many times through our lifetime. Have some respect. Please.




Sadly universities are totally co-opted by Big Pharma. The doctors learn many things but also while they suffer a brainwashing.


And Big Pharma is just a crap.

There in Australia now they want to try an aerial vaccine which will be sprayed without dose control over the population. That sounds very similar to fumigation for me.


The problem is not the honest people who start medicine with the hope of saving lifes. The problem are things like this:






Check Mercola.com for more terrible vaccines and medications.


Doctors can save lives after an accident where people suffered physical damage. Or muscle problems. O making surgeries. And nothing more.


The vaccine industry, the cancer industry, and the industry of legal addictive drugs are the problem. WHO = CRAP for me.


Edit: links deactivated




I'm sorry to be so blunt, but, bullshit! The whole anti-vaccine movement is asinine. There is always a theoretical risk associated with any medical procedure/intervention, but vaccines have saved hundreds of millions of lives (or more)! You have heard of smallpox, haven't you!? Have you heard of the sharp rise in preventable deaths from diseases which were all but irradiated (in the West) until the past decade or so? And, all down to people who - foolishly - think the tiny theoretical risk of being inoculated with a vaccine compares with the risk of developing the disease.


It gets worse than this. There are groups of people who cannot take vaccines for specific and real medical reasons (babies, or those who are allergic to the vaccine). They have no choice but to risk not taking the vaccine, but because growing numbers of people are too lazy to research the true situation for themselves (instead believing some self-obsessed idiot on the Net), the number of unvaccinated individuals rises and those almost extinct diseases become almost common again, killing not only the fools who will not take the vaccine for specious reasons, but also those who cannot legitimately take the vaccination, including babies. What a ridiculous state of affairs. How damn selfish.


This idiot must take a large chunk of the blame:






He had his license to practice medicine revoked - he should have been jailed! After all, he acted out personal financial gain. Not only an idiot, but an asshole too!


I strongly suggest that you read the following Wikipedia page. It includes many links and references:




I've not read through this thread, but clearly the above belongs on The Alt. Therapies board - where it might be dissected there too.


brendamar, I hope you understand why my response is so strong. I don't think it is fair to allow people to post such unsubstantiated and dangerous claims without them being challenged in strong terms.


I find just sad your perspective.

And I find aggressive that you have removed the links

You INSULTS mothers and families who lost their daughters because of the HPV vaccine ... (SaneVax)


And you call Andrew Wakefield and idiot

precisely ...


This guy : Rupert Murdoch could face criminal charges in US


was responsible for disrepute of Andrew Wakefield.


Rupert Murdoch is CEO-director of the media empire News Corp.


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Murdoch have several criminal allegations, including that his News of the World tabloid illegally hacked private phone lines and committed various other crimes.


But Murdoch's media malpractice runs even deeper as his strong connections to the pharmaceutical industry also fueled his media machine's fabrication of lies against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, as well as hid from the public the true dangers of DNA vaccines that permanently corrupt human genes and cause autism.


Murdoch has built quite a reputation for himself as a scoundrel of sorts, as many Americans who identify with the "left" side of the political spectrum have accused him of pandering to the "right" by skewing the news to appeal to "conservatives" (Murdoch owns FOX News, after all).


But what Murdoch's organization is actually doing on all fronts with its various media outlets, including FOX, is pushing much bigger agendas that supersede any alleged "right vs. left" paradigm. One such agenda is News Corp.'s routine censorship of the dangerous truth about drugs and vaccines, which include smear campaigns like those levied against Dr. Wakefield who conduct legitimate research that contradicts mainstream medical thought.


Dr. Wakefield basically discovered through credible research that the combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was linked to mental and physiological health problems, and that the individual measles vaccine should be given to children instead until further research on the safety of MMR could be conducted.


The findings were credible, responsibly-derived, and honest in their assessment -- but they resulted in a tirade of lies and slander against Dr. Wakefield.


The statements included false accusations that he is opposed to all vaccinations, that he had manipulated his data, and that he is basically unfit to be a doctor, despite the fact that he is arguably one of the most well-respected and highly-educated gastroenterologists in the world. In the end, though, Dr. Wakefield ended up having his study pulled from the esteemed UK journal Lancet, and his UK medical license was revoked.


And just who was responsible for the annihilation campaign against Dr. Wakefield? None other than Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., which literally fabricated lies about Dr. Wakefield and disseminated them around the world via its multinational media network. News Corp.'s London Times, for instance, falsely accused Dr. Wakefield of being "callous, unethical and dishonest," and published numerous articles saying he was a fraud, and that he "abused his position of trust."


And why, exactly, did News Corp. feel the need to destroy the life and reputation of a man that had done so much to help children with autism and other neurological disorders?


Because Dr. Wakefield's findings were incongruent with the multi-billion-dollar profit ring of multinational pharmaceutical companies like GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck Inc., both of which produce and market MMR vaccines.


MMR Vaccines


Ok now...


M-R-Vax® II by Merck

BIAVAX by Merck








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Priorix MMR Vaccine Glaxosmithkline


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Mainstream media discredits itself over Wakefield claims, defends medical paradigm


The U.K. General Medical Council's (GMC) rash and unfounded decision to strike Professor John Walker-Smith, who had helped Dr. Andrew Wakefield in treating desperately-ill children with regressive autism symptoms and severe gastrointestinal problems, off the medical register for alleged "professional misconduct" has been exposed as a fraud. During a recent High Court appeal, Mr. Justice Mitting ruled that Prof. Walker-Smith's striking "cannot stand" because of serious misconduct in the way GMC handled the case against him, and that the entire council needs to be reformed.


For many years now, Prof. Walker-Smith has had to endure having his reputation tarnished by the likes of freelance journalist Brian Deer, GMC, the British Medical Journal, and the lapdog American media who have together conspired to destroy the legitimate work of Dr. Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues on the gastrointestinal problems they observed in young children, many of whom had received the combination measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. And caught in the fray of this malicious crusade against independent thought and honest medical inquiry was the life and career of Prof. Walker-Smith, who had already retired from his medical practice when the controversy began.


Prof. Walker-Smith had been head of the department of pediatric gastroenterology at the Royal Free Hospital (RFH) in London where Dr. Wakefield was making observations about children's health that would later be published, and retracted, by The Lancet. During this time, Prof. Walker-Smith was helping to treat these suffering children, the parents of whom had directly approached both him and Dr. Wakefield for help after being ignored by their own general practitioners.


"There has been a great burden on me and my family since the allegations were first made in 2004 and throughout the hearing that ran from 2007 to 2010," said Prof. Walker-Smith in a recent statement about the case. "I am relieved that this matter is now over."


Since GMC's handling of the entire case has been proven fraudulent, it is now Dr. Wakefield's turn to be exonerated


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I do have specific examples ... currently in my head because I am not prepared to respond with data on this subject daily. I will send you a PM when I will put some logical info together. It may take a time as, you surely understand, this is not my focus currently.

All the best.

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Sorry where did you read Andrew Wakefield was a "idiot" again please?























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For starters, Gamco Investors Inc, belongs to: Direct TV (Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Rothschild, Capital World Investors-Rothschild, Vanguard Group Inc., Rothschild, State Street Corp-Rothschild), American Express (Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Rothschild, Capital World Investors-Rothschild, Vanguard Group Inc., Rothschild, State Street Corp, Etc. of Rothschild), National Fuel Gas Company (Vanguard Group Inc., the Rothschild, State Street Corp-Rothschild, Gabelli Funds LLC-Rothschild, Gamco Investors Inc., Rothschild, Norges Bank, Rothschild, Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings LTD-Rothschild, Etc.)


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College Network, CNET, Find Articles, Gamespot.com, Help.com, The Insider, Last.FM, MaxPreps, Metacritic, MoneyWatch, mySimon, Radio.com, Search.com, Shopper.com, SmartPlanet, TechRepublic, TV.com, UrbanBaby.com, ZDNet, Otros – EcoMedia, CBS Connections, CBS Consumer Products (and CBS Retail Store), CBS Outdoor, CBS Records, CBS Scene, Watch! Magazine.


:D :D :D :D :D :D


Reuters owns AP = Rothschild banksters Empire


Oh... and btw




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As I said I am a scientific journalist. I'm based on evidence.  :thumbsup:


Geez brendamar, flooding with information is worse then no information. Let's calm down. I am on your side  :)

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As you seem to be knowledgeable and passionate (as I am) about vaccination, I am wondering if you can direct me to some valid information about claims about 'HPV vaccine ... (SaneVax)', as quoted above.


I am presuming this is the same as Human Papilloma Virus vaccine, called 'Gardasil', which was actually developed here in Queensland, Australia. Just checked and it was developed by Professor Ian Fraser who was honoured with being Australian of the Year in 2006 for his effort.




Probably irrelevant but I am just proud.


My daughter was at a crucial age when the vaccine came on the market so I bought it without government subsidy and had my GP do the three shots over 3 months. She was the first person he had vaccinated with it and he had to read the leaflet. He told me he was working on his 3 daughters to have it. I paid a few hundred dollars for the vaccine but it  became free and was administered at schools soon after.


A short while after we did this, I started seeing stories about terrible reactions to this vaccine. My daughter suffered no reactions at all, and, to be honest, I was too fearful to read these articles and hoped they were just more of the type you have just been exposing here concerning the autism link with the MMR vaccine.


I know this is off topic, but I think there would be lots of Mums on here who would be grateful to be able to rest easy on their decision to have their children protected by this vaccine. Here in Australia, boys are also being vaccinated at schools for free. They won't get cervical cancer but it is added protection for the future women in their lives. Just like rubella is only dangerous to pregnant women, but boys and girls receive the vaccine.


Thank you.



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I'm not flooding with information. Information is information. This is just a 10% of my research of many years. An investigation which led me to stress and clonazepam...


Sorry the truth is the truth.


I understand these data may be not relevant for users which are dealing with benzos.


I just like to inform people and to expose the culprits of global suffering. Thats why Monsanto hates me.... haha  :)

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As you seem to be knowledgeable and passionate (as I am) about vaccination, I am wondering if you can direct me to some valid information about claims about 'HPV vaccine ... (SaneVax)', as quoted above.


I am presuming this is the same as Human Papilloma Virus vaccine, called 'Gardasil', which was actually developed here in Queensland, Australia. Just checked and it was developed by Professor Ian Fraser who was honoured with being Australian of the Year in 2006 for his effort.




Probably irrelevant but I am just proud.


My daughter was at a crucial age when the vaccine came on the market so I bought it without government subsidy and had my GP do the three shots over 3 months. She was the first person he had vaccinated with it and he had to read the leaflet. He told me he was working on his 3 daughters to have it. I paid a few hundred dollars for the vaccine but it  became free and was administered at schools soon after.


A short while after we did this, I started seeing stories about terrible reactions to this vaccine. My daughter suffered no reactions at all, and, to be honest, I was too fearful to read these articles and hoped they were just more of the type you have just been exposing here concerning the autism link with the MMR vaccine.


I know this is off topic, but I think there would be lots of Mums on here who would be grateful to be able to rest easy on their decision to have their children protected by this vaccine. Here in Australia, boys are also being vaccinated at schools for free. They won't get cervical cancer but it is added protection for the future women in their lives. Just like rubella is only dangerous to pregnant women, but boys and girls receive the vaccine.


Thank you.




The founder of SaneVax lost her daughter by the HPV "vaccine" when there is no scientific proof AT ALL about HPV causing cancer. And while MERCK vaccine HPV spreads a GMO variety HPV.


You can talk with the expert journalist Leslie Carol Botha she's very accessible. http://lesliecarolbotha.com/


Or check what Dr. Mercola says. www.mercola.com




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"Actually no one ever died of cancer. People die for the terrible treatments."


I was just scanning through this thread and saw this.


That's an extremely offensive statement... My grandmother survived cancer but sadly the fate of other family members was different...


Lot's of people don't even know know they have cancer until It's too late therefore they do not even bother with treatment..  And lot's of people also are saved by chemo/radiation



... That's just so god damn ignorant.... please don't spew crap like that..  >:(

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The doctor who had a lot of experience with cancer patients and wrote the book says Cancer is a warning for you to change your lifestyle or... for example and being more graphic: move to another house if you live near a nuclear plant. But mainly talks about everyday habits and even unresolved emotional issues.

He says chemotherapy, surgery and rays have nosense, saying that those therapies are the same than spray water on the leaves of a diseased tree, instead of searching for the real problem in the root.


He says that 80% of tumors dissolve without help while appearing and disappearing in the body all the time. As support he quote an study of autopsies in USA over people who died by natural causes. Forensic doctors found remains of tumors dissolved long ago, deceased elders were never aware about


He's not the only doctor condemning the cancer industry. If you would like more information I can leave links. :)


This is pure nonsense and extremely dangerous as well.  Simply because this person has some experience dealing with cancer patients doesn't mean he knows anything about cancer or how to treat it.  Try talking to all the people living their live healthy and cancer free after having treatments such as chemo and radiation.  This statement is an insult to them. 


"Cancer not a disease", what folly this is!  My best friend and my brother in law had this non disease.  How ridiculous.


Cancer is not an industry.  This is difficult to read after seeing two people I know suffer and die from cancer.




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I did a research of many years... but of course the NY Times and BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation) are GOD. The world is Disneyland and all is ok.

The benzos were a mistake, FDA is Santa Claus and all the CDCs staff cry for us.

Im just an ignorant and crazy and bastard and evil person.





Keep up your beliefs.

I will keep my evidence.

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My father have cancer by the way. And he's doing it ok without his immune system destroyed by chemicals and rays. :)

My daddy died of cancer and I held his hand when he died.  He refused treatment for his cancer.  Your assertions are maniacal.



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I hope that you understand why you have offended people on this forum. You are taking painful times in members lives, times when they have either gone through a cancer fight themselves or have lost a loved one to cancer, and are tossing their feelings and experiences aside in lieu of your strange "evidence". I think I will go as far as letting you know that this nonsense is clearly not welcome by our members, nor team members.


I hope this will stop. I hate seeing the pain this has brought up. It's heartbreaking.

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