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The dark world of psychiatrists


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Who the hell is 'Xana'? What on earth are you talking about?


I am talking about your assessment of a doctor in another country! Who did NOT prescribe me benzos.


maybe YOU should stay on track and continue talking about the 'dark world of psychiatrists' YOU live in, and not start assessing the performance of professionals in another country.


And thank you for your supportive post. That's what people do here, I believe.

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It was intended as humor, but it's also how I feel and was very much about my personal psychiatrist. The woman lied to me, dismissed every concern I expressed about benzos over the years, and made me fight her tooth and nail to help me with a reasonable taper. She played a huge role in my now-decimated life. And I hate her for it. That's no joke.


I meant no disrespect to the OP, however; nor did I mean to tread on any BB rules (which I find quite reasonable, by the way). So, I do apologize. Should I delete my post? Or you can.... I'm not sure how this works.  :-[


No, no need to delete anything. I understood your intention. No biggie. I just wished to bring the discussion back on track. Thank you for understanding.


i am just doing what Colin suggested.....keep the discussion on track.


after hearing Seekfreedom's story, my own and the experience of so many others ,

one just must come to the conclusion , that having the bad luck to be treated by an

incompetent psychiatrist , even though he might be able to deliver babies ,

one can be damaged for life.


at the present time, psychiatry seems to be like russian roulette or a gamble.

lucky the people who end up as winners. :)


Who the hell is 'Xana'? What on earth are you talking about?


I am talking about your assessment of a doctor in another country! Who did NOT prescribe me benzos.


maybe YOU should stay on track and continue talking about the 'dark world of psychiatrists' YOU live in, and not start assessing the performance of professionals in another country.


And thank you for your supportive post. That's what people do here, I believe.



OOPS; i agree with you on one point. i should have put the sentence in plural, my mistake

i do appologize.


correction now:

after hearing seekfrredom's , my own and the experience of so many others,

one just must come to the conlusion , that having the bad luck to be treated by

incompetent psyciatrists , even though they can deliver babies,


and the rest is bla bla bla. ok ? ;)


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Can somebody please explain what this person is talking about? I really don't understand at all. I am serious.


And why are they copying all the other posts again? Is this what is normally done here?

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Can somebody please explain what this person is talking about? I really don't understand at all. I am serious.


And why are they copying all the other posts again? Is this what is normally done here?


No need for others to explain, the person is leaving the thread because something just

doomed on her. good luck and all the best Xana or Xanthia. :)

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Can somebody please explain what this person is talking about? I really don't understand at all. I am serious.


And why are they copying all the other posts again? Is this what is normally done here?


No need for others to explain, the person is leaving the thread because something just

doomed on her. good luck and all the best Xana or Xanthia. :)




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No need for others to explain, the person is leaving the thread because something just

doomed on her. good luck and all the best Xana or Xanthia. :)


What are you talking about?????


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I find the spirit of this thread very disturbing.


This is a support group. These posts are not supportive. I know this subject is full of high emotion. It's still no excuse for bad behavior or for treating one another disrespectfully. Every single one of us is fragile. We need to be treating one another more carefully.


Xanthia, I would advise you to leave this thread as it only represents about 1% of what this forum is about. I'm not sure what people are talking about either, but I think they are making reference to another member who got angry and left the forum.


Being here, at this thread, will not serve you. If you would like information about Xanax and how to taper, there is a great and supportive thread designated to that purpose. It won't happen here.


This kind of off putting discussion takes place every now and then. People are in a high state of anxiety during their tapers. Sometimes we behave badly. When it gets bad enough, an overworked moderator will step in and lock the thread. I think it's getting close.


I'll come back and post the link to the Xanax withdrawal thread so you can find supportive help if you wish to begin a taper.




Ok, here's the link to the Xanax support thread.



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that having the bad luck to be treated by an incompetent psychiatrist , even though he might be able to deliver babies ,


Oh this takes the cake! Diagnosis of the competency of a psychiatrist LONG DISTANCE OVER THE INTERNET!!!!!!!


I pity your doctors.


He was NOT the one who prescribed the frigging Xanax to me in the first place. He was the one helping me get off. I reduced my dose significantly under his care. He warned me about forums like this as he had a look one day and had one word to say: ZEALOTS!


And what's with the harping on about the babies? Don't your psychs do a medical degree or something before their specialty?


This is a mad house! I'm getting out before I get tainted.






PS The actual name of this thread is against rules of the forum so I don't know why anyone is being asked to keep on track!


Well you seem to have already developed your opinion before you even came onto this board and are using this specific thread to confirm it. I don't know if you're a troll or not but we'd appreciate you not just coming onto our board and making such a sweeping and rude generalization based on one persons quote taken out of context. If that's how you really felt before you came on here...I mean why would you show this psychiatrist this board? I don't understand that. You seem to keep coming on here just to argue at this point.


Try some Nuplexadex.

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My mistake, I believe you have what is known as Anti Psychiatry Oppositional Disorder, presented as extreme arousal by people who dislike psychiatrists. In this case Nuplexadex is not for you and I would ask your doctor for a trial of Borgishmordium.  Good day.
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You have all been reminded to keep to the topic of this thread.  It's is counterproductive to continue writing sarcastic and biting remarks here. 


Please limit your posts to "your" personal experience with psychiatry, whether positive or negative.


Whether or not you believe a member to be here under a new user name, it's time to leave this alone and move on, either by posting here in a proper manner or finding another part of the forum for support that suits your needs.







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that having the bad luck to be treated by an incompetent psychiatrist , even though he might be able to deliver babies ,


Oh this takes the cake! Diagnosis of the competency of a psychiatrist LONG DISTANCE OVER THE INTERNET!!!!!!!


I pity your doctors.


He was NOT the one who prescribed the frigging Xanax to me in the first place. He was the one helping me get off. I reduced my dose significantly under his care. He warned me about forums like this as he had a look one day and had one word to say: ZEALOTS!


And what's with the harping on about the babies? Don't your psychs do a medical degree or something before their specialty?


This is a mad house! I'm getting out before I get tainted.






PS The actual name of this thread is against rules of the forum so I don't know why anyone is being asked to keep on track!


Well you seem to have already developed your opinion before you even came onto this board and are using this specific thread to confirm it. I don't know if you're a troll or not but we'd appreciate you not just coming onto our board and making such a sweeping and rude generalization based on one persons quote taken out of context. If that's how you really felt before you came on here...I mean why would you show this psychiatrist this board? I don't understand that. You seem to keep coming on here just to argue at this point.


Try some Nuplexadex.


My mistake, I believe you have what is known as Anti Psychiatry Oppositional Disorder, presented as extreme arousal by people who dislike psychiatrists. In this case Nuplexadex is not for you and I would ask your doctor for a trial of Borgishmordium.  Good day.


hey KS, this is exactly what happened over on the fasting thread, but you were the one opposing everything everyone said,,,, and you got all hurt cause youre "fragile" and called in the mods for our "humorous jabs" at you for causing problems....then of course, after the blowup you caused, you quit coming to that thread, in true troll fashion...



double standards dont work...live and let live  :thumbsup:

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I once dealt w one who said i was paranoid because i wore my sunglasses in. it was too bright in there so i chose to wear them.

he was one of the most hostle acting ppl ive ever been around.



how can they make such snap judgements about ppl?

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Modern Psychiatry is based on the works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Yung.  Both were I addicted to Opium I was told!!!!

Food for thought????  ;)

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Sorry but the difference is I am in fact not a troll making a new username, but a real member. And I left the thread after being personally attacked. I did not make any ad hominem attacks here, nor on that thread, unlike yourself. Thanks for the valuable input.


The last psychiatrist I went to told me if 2mg of ativan wasn't working for sleep, have I tried 4? The one before that said I don't "want to get better" because I was tired of trying and failing on meds and having to go through withdrawal, and basically being treated like a lab rat. The one before that was the same. And the one before that did unmentionable things that got me into this mess in the first place. Right now the psych I have is very even tempered and cold hearted and I am just basically using him to get prescriptions. I would love to find a way to sue but it's more of a cumulative effort of asshole-atry than anything I can pinpoint on one person. So here I am having to dig myself out of a hole that medical professionals pushed me in. Like everyone here I assume. I could write a book about all the shit I've had to deal with but it'd likely make someone else as depressed as I am.

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I once dealt w one who said i was paranoid because i wore my sunglasses in. it was too bright in there so i chose to wear them.

he was one of the most hostle acting ppl ive ever been around.



how can they make such snap judgements about ppl?


Oh wow,this reminds me , I actually went through a phase of having to do this. I completely forgot...it was when I was on a bunch of garbage psych meds and they all completely overloaded my system... I was also chided for it...


I suppose it is their job description to judge people... :(

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i'll just give my personal experience with a few psychiatrists and i will say t0 Flip that i think it's wonderful that

you had a supportive and caring Doctor in your corner and very rare/ i thought i had one but he still wants to keep

pushing meds on me but i think it's just his training because he is a really nice guy otherwise so i'll cut him some slack.



i'll just share this one experience even though there are more than a few--and i felt like this one was really detrimental to my well-being since i almost died frantically following her advice. i had just had a very bad relationship break up. and i think people could assume that after a break up you will feel sad and somewhat depressed. well, this particlar psychiatrist sat there and looked me straight in the eye and said "unless you get on some kind of anti-depressant (and she started to name the medications by name like celexa and some other's that i can't remember) and "unless you do you will never be happy and always looking at life through the wrong lens"


i believed her and wanted to start a medication right away. so i got to my mother's house in even more of a frenzy and she allowed be to try either celexa or serazone and i ended up in the ER and to this day every single anti-depressant that i have tried made me totally revved up and having some kind of reaction with a racing heart where i thought i could die! i don't need them. i'm coming off a brutal cold turkey and i have maintained a pretty good attitute along with moments of being genuinely happy.


and there were a few more that i won't get into but you get the jist. again, i think it's great when we find a "Buddha in the Waiting Room" kind of Doctor like Flip did and if you don't know what that is, look it up!

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Modern Psychiatry is based on the works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Yung.  Both were I addicted to Opium I was told!!!!

Food for thought????  ;)


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: interesting. :smitten:

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Modern Psychiatry is based on the works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Yung.  Both were I addicted to Opium I was told!!!!

Food for thought? ???;)


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: interesting. :smitten:





So simplistically there are a group of Dr's that base their diagnosis on a couple of guys that were high most of the time  :idiot:

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Modern Psychiatry is based on the works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Yung.  Both were I addicted to Opium I was told!!!!

Food for thought? ???;)


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: interesting. :smitten:



and it's usually in the world of drink and opium. but now benzo's are coming to the forefront to get you with your Kak's down around your ankles while you're sitting on the potty. :D;) saying "Aaaah i got you with your Kak's down"




So simplistically there are a group of Dr's that base their diagnosis on a couple of guys that were high most of the time  :idiot:

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In any profession, I just want to be treated with respect.  My first visit to a Pychiatrist

was for a Medical condition not caught by an MD. I just wanted to do talk therapy.

No, I walked out with a script for Xanax. I had no clue of this medicine.

17 yes later. I get lucky and now have a good Dr. Who knows what he is doing.

I thank God for him.


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In any profession, I just want to be treated with respect.  My first visit to a Pychiatrist

was for a Medical condition not caught by an MD. I just wanted to do talk therapy.

No, I walked out with a script for Xanax. I had no clue of this medicine.

17 yes later. I get lucky and now have a good Dr. Who knows what he is doing.

I thank God for him.




thats great news  :thumbsup:

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