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We have a couple of posters that revel in attacking everything anyone posts if it doesn't agree with their posts. Relentless attacks. It is getting so that people are not going to want to post at all for fear of being attacked by these deliberately adversarial people. These whole site is becoming depressing because of this and many have said so. I thought this was a support site. It's not turning out that way right now.
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Hi Obsid,


Unfortunately there will always be the sort of individuals you've described. This is a very large forum and there are a lot of different types of personalities and, let's not forget many here aren't feeling well and are not themselves.


I'm sorry you're having a hard time and are feeling the negativity. I can totally understand your frustration. I have found ignoring such members is the best way to deal with them and of course, report anyone who is breaking any of the forum rules.

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Hi, Obsid,


here's a positive response:



++++++++++++++++  ++++++++++++++++  ++++++++++


All my best,

Iggy              :thumbsup:        +++++++++++++++++  :thumbsup:

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Hi Obsid,


I'm away from home now and I'm typing this on my iPhone cuz it's important!


Just disregard the negative ones. It's easy. I'll pm you on Tuesday about this stuff.


All the best,

CC (Luke)

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I'm a member of quite a few forums, all varying in different degrees.  There will ALWAYS be at least one person who just attacks.  Unfortunately, that's the internet. 


Stay positive, that's all you can do  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
When they are attacking they are really crying out for help- by seeking attention. They need us so I think we should be compassionate but ignore the crap and as an exercise try and figure out why they are hurting so much they have to lash out- just saying😊
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I've said this before and I will keep saying it - too often I think we use the "benzo" excuse for people who display unacceptable behaviour on BB. There are some people are just plain nasty - with or without benzos. They will be like it on any internet forum/site they belong to because they are anonymous, and when people don't have to show their faces they think they can get away with it.
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I've said this before and I will keep saying it - too often I think we use the "benzo" excuse for people who display unacceptable behaviour on BB. There are some people are just plain nasty - with or without benzos. They will be like it on any internet forum/site they belong to because they are anonymous, and when people don't have to show their faces they think they can get away with it.


I totally agree with you Diaz-Pam but with a group such as this the team (at least) needs to give even those members the benefit of the doubt.


Those with an agenda are usually found out eventually and dealt with.

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It depends on what each individual means by attack. If that means some people don't agree with what you have to say...


Welcome to the real world.


It is a support site, but that doesn't mean everyone will agree with you on everything.


People are people, and they have opinions and ideas like you.


I think sometimes people get tired of going through what they go through, and compassion runs dry, and that's understandable. I know after so long when housebound, I got tired of hearing everyone's complaints. I took a break for a long time. Now that I can go out and my head is clear... It don't bother me.


I guess it depends on how you perceive what they have to say.

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It depends on what each individual means by attack. If that means some people don't agree with what you have to say...


Welcome to the real world.


It is a support site, but that doesn't mean everyone will agree with you on everything.


People are people, and they have opinions and ideas like you.


I think sometimes people get tired of going through what they go through, and compassion runs dry, and that's understandable. I know after so long when housebound, I got tired of hearing everyone's complaints. I took a break for a long time. Now that I can go out and my head is clear... It don't bother me.


I guess it depends on how you perceive what they have to say.


For me, disagreement is not an attack.  An attack is a personal attack.  For example, I say "the Earth is not flat," and someone else says "You're wrong because you suck!"  That is a personal attack.


Even if the person who disagrees does not make a counter argument, it is still not an attack to simply disagree.  Most people are smart enough to realize the other person made no counter argument, and simply disagreed because they have  a different experience or an inflated ego.


Most people don't like to have their pet theories questioned.  The benzo world is 90% conjecture based on personal experience, and 10% fact based on solid evidence.  I think most buddies are smart enough to understand the difference between a personal anecdote and a fact.  For example, just because titration works better for me does not mean it is better for everyone.  It is not an attack to disagree about something for which there is no proof.  Anecdotes do not constitute proof.

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It depends on what each individual means by attack. If that means some people don't agree with what you have to say...


Welcome to the real world.


It is a support site, but that doesn't mean everyone will agree with you on everything.


People are people, and they have opinions and ideas like you.


I think sometimes people get tired of going through what they go through, and compassion runs dry, and that's understandable. I know after so long when housebound, I got tired of hearing everyone's complaints. I took a break for a long time. Now that I can go out and my head is clear... It don't bother me.


I guess it depends on how you perceive what they have to say.


For me, disagreement is not an attack.  An attack is a personal attack.  For example, I say "the Earth is not flat," and someone else says "You're wrong because you suck!"  That is a personal attack.


Even if the person who disagrees does not make a counter argument, it is still not an attack to simply disagree.  Most people are smart enough to realize the other person made no counter argument, and simply disagreed because they have  a different experience or an inflated ego.


Most people don't like to have their pet theories questioned.  The benzo world is 90% conjecture based on personal experience, and 10% fact based on solid evidence.  I think most buddies are smart enough to understand the difference between a personal anecdote and a fact.  For example, just because titration works better for me does not mean it is better for everyone.  It is not an attack to disagree about something for which there is no proof.  Anecdotes do not constitute proof.


But the world isn't flat, it is round. :)


Well, in my case... it's mostly about whether pills are an addiction or dependence.

I say addiction, but some tell me to no avail it is dependence.


It is my opinion they are addiction, while some use its synonym "dependence"....


That's just an example of how things can get misunderstood, and turns into this nonstop argument. I'm not getting into it.


Anyway, Tomato Tomäto, same thing.


I understand what you're saying, but, yes, people will form their own ideas... just like anything else.

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Ah ... "NikiHeat".  I could have guessed you might use sophistry to defend those whose conduct on BenzoBuddies has sometimes been deliberately disruptive.


Your behavior in this regard has not exactly been exemplary if we include posts you have made under other names.  Colin gave a fair summary in the following post.



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Thank you so much for the fine example of a personal attack.  Please read carefully and you will see that I never defended personal attack.


And what is this nonsense about me posting under different names?  Is that even possible?  I categorically deny it and I expect an apology.



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Thank you so much for the fine example of a personal attack.  Please read carefully and you will see that I never defended personal attack.


And what is this nonsense about me posting under different names?  Is that even possible?  I categorically deny it and I expect an apology.




Hey Niki et al.

Great chutzpah!

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And what is this nonsense about me posting under different names?  Is that even possible? I categorically deny it and I expect an apology.






"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."  Abraham Lincoln





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2thdoc, Rearden, MeToo, Brother99, ZigZag, MustangSally, NikiHeat...


...and how many others?


I was under the assumption that having more than ONE account was against the rules. In fact, it IS against the rules.


It's not only a blatant disregard for the rules of this forum, but it is insulting to the staff, the members, and to Colin.

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Ahhh NikiHeat, 2thdoc, Rearden, MeToo, Brother99, ZigZag, MustangSally, you're just too funny. YOU expect and apology?  :laugh:


When it comes to being a disruptive poster, you're a master at it. How about all that nonsense you went on about with Marina - huh? She's still posting. She hasn't been run out yet, despite your claims she had.  Now that's what I call being a disruptive poster, but carry on believing you're a model citizen. Time will tell, and you'll implode again, and then we'll start the process all over again with yet another new name. My suggestion for next time is "Imaserialpest".


Oh, and yes, it has been confirmed by admin that you are in fact all those people. When I get a chance later on I will find the post that confirmed it.

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Withdrawal & Recovery Support / Re: Updosing

« on: August 25, 2013, 08:58:15 am »


Here's a post from NikiHeat



        I make a distinction between updosing and rescue doses.


        On an average of perhaps once a week I took a rescue dose that was about 1/2 the size of the my then current dose. It did not set my taper back, and it gave me relief that allowed me to stay the course. I was able to discontinue rescue doses as I neared the end of my taper because my symptoms stopped before the taper was over.


        I don't consider this to be updosing, and my taper proceeded as planned despite the small rescue doses.


        I don't know if this works for others, but few seem to try it because they are afraid it will screw up their taper. In my case it did not screw up my taper, and it helped me to get past rough spots.


        When my BF would weigh out my capsules each week, he would make two extra capsules as rescue doses. Whatever I didn't use I threw away.


        What worked for me will not work for everyone. The only way to know is to experiment. Nobody can tell you what is best for you. It's your job to experiment and not assume you will react as somebody else did. It's easy to assume that what somebody else did is what we should do, or that what happened to somebody else is what will happen to us.


        I was lucky to have a BF who supported me and encouraged me to try different things. A lot of what I read on the BB forum did not apply to me.



Here's a post from 2thdoc



Withdrawal & Recovery Support / Re: For those who functioned well during/after your taper..

« on: June 30, 2013, 06:25:58 pm »

Quote from: Workinitout234 on June 30, 2013, 05:51:54 pm


    2thdoc, can you elaborate a bit on the use of rescue doses? Did you do this when you found you had made too big of a cut and your symptoms were unbearable? Did it actually stop your symptoms within the same day? When you used one how much did you take compared to your present tapered dose? Thanks again, your input is very much appreciated



I take two doses a day with each dose being 1/2 the daily dose, at 7AM and 7PM. I use a rescue dose equal to 1/2 the daily dose taken at either 2AM or 2PM. I never took more than two rescue doses in one week. In a normal week I take no rescue doses.


When I thought I had made too large a cut I increased my daily dose taper amount. For example, if I cut 20% and decided it was too much, I would resume my taper at the 10% level. I guess this could be criticized as an updose, but it worked for me.


I targeted for a one week hold, but when symptoms were bad I increased my hold time to two weeks. The longest I ever held was 6 weeks when I had houseguests and didn't want to risk a crash.


Sometimes a rescue dose gave me fast relief, and sometimes it gave relief the next day after I slept. My symptoms tend to be worse at night, better in the AM.


I'm sure this is controversial, but rescue doses have worked for me. My taper has been all over the map, but if you look at the big picture I have cut 90% in six months. Currently at 0.8MG Valium which is a small amount for Valium. The K equivalent is about 0.04.


Originally I thought I would have jumped by now, but the low doses have been worse than I expected. My next daily dose will be 0.7 MG Valium. Soon I will switch to a single daily dose because cutting the daily dose in half is getting too hard.


I don't know at what dose I will jump. The first time I jumped it was too large a jump so I restarted the taper. I'm not concerned about restarting because I have continued to make progr


2thdoc was last active on July 7 and NikiHeat made his/her first post on July 9.


NikiHeat seems to have very rapidly jumped into controversial topics as opposed to looking for help and advice as newer members typically do. The tone and manner of the posters appear similar to me.


I submit the accusation  to the BB members, moderators and administrators that NikiHeat, 2thdoc, ZigZag, Reardon, MeToo and Brother99 are in fact  one and the same person who is currently attempting to disguise himself. Any evidence to the contrary would be appreciated and immediately acknowledged.





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To those bringing up past problems: this does not help! NikiHeat expressed an opinion - I see nothing wrong with that.


NikiHeat: I think your denial of owning past problem accounts does not help your credibility. There is no point denying those past accounts. Your past identities are not supposition.


To everyone: the frank expression of ideas and opinions is expected and even encouraged. Personal remarks and abuse are not! I think everyone understands the difference.


Thank you.

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Hi Colin


I don't have a problem with Nikiheat expressing any kind of opinion. It's up to others to agree or disagree, and maybe even argue the point if they feel they need to. I guess I just got annoyed when I saw him blatantly lying about his past accounts which we all know exist.


However, I am just curious though because I remember you saying in one of your posts to 2thdoc that he had to stick with that name and not continue to make these new accounts, but here he is making yet another new account, and denying his previous accounts. It's not my place to question your actions or decisions, but it does appear that he has no intentions of following your instructions. Each time he has created a new account, eventually he ends up showing his true colours and being completely disruptive. I'm sure this time won't be any different.


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For the record, here is what 2thdoc/ZigZag/Reardon/MeToo/brother99 and now NikiHeat was told by Colin last July. 


"I am not at all happy with 2thdoc's behaviour now, or in the past. In the interests of clarity and transparency, members should know that ZigZag and 2thdoc are one in the same person. 2thdoc has held at least five different accounts here - none of them have been used to report any posts. Further, these accounts were not created with the approval of an Admin (the creation of more than one account is disallowed, and in the event of an unusual situation or need, the creation of a second account must be reported to the admins (for their approval)), as required by the forum rules and conditions of use. We have attempted to discuss these multitude of accounts with 2thdoc, his combative behaviour (across his multiple accounts) but we are always ignored. Enough is enough. His continued misrepresentations, his creation of multiple accounts and failure to communicate with team regarding moderation problems has resulted in me dealing with this problem publicly. If 2thdoc wishes to continue to use BB, he will need to stick with his present account, and deal with any fallout he creates (no more new accounts), and be far less combative in his communications. Many members regularly disagree with me, the team and other members, but they unusually adopt a respectful tone. Of course, differences of opinion are to be expected at this forum, and the expression of such differences are encouraged.


2thdoc: you were given every opportunity. Your continual confrontational manner, across multiple accounts (against the rules in of itself), failure to discuss these issues with the team when we contact you, and the deception operated by you upon your fellow members, forces me to illuminate the membership about your behaviour. You have brought this upon yourself. This is your final chance (no more new accounts). If you value your membership here, stop causing trouble."

« Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 09:31:13 pm by Colin »

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4.5mg of Clonazepam for 4 years + 6 month direct taper. Benzo free since 31st Jan 2003.


This person is back and posting under another name and denying past problem accounts. " 2thdoc" left BB on July 8 and "NikiHeat" entered BB on July 9.  I for one would be interested in knowing if a poster has a fraudulent history. It would affect my opinion of their credibility, less likely to believe what they say and less likely to respond to their posts.


Forum Rule:




    Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members. Any account created for the purposes of causing arguments and/or ill-feeling, will be banned

































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All very interesting.  Has anyone formulated if there is a hidden agenda here?  I can't see the point of having so many accounts unless other motives remain undiscovered,,, yet.  Reminds me of other infamous blogger who likes answering his own posts :-X
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