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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzo Buddies CULT ??


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I just read a posting on the INTERNET and had a great laugh. It talked about BB as a cult that will do you harm


WOW I DON"T THINK SO. I have found BB to be very helpful and in my time of need was there for me when no one else was.


It helped me through all the horrible times where side effects where going to take my sanity. All I can say is Thank god for Benzo Buddies


All the support and understanding helped me get rid of Benzos and have a future again.


I Have some minor problems like a low grade headace today and am a little anxious but you know its a lot better than swallowing a pill


So if anyone asks is BB works I will tell them HELL YA



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There is plenty of that crap against Benzobuddies all over the net, I think all the hatred is spread by that by the scientology group (i think), which are in themselves probably one of the biggest cults out there. Just ignore it
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What I was told is that much of that cult crap was posted by a former member here, who was hassling other members, creating a lot of fear and concern. He/She was banned, and that his feathers ruffled, so he began posting all this other stupid stuff. Unfortunately, I was an unwitting victim. During my acute wd, I tried to find online support. I still dont know what I did wrong, but all I pulled up was some article that talked about BenzoBuddies being a cult, a "cesspool"of "madness." I actually didnt FIND BB! Reading this drivel scared me terribly. After a couple monthes, I tried again, and I found the REAL BB. Ive been here ever since.

The internet is a very strange place, isnt it? What a shame tho...this person might indirectly have caused serious harm to me and other people.

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What you read on the internet about BB being a cult has not been posted by Scientology. These comments are from a member who was banned from BB several years ago after systemically abusing this forum and it's members. His blog is his way of trying to get back at us. I know, it's juvenile.  ::)


We ignore him. No one visits his blog, except those who find comments on then net like you have. Any comments on his blog by supposed readers of his blog are really just him. He opens new email accounts and comments on his own blog as though he was other people so that it appears that he has readers.


This guy is a shut in and beyond ridiculous. His goal in life is to try to upset members of this forum. I suggest everyone ignore this guy and his blog. He's of no consequence. And please don't visit his blog unless you do so with via proxy. Why give this guy any information he doesn't need to have?

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Its actually so sad that something nasty can be said about a B B That really works for most people and sad that that individual is so delusional
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What  I found the greatest liberating feeling was not being a slave to having to take  Benzo everyday and being a slave to it


Now I am not a slave anymore

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What  I found the greatest liberating feeling was not being a slave to having to take  Benzo everyday and being a slave to it


Now I am not a slave anymore


Definitely dbeam. I used to cut pills every Sunday night....for months and months. I'm thrilled to not have to do that anymore. So is my husband. He used to do all the math. ;D

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Wow, this site says a lot of bad things about BB, specially this quote "The aura of depression is deep and those who express that they are clinically depressed get brushed to the side, told that what they are experiencing is normal.   We have seen unassuming people find this site and degenerate into the depths of despair because of all the negative brainwashing and hate.  In many cases this despair has led to suicide.  Some we know of and many others have simply vanished.

" . I won't lie, they almost got to me, infact, ths has raised a few questions that I'd love to have them answered. #sigh. However this causes sadness in me, sadness,confusion nd more depression.

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Wow, this site says a lot of bad things about BB, specially this quote "The aura of depression is deep and those who express that they are clinically depressed get brushed to the side, told that what they are experiencing is normal.  We have seen unassuming people find this site and degenerate into the depths of despair because of all the negative brainwashing and hate.  In many cases this despair has led to suicide.  Some we know of and many others have simply vanished.

" . I won't lie, they almost got to me, infact, ths has raised a few questions that I'd love to have them answered. #sigh. However this causes sadness in me, sadness,confusion nd more depression.


Hi Dave,


What questions would you like answered?


Please read Hope's response above.  There is no reason at all to pay any attention to someone who is a demented idiot. Lets face it, there are people like that it the world. He can't hurt you and his site is just rubbish.


The best thing to do to help you overcome the sadness and depression is to read success stories.  That is where you will find real people with real recovery.  I used to read the success stories all the time, especially when I woke during the night with adrenalin surges. I'm a real person, I have recovered, so will you.



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The wacko who runs this demented website has absolutely no empathy, whatsoever for the human race.  He is pure evil, plain and simple.  He delights in taking wonderful, caring people and assassinating their character in order to feed his screwed-up mind.


The best way to starve him of the pleasure he relishes in hurting and degrading people, is to not ever visit his website.  Being a Narcissist, he has an inflated sense of his own importance; everytime he gets a visitor at his evil site, it feeds his hungry ego, and gives him more impetus to keep on spewing his hate and disdain for others.



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Hi all,


It is pretty-much as described by Hope. The 'man' behind the blog was originally targeting (the now defunct) BW.com website. At the time, he denied being behind the puerile blogs. When it became transparent to us that he was indeed responsible, I confronted him through his account at BB with an ultimatum that he desist in all attacks of members of another forum, or have his account banned (we had previous delivered similar ultimatums to those involved in infighting at BW that attempted to bring it here). He refused and threatened to target BB if his account was banned. Of course, I took no notice of his threat and banned his account. Subsequently, he began to include BB in his attacks. And when BW closed, he switched his main focus of attention to BB (after all, he had nothing else to do). In the past, he has targeted anti-cult informational and support sites. He has absolutely no idea of what he is doing or why he does it. He's in some kind of blind rage. He always has been. When he was a member of BW, he posted about his attempts (as a child) to smother his baby brother. Obviously, he is extremely mentally ill, and always has been. But he is also very ineffectual. He subsists on disability and is mostly housebound. The threat is one of attempted intimidation. If you ignore him, he has no effect. If he spends the rest of his so-called and miserable existence attacking BB - fine. It will have no effect and keeps him off the streets at least.

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The wacko who runs this demented website has absolutely no empathy, whatsoever for the human race.  He is pure evil, plain and simple.  He delights in taking wonderful, caring people and assassinating their character in order to feed his screwed-up mind.


The best way to starve him of the pleasure he relishes in hurting and degrading people, is to not ever visit his website.  Being a Narcissist, he has an inflated sense of his own importance; everytime he gets a visitor at his evil site, it feeds his hungry ego, and gives him more impetus to keep on spewing his hate and disdain for others.


I totally agree, pj. Its a pity, as he has scared people away from getting needed support.



Edit: fixed quote Box.


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Hi Collin


This is a sad person that has written misguided information about  BB and I am sorry that some read his posting and believe that crap


Most will understand he is delusional but I feel sorry for the ones that believe this crap


Thank god for Benzo Buddies I dont know what I would do if it there not for this forum



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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow - I can't believe this is so recent and ongoing. I stumbled across The Website That Shall Not Be Named not too long ago and I personally found it fascinating (I should clarify that statement: I'm an anthropologist; "fascinating" and "terrifying" are often coterminous aspects of modern human behavior). And I would also worry that people are seeing it on Google and getting scared away from seeking help, but for the fact that a pretty quick perusal of the site reveals its creator to be at the very least a melodramatic baby, if not a full-on lunatic.


My favorite: there are 90,000 symptoms associated with benzo withdrawal. Holy crap - 90,000?! Clearly these benzo cultists want everyone in the world to believe they're going through "benzo withdrawal"!


But wait, the English language has a total of about 900,000 words, including ones absorbed from other languages (zeitgeist, wanderlust, ennui, macabre) and both vernacular (ain't) and common conjunctions (email, blog). So the active symptom list of benzo withdrawal encompasses about 10% of our total language, and that's if each one was just a single word. That's the word-count of an average-sized novel. If each symptom consists of just two words ("shaky limbs" instead of "shakiness") you're looking at a book half the size of War and Peace (i.e., exactly the size of Goblet of Fire). You could use it to press flowers, hold doors open, drive nails...


I hope anyone else who stumbles into that site is able to see how ridiculous it is.



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Wow - I can't believe this is so recent and ongoing. I stumbled across The Website That Shall Not Be Named not too long ago and I personally found it fascinating (I should clarify that statement: I'm an anthropologist; "fascinating" and "terrifying" are often coterminous aspects of modern human behavior). And I would also worry that people are seeing it on Google and getting scared away from seeking help, but for the fact that a pretty quick perusal of the site reveals its creator to be at the very least a melodramatic baby, if not a full-on lunatic.


My favorite: there are 90,000 symptoms associated with benzo withdrawal. Holy crap - 90,000?! Clearly these benzo cultists want everyone in the world to believe they're going through "benzo withdrawal"!


But wait, the English language has a total of about 900,000 words, including ones absorbed from other languages (zeitgeist, wanderlust, ennui, macabre) and both vernacular (ain't) and common conjunctions (email, blog). So the active symptom list of benzo withdrawal encompasses about 10% of our total language, and that's if each one was just a single word. That's the word-count of an average-sized novel. If each symptom consists of just two words ("shaky limbs" instead of "shakiness") you're looking at a book half the size of War and Peace (i.e., exactly the size of Goblet of Fire). You could use it to press flowers, hold doors open, drive nails...


I hope anyone else who stumbles into that site is able to see how ridiculous it is.




:2funny: That's priceless, huraqan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can definitly believe this guy is mentally ill.  I still kind of reel in shock when I recall how his site affected me when I accidentally stumbled across it during my first fumbling attempts to find online support.  It absolutely terrified me. He even had some sort of "scrolling names" thing , and only later did I realize that some of those names were of people here on the "real BB", people I had come to care about. I became fearful again, and contacted one of the Mods here, the story was told to me and that helped. I was told he was somehow getting current members names just to use on his site.  I have never told the people whose names were used about this and I never will. And I have never gone back to his site: I might spot my own name scrolling around there and think I really had finally lost my ever lovin' mind. I think this is such a sad story, but I also am angry, because running into his insane little site kept me from getting the help I needed at a very vulnerable time.  And his little evil game hasnt ended. A few monthes back, I asked someone dear to me to check BenzoBuddies out, and I forgot what happens if you simply google the name alone. You pull up this guy's site. And thats exactly what happened to my loved one, and for a while, I think she believed that I truly had gone crazy. Luckily, I figured out what had happened and was able to direct her to the proper site. She read my Blog and apparently agrees with me that this site is a complete blessing for me.

And I am so grateful to the Administrators here, who actively watch out for our safety. They do a fantastic job of this. I feel completely safe being here...hence my always present honesty.


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So far ive seen nothing cult like happening here.


Ive not been asked for money, there is no membership 'protocol' I can't see any evidence of some charsimatic leader. haha Just Colin. lol sorry Colin.


I must say it really did worry me at first. there is a lot of negativity about benzo-buddies and it did put doubts in my mind but this forum is and continues to be a very genuine support platform for me. People like 'Parker' and when she was around 'perservence' made posts that have quite literally saved my life going through this withdrawal.


The whole cult thing should be dealt with really but I guess its the internet so you cant tell people to get rid of a website, unless you go down the whole lawsuit- deformation of character thing. who has time or finances to do that.

we are all sick here and vulnerable.

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So far ive seen nothing cult like happening here.


Ive not been asked for money, there is no membership 'protocol' I can't see any evidence of some charsimatic leader. haha Just Colin. lol sorry Colin.


I must say it really did worry me at first. there is a lot of negativity about benzo-buddies and it did put doubts in my mind but this forum is and continues to be a very genuine support platform for me. People like 'Parker' and when she was around 'perservence' made posts that have quite literally saved my life going through this withdrawal.

The whole cult thing should be dealt with really but I guess its the internet so you cant tell people to get rid of a website, unless you go down the whole lawsuit- deformation of character thing. who has time or finances to do that.

we are all sick here and vulnerable.


Honestly, it's not worth it. This is one nut with a blog.

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Yes, he is a nut with a blog, but when we are this fragile and easily upset, reading his stuff can be very frightening. I know, I know, its time to let this go, Hope. Maybe you just dont understand how deeply it got me. Added to the trauma that I already was dealing with.

But I will never visit his crazy little web site again. Why give him any "fodder"?? This will sound awful but I hope he either finds a new "target" or gets carted off to the "looney bin" for a long rest.

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