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Hey Staffy.  I love that name, " Fat Flea"  That is cute.  I would like to take some more pics of Kiwi outside tomorrow.  I want you all to see what it looks like here in Southern Louisiana, just a couple of hours away from where Britney Spears is from.  Sometimes my friends and i go to her hometown and pass by the mansion and hope we see her.  It is really nice out there in the woods.  I have noticed she has a couple of guard dogs that protect the property.  I think they are Rotwhilers but am not completely sure.  I am just glad there is a gate there so they can't come out.  :o  http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/dogs/angry-dog-eating-smiley-emoticon.gif



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So now I'll post some pics of the 'Pound Hounds' I photograph, normally I only get 45minutes to get about 100 dogs or so done, most of the time I cannot get the lens through the grates, so you have to just do the best you can, with the time you've got.


Here's a couple that really 'get to me'



Beautiful old boy, look at his eyes, begging for someone to take him home.



Two abandoned little gals - they did find a home together! :smitten:



Cute litte 'scruffer' found a home.



Then there's guys like this, who don't stand much of a chance......I wanted to take him, but sadly he was fear dominant and with me being ' a little nuts right now', it just wasn't the right time, as in order to be 'Pack Master' I need all my faculties about me, otherwise they sense a weakness and start fighting amongst one another.  I don't know his outcome.......



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Weirdest Cross Breed....... Couldn't even begin to pick what this girl is?  Interesting though




Take a guess?

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This magnificent lad 'Rex' and his sister were surrenended to the pound as the owner was going on holidays and didn't want to pay for them to be boarded out :boxer:  I wanted to smash them on the spot, luckily, they both found homes very quickly, as they are both to breed standard and had nice temperaments.





I am just looking for his sister, amongst my thousands of pics......

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Rex's Sister (Yolanda) who sadly went to another home without Rex :'(  but at least neither got the green needle.




It's amazing how beautiful some of the 'pound hounds' are.



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Staffy, Keep them coming.

I see Your compassion and passion within these pictures and commentary.

I love looking at the pictures even if some are sad.



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'Hands of Light'


One of the volunteers we work with is a sprightly 75 year old woman named Sheila.  Sheila  is also someone whom we consider to be a 'Dog Whisperer'.  She is a very special woman, although her health is ailing greatly, she makes a 2 hour trek every Saturday from Sydney's North Shore (lovely, affluent suburb) to the suburb where the pound we work out of is in (Blacktown), in the rough outer western suburbs of Sydney.


Sheila has been volunteering and saving dogs for almost 40 years!  When we have a 'special' case, where a dog has 'shut down', we need someone who has 'hands of light', one day I hope that I will too receive this special gift, although few are imbued with such a talent.  I don't think I am that gifted, but I do try my best to 'emotionally connect with the spirit of the dog', sometimes I do, sometimes I can't,  try as I may.


One morning a big Mastiff boy came in, he was fighting hard against his tether and growling at anyone and everything, he was terrified and had obviously been mistreated in many ways.  To say his spirit was broken would be a gross understatement.


The pound 'dog catcher' was pulling and pushing him all over the place, speaking harshly to him and jerking on the catch pole like it was a fishing rod. :'(


Most of the visitors looked at the dog with disdain, only seeing the result of what had been 'done' to him, not understanding it was a result of how he had been treated, his body language told me he was not a 'mean' dog, but rather a very 'frightened' dog who was showing fear dominance, that was all he knew, that if someone was hurting him, to attempt to hurt them first.


For some dogs like this, there's only one way that the story ends and that's with a green needle.  Thankfully God, Jesus, Buddha, Goddess or whomever you personally believe in happens to have some 'earthbound' angels around from time to time.


When this big lad started to growl deeply, I sensed it was purely from fear, I asked the 'dog catcher' to please just place him in the large holding pen for a while, he was quite reluctant and said 'he's a no good son of a *itch, this one.  :-X


Once he was put into the larger holding pen he calmed down somewhat and hubby and I went into the yard, at first he was displaying aggressive body language and pacing around (stalking) us, both hubby and I tried to exert calm assertive energy.


Gradually we managed to get over to him, he let my hubby pet him just very gently on the top of his hollowed out head (he was quite emaciated), all the while, he was letting out a solemn low growl, but we kept persisting, I was attempting to whisper sweet nothings into his ears. 


Here's a shot I got of him with my hubby just very tepidly petting him, you can see his growl........




Very slowly, he started to let his guard down, I honestly don't think this big boy had ever been shown the smallest ounce of kindness or love, he didn't know how to respond to being petted, shying away when we attempted to stroke his body.


Lucky for this boy, Sheila happened to be around, I went down to where she was carrying out some assessments and asked her if she had time to come and temp test this frightened young man, we placed his age at around only 13 months, so young, yet a very long time to have no one ever run a loving hand over you, or speak to you in dulcet tones.


Sheila came up and met this big boy and within seconds the dog was putty in her hands, I've never seen anything quite like it in my life, the dog actually placed his weary head in the palm of her hand and let out a huge sigh, it was almost like 'release', total release.  Okay, so now I am going to sound really nutty, but at the very same time as the dog let out the sigh, a giant ray of sunshine shone through the clouded sky and across the face of both Sheila and the dog, I captured it on film. 




Within 30 minutes Sheila had this boy calm and literally saved him from death row.  I watched her very carefully and she looked deep within the dogs eyes for almost 2 minutes and was saying 'I know', I know' but you are safe now.  Then they stared at one another for a good 5 minutes.  Silence.  Dead utter silence. 


Since then I have seen Sheila work her magic on many poor souls, I have often asked her how she does it?  She told me that with practice one day I will be able to do it too - I hope so.


The story ends well.  The 'big boy' as we fondly refer to him went to a local rescue group and was placed with a family who adore him and spoil him. 


Talk about taming the savage beast.  I wonder what would have happened if the 'Earth Angel' wasn't around?







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Staffy, Your story and that photo of the "dog whisperer" and the big dog is so moving to me.  I just love that one photo especially.  It really touches my heart.  Thank you for being the earth angel you are to these  dogs.


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  Staffy i agree, you really are an angel to these dog. I dont believe dogs are mean just misunderstood and mistreated  :(... Keep your pics coming we truly enjoy them  :)
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I have always had several dogs but now down to 2.  Roxy and Domi sitting on a large round bale of hay in the middle of the hay field


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Moe, Great pic!  They are so cute.  This field look s like it is next door to where I am currently renting.  I think we might be neighbors.............  What kind of dogs are they?  I love the coats!
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'Hands of Light'


One of the volunteers we work with is a sprightly 75 year old woman named Sheila.  Sheila  is also someone whom we consider to be a 'Dog Whisperer'.  She is a very special woman, although her health is ailing greatly, she makes a 2 hour trek every Saturday from Sydney's North Shore (lovely, affluent suburb) to the suburb where the pound we work out of is in (Blacktown), in the rough outer western suburbs of Sydney.


Sheila has been volunteering and saving dogs for almost 40 years!  When we have a 'special' case, where a dog has 'shut down', we need someone who has 'hands of light', one day I hope that I will too receive this special gift, although few are imbued with such a talent.  I don't think I am that gifted, but I do try my best to 'emotionally connect with the spirit of the dog', sometimes I do, sometimes I can't,  try as I may.


One morning a big Mastiff boy came in, he was fighting hard against his tether and growling at anyone and everything, he was terrified and had obviously been mistreated in many ways.  To say his spirit was broken would be a gross understatement.


The pound 'dog catcher' was pulling and pushing him all over the place, speaking harshly to him and jerking on the catch pole like it was a fishing rod. :'(


Most of the visitors looked at the dog with disdain, only seeing the result of what had been 'done' to him, not understanding it was a result of how he had been treated, his body language told me he was not a 'mean' dog, but rather a very 'frightened' dog who was showing fear dominance, that was all he knew, that if someone was hurting him, to attempt to hurt them first.


For some dogs like this, there's only one way that the story ends and that's with a green needle.  Thankfully God, Jesus, Buddha, Goddess or whomever you personally believe in happens to have some 'earthbound' angels around from time to time.


When this big lad started to growl deeply, I sensed it was purely from fear, I asked the 'dog catcher' to please just place him in the large holding pen for a while, he was quite reluctant and said 'he's a no good son of a *itch, this one.  :-X


Once he was put into the larger holding pen he calmed down somewhat and hubby and I went into the yard, at first he was displaying aggressive body language and pacing around (stalking) us, both hubby and I tried to exert calm assertive energy.


Gradually we managed to get over to him, he let my hubby pet him just very gently on the top of his hollowed out head (he was quite emaciated), all the while, he was letting out a solemn low growl, but we kept persisting, I was attempting to whisper sweet nothings into his ears. 


Here's a shot I got of him with my hubby just very tepidly petting him, you can see his growl........




Very slowly, he started to let his guard down, I honestly don't think this big boy had ever been shown the smallest ounce of kindness or love, he didn't know how to respond to being petted, shying away when we attempted to stroke his body.


Lucky for this boy, Sheila happened to be around, I went down to where she was carrying out some assessments and asked her if she had time to come and temp test this frightened young man, we placed his age at around only 13 months, so young, yet a very long time to have no one ever run a loving hand over you, or speak to you in dulcet tones.


Sheila came up and met this big boy and within seconds the dog was putty in her hands, I've never seen anything quite like it in my life, the dog actually placed his weary head in the palm of her hand and let out a huge sigh, it was almost like 'release', total release.  Okay, so now I am going to sound really nutty, but at the very same time as the dog let out the sigh, a giant ray of sunshine shone through the clouded sky and across the face of both Sheila and the dog, I captured it on film. 




Within 30 minutes Sheila had this boy calm and literally saved him from death row.  I watched her very carefully and she looked deep within the dogs eyes for almost 2 minutes and was saying 'I know', I know' but you are safe now.  Then they stared at one another for a good 5 minutes.  Silence.  Dead utter silence. 


Since then I have seen Sheila work her magic on many poor souls, I have often asked her how she does it?  She told me that with practice one day I will be able to do it too - I hope so.


The story ends well.  The 'big boy' as we fondly refer to him went to a local rescue group and was placed with a family who adore him and spoil him. 


Talk about taming the savage beast.  I wonder what would have happened if the 'Earth Angel' wasn't around?





Wow Staffy...

This moved me so.


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I have always had several dogs but now down to 2.  Roxy and Domi sitting on a large round bail of hay in the middle of the hay field



Great Pic!  They look so smart and ready to get to business.

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conversation with hungry friend


https://www.[PROSCRIBED WEBSITE #1]/video/embed?video_id=264403786943366





Hey David. 


I tried to click on the link but it didn't work.  I am going to take some pics of kiwi in my yard today. 

Hope you and nina are having a good day.

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Moe, Great pic!  They are so cute.  This field look s like it is next door to where I am currently renting.  I think we might be neighbors.............  What kind of dogs are they?  I love the coats!

  Wow wouldnt that be great to be neighbors,    ;)  I am in Canada..

Umm what kind of dogs are they, well Roxys dad is a Rat Terrier and her mom is Rat Terrier and Jack Russell mix

so she is a terrier lots of energy. ( she climbed up on the hay bail herself ) Poor thing freezes in the winter so she loves to have a coat on... Now poor Domi i was told he is jack russell BUT he sure isnt a purebreed not sure what else is in there. He is very layed back and a little on the lazy side , unlike the jack russell. ( He needed a lift up on the hay bail )... :)

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Skyzone, David JC and Staffy,


Just found this thread. Love all the photos of Kiwi, Nina and Staffy's rescued dogs. Keep it coming!!!


Lots of Love

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