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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The owners of this site are being paid by the drug companys to promote benzo use


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I know this will get me banned and i could care less. They are constantly erasing my replies that say it is possible to take bigger cuts and not be strung out for years on drugs. Its sad. May you burn in hell mods for keeping people strung out for money. Oh yeah **** YOU too


Edit: profanity removed

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Hi Saltlick,


I have no idea what this is about. We haven't erased any of your replies. If we had done that, we would have erased this one. I should also mention that there are not multiple owners. Colin is the sole owner of this site and has worked tirelessly for 8 years to provide those who want to taper off benzos, a place to get support and information.


As for taking bigger cuts, as you know we often use Dr. Ashton's manual as a guide. She suggests a 10% cut over 1-2 weeks. Some of our members can make bigger cuts and feel fine, and some can't. We always suggest to our members that they follow their bodies and be as flexible as possible.


I'm not sure what your goal is Saltlick.




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Although I would think this wouldn't have to be said,...BenzoBuddies is not being paid by any drug companies. That's beyond a ridiculous statement.


Colin uses his own money to keep this site running. He has never accepted any money from anyone. There have been several members who have offered to donate to this site and he has turned those kind offers down. It seems to me if this site were making money from the drug companies, they wouldn't be too happy with our desire to support those who want to come off their medications.  ???

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I am new to this site, but not new to internet forums (I'm in that business) so this doesn't surprise me.


If I had never been here and someone were to ask me what kind of activity a forum that dealt in this topic would bring, I would expect something like this:


Hundreds of users would actively participate.

Thousands of users would just lurk/read/and observe.

Only a tiny percentage, less than 1%, would be unruly or antagonistic.

An even smaller percentage would be openly opposed to the forum or it's members in a personal or aggressive way.


So, it looks like that's the case.

For every few thousand people who come by, a bunch of them post, most of them read, and just one or two just don't like it and for whatever reason take a stand against the forum itself and are highly visible.


I know that what people don't realize is how much tedious work it takes to moderate a forum like this. The trolls never end!

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I believe this to be ridiculous and without basis.  I would love to see the proof that you have behind making such an accusation.  I personally came on here after ct of 2mgs a day of klonopin and cutting my xanax in half (from 3mgs a day to 1.5) overnight.  I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS IN FOR.  I was told by many it wan't wise but, no one said to me that i MUST get back on benzos immediately or else.  People brought up PAWS and seizure risk both of which I ignored and did what I wanted but, I still recieved alot of support.  This is a very serious accusation and I just dont see where you are showing any proof of what you are saying.  I think tapering is supported bc ct is hell on earth but, I dont think that it is to keep anyone "strung out for money".  Also, why the rapid taper and cold turkey board on here to help support those of us who do shoose that route?  All I can say Saltlick is please tell me where you recieved this info.  Jess
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Saltlick was on the Xanax support thread quite a bit awhile back asking many questions about doses and stabilization as he had said he'd been kind of up and down and was really wanting to come off it. He was given a lot of support and info.


He also mentioned that he was considering crossing to Valium, but appeared to be somewhat undecided about that. He then did find a doc to help him, and pretty much announced he was crossing to 30 mgs V very fast, and would be dropping 5 mgs per week as his taper. Overall, in my opinion, he was very genuine and just wanted this ordeal over with as he had responsibilities.


He then showed up on the "turtle taper vs rapid taper" thread pretty much announcing that he'd crossed over in five days, would be dropping 5 mgs per week, and his attitude, IMO, was more than assertive. I and another BB cautioned him to consider that a V cross was a serious move, and to consider taking it a little slower.


He was rather defiant of that caution, somewhat profane, challenging, and I believe it's all there on the thread. He also somewhat "demanded" that a Buddie blog be set up for "newbies" like him and stated that he'd received many PMs from others in favor of that. Hope invited him to begin one, and I thought he would, but such never appeared.


That's the story here from my POV. The thread is still there along with the Xanax support blog for all to peruse. He's also in the introductory thread.



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I wouldnt ever say that Saltlick is a troll how can he be?  he is not a lurker but a poster on this forum with an opinion.  I dont agree with this one though I dont think Colin is getting paid he would be loaded up with cash by now im sure and nicking off somewhere exotic I think but Saltlick is entitled to his opinion.



However Saltlick has made some good points and that is he experienced such negative feedback for his choices and this caused a great deal of stress.  Saltlick went against the general opinion and decided to do things his way and good luck to him.  I mean look at it the irony of it all is this.  Equally sick people are giving other sick people medical tapering help.  I mean as helpful as it is sometimes to support others we should not be delivering tapering advice based on our own experiences.  We can say what worked and what hasnt but honestly recommending that someone SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do something is very dangerous.  Because when the $hit hits the fan how can you call for back up from your online adviser should it go wrong. 




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I wouldnt ever say that Saltlick is a troll how can he be?  he is not a lurker but a poster on this forum with an opinion.  I dont agree with this one though I dont think Colin is getting paid he would be loaded up with cash by now im sure and nicking off somewhere exotic I think but Saltlick is entitled to his opinion.


I understand your point, and I think that my 'troll 'comment was probably out of line and not applicable to this particular user. So, I apologize for that comment and retract it.

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You are right; everyone is entitled to their opinions. That's what was given to him, and nothing in those opinions were purported to be medical advice, ever. It was opinions which is what the thread was about and so is this entire forum about; opinions and support and info based on individual experiences.


What I just said in the last post was factual. Anyone can go back and read all of the three threads: introductions, Xanax support thread, and the turtle taper thread. No one was ever mean or rude to Saltlick; in fact in the very beginning when he first posted, as I said, he appeared very concerned for himself and his family and just getting off Xanax and back to his busy life.


I will venture a guess as I was the one on the Xanax support thread one of the days he posted a lot, and I was the only one that day while the questions  from many individuals were coming very fast, that Saltlick became frustrated and worried about his situation. He was new to Xanax and had been up and down trying to stabilize for several weeks w/o any success. He struck me as quite concerned t the time.


However, by the time he gotvto the turtle taper thread, he adopted a different attitude about his intent to taper V. It is certainly within the bounds of ethical concern that anyone would express a caution to consider tapering V a little slower, and three people, including myself offered that caution. These kinds of concerns are raised hourly on BB. These are supportive informational pieces of individual opinions and never expressed as medical advice. And Saltlick was always free to do as he felt best for himself.


How any of this translates into him becoming somewhat angry, and profane towards anyone and now accusatory is anyone's guess at this point. I wonder if he'll be responding here to answer a question or two? Probably not.



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I agree with both of the above points of view.... Especially what Lizzy said about if this is true Colin must be RICH by now... hey Colin, share the wealth...lol :) Jess
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yes Im sure if Saltlick is not banned he will respond for sure.  lol Jessica yeah share the weath is bb going to be floated on the stock market ahaha.

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Saltlick is not currently on the member list. I've checked it for awhile now waiting for him to speak of his progress with the 5 Mg V cuts, and also to see if hevdid start a Buddie blog for newbies. His posts stayed at 151, nothing more nothing less.


I'm venturing another guess that he removed himself due to frustration or something along those lines. Pure speculation on my part, But he was just very frustrated with his inability to stabilize on Xanax and start a taper.


So who knows at this point. We wished him well before. That's all we can do now. Xanax is a very frustrating benzo to handle, and I speak from 10 years of taking it.



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Intend- You are very kind and correct.  Right now  I am soooooo frustrated with xanax that I could scream.  Maybe he just wasn't dealing with it very well and decided to start some conterversy?  Who knows.  This is a horrid battle and we all get frustrated.  I just really do believe that if you say something so accusatory you should be able to give proof...Jess
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I think Saltlick has been evicted from the bb house.  Hang on a sec the name doesnt get removed intend because skyy is banned and her name is still here. 
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I think there must have been more to the skyy banning then the kitty pic? Right?  The only concern I have is why cant you delete your account if you want?  Maybe a moderator can tell me I am wrong.  Maybe I just dont know how? Jess
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I think there must have been more to the skyy banning then the kitty pic? Right?  The only concern I have is why cant you delete your account if you want?  Maybe a moderator can tell me I am wrong.  Maybe I just dont know how? Jess


I can't explain to you why you can't delete your own account. That's a question for Colin. Maybe it's due to the forum software. It might be due to confusion this could cause with members. It's not something I've ever asked about to tell you the truth.


However, if at any time any member wishes to leave the forum, we honour that and will close their account. We do have a 48 hour wait period because the majority of members who want to leave change their minds and I do like the opportunity to try to find out why they want to leave in case it's something I can help them with in order to make their stay here more comfortable.


If the question is regarding why we don't delete posts of a member who leaves the forum; that's because it would interrupt the flow of the forum and threads. As I tell any member who wishes to leave, we will edit posts if there is identifying information they wish to have removed. We will also delete personal threads such as Buddie Blogs and Progress logs upon request.



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I think there must have been more to the skyy banning then the kitty pic? Right?  The only concern I have is why cant you delete your account if you want?  Maybe a moderator can tell me I am wrong.  Maybe I just dont know how? Jess


I can't explain to you why you can't delete your own account. That's a question for Colin. Maybe it's due to the forum software. It might be due to confusion this could cause with members. It's not something I've ever asked about to tell you the truth.


Many years ago it was decided to make use of an in-built forum software function to disallow members to delete their own accounts. Experience taught us that the majority of members that deleted their account did so in haste. They would then ask if we could reinstate their account - this is not technically possible. So, we moved to a system where members must request for their account to be deleted. But, because this is an irreversible process, we make sure that the member understands that we cannot reverse the deletion later, and we will also try to determine if there is something we can instead fix/resolve for the member. We then delay acting upon the request for 48 hours to ensure that the member is not acting hastily. More often than not, the member changes their mind.


We always honour requests from members to have their accounts deleted, but with one very rare exception. If the request comes from a member that has been causing such disruption where we have been considering banning their account, we will continue with that deliberation. If it is decided that the account deserves a ban, the account will be instead banned and not deleted. A 'banned' account provides us with greater functions to ensure that the member stays banned. It is just a forum management thing.

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I wouldnt ever say that Saltlick is a troll how can he be?  he is not a lurker but a poster on this forum with an opinion.  I dont agree with this one though I dont think Colin is getting paid he would be loaded up with cash by now im sure and nicking off somewhere exotic I think but Saltlick is entitled to his opinion.



However Saltlick has made some good points and that is he experienced such negative feedback for his choices and this caused a great deal of stress.  Saltlick went against the general opinion and decided to do things his way and good luck to him.  I mean look at it the irony of it all is this.  Equally sick people are giving other sick people medical tapering help.  I mean as helpful as it is sometimes to support others we should not be delivering tapering advice based on our own experiences.  We can say what worked and what hasnt but honestly recommending that someone SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do something is very dangerous.  Because when the $hit hits the fan how can you call for back up from your online adviser should it go wrong. 




Hey Lizzy...:)


This is kinda interesting .. You say he is not a Troll . How could he be? Well How could he not be  is a better question..I'm just saying .This the Internet and Truth be told You could be one for all we know? LOL That was a Hypothetical.  :smitten: I mean when threads like these come to life and say things like . The owners are getting paid and F you ..Well that seems kinda Eye raising in my opinion.


I'm sure the advise he asked for warrented many peoples personal experiences. I mean that's all we can go on. I know when you went against the General Opinion you received so much Positive Encouragement.. Everyone only wanted you well and that's what everyone wants for everyone here.


I'm just not so sure his statement here was done in any good Intention's  :-\


Saltlick the fact that this is going smooth for you is excellent! I think you can bring allot to the table for helping many who many be standing your shoes one day ..


Try not to be so angry your doing great and thats whats important..




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This is kinda interesting .. You say he is not a Troll . How could he be? Well How could he not be  is a better question..I'm just saying .This the Internet and Truth be told You could be one for all we know? LOL That was a Hypothetical.  :smitten: I mean when threads like these come to life and say things like . The owners are getting paid and F you ..Well that seems kinda Eye raising in my opinion.


I was the one who made the troll comment so I wanted to reply. Certainly his post was abrasive and ruffled some feathers, but the word troll is unfair,  I think.  In the context of forums, a troll is usually a user who hangs around and antagonizes the forum members and moderators. It's not really someone who was otherwise participating and then made a comment that angered some people.


I can sort of see how this poster may have had reasonable intentions, was angry/frustrated, and voiced that frustration but wasn't involved in an effort to antagonize the forum in some way.

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Thanks Sisyphus I know you were just making a general statement.  I happen to know the frustrations of Saltlick as we have corresponded due to the fact that i got off so fast therefore I know from what he has said to me that this is not the case with him.  Your point of reference was just based on statistics from your work.  Honestly dont worry about it there are bigger things in life to worry about.



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I wouldnt ever say that Saltlick is a troll how can he be?  he is not a lurker but a poster on this forum with an opinion.  I dont agree with this one though I dont think Colin is getting paid he would be loaded up with cash by now im sure and nicking off somewhere exotic I think but Saltlick is entitled to his opinion.



However Saltlick has made some good points and that is he experienced such negative feedback for his choices and this caused a great deal of stress.  Saltlick went against the general opinion and decided to do things his way and good luck to him.  I mean look at it the irony of it all is this.  Equally sick people are giving other sick people medical tapering help.  I mean as helpful as it is sometimes to support others we should not be delivering tapering advice based on our own experiences.  We can say what worked and what hasnt but honestly recommending that someone SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do something is very dangerous.  Because when the $hit hits the fan how can you call for back up from your online adviser should it go wrong. 




Hey Lizzy...:)


This is kinda interesting .. You say he is not a Troll . How could he be? Well How could he not be  is a better question..I'm just saying .This the Internet and Truth be told You could be one for all we know? LOL That was a Hypothetical.  :smitten: I mean when threads like these come to life and say things like . The owners are getting paid and F you ..Well that seems kinda Eye raising in my opinion.


I'm sure the advise he asked for warrented many peoples personal experiences. I mean that's all we can go on. I know when you went against the General Opinion you received so much Positive Encouragement.. Everyone only wanted you well and that's what everyone wants for everyone here.


I'm just not so sure his statement here was done in any good Intention's  :-\


Saltlick the fact that this is going smooth for you is excellent! I think you can bring allot to the table for helping many who many be standing your shoes one day ..


Try not to be so angry your doing great and thats whats important..





Jen have to say Im a little shocked to see you even relate hypothetically to me that I in Truth Be Told could be a troll.  However im quite hurt that you would say this given our history.  I know your joking but jokes are meant to be funny like aka laughing not hurtful. 



As for me going against the general opinion what is that your talking about are you talking about how i was dying from a toxic drug reaction and didnt leave it up to others on a forum to make the decision to come off a drug that was and was proven to be killing me.  That is why i related to Saltlick and know that someone who has made contributions to many is not a troll whatever they are.  I would say a troll is someone who constantly hangs around harrassing others.


Saltlick just got pi$$ed of everytime someone around here gets angry they get excommunicated from the forum quite ironic considering ANGER is a major side effect of withdrawal dont you think. 


By the way ill just add that Saltlicks comments that i thought were relevant were from the other thread he was involved with not his comments made here.  I quite clearly stated that I didnt agree with him in his reference to the owners being paid from the drug companies. 






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