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Oh no! We all want to see the end of this. Let her back on, Colin! Don't leave us hanging. PLEASE.  >:D  Fair's fair in an argument. No advantages of shutting the door!
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You know what Im thinking I just lost two good friends today thats what Im thinking.


This may be fun for some but im personally grieving I nearly lost my life and have been through hell as you all well know.  These were two fellow c/t sufferers who supported me I dont need to read other bb treating this as some kind of entertainment regardless of the way they went out.  I hope to god you dont ban me because I know them.










We don't ban members for getting caught up with other members who break the rules.


Listen...I feel saddened by Skyy and all that's happened...and she wasn't my friend. I can't imagine how this feels to you but you still have friends here. We will continue to support you. Please don't doubt that.


This hasn't been fun. It's been horrible. I'm sorry for all this. I really am. You can PM me if you want to talk. I'd don't want you to feel alone. My cyber door is always open to you.



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Maybe you need to let Wharf Rat defend himself on this one.


Oh, hi there!


It was brought to my attention that I was being discussed on here, so I figured I'd pop in and defend myself.  Seemed the right thing to do.

Am I an admin (amongst several) on some other site that I won't name in order to preserve your delicate balance of control?  Yep.  Am I running the place?  Sorry, incorrect assumption.  Would you like to spin the wheel and get the BIG money, guys?


Do I occasionally post on the EVIL blogger's site?  Yep.  I have opinions, as do most grown ups, and I don't really care if anyone agrees with them or not.  I'll post wherever I wish, and no one will control me.  One might not agree with what I have to say, as is their right, but I'll not be stifled by anyone.  And yes, the demonic enemy to all that is holy is a friend of mine.  Try talking to people... you might then understand their motivations.  I love the overblown descriptions of how this fellow is hiding under your beds.  That's just plain hilarious.


I have nothing against anyone on this forum.  Hell, many of the folks here that I've met over the last year I consider friends.  Nice people for the most part hang out here.  However, I do take issue with the accusation that I "feigned ignorance".  Read that thread again, anyone who is interested, and you'll see what is true and what is not.  My words and the replies to such will speak for themselves.


No one's trying to destroy BB on my end.  Did some of my pals start up another site?  Yes, they did.  Did they ask me to come along for the ride and provide a little humor?  Damn straight. I figure that if folks can get help and sound advice from here or anywhere else (here included), that's the most important thing.  Not some silly contest to see who can gain the most members.  If we're all about helping people, let's just do that.  Simple, right?


And I shall now be banned in 3......2................. (you guys are rather predictable)



-Wharf Rat


P.S.  I won't be checking this thread again.  Didn't really want to even sign in, but apparently someone was talking smack about me and it was brought to my attention, so this is my retort.  Internet arguments are silly, and I shall not engage in one.  I'd rather just do my best to help folks.  Mayhaps others should do the same.  Remember, kids... if you don't read it on the web, you'll never even be aware that something exists.  People take things far too seriously.  That's a shame.

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You know what Im thinking I just lost two good friends today thats what Im thinking.


This may be fun for some but im personally grieving I nearly lost my life and have been through hell as you all well know.  These were two fellow c/t sufferers who supported me I dont need to read other bb treating this as some kind of entertainment regardless of the way they went out.  I hope to god you dont ban me because I know them.




Hi dear Lizzy..  This hasn't been fun for any of us.. Yes, with having these two dear friends, I know you must be grieving.  Its very sad, truly it is.  I cannot see where Jenny or myself have treated this as entertainment.  Did I ever say anything to that arena.. I don't think so.  I just have been floored with the whole thing.  The main and most important.. why CoM - posting there...  That's the last place anyone of us would or should ever go.  You won't be banned Lizzy...  now don't start worrying about that..  I'm sorry you are so upset, though, I do understand.  Just understand from my point.. I'm not going to be called a coward, I'm not... and I'm going to stand steadfast with the right things... like I posted to you for you with your situation.  You just hang in there girl!  I'm sorry your heart is broken from two bbs that were by your side...  though, you have lots of us others who are there also for you...  Just remember... one day in the next plane of life... we'll all be there together... just true buddies with no internet!  Love to you Lizzy... Patty

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Hi wharfrat666,


You're not banned. Not as predictable as you thought.


This isn't about who has the better site (although I did notice that you've put on your site "Best benzo support site on the net"...or something to that effect.)


My thing is this, as long as everyone is transparent and knows exactly who's running that site and who the team members are, they should go where they please.


In an effort of total transparency, can you tell me if the "evil blogger" is a member of the site you're now running? I know you'll be honest, right? After all, we're just trying to help people, right?



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Wharfrat, we could have banned your account here long ago - but of course, we did not!


I have a few questions for you - and then I really must go. Did you write the following comment to B101's blog?


Wharf_Rat666May 28, 2012 10:28 PM


All I will say is this: yes, I apparently did fib to BB. I'd really forgotten about that, as I don't really take notes when I speak for future reference. So, while I had good intentions, I'll fess up. At one point, I really DID think there were multiple Mike59's out there, and there probably still are trolls doing the same thing I suspected that might justify my then-held belief. But hell, I did indeed mislead or lie. So, I apologize.


Did you post under the pseudonym, 'VoiceofUnreason' to the abusive blog site?


It what sense is the blog site helpful to those in the online benzodiazepine withdrawal community? Seriously!?


Why do you, and those around you, insist upon being less than honest and upfront? You will never catch me out using aliases to cause problems or hide my true motives because all my 'benzo activities' are completely transparent and honest.


Donna, (posting as NT and Military Tanks to the abusive blog) was particularly abusive to members of this forum and wider. (For those that don't know, Donna was the owner of BE, where WharfRat previously adminned). Where you, WharfRat, always aware of Donna posting the abuse at the abusive blog under those aliases? If not, why did you continue to support Donna after she admitted to her dishonest and abusive activities (directed towards scores of members of several online benzodiazepine withdrawal support communities over a period of about two years).


You know, of course, your position is untenable.

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Wharfrat, we could have banned your account here long ago - but of course, we did not!


I have a few questions for you - and then I really must go. Did you write the following comment to B101's blog?


Wharf_Rat666May 28, 2012 10:28 PM


All I will say is this: yes, I apparently did fib to BB. I'd really forgotten about that, as I don't really take notes when I speak for future reference. So, while I had good intentions, I'll fess up. At one point, I really DID think there were multiple [PROSCRIBED NAME OF ABUSER #2]'s out there, and there probably still are trolls doing the same thing I suspected that might justify my then-held belief. But hell, I did indeed mislead or lie. So, I apologize.


Yep, that was me.  I wasn't going to respond here, but figured I should clear the air.  I didn't mean to lie to anyone, but I was going by educated guesses.  They were obviously incorrect, as I've discovered.  If you look back to the thread where I attempted a "peace-keeping mission" of sorts, you'll see that I admitted such.  Thank God you guys don't delete anything.


Did you post under the pseudonym, 'VoiceofUnreason' to the abusive blog site?


Damn straight.  I have opinions, but did not wish the innocent folks on BB or BE to be harmed by them.  I've since stopped worrying about that sort of nonsense.  I'm over the whole "Pretending to be someone else" crap.  You ever make a mistake in judgement?  Yeah, me too.  Welcome to humanity.  Enjoy your stay.


It what sense is the blog site helpful to those in the online benzodiazepine withdrawal community? Seriously!?


It points out ridiculousness.  One cannot blame every single thing in their life on withdrawals.  I'll happily admit that "Evil Blogger"'s way of pointing things out might upset people who have thin skin, but when someone is afraid of mayonnaise or butter, that's an issue that should not be encouraged.  Shame on you and your cohorts for not stifling such.


Why do you, and those around you, insist upon being less than honest and upfront? You will never catch me out using aliases to cause problems or hide my true motives because all my 'benzo activities' are completely transparent and honest.


No worries, pal.  While I have made errors in the past as I've not exactly been a member of this sordid little community for as long as the rest of you, I promise you this:  you'll know if it's me posting from now on.  I don't hide who I am.  Did I do such in the past?  Yep... that got old.  I came to the realization that it really doesn't matter.  "Oh no... Wharf_Rat666 posted something!  We should run!"  I have nothing to fear from any of you, and you have nothing to fear from me.  It's just words on the internet.  Besides, many of your own members do the exact same thing that you accuse me (in this case, rightfully) of, but are they chastised?  Nope.  Hypocrisy has a wonderful stench to it.


Donna, (posting as NT and Military Tanks to the abusive blog) was particularly abusive to members of this forum and wider. (For those that don't know, Donna was the owner of BE, where WharfRat previously adminned). Where you, WharfRat, always aware of Donna posting the abuse at the abusive blog under those aliases? If not, why did you continue to support Donna after she admitted to her dishonest and abusive activities (directed towards scores of members of several online benzodiazepine withdrawal support communities over a period of about two years).


Found out about this later... I wasn't aware of it when it was happening.  I find humor in your usage of the word "abusive".  Are you guys really that thin-skinned?  ChrisW once attacked me for drinking beer during withdrawal and accused me of driving drunk with my toddlers, which is a false statement.  Am I at his doorstep?  No.  Do I have the capability to hunt him down and give a knock on his door?  Yes.  But that's just it... this is the internet.  None of this really is of any consequence.  It's just a bunch of blather from people who think they are powerful because they believe that they are untouchable because they actually think a monitor will protect them.  Eventually, one realizes that some things simply don't matter.  Hell, The Benzo Boogeyman could post something I wrote and call me out on it, and you know what?  I'd appreciate that.  We all say stupid things from time to time.  If we're shown to have done such, we might just learn not to do that again.  Ironically, though, it's only if you look.  That's the beauty of the internet... if you don't look, you'll never even be aware that anything occurred.  You're obviously paying attention, so why even bother?  If you never looked at the blog in question, would your lives change in any way?  Nope.


You know, of course, your position is untenable.


And you know of course that I just explained my side of things in a rather tenable fashion.  I have nothing against your site, except that you practically have created a totalitarian regime in a small segment of the internet, and it seems to have gone to your head.  Just take care of people, and don't allow doctors to be bashed or allow your members to give medical advice, since I doubt many of them are actually licensed to do such.  Stop trying to control people.  I wince whenever The Benzo Boogeyman uses the word "cult" to describe your site, but you keep giving the man ammunition for this.  Just take care of people and stop trying to control where they choose to post.  I'm sure you have good intentions here, but there are more people that are disgusted with the way you run this site than you'll ever realize.  Make it better.  I don't care if anyone comes to where I'm currently an admin at or not, as long as they get better and aren't given bad and possibly dangerous advice.  I would like to think that you feel the same way.


I doubt you do, though.


Seriously, this is the last post I'll make here and I will not return, so while you people seem to be illiterate when I make a statement that "I won't be reading this thread",  people elsewhere kept mentioning it to me, so that's the only reason I briefly returned.  Twist my words as you see fit.  People are not stupid, even when going through withdrawal.  Ban me if you want... I won't even notice.  I'll be busy taking care of my family and hopefully helping people through a hard time in their lives... it's a damned shame that you got a power trip and forgot that keeping people safe was the main goal of this site.  I hope I'm wrong about you.  Doubt it, though.  You enjoy talking down to people as though they are lesser beings than you, and that's just sad.  If you have conviction, leave this post up.  Let the people decide for themselves.  I don't care if I'm viewed as a "bad guy".  None of you even remotely frighten me.


-Wharf Rat


Edit: fixed broken quote boxes.


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OMG, Really??????


I have to say that I really don't understand why this is out on the open forum,  hey you guys run things the way you want, I now see the wisdom in Andrew not doing this out in the open,  I used to think he should,  he would just delete and be done with it, it certainly prevented more bannings and reprimands.


I'm not sure how any of this helps this community.  I know that the CoM owner certainly got what he wanted,  the spotlight. 


When is this going to end, when are both sides of this bullshit going to lay down their weapons.  No one is helped by any of this. 


My puny little opinion, everybody make up,  unban those who have been banned, make this go away, out of hand.  Way out of hand.


I see no advantage to any of this.  Yeah, whatever, someone did something that should not have been done,  I guess, but Lord in Heaven, this is really chaos. 


Everyone needs to kiss and make up I think.  just my own opinion, not looking for feedback,  just wow. 

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Oh and PS  yes I was very involved in what was going on with the CoM site a time ago,  before you know who swoops down on my head, but really,  over it!!!  Done, this has been going on for what, 2 years.  LOL


Everytime there is a discussion on this forum about it, it puts this community and it's members at risk, that is the truth of it.



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I don't know the people involved in this heated discussion but I do know this is definitely wrong:  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=showposts;u=4458


People who behave like that are often experiencing difficult emotions which may have been happening to Skyy.  Perhaps Skyy is also playful by nature and a little bit devilish and there is nothing particularly wrong about that ..... until it adversely affects others like that photo spamming spree did.




I am sad to see the discussion about this matter is getting out of hand and has recently led to someone else getting banned.  The discussion itself is becoming toxic. 


Why don't we lock this thread?  The admins can work out what to do in private.  That way may prevent future casualties from of this debate.





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While I understand that this discussion might make others uncomfortable there are those who deserve to see the truth and sometimes the best way to see in the dark is to shine a light. Think of this thread as that light. It's not time to lock this thread. We have other members who may want to express themselves. In a few days everything will have been said that needs to and I'll deal with the thread at that time.


I should also say, no one involved has been banned solely because of this thread. Certainly not Skyy. We've been having moderation issues with her for a while. Yes, mbvv was partly banned because of this thread but we have also had moderation issues where she's concerned for several months.

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I know Hope, and that is exactly my point, just delete the treads or lock them.


Let those that don't like it discuss it among themselves or in private with the team.


No good comes of this.


It just becomes you against them.


All this led to was more unhappiness and unrest. 


What is there that can be said that has not already been said.  This is moderation out on the open forum.


It sucks, it turns the whole thing into a circus and puts CoM on the map again.


How do you know if that post in CoM was even posted by Skyy????  It's speculation,  an assumption. 





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Everytime there is a discussion on this forum about it' date=' it puts this community and it's members at risk, that is the truth of it.[/quote']


I disagree. While it's true that the blogger we've been discussing has a screw loose, and has tried to hurt our members and team members, he's not really gotten very far. As Colin has said, we don't pay him too much mind. Had Skyy not posted on his blog we wouldn't have brought him up at all. He's a nasty guy but he can't hurt anyone here. I could literally not care less about what he posts. My concern is that our members are targeted. They don't all understand that he's old, ill and pathetic and that no one visits his blog. I mean, come on, how sad is it that he sits at his pc 20 hours a day cutting and pasting passages from public forums?


What risk? The risk that he's going to post something on a blog that no one reads? This guy has no power and when this blows over he'll be forgotten again. It's of no consequence that he's enjoying this. This has very little to do with him other than it was his blog Skyy posted to and his blog that has targeted  people...and to demonstrate her very poor judgement when it comes to who she's chosen as friends.


I am not fearful of him or his blog. I'm not particularly thick skinned, I just don't give a rat's behind about him. I find his blog to be boring.


The only risk I see coming from this is the risk of passing out from either rolling one's eyes at some of his posts or from sheer boredom. He's tried to access this forum and failed many, many times. I don't see him as having any more power than Skyy...and we seem to have survived her nonsense.


This forum has been around for 8 years. We've survived this sort of thing time after time. Sorry, offandrunning, I don't see the risks.


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How do you know if that post in CoM was even posted by Skyy????  It's speculation,  an assumption. 


She posted that on our Help Desk first. No one has access to member's posts on the help desk except members and the team.

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I notice wharfrat666 didn't answer my question about whether or not the blogger was a member of the new site. Can I get a straight answer to that?
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I have to say that I really don't understand why this is out on the open forum,


This is on the open forum not by our doing. Mbvv started this thread. She accused my team of being unfair to Skyy. We defended our actions. Had mbvv not started this thread, all this would have been done behind the scenes (as it always is) and no one would have been the wiser. If an issue is started on the forum, we deal with it on the forum so other members know where we stand.


As Skyy continued to up the ante in public, we continued the discussions in public. I had asked her to come to the help desk (a private way to discuss issues with me and other members of the team) to discuss this privately via a post I made on this thread. We never heard from her. Instead she went to the blogger...again.

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I have to say that I really don't understand why this is out on the open forum,


This is on the open forum not by our doing. Mbvv started this thread. She accused my team of being unfair to Skyy. We defended our actions. Had mbvv not started this thread, all this would have been done behind the scenes (as it always is) and no one would have been the wiser. If an issue is started on the forum, we deal with it on the forum so other members know where we stand.


As Skyy continued to up the ante in public, we continued the discussions in public. I had asked her to come to the help desk (a private way to discussing issues with me and other members of the team) to discuss this privately via a post I made on this thread. We never heard from her. Instead she went to the blogger...again.


Yes , I see that.  I just have a different way of thinking.  My post states it clearly.  IMO sometimes it is just better to DELETE. 


I'm not saying what you are doing is wrong or right,  my base concern is the spotlight again turning to CoM.  You have no proof that Skyy's post on CoM is her doing.  It could be, but there is no proof.  That's all Hope,  your forum, I get it.

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What risk? The risk that he's going to post something on a blog that no one reads?


No one reads?????  Really???? When he is put in the spotlight again, his blog will become more active, I'm not going to put my head in the sand and believe that no one reads it, plenty of people read it. You do, you found Skyy's post there. 

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You have no proof that Skyy's post on CoM is her doing.  It could be' date=' but there is no proof.[/quote']


She posted her post on the Help Desk here first (check out the time stamp). No one else had access to that post at the help desk. Only the member that starts the ticket can see it. Then hours later it was on CoM.


Mbvv admitted that Skyy posted on CoM due to her concern for a member here. They are in close contact outside of this forum. This isn't a court of law so we don't require "proof" but the facts certainly are not in her favour. It doesn't take much thinking to determine that.

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Oh and PS  yes I was very involved in what was going on with the CoM site a time ago,  before you know who swoops down on my head, but really,  over it!!!  Done, this has been going on for what, 2 years.  LOL


Everytime there is a discussion on this forum about it, it puts this community and it's members at risk, that is the truth of it.





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No one reads?????  Really???? When he is put in the spotlight again' date=' his blog will become more active, I'm not going to put my head in the sand and believe that no one reads it, plenty of people read it. You do, you found Skyy's post there.  [/quote']


Yes, as is always the case I'm sure there will be more interest in this blog out of curiosity but in a few days that will die down....as it does when this sort of things happens.


As I said, I do from time to time read his blog. As the administrator of this forum, I have to now and then, especially when a member writes to me with their concerns of the content...but other than that, I can't be bothered.


Ok, maybe my statement was too black and white. I'm sure there are a handful of people that read it.

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I'm really sorry for all of this, i read the whole thing so far......I'm sorry, but i don't have time for this ...I'm going back to talk to people about my wife Linn who is still trying to get her life back....this is a great place to be.....hope things get better for you -hope.....Mr Linn
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Hope and Colin,  I understand yours is not an easy place to be in. You can't do right for doing wrong. You know that. We know that.


You can now walk away with your heads high.

You have allowed transparency and time for the air to clear.


You put your time in here to help people who need help but it seems there are those who want to prevent you doing this. They find their fun by teasing and insulting those they perceive as being in a vulnerable position. I believe you can now best resist them by totally ignoring them. They don't need any 'more rope'. We've now seen them clearly and they should just be ignored. Totally ignored.


Some people thrive on dispute and the attention this brings them. They must have attention. They will wither and die without it.. Don't give them any more. Let them go.

Don't help them further. Resist any temptation to respond to them. 


As long as this thread runs they are receiving the attention they crave. It's disrupting this forum. This is what they want. It's their success.


I expect many members have watched this scene unfold and some will feel insecure as a result. They don't deserve this. They haven't done anything wrong. They are the important ones.


Let's leave it and move on. It's time.




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Hope and Colin,  I understand yours is not an easy place to be in. You can't do right for doing wrong. You know that. We know that.


You can now walk away with your heads high.

You have allowed transparency and time for the air to clear.


You put your time in here to help people who need help but it seems there are those who want to prevent you doing this. They find their fun by teasing and insulting those they perceive as being in a vulnerable position. I believe you can now best resist them by totally ignoring them. They don't need any 'more rope'. We've now seen them clearly and they should just be ignored. Totally ignored.


Some people thrive on dispute and the attention this brings them. They must have attention. They will wither and die without it.. Don't give them any more. Let them go.

Don't help them further. Resist any temptation to respond to them. 


As long as this post runs they are receiving the attention they crave. It's disrupting this forum. This is what they want. It's their success.


I expect many members have watched this scene unfold and some will feel insecure as a result. They don't deserve this. They haven't done anything wrong. They are the important ones.


Let's leave it and move on. It's time.






Well said, Dave


This must remain a drama free site, where, when someone cries out for help, there is no hesitation in wanting to help that person.  People on here are very compassionate, and understanding.  They respond with heartfelt emotions, and a genuine concern for an individual they have never met, and often become close friends with that person.  Friends unlike no one else in their lives, because they understand how that person is suffering day in, and day out, in a way that no one else can ever understand.


It is paramount that everyone abide by the rules that were set forth by Colin to insure that benzobuddies will be here today, and for many more tomorrows.  Many people are living alone in a world darkened by the aftermath of benzodiazepines.  This special place is their light, their shelter, their hope, and their inspiration to one day become healed.




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