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Banned for spamming too many kitty pics


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Annyywayy... back to the op....


I wish I'd gotten a copy of that cute kitty picture!!  Would have started my weekend off right.  ;D

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OMG! She is not taking his side and I did not defend her posting it there. I said why she did concerning the post where she was concerned about someone poisoning themselves when others were poo pooing a possible medical emergency out of ignorance. She obviously did it by the only means, unfortunately a disgusting one, that she could after being unable to reach anyone in time. I didn't get her post until hours later. I have tried to explain that already. I think she really believed it was her last resort.
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What I feel very sad about is the people who supported Skyy and may now be feeling very sad at the moment!


That's what is very sad to me. As for Skyy I hope she gets all the support she needs for all she is facing in her life. That's the truth. One thing I am very affectionate for is anyone who suffers. But one who suffers facing Cancer touches home with me Huge.Best of luck...


As for Mbvv.. I think the agenda and Intentions are very clear and this thread in its self is beyond proof of Disharmony and Disfunction.I hope for you mbvv that you will start to focus on your Healing and receiving all the support that you need from here on out.I think being Combative and in Constint Conflict with members is very Unhealthy to You and the other.


We may not always know why the team here at BB may do what they do.But we definitely do have to Respect it. This thread goes beyond Disrespect.There is always more to what we see. Its for the Safety for all members here and I strongly believe it makes a place off comfort in such a Uncomfortable experience.


Thank you for always keeping BB members safety at the For front of all your actions here.Its a very difficult job and I know I couldnt do it!



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I should mention the member Skyy was trying to "save" by posting on the blog was told to see a doctor several times. It's very difficult to make a member see a doctor if they don't want to so we do the best we can. Events portrayed on the blog by Skyy aren't exactly as they actually happened. She neglected to say that I had told the member to see a doctor, twice. Strange the things that get left out.



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I think for you Jenny your condescending phony attitude of caring is reprehensible. Your statements are very contradictory. Your opinions are highly dysfunctional. Aren't you supposed to be healed? I recall your viscous threat to me before. I think it's very unhealthy for you not to have a life at this juncture.
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I think for you Jenny your condescending phony attitude of caring is reprehensible. Your statements are very contradictory. Your opinions are highly dysfunctional. Aren't you supposed to be healed? I recall your viscous threat to me before. I think it's very unhealthy for you not to have a life at this juncture.

I was being Honest and I really hope you get all the support you need. Im sure you very upset .


Take care ~Jenny

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That was mean, hurtful and disrespectful. I have the utmost respect for Jenny and couldn't disagree more.

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That was mean, hurtful and disrespectful. I have the utmost respect for Jenny and couldn't disagree more.


Maybe you should google Jenny's phony apology she had made to me months ago regarding previous attacks.

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The disrespect that was just displayed is inexcusable.  There is nothing greater than a member who is 100% healed but still stays around to give hope to others. 


I ask that members now continue to stay on topic.  The team has worked extremely hard this past while to keep the forum running at it's best and to keep it a safe haven for those who need it.  Thanks to Hope and Colin especially for all their dedication and caring ways in this instance.


Please have respect for members - healed or not.  And lets get back to staying on track.





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Hi... I have read through this thread all day long.  MBVV, yes you are defending a friend, someone you have become very close to on BB; just like many others of us have with another.  I would stand up to the plate any time, to be by one of my dearest BB friends.  Though, this became much more then a kittie picture. Anytime, any member on this site, does what occurred... No, no room for error, no if ands or buts!

I feel really bad for Skyy, I know what occurred with her health, it broke my heart, and I posted in support with prayers and all for her, like so many others.  But to turn coat and go to the negative site and post what was posted... NO WAY!  As I posted previously on another hot issue, there are RULES and they are there for a purpose.  If members don't want to follow them, then so be it... they are no longer apart of the membership.  There can be no exceptions to this!  Why?  Well, once this is allowed, then the foundation falls apart, and that is exactly was Colin, Hope and the entire BB Team is trying to prevent.  As far as you attacking Jenny...NOW YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE!  Back off, accept what Skyy created on her own terms and let the BB Team do what they have always accomplished in doing.... having a safe haven for so many many (like you) to have a positive place to come to...  Respect and rules... Stop this thread.  Patty

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Im shocked and saddened this morning to read what I have read about skyy and sad for the hurt its caused by her putting her goodbye letter on the other site.  Im sad to see my other good friends arguing as well Im not going to get involved in that.



Skyy's motives will never be known because she no longer can represent herself here.  So lets not turn this into a skyy bashing.  You know for all the 1000 good turns she did this is sad that what she did now defines who some people will remember her as.  I did not know about skyy's association with the said site owner.  Unfortunately many others would like to post here in support of their friend but will fear being condemned by the wider forum.  I think this is sad.  She was special to many.


I dont know why skyy did what she did.  Had she asked to have her goodbye letter posted on bb?  Was this refused?  Did she feel as a desperate last ditch effort to say goodbye she felt the need to do what she did.  If the site's owner was such a good friend of skyy's why did he print what she said to him in private?  Wouldnt he if he was such a good friend of hers protected her.  This doesnt look like a good friend protecting his buddy to me.  Im not defending skyy at all.  Im just trying to figure it all out myself.


Anyway Im sorry for everyone on the forum there are certainly no winners here today.  Not the team, not skyy, not mariann really no good has come out of this at all. 


If skyy had been bought to the attention of the forum as a person of interest 18 months ago was she ever questioned about her association.  Are the recent incidences of skyys behaviour the only evidence of her association. 


Regardless of what skyy did Im going to say Im choosing to remember her for her loyal support to many.  I never had an issue with her at all she helped me numerous times.  Actually if anything she was a hard person to get to know it took work she is really a private person.  She never really engaged in the lengthy private pm thing.  I used to asked her numerous questions via pm and she always answered honestly.  She never ever tried to extract personal information of me and never really asked me about my life.  I liked her and Im going to miss her and Im not ashamed to say it.


I respect Mariann and Jenny both have helped me out so many times.  Jenny you have saved my life I will be forever grateful and I love you heaps.  I also love my friend Mariann I have no hidden agendas. 










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That was mean, hurtful and disrespectful. I have the utmost respect for Jenny and couldn't disagree more.


Maybe you should google Jenny's phony apology she had made to me months ago regarding previous attacks.

If for some reason you feel my apology was Phoney I'm sorry. That was a very true and heartfelt Apology. I meant every word. If you don't believe it then I did all I could.


I let go of all of it. Its not always easy to do a Open Apology .But to be so mean as to say it wasn't Real isn't very nice.


As for googling my Apology I don't know what that would do unless someone stole it...lol


I speak from heart and when I was disrespectful to you mbvv I was very bothered by my actions and I let myself out there for all to see.


I'm not so sure why you have such a want to Attack me .There were many people who posted there comments here .But for some reason you go for me with alot of mean hateful words






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This thread has done nothing but give the freak show at COM more delicious fodder for his sick site.  He is having a field day with this.  I am ashamed to even admit I have logged on to see what kind of twisted spin he would put on this.  I have seen my posts on there many times, and even saw a friend with her head impaled through a metal rod.  I'm sure this post will show up there as he has nothing else to do with his time but exploit our horror.


Hello damaged123,


I understand where you are coming from - this is why we severely restrict mention of the site in question. There was a time where I felt - given my role here - that it was my 'duty' to 'monitor' the abusive blog, but I decided many months ago that it was a complete waste of my time. And, frankly, I found it extremely tedious. I pay it very little attention, and no one on the team routinely 'monitors' the blog either. I'm not saying that no one from team ever goes there, but it is infrequent, undirected, and, actually, we usually only become aware of anything happening there because a member has decided to send us a PM about it.


I don't care what the blog owner feels about anything I might write here. I don't base my decision to post regarding any particular matter because of what the 'blogger' might or might not get out of it. He's wasting his time. Almost everyone that becomes aware of the blog site reaches this same position sooner or later - it is irrelevant to what we do here.


I dunno...I might stop this thread...it has really turned into rubber-necking.  I would like to add that I am very grateful that the mods here try there best to keep us safe.  I guess there is no way we can drive a stack through the heart of the vampire at COM and that's sad.




Well, I take the view that this thread only serves to make the wider membership aware of a potential issue: that they should be careful with whom they trust their personal details. I wouldn't choose to have this thread posted to the forum - a member made the mistake of starting this thread without a proper understanding of the issues. It seems that they now regret their decision to do this.


This thread will be removed in a few days after members have had an opportunity to read and have their say. If we had closed the thread straight away, no doubt one or two members would have accused us of 'hiding something'. Actually, this thread has served only to destroy any such notions, instead highlighting the true motivations and attitudes of the (now) ex-member.* I wish all members would take our deliberations on trust, but a tiny handful will not.


* No, I don't think this is too tough. Skyy misrepresented what occurred in the thread about which she was 'so concerned', and posted this (and abuse) to a blog that serially abuses our members. Skyy did this in full knowledge of the nature of that blog. And, she posted to the same blog a second time. mbvv: you cannot possibly argue that the second blog comment was some kind of 'emergency'.


OMG! She is not taking his side and I did not defend her posting it there. I said why she did concerning the post where she was concerned about someone poisoning themselves when others were poo pooing a possible medical emergency out of ignorance. She obviously did it by the only means, unfortunately a disgusting one, that she could after being unable to reach anyone in time. I didn't get her post until hours later. I have tried to explain that already. I think she really believed it was her last resort.


I'll take that as you 'defending the indefensible'. As I wrote before, you are will receive little to no support in this position at this community.

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Jenny attacked me first in a very condescending way. She, in my opinion knocked those of us who had been supportive of Skyy while she had surgery by accusing those us of "campaigning" that had put "the Skyy's the limit" in our sigs. Seems to be lost on many of you. She may be supportive to some but not all.
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Had she asked to have her goodbye letter posted on bb?  Was this refused?


We hadn't banned her. She knew all we wanted to do was talk to her about the blog. There was no reason for a good bye.



If the site's owner was such a good friend of skyy's why did he print what she said to him in private?


She thanked him on his blog for giving her a platform. It wasn't private.







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Jenny attacked me first in a very condescending way. She, in my opinion knocked those of us who had been supportive of Skyy while she had surgery by accusing those us of "campaigning" that had put "the Skyy's the limit" in our sigs. Seems to be lost on many of you. She may be supportive to some but not all.

That is not true..I support all I always Have.

Im sorry if I find it Isolating in a Community thats fighting to stay alive and have very many illnesses aside from w/d to be wrong. I think its wrong. I think support is amazing and can be done on Blogs. In the Faith threads ,A special Skyys Fight for cancer thread, There were many ways to do that with Respect to the whole Forum.


Im sorry but everyone heres is suffering and its the truth.I wasnt Knocking anyone I was stating how I felt about it.I could be very wrong but this s a Support forum for Benzo w/d .Im sorry if that upsets anyone


Shataje..Pattylu..Lizzy ..Pam..


I really appreciate your support thank you...:)



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Im shocked and saddened this morning to read what I have read about skyy and sad for the hurt its caused by her putting her goodbye letter on the other site.  Im sad to see my other good friends arguing as well Im not going to get involved in that.



Skyy's motives will never be known because she no longer can represent herself here.  So lets not turn this into a skyy bashing.  You know for all the 1000 good turns she did this is sad that what she did now defines who some people will remember her as.  I did not know about skyy's association with the said site owner.  Unfortunately many others would like to post here in support of their friend but will fear being condemned by the wider forum.  I think this is sad.  She was special to many.


I dont know why skyy did what she did.  Had she asked to have her goodbye letter posted on bb?  Was this refused?  Did she feel as a desperate last ditch effort to say goodbye she felt the need to do what she did.  If the site's owner was such a good friend of skyy's why did he print what she said to him in private?  Wouldnt he if he was such a good friend of hers protected her.  This doesnt look like a good friend protecting his buddy to me.  Im not defending skyy at all.  Im just trying to figure it all out myself.


Anyway Im sorry for everyone on the forum there are certainly no winners here today.  Not the team, not skyy, not mariann really no good has come out of this at all. 


If skyy had been bought to the attention of the forum as a person of interest 18 months ago was she ever questioned about her association.  Are the recent incidences of skyys behaviour the only evidence of her association. 


Regardless of what skyy did Im going to say Im choosing to remember her for her loyal support to many.  I never had an issue with her at all she helped me numerous times.  Actually if anything she was a hard person to get to know it took work she is really a private person.  She never really engaged in the lengthy private pm thing.  I used to asked her numerous questions via pm and she always answered honestly.  She never ever tried to extract personal information of me and never really asked me about my life.  I liked her and Im going to miss her and Im not ashamed to say it.


I respect Mariann and Jenny both have helped me out so many times.  Jenny you have saved my life I will be forever grateful and I love you heaps.  I also love my friend Mariann I have no hidden agendas. 






I don't disagree with much of what you wrote above. The rest: we'll have to agree to disagree. We did try to communicate with Skyy, even after she posted her abusive comments to that blog. Of course Skyy knew her comments would be published. You will note, it seems apparent that Skyy 'e-mailed' the comments to the blogger!

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Jenny attacked me first in a very condescending way. She, in my opinion knocked those of us who had been supportive of Skyy while she had surgery by accusing those us of "campaigning" that had put "the Skyy's the limit" in our sigs. Seems to be lost on many of you. She may be supportive to some but not all.


MPVV... you really need to stop this nonsense now.  I don't want to upset you, as I know you have suffering from all also.  You sound like a little child stomping their feet... she did it, she did it...  STOP!

Skyy was very supportive to so many...  Jenny has been always supportive to so many.... That's what this site is all about SUPPORTING EACHOTHER.  Since you and Skyy had a close relationship, you CANNOT tell me you two did not have eachother's email addresses or phone numbers; even though that is against the rules.  But when close releationships have been formed... that's what occurs.  I know you both did, its just logical.. Skyy had her opportunity... she blew it!  If she truly CARED about this site and all her "friends", like YOU... she NEVER would have posted on that other site.  That's BS that was her only choice.  So, back off, except reality..  Would you like this site to go south like all the others did???  Well it won't.. why?  With the BB Team we have, they will fight for the right way to do things, and one or a few members are not worth ever that taking place... AND... this BB member will never will either.  Its time to back down, open your eyes and see the truth... and stop attacking the BB Team and other members like you did with Jenny!  Patty

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Well, this just gets murkier and murkier.


A few minutes ago, mbvv's account was restricted (read-only) for one week. However, we have just become aware that mbvv (and another member) have been using the PM system to direct members to a 'benzo withdrawal support forum' run by one or more close associates of the abusive blogger. Many of you will already know that the old forum (BE) run by those associated with (and regular participants to) the abusive blog, closed down after everyone left when they found out the truth. Well, the new 'support forum' is quite transparently run by a former admin (WharfRat) of the BE forum. I don't know if Donna (owner of BE) is involved or not with the new forum. Anyway, WR posted secretly as 'VoiceofUnreason' to the abusive blog for many, many months, and later, under his WR name.


I am really (well, fairly) interested to hear how mbvv will justify using our PM system to direct our members towards a forum run by close friends of the abusive blogger. WR and Donna (in particular, under the names of 'Military Tanks' and 'NT') posted terrible, shocking material to the abusive blog, targeting many members of this forum. I cannot begin to understand their motivations.


WR goes by the name of "....Mighty" (I've abbreviated his new Admin name to make it unGoogleable). Though, this abbreviated name should be enough the alert anyone here that might have joined their innocently.


Anyway, I'm lifting mbvv's posting suspension so that she can respond. Though, of course, I've taken the precaution of disabling her ability to PM other members.


The floor is your yours, mbvv! Don't say you did not have the chance to explain yourself.

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I'm not quite sure what it is you are asking me to explain. Did I know the site was run by anyone in association with the abusive blogger? No. Did I tell one person about there being another forum. Yes. It seemed prudent for me to find support else where after this harsh message left by Hope.




Let me explain something to you all so there will be no misunderstandings. This is a general statement not targeted at any one post but at the recent posts that have been disrespectful to this team. I am taking a hard line on this as of now.


You all have three choices:


1) You can stay on this forum and abide by the rules.This is what I recommend if you need support with any benzo related issue.


2) You can stay on this forum and continue to be contentious, rude and disrespectful to my team, which will most assuredly result in a suspension of your account.


3) Or you can leave and find another place to get support.


You decide. I don't have time to continue to defend the actions of a group of volunteers who are trying to keep this forum running. I've been patient. However my patience is running low.


So yes I have joined the Benzowithdrawal.org forum. I don't like seeing sides taken by admin and moderators here. Hope doesn't seem to like the very desperate members here much. I also don't care for the way people who are suicidal are treated here. I do not at all appreciate being portrayed as a CoM sympathizer either as I'm sure the members at BW will not be pleased that you are trying to malign there forum as such. Hopefully the mods and admin at the BW forum don't get off on pushing members into a corner when they don't agree, have more respect for members, i.e. treating everyone equally as adults, and can put their own personal issues aside.

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