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I'm writing this in response to several inquires about Skyy's status. Although I'm hesitant to discuss these types of moderation issues I understand that she has a great many friends on this forum who are concerned.


I can tell you this...we have become aware of circumstances that we need to discuss with Skyy before we can consider her status with this forum. We have tried to get in touch with her through various means. Until we can have an dialogue with her, we can't resolve these issues or her status with BB.


That's where things stand at the moment. I understand that several of you are in touch with her outside this forum. If she wishes to discuss these matters further, there is a ticket at the help desk that she can reply to.


I won't be going into further explanations other than this.



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I won't be going into further explanations other than this.




Of course, what Hope wrote, above, is the usual situation. Skyy's suspension would not have been discussed on the forum at all, if not for a forum friend of Skyy's starting this thread. Further, Skyy has continued to up the ante and has involved herself with someone outside of BB (BenzoBuddies) that has been long involved the systematic abuse of those going through benzodiazepine withdrawal, here at BB, at (the now defunct) benzowithdrawal.com before us, and the wider benzodiazepine withdrawal community.


We usually do not write about suspended accounts, or even banned accounts. There are two reasons for this. First, we do not wish to exacerbate the problem; and second, those with suspended or banned accounts are often behaving out of character because of their benzodiazepine problems. However, there are limits to this policy. If the banned/suspended member uses a proxy to bring up this issue here, or if they bring up the issue elsewhere, all bets are off. This is particularly true if they lie or misrepresent what has occurred, or are abusive towards BenzoBuddies and/or its members. Skyy has 'scored' on all of these points!


A few days ago, we received a message from Skyy through a friend of hers at BB. Her concern was a medication problem with a member. The concern seemed genuine and legitimate, so we posted the information to the member and thread concerned. However, shortly afterwards, a similarly worded 'concern' (with added abuse directed at BB and one of the team) was posted to a seriously abusive blog site. The blog in question has been involved in long running abuse of members of the benzodiazepine withdrawal community for two years or more. It started with members of (the now defunct) BW (benzowithdrawal.com), and then moved onto targeting our members after we banned an associated account at BB about a year ago. The background to all this is complicated, and has its roots elsewhere (I do not intend to go in to it here - many members know all about it). But, I should point out that about 18 months ago, several members of BW contacted me to claim that Skyy was involved with the person behind the abusive blog site. The whole situation with the blog (and BW) was barely on our radar, and we hadn't even (to our satisfaction) positively identified the person responsible for the blog. We were not about to take action on hearsay about a situation that we knew little about, and did not involve this community. Skyy was afforded every benefit of the doubt.


I tried e-mailing Skyy with the address she has listed in the BB profile regarding her comments to the abusive blog - the e-mail bounced. We asked a BB friend of Skyy's to ask her to contact us - Skyy failed to do this. Instead, Skky attempted to create a second (fake) account to sneak back onto the forum (again, against our rules). She was confronted and instructed to contact us through the Help Desk, using her 'Earth' account. Skyy did indeed post to the Help Desk, but was again less than honest and genuine. Both Hope and I replied to Skyy, but she has not replied (nor returned).


However, Skyy, again, has upped the ante by posting what she had written to us through the Help Desk to the abusive blog site I mentioned. In addition to this, in an attempt to muddy the waters, she misrepresented the 'ban/suspension' notice she receives when she attempts to login here with her Skyy account. The actual 'message' is the middle section of the quote (the rest of the message is a header and footer, and is automated by the forum software)


Sorry Skyy, you are banned from using this forum!


Your membership has been suspended pending further discussions with the team.


This ban is not set to expire.


The true and accurate suspension notice to Skyy:


Sorry Skyy, you are banned from using this forum!


Your membership has been suspended pending further discussions with the team. Please contact the help desk with your newly registered account for more details.


This ban is not set to expire.


Skyy requested that we publish her Help Desk message to the forum. She has also published it through the abusive blog site. She has associated herself with someone that has been involved in the long and systematic abuse of members of our community and beyond. Skyy has also lied about the situation, ignored every opportunity to extricate herself from this situation, and, apparently, even used other members in an attempt to cause more problems. For these reasons, I have decided to post this explanation, and move Skyy's/Earth's Help Desk ticket to the public forum, with my and Hope's responses. Even with the extreme position taken by Skyy, she still had a chance to climb down, be honest, and receive the support she claims to need and desire. It is only now that Skyy is banned from the forum.


I've said this before: if a member causes problems, they can still usually expect us (the team) to be circumspect in our response. This is particularly true where the problems are not put out on the forum. However, if the member misrepresents what has occurred, we will post a correction. If the member involves themselves with those engaged in the systematic abuse of our members, they can expect a robust response. still, I feel we have bent over backwards to allow Skyy to extricate herself from this situation - she chose not to do this.


The ticket posted by 'Earth' (Skyy) has now been moved to this board as a locked topic. Here's a shortcut to the ticket/topic: http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=60240.0

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Colin, I think you and your team have the patience of saints. Most forums would not be so tolerant. Thank you for keeping BB up and running to help so many people.



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Thank you Frannie. We try very hard to keep in mind that our members are often not themselves during withdrawal, when rules are broken. We don't often suspend memberships for this reason. However, something's cannot be overlooked.


I'm personally saddened that things had to come to this point.


Thank you, Frannie, and all of our members who have understood and supported the team.




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Just to clear some things up, concerning the Skyy/Earth thread that no one can respond to,


I was not instructed by Skyy to start this thread. She is not the type to try to get other people in trouble for something she's upset about. She had no idea that I would have done that until it was already up,


Skyy tried to contact me regarding deadly medical advice given to a member, could not reach me and then posted on CoM after panicking hoping someone here would do something as most members are familiar with the site. It's impossible to google benzo buddies without seeing it so please do not accuse me of being in bed with Mike59 either.


Since I have been on this forum the only people I have really seen Skyy take real issue with are the members who are bulling other members or people posting dangerous medical advice. She is not bulling or exploiting members who are vulnerable for her own entertainment.


There certainly are a number of other things here that I take issue with but really aren't worth mentioning.


BTW she did not instruct me to write this either.

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Hello mbvv,


No, you chose to start this thread! I suggest that in future you take on trust what we do around here with regard to moderation actions. You and the other members are not privy to all the facts - that's just the way it is.


As for Skyy being 'scared', this is what she had posted by her friend at the abusive blog:


hope is going to kill someone


    Mike this woman is toxic on the combination of Librium 110mg a day and metoprolol.


    Fucking Hope is telling her this is normal and to distract herself…one idiot is asking if she has a bible. The metoprolol is inhibiting the metabolism of the librium therefore increasing the blood level and producing excessive CNS effects. This could kill her. Dam Hope I hate her, I hope she doesn’t kill this woman. She should go to the ER now.


    Tagamet (cimetidine), oral contraceptives, Prozac (fluoxetine), Nizoral (ketoconazole), Inderal

    (propranolol), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Darvon (propoxyphene), Antabuse (disulfiram)

    These medications may inhibit the metabolism of the Librium, thus increasing the level and pharmacological effects of Librium and producing excessive sedation and other adverse CNS effects.


Real nice. And Skyy was still not banned at this stage! To suggest that Skyy needed to engage an abuser of our members for help, and in addition use it as an opportunity to post abuse directed towards Hope, another member, and the community in general, is disingenuous in the extreme. Please, don't attempt to excuse Skyy's behaviour - your position is incredulous.

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Hello mbvv,


No, you chose to start this thread! I suggest that in future you take on trust what we do around here with regard to moderation actions. You and the other members are not privy to all the facts - that's just the way it is.


As for Skyy being 'scared', this is what she had posted by her friend at the abusive blog:


hope is going to kill someone


    Mike this woman is toxic on the combination of Librium 110mg a day and metoprolol.


    Fucking Hope is telling her this is normal and to distract herself…one idiot is asking if she has a bible. The metoprolol is inhibiting the metabolism of the librium therefore increasing the blood level and producing excessive CNS effects. This could kill her. Dam Hope I hate her, I hope she doesn’t kill this woman. She should go to the ER now.


    Tagamet (cimetidine), oral contraceptives, Prozac (fluoxetine), Nizoral (ketoconazole), Inderal

    (propranolol), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Darvon (propoxyphene), Antabuse (disulfiram)

    These medications may inhibit the metabolism of the Librium, thus increasing the level and pharmacological effects of Librium and producing excessive sedation and other adverse CNS effects.


Real nice. And Skyy was still not banned at this stage! To suggest that Skyy needed to engage an abuser of our members for help, and in addition use it as an opportunity to post abuse directed towards Hope, another member, and the community in general, is disingenuous in the extreme. Please, don't attempt to excuse Skyy's behaviour - your position is incredulous.


Colin, so your not under the impression that Skyy instructed me to start this thread? I must have misread what you wrote on the Skyy/Earth thread. Did I deny starting the thread or deny choosing to start it? No.


I have no idea what you are talking about concerning what I know or what I don't know.  What on earth makes you think you know what I do know or don't know?


I read what she posted on CoM.  She was very worried about that member and it's disturbing to me that you are making light of this members life or death situation. That to me is incredulous.


I guess it explains a lot knowing that Skyy was on the radar to begin with. I could never understand why Hope would allow WWWI's attacks on her. WWWI was on BW as well and is often a target of the abusive indvidual you are talking about. That all makes sense now.



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Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.


Just wanting to put my opinion here on this.


Re long signatures: If someone is talking about their taper and its success or otherwise I actually find it a bit frustrating when I look to the bottom to see what they exactly did and there is no detail for reference. When reading a thread I basically don't even notice the signatures as I am going through, unless I stop to peruse it for a reason. I think my brain is just trained to focus on what I am concentrating on.


Re the posting of pictures: I am not a big poster of pictures but have recently put some of my own photos in to illustrate what I have been doing. I would find this interesting if others did this. Sometimes I think people are feeling too bad to actually write but they like to convey their presence or their concern for others with a picture. I cannot see any harm in this.


Xana (of the BIG Signature)

Hi Xana


I agree with you. I actually like to read signatures and where they are in this w/d .I think it helps anyone receive the kind of info needed when support is coming there way.


What I don't have to much affection for is Repetitive Campaigning for a Person.place or thing. Meaning using Signature lines for anything other then W/D related.. I think it can make a Community feel Isolated or Left out and feeling as if there pain is being over looked.


Hope your doing well sorry I think I read your having a cold.Hope you feel better :)




Jenny.. I have to agree with your post here.  :thumbsup: I guess this means members should rethink the --Skyys the Limit--- campaign that they have on the bottom of their signature lines. It appears the ---Skyy has Fallen---  :o


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The Skyy's the Limit in the sigs were put on in support of her while she was having cancerous tumors removed.
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I'd like all and any personal comments about Skyy to stop. Krock, this means you.


I am not happy about any of this and I won't allow this thread to resort to cheap antics. This situation hasn't been easy for myself and I imagine it's not been easy for Skyy, regardless of who she's friends with.


Please keep this thread respectful to all individuals involved. This is not a thread for our members to bash anyone....period.

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The Skyy's the Limit in the sigs were put on in support of her while she was having cancerous tumors removed.


Sorry to hear about her cancerous tumors. I hope she is doing better now. .

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I can't begin to tell the team how very sorry I am that these events occurred. I wish I had the quarter of the patience that you do. Hope you know how much I have always adored you and how much I think you are doing such a spectacular job.


I will always feel that this is the most important membership I have ever held. It is the one that has given me my life back.


I guess I just wanted to show the team my support. What a privilege it is to be part of such an amazing group.



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I'd like to express my sadness as well. This has not been easy for me...or the team. We were very torn about what to do regarding Skyy's membership before her second post on the blog. She has contributed to this forum in a great many ways. This is not a happy day for any of the team.


I will speak for myself and tell you that I am not happy Skyy is gone, regardless of what she said about me. I've been called worse. I wished we could have opened a dialogue with her before her second posting on the blog. However, it is what it is. We did all we could to keep Skyy on this forum.


Please understand, this thread is not about elevating anyone or tearing anyone down. This is about informing our members about this situation. I understand some of you may have strong views and please express them here but I ask that you keep your tone respectful toward this forum and it's members.

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I stated earlier that I would just read this post and make no more comment about any of this as I DO NOT pay attention to the pictures in general.


However, out of curiosity, I just googled onto COM to read "the latest" there. I did read it. However, I also saw myself from a post I wrote on 7/12/12 about my overall disappointment with my own situation. In this post, it was clear that I did not in any way attribute this to BB, but to a "series of unfortunate events and circumstances," as in ME and MY DOC which it clearly says that.


It was not at all portrayed that way on COM, but blamed in it's entirety on BB. This is a total distortion of the facts as I wrote them at the time.


I am amazed that anyone person would use a forum like that to answer anyone about anything. It's name alone clearly defines it as a place of "craziness." And frankly, it's damned hard to navigate by the way.



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Hello mbvv,


No, you chose to start this thread! I suggest that in future you take on trust what we do around here with regard to moderation actions. You and the other members are not privy to all the facts - that's just the way it is.


As for Skyy being 'scared', this is what she had posted by her friend at the abusive blog:


hope is going to kill someone


    Mike this woman is toxic on the combination of Librium 110mg a day and metoprolol.


    Fucking Hope is telling her this is normal and to distract herself…one idiot is asking if she has a bible. The metoprolol is inhibiting the metabolism of the librium therefore increasing the blood level and producing excessive CNS effects. This could kill her. Dam Hope I hate her, I hope she doesn’t kill this woman. She should go to the ER now.


    Tagamet (cimetidine), oral contraceptives, Prozac (fluoxetine), Nizoral (ketoconazole), Inderal

    (propranolol), Depakote (divalproex sodium), Darvon (propoxyphene), Antabuse (disulfiram)

    These medications may inhibit the metabolism of the Librium, thus increasing the level and pharmacological effects of Librium and producing excessive sedation and other adverse CNS effects.


Real nice. And Skyy was still not banned at this stage! To suggest that Skyy needed to engage an abuser of our members for help, and in addition use it as an opportunity to post abuse directed towards Hope, another member, and the community in general, is disingenuous in the extreme. Please, don't attempt to excuse Skyy's behaviour - your position is incredulous.


Colin, so your not under the impression that Skyy instructed me to start this thread? I must have misread what you wrote on the Skyy/Earth thread. Did I deny starting the thread or deny choosing to start it? No.




I never said that you were 'instructed' to do anything. However, it is transparent that you are in communication with Skyy, you are a 'supporter' of Skyy, and you even encouraged other members to post similar support by spamming this thread with the same image Skyy used to spam the forum. This discussion is taking place largely because you chose to start this thread. Instead of respecting our moderation actions, and that we act in good faith and in the best interests of the community and its members, you posted this confrontational thread. Skyy was given every opportunity to back herself out of this situation - instead she chose to escalate matters, as did you, for that matter.


I have no idea what you are talking about concerning what I know or what I don't know.  What on earth makes you think you know what I do know or don't know?


Perhaps you should quote me - I didn't write anything about 'what you know'. I did write that, "you and the other members are not privy to all the facts". Why should we share everything that occurs within moderation discussion with members? I think the vast majority of members appreciate that we only share such information when forced by the actions of a member (or supporter). That is to say, if they misrepresent the facts or involve themselves in systematic abuse of our members, we will post a correction for members.


I read what she posted on CoM.  She was very worried about that member and it's disturbing to me that you are making light of this members life or death situation. That to me is incredulous.


I think you will find little to no support from fellow members if you continue to defend the indefensible. The blog site in question is involved in the systematic abuse of members here and further afield; the blogger even posts images of his psycho-sexual fantasies of Prof. Ahston. If this was not enough, Skyy includes abusive comments at the blog directed towards a member of the team, an unnamed member, and the community in general.


I guess it explains a lot knowing that Skyy was on the radar to begin with. I could never understand why Hope would allow WWWI's attacks on her. WWWI was on BW as well and is often a target of the abusive indvidual you are talking about. That all makes sense now.


Or maybe all it means is those that complained 18 months ago were right. I was still right to ignore their concerns, as we judge members by their actions while participating at BenzoBuddies - Skyy has spoken loudly through her own actions. Even so, right up until the last moment, she could have reversed course, been contrite and apologetic - its is self-evident that Skyy is more interested in attacking this forum and its members, and her loyalties lie elsewhere (probably always have done).

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I can't begin to tell the team how very sorry I am that these events occurred. I wish I had the quarter of the patience that you do. Hope you know how much I have always adored you and how much I think you are doing such a spectacular job.


I will always feel that this is the most important membership I have ever held. It is the one that has given me my life back.


I guess I just wanted to show the team my support. What a privilege it is to be part of such an amazing group.


Thank you very much for this Pam and also Frannie. 


This has been a difficult time for the team. We tried so hard to find a solution to this problem that would be beneficial to the entire community, including Skyy.  Sadly, because of the events that unfolded our options were limited.  We are not happy about this but it is time to move forward and continue with the business of the forum, supporting and helping those going through benzo withdrawal and recovery.





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Here is what I was responding to,


"The thread where your suspension was discussed was started by your forum friend, mbvv. I suggest that if you have an issue with that thread, you take it up with mbvv. Do not pretend to us that you were unaware of what mbvv was doing."



She did in fact not know what I was doing. I'm sorry if this thread has made matters worse for her.


In regard to your question of what I'm privy to or not, not everything I am writing is in direct reference to your exact words. Some of the expressions I am making are inferences.


I'm sure Skyy will be devastated that now she is being perceived as to having loyalty to the absurd delusions of someone who clearly cannot be productive in a positive way and obviously has other issues. In my opinion her loyalty was with service to others fore mostly. I'm pretty sure the effort she made on this forum to support those in need was a selfless endeavour on her part.


I mainly recall her defending others on this forum who were under attack and to claim she was attacking members is a big distortion. I know she called you a pompous ass in a PM and said some harsh things to Hope via PM after she had defended BOL, and I agree, that was out of line.


Unfortunately is seems like the stronger and healthier some one is the less sensitivity they have for others who are suffering imaginably.

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Skyy goes way back with the owner of the abusive blog site. They both were very active participants at BW (before he was banned from there), and he has regularly written positively about Skyy (just about the only member of here and BW that he seems to like and support). Skyy knows better than 99% of our members the nature of that blog site and the abuse the owner directs towards everyone involved at BB and other benzodiazepine withdrawal support sites and groups, and their supporters. The 'blogger' we are talking about has, for example, directed images of hanging bodies at vulnerable individuals, photoshopped psycho-sexual imagery of his targets, and has (several times) even posted a video clip of naked man running around attached to a chicken. He has done similar things in the past before he even joined a benzo forum, targeting other groups and individuals.


I don't believe that you are not properly aware of the nature of that site or the man behind it, the inappropriateness of Skyy's comments there, or that Skyy's actions are in any way defensible.

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I'm afraid what Colin says is absolutely true. We did give Skyy the benefit of the doubt but it can't be ignored that the first place she chose to go to with all this is the blog in question. If she wasn't a very close associate (friend) of the blog owner, that wouldn't be the first place anyone would have gone. In fact, it would have been the last place most would have gone.



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Is your last post directed at me or the forum? Why are you telling me this only to then say you don't believe I don't know what the site is about? I didn't claim to not know and I'm not quite understanding what exactly what it is you believe I'm defending. I am really getting worn out by this nit picking. I have stated my opinion quite clearly I believe and do not have some type of hidden agenda.

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My post was directed at both you and the wider membership.


Why would you even attempt to defend Skyy's actions if you understand what that website is about? Either you are not properly aware, or you choose to defend an indefensible action (Skyy taking side with serial abuser of our members). Which is it?

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This thread has done nothing but give the freak show at COM more delicious fodder for his sick site.  He is having a field day with this.  I am ashamed to even admit I have logged on to see what kind of twisted spin he would put on this.  I have seen my posts on there many times, and even saw a friend with her head impaled through a metal rod.  I'm sure this post will show up there as he has nothing else to do with his time but exploit our horror.


I dunno...I might stop this thread...it has really turned into rubber-necking.  I would like to add that I am very grateful that the mods here try there best to keep us safe.  I guess there is no way we can drive a stack through the heart of the vampire at COM and that's sad.



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