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Banned for spamming too many kitty pics


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I can read this Intend, so no probs with your post.  :laugh:



I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.


I have lots of unused space in my brain so no need to offload anything! Need to be filling it up more.


Re animal rights: Here in the land of Oz, 'Animals Australia' has had amazing success in publishing material and getting petitions signed via social media, mostly Facebook. Big push to ban live animal export. Success in alot of areas. It's about the only way to reach large numbers of people. I am shameless in sharing things on other people's timelines to get maximum exposure for the things I feel passionately about. Our local politicians use it. I also enjoy the social connection from here in my little room in the bush! Like to see all the new babies and find out what everyone is up to.Love seeing my kids' photos and putting up mine. I'd miss it. Tried Twitter - for 5 minutes when it first came out. Too shallow (even for me :) )


But to each his/her own!


This is so off topic! Ha, ha!



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I read that "sililoquy" so easily. I was amazed. It is amazing how we read. I don't know about my friends reading it. I'll have to see. I'll test it on my husband. That will be very interesting.


Saw that beautiful bridge on your blog. I mean the picture, not the real bridge. Here we've come back round to the picture theme again. And for me, sleeping is important. It's 11:19 PM here. I'm off to watch tv in the bedroom.


Keep watch on all the lovely little animals around you. Here they are trying to preserve the deer so they can shoot them during hunting season, so they re killing coyotes so they can't get the deer. I think we humans need more controllingthan any animal. I'm getting political and environmental. Bedtime.



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Here they are trying to preserve the deer so they can shoot them during hunting season, so they re killing coyotes so they can't get the deer. I think we humans need more controllingthan any animal. I'm getting political and environmental.


Oh that is appalling! I hate some humans.


That's not political - it is being a sane and caring member of the human race!


Hope you have a good sleep. It's 3:30pm here. Loads of time to sit here and kill my back!




PS Glad you liked my pretty picture.  ;)

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I want to weigh in on the issue of signatures and the one on images.


First, the signatures.


There are two ways I see this. First, if the signatures are bothering you, you can put your settings to not see the signatures. I found this really helpful a few months ago when I couldn’t concentrate at all. So just turn them off. It really helps.


Second, I like to see the signatures. If someone is in distress, it is really easy to see where that person is in the taper. Also it is really nice to change my signature as I moved down through my taper. Updating my signature is a small mark of relative success. Also they give a really good indicator of movement – they seem to have a rhythm of their own – they grow as a sign of success and slow, controlled progress. New members need to see that we mean it when we say we are trying to taper slowly and carefully. This is yet another way of saying that we believe in moving away from these drugs and we are acting on that belief.





I agree with you. I think signatures are a good way for other members to understand where members stand in terms of their taper. This is valuable information that we need to know in order to help.


When I update my signature after I've made a cut, it's a good feeling. I see that I am moving away from this medication. It's validation and as you said, those who find them distracting can make them invisible on the forum.


You can do this by: going into your profile settings > modify >look and layout...then check the box next to "Don't show users signatures".


As for images, as I've said they are not my taste but I understand other members find them entertaining and useful to express themselves. We ask that they be used sparingly if at all possible and not on the main forum. They should be kept to our Buddie Blog section. Also, it's important that they be in good taste. No sexual content, no profanity. Our rules and guideline pertain to images as they do for other modalities of support.

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As for images, as I've said they are not my taste but I understand other members find them entertaining and useful to express themselves. We ask that they be used sparingly if at all possible and not on the main forum. They should be kept to our Buddie Blog section. Also, it's important that they be in good taste. No sexual content, no profanity. Our rules and guideline pertain to images as they do for other modalities of support.


Thank you, Hope!


I think this is a very reasonable requirement. I'm so relieved that images were not completely taken away and I want to thank you for that. Nothing makes me laugh out loud more than a well timed and tasteful image.


Thank you, Hope,


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As for images, as I've said they are not my taste but I understand other members find them entertaining and useful to express themselves. We ask that they be used sparingly if at all possible and not on the main forum. They should be kept to our Buddie Blog section. Also, it's important that they be in good taste. No sexual content, no profanity. Our rules and guideline pertain to images as they do for other modalities of support.


Thank you, Hope!


I think this is a very reasonable requirement. I'm so relieved that images were not completely taken away and I want to thank you for that. Nothing makes me laugh out loud more than a well timed and tasteful image.


Thank you, Hope,



Contrary to popular opinion, Flip, I do care for and understand our member's needs.:laugh:  I'm happy to accommodate those needs as long as they are reasonable and don't go against the forum rules.

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Thanks for adding the "how to" on removing signatures.

Absolutely agree about the images!



My pleasure, hanna.

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I deleted my signature in may  due to constantly changing circumstances in my case. Obviously with the number of posts i have, I got a history here.


But I don't want to share it right now. My situation has been in so much flux since joining BB (not because of that, but because of me and my doc) that it would be hard to put down at this point. Plus I'm a smart person, and I feel kind of dumb for all that I've put through because the doc has been somewhat cavalier, and I went along with it.


It will be there eventually I suppose. Have to still achieve stability. I've had tons of well meaning advice, but it's at the unadvisible point. Now it would be the "warnings " as I call them to not go back to K, even as there are no real choices, and those old and tired advisories to read Ashton as if I couldn't repeat it by heart. But I'm still here, asking advice and getting some good advice, and also giving it.



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I can read this Intend, so no probs with your post.  :laugh:



I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Unisg the icndeblire pweor of the hmuan mnid, aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm. Tihs is bucseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey ltteer by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Aaznmig, huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghhuot slelinpg was ipmorantt! See if yuor fdreins can raed tihs too.



Xana...that is easy to read...cool! The human brain is amazing...if only we could use all of it. Some day perhaps.


Sorry...back to the thread topic.



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Yes, it's pretty amazing Danni!


It makes you wonder why we stress about spelling so much.  ::)


Hope you are doing OK. haven't visited your blog for a while.


Xana  :smitten:

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Hi Xana:


Still tapering...cutting and holding. You know...the same old until I finish. Hey...look at my sig. ;)  Not as detailed as yours, but I will do so one day. All the meds that I am on are correct.


I hardly post much anymore. Do a lot of reading on here. I'll stop by your blog soon.


So true about spelling, but I think I care about spelling (for myself) because I was brought up like that. Plus university (all those essays) and worked in offices. I care about my spelling on here even in w/d. It's ingrained in me until I pass onto the other side.


Hope you are doing well Xana and take care. :smitten:



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So true about spelling, but I think I care about spelling (for myself) because I was brought up like that.


Me too! I don't care how other people spell as I would rather hear from them than worry about that. It's just me! I even punctuate text messages! Maybe it's genetic. Two of my kids are the same as me but the other two aren't. And it's nothing to do with intelligence or standard of education. Just like two bite their nails and the other two don't!


Who knows? Probably a disorder!  :laugh:


You are doing well with your taper. Mine is an embarrassment.  :(


Xana  :smitten:

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I also care about all the spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, transition from paragraph to paragraph. Its because it was a big deal when I was in elementary school.


That was many years ago, but we learned it all. When I went to college, it served me well. I also do all that in my texting. My oldest daughter has her phone say "Flip open; its mom," cause then she knows she"ll be getting a properly worded and grammatically correct text. Not that she cares about all that. Its just lets her know to open her phone. Convenience for her is all.


All her friends think this is "cute" im told. Just me.



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I can't say Lizzy. As I've said at the start of this thread, we don't discuss suspensions..etc of members on the forum. If at any time there is something that we feel the wider membership needs to know, we will certainly inform you.
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Dear Hope...I took a couple of weeks off the forum and it seems you have been working very hard to maintain order and civility. You have a really thankless job but I wanted to take the time now to thankyou. You have demonstrated much restraint and patience ands its obvious you are very dedicated. I hope you have thick skin and dont take personally the content of some replies directed your way. I should have written you sooner...please forgive me that I have not. I hope your taper is going well Hope and that you too are getting the kind of support we all need.  :) Colleen
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Hi Colleen,


Thank you so much for your support. It's very much appreciated by myself and the team. Yes, this can seem like a thankless job sometimes but over all the rewards outweigh the occasional difficulties. I'm happy to manage the forum for those of you who need, respect and appreciate it. That's not the least bit thankless.


My taper is going well. How nice of you to ask.  :)


Thank you for leaving such a nice note.  :smitten:



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Hi Colleen,


I'd also like to thank you for the lovely note. 


All of us on the team feel the same way, we are all committed to giving back to a forum that has helped us so much.


Although there is a feeling of sadness at times welcoming new members and reading their stories, there is also great relief that they are here and can receive support and guidance from some wonderful members.


If we can help one person in one small way, everything is worthwhile.



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I have to agree with Colleen! 100%


The Moderators and Administrators deserve so much Respect for what they do here at BB . They bring Safety and Order here to keep everyone in a Comfortable environment . With out it there would be nothing but Disrespect and Disorder all over this Forum.Talk about Scary!


I think its hard to be the Rule Enforcer! But they do it for us here who need a Safe place to come in such a Uncertain time of our lives in this w/d.Withdrawl is way Scary enough.


I have lived my whole life giving Respect. I think with out it is when threads like these are Born.

I dont always speak about how much Appreciation I have for them . But I do when theres a Lack of it.







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Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.  That's just my opinion.


I have increased the amount of characters allowed in signature lines over the years, as members have complained of not being able to fit in everything they would like - I may have gone too far. I'll discuss this with the Administrators to see what they think. There are extra options with the upgraded version of SMF (the number of lines allowed in a signature, etc.). These might help make signature lines less obtrusive.


If I recall correctly, the only images allowed in signature lines are a single progress tracker, and a few forum smilies.


I believe zoner maybe referring to images in posts in general..but I might be wrong.


I find images of any sort (either in the text or in the sig) can make threads hard to read. Of course sometimes the images are essential to the discussion such as a photo of a measuring jar that a poster wants to discuss.


Other pictures, wherever they are, are nothing more than decorative and I find they make the threads harder to read.






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I've been all over this thread so I'll be quiet after these comments.


I do find that you Admin folks show a lot of common sense in running this forum and that can't be easy, especially when it's voluntary. There has to be tons of consideration given to the various issues that come up, not to mention just monitoring this entire forum between literally a few people. So for that I say thanks, you are really doing an almost "superhuman" job, and I hope you can and will continue.


Lastly, I generally ignore the pictures anyway (except for the kind Zoner mentioned), so for me they're immaterial unless of course, this whole forum would be taken over by pictures which I don't think will happen. Words are still "the last word."



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Click the 'wap2' link at the very bottom of the forum. It appends the URL with 'wap2' and is meant for mobile devise access to the forum. It only displays text, so might be of interest to you.


If you wish to revert to normal view, edit the URL to remove 'wap2'.

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Thank you all for your kind words, support and understanding.



Thank you and your team for this great site!







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