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Banned for spamming too many kitty pics


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OK, I'll mark out the issue in very easy terms:


  • A member, already reprimanded for their behavior, spams the forum with 76 identical messages over a period of about 20 minutes, and only stops when we turned off their ability to post.
  • Another member starts a thread in support of the member with the suspended account, and then goes on to encourage other members to post the same image again (spam), 'in support'!
  • One or two individuals, instead of understanding that what we are talking about is obvious forum spamming, add their support to the OP.


No one has been banned (so far), and moderation actions were very much more lenient than they would be at most forums for deliberate spamming (and other rule infractions).


Rules are designed to allow the forum operate smoothly. They might not ways appear just or fair, but they are equally applied. Rules cannot always appear to be fair to all members because moderation actions for rule infractions are not determinations reached after a court case (they are just wholly reasonable rules), and members cannot know the full background to any particular decision. The rules apply to all - they are not relaxed because one or two friends of someone at the receiving end of rule infraction determination do not like it.


Members should understand that we have a rule to cover disruptive behavior. There has been a great deal of such behavior of late from a small group of members. Our time is limited and our patience is not infinite. I suggest that those few causing problems stop their deliberate disruption, or suffer the consequences. I mean it - just give it up, and start appreciating what you have here.

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The moderators are all volunteers.  Some are still healing, and others are working full time jobs.  If it were not for Colin, and the moderators, enforcing the rules, and regulations that govern this special place, it would become like a rudderless ship lost at sea, and eventually would disappear, as so many other Benzo support sites have.  This unique site is not impervious to complacency, indifference, or lack of respect. 


Respect for one another, and respect for the moderators, is paramount if this unique site is to remain the safe haven that it has always been, and hopefully, always will be for those seeking refuge during a confusing, and painful time in their lives.


The moderators, and all the BB staff, just like the rest of us, have days where they can become discouraged, and are tempted, I imagine, to 'throw in the towel', and do something else with their lives.


But, they are a special kind of person.  They put their desire to helps others above

what they must sacrifice in their personal lives in order to keep this site from becoming like so many other Benzo support sites became, and eventually ceased to exist.


Because members, including the moderators, are healing and are overly tired and stressed out, of course there are going to be times when discussions can become heated, and words are spoken that can be misconstrued, and leave us with hurt feelings, and confusion. 


This is when it is so important to have understanding and patient moderators to put things on an even keel again.  We are fortunate to have such moderators here at BenzoBuddies, who day after day, unselfishly devote their time, and energy to insure that this unique site remains the great place that it is.


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OK, I'll mark out the issue in very easy terms:


  • A member, already reprimanded for their behavior, spams the forum with 76 identical messages over a period of about 20 minutes, and only stops when we turned off their ability to post.
  • Another member starts a thread in support of the member with the suspended account, and then goes on to encourage other members to post the same image again (spam), 'in support'!
  • One or two individuals, instead of understanding that what we are talking about is obvious forum spamming, add their support to the OP.

No one has been banned (so far), and moderation actions were very much more lenient than they would be at most forums for deliberate spamming (and other rule infractions).


Rules are designed to allow the forum operate smoothly. They might not ways appear just or fair, but they are equally applied. Rules cannot always appear to be fair to all members because moderation actions for rule infractions are not determinations reached after a court case (they are just wholly reasonable rules), and members cannot know the full background to any particular decision. The rules apply to all - they are not relaxed because one or two friends of someone at the receiving end of rule infraction determination do not like it.


Members should understand that we have a rule to cover disruptive behavior. There has been a great deal of such behavior of late from a small group of members. Our time is limited and our patience is not infinite. I suggest that those few causing problems stop their deliberate disruption, or suffer the consequences. I mean it - just give it up, and start appreciating what you have here.



I my opinion Benzo Buddies is one of the most tolerant message boards.  Colin and the admins know there are many posters who are going through panic attacks, suffering painful symptoms, experiencing depersonalisation and generally going through total hell.  I believe it is for this reason that a lot a latitude is given to posters and I think this is a very good policy.


On the other hand, from what I have read in this thread, the picture poster was behaving in a strange way.  Perhaps they were going through a very hard time of their own but their behaviour of multi-posting many pictures in a short period  seems to have upset others.  If the person takes time out to cool down then they will probably feel better and post more conventionally.


I do know it must be very hard for the individual to be cut off from a support group and I do sympathise a great deal with the extra distress this will cause them but this message board would descend into unreadable anarchy if everyone behaved in the same way.


Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.  That's just my opinion.





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Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.  That's just my opinion.


I have increased the amount of characters allowed in signature lines over the years, as members have complained of not being able to fit in everything they would like - I may have gone too far. I'll discuss this with the Administrators to see what they think. There are extra options with the upgraded version of SMF (the number of lines allowed in a signature, etc.). These might help make signature lines less obtrusive.


If I recall correctly, the only images allowed in signature lines are a single progress tracker, and a few forum smilies.

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Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.  That's just my opinion.


I have increased the amount of characters allowed in signature lines over the years, as members have complained of not being able to fit in everything they would like - I may have gone too far. I'll discuss this with the Administrators to see what they think. There are extra options with the upgraded version of SMF (the number of lines allowed in a signature, etc.). These might help make signature lines less obtrusive.


If I recall correctly, the only images allowed in signature lines are a single progress tracker, and a few forum smilies.


I believe zoner maybe referring to images in posts in general..but I might be wrong.

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I get the feeling he's referring to both, but that's for him to say. Frankly, I never even realized that this particular "kitty picture" had made it's way around the forum so fast.


There are many pictures on some blogs; more pictures than words often times. I usually take it as part of the person wishing other members well as there usually is some wording with the pictures.


However, as administrators and moderators, you all are n a good position to recognize the speed and number of any particular picture that is making it's way around the forum.


Me, I'm just usually looking for information by written word, so I tend to bypass a lot of the pictures.



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I found that it may have been Intentional and Quiet Obsessive. I was a bit aware that there may be a agenda here. Not sure. But I saw that these were being posted in a very fast manner and to people who I saw weren't ever in contact with the poster.


What I wanted to point out if I may.. Is this thread in general is even more Offensive. I mean why is there a thread going against authority to tell people who received that picture to Re post it. That's what I have a very hard time with. That's just alittle to in your face for me.


And when someone is banned there is no immediate contact with that person .That person receives the ban and that's it they cant come on here until the ban is lifted. How did anyone even know if that person was banned if it wasn't done openly?



I appreciate the Authority and there rules its what makes for a safe place for people who suffer in this w/d and where there Judgement may not be as clear. So I think its time to bring the tone back to more even tone and keep supporting the way BB was designed for.



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I found that it may have been Intentional and Quiet Obsessive. I was a bit aware that there may be a agenda here. Not sure. But I saw that these were being posted in a very fast manner and to people who I saw weren't ever in contact with the poster.


What I wanted to point out if I may.. Is this thread in general is even more Offensive. I mean why is there a thread going against authority to tell people who received that picture to Re post it. That's what I have a very hard time with. That's just alittle to in your face for me.


And when someone is banned there is no immediate contact with that person .That person receives the ban and that's it they cant come on here until the ban is lifted. How did anyone even know if that person was banned if it wasn't done openly?



I appreciate the Authority and there rules its what makes for a safe place for people who suffer in this w/d and where there Judgement may not be as clear. So I think its time to bring the tone back to more even tone and keep supporting the way BB was designed for.




Interesting as I recall reading about how you and Krock spent time on the phone with one another during your week off the forum.

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I found that it may have been Intentional and Quiet Obsessive. I was a bit aware that there may be a agenda here. Not sure. But I saw that these were being posted in a very fast manner and to people who I saw weren't ever in contact with the poster.


What I wanted to point out if I may.. Is this thread in general is even more Offensive. I mean why is there a thread going against authority to tell people who received that picture to Re post it. That's what I have a very hard time with. That's just alittle to in your face for me.


And when someone is banned there is no immediate contact with that person .That person receives the ban and that's it they cant come on here until the ban is lifted. How did anyone even know if that person was banned if it wasn't done openly?



I appreciate the Authority and there rules its what makes for a safe place for people who suffer in this w/d and where there Judgement may not be as clear. So I think its time to bring the tone back to more even tone and keep supporting the way BB was designed for.




Interesting as I recall reading about how you and Krock spent time on the phone with one another during your week off the forum.

Hi Mbvv..


What your referring to was in a joking manner. My intention is not to upset you.This stood out to me as being Disrespectful to the Authoritative voice here at BB and I thought it should be brought to everyones attention that's all. I hope your feeling OK..

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Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.


Just wanting to put my opinion here on this.


Re long signatures: If someone is talking about their taper and its success or otherwise I actually find it a bit frustrating when I look to the bottom to see what they exactly did and there is no detail for reference. When reading a thread I basically don't even notice the signatures as I am going through, unless I stop to peruse it for a reason. I think my brain is just trained to focus on what I am concentrating on.


Re the posting of pictures: I am not a big poster of pictures but have recently put some of my own photos in to illustrate what I have been doing. I would find this interesting if others did this. Sometimes I think people are feeling too bad to actually write but they like to convey their presence or their concern for others with a picture. I cannot see any harm in this.


Xana (of the BIG Signature)

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I don't see the harm of images in buddie blogs and that's where most of them stay for the most part, my personal taste aside. However, they don't belong on the main forum. Many of our members find them distracting and in some who are in active withdrawal, images can cause visual discomfort.


I don't like excessive images but I get that posting if images on buddie blogs is somewhat of an enjoyable activity for some of our members. Naturally, my feelings regarding this do not extend to spam of any kind.



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Well Xana,


You make some excellent points. I readily admit that I do not know how to find a picture or post a picture.


I'm not even familiar with the emoticon thing and how to do it.


Luckily I have no desire to  learn any of this as I'm very wordy and must get all my thoughts out. No room for pictures for me because of that. But as I say, I'm happy not to learn any of that.


But I do agree that some are showing affection for each other by the pictures (I see this a lot on holidays), while others may not be able to, at the time, verbally express themselves due to w/d problems.


Believe it or not, I'm having that problem now, so this is a short one for me.



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Speaking purely personally, I find pictures and long sigs break up the readability of threads and I would like to see less of them in general.


Just wanting to put my opinion here on this.


Re long signatures: If someone is talking about their taper and its success or otherwise I actually find it a bit frustrating when I look to the bottom to see what they exactly did and there is no detail for reference. When reading a thread I basically don't even notice the signatures as I am going through, unless I stop to peruse it for a reason. I think my brain is just trained to focus on what I am concentrating on.


Re the posting of pictures: I am not a big poster of pictures but have recently put some of my own photos in to illustrate what I have been doing. I would find this interesting if others did this. Sometimes I think people are feeling too bad to actually write but they like to convey their presence or their concern for others with a picture. I cannot see any harm in this.


Xana (of the BIG Signature)

Hi Xana


I agree with you. I actually like to read signatures and where they are in this w/d .I think it helps anyone receive the kind of info needed when support is coming there way.


What I don't have to much affection for is Repetitive Campaigning for a Person.place or thing. Meaning using Signature lines for anything other then W/D related.. I think it can make a Community feel Isolated or Left out and feeling as if there pain is being over looked.


Hope your doing well sorry I think I read your having a cold.Hope you feel better :)



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I don't see the harm of images in buddie blogs and that's where most of them stay for the most part, my personal taste aside. However, they don't belong on the main forum. Many of our members find them distracting and in some who are in active withdrawal, images can cause visual discomfort.


I don't like excessive images but I get that posting if images on buddie blogs is somewhat of an enjoyable activity for some of our members. Naturally, my feelings regarding this do not extend to spam of any kind.




Hi Hope,


I agree that the pictures and photos should be on the bblogs as they are the sort of 'friendship' places. I wasn't aware that some people could experience visual discomfort from such things (learn something every day). Thanks for explaining. :)






Until recently I haven't been able to post images even though Dave explained it to me very clearly ages ago. You have to take things from public domains or upload your own photos to a public domain.


I have found that I can take images from Facebook which I use extensively in promoting the many environmental and social issues in which I involve myself. I make my private albums for friends there too. It was a bit of a hard task to learn at first as no one left in this lonely house uses Facebook except me. I could not wail to any of my children to help me so I taught myself. It took a while but my digital photography skills have improved immensely by doing this. One I've uploaded my photos to Facebook, I can then copy them to here. If anything was of a nature that could identify me, I can privately lock it into facebook, copy it, and then remove it from facebook.


In this phase of life that I am feeling pretty non functional, I gain satisfaction in bringing myself up to date (just a little bit - there is a long way to go!). I burnt my first 2 CDs yesterday. I know this is laughable as my kids have probably been doing it for 15 years! My husband had to show me but I think I know now.


I am ashamed to say that couple of years ago I couldn't even get the photos off my camera into my computer. Or rather, I refused to learn. Not going to be like that any more!


Re the emoticons: Just click on the one you want from above the 'writing box'. Now here is a chance for me to complain! These are the things that annoy me to death. I searched and searched for a way to disable them - especially 'yippee'. My husband suggested just moving the window up so you can't see them but then you can't access the formatting tools above them without scrolling down constantly.


Sorry to hear that you are finding it hard to express yourself because of withdrawal today. Now if you had your own blog I could put a nice picture there to cheer you up! ;)



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Hi Xana


I agree with you. I actually like to read signatures and where they are in this w/d .I think it helps anyone receive the kind of info needed when support is coming there way.


What I don't have to much affection for is Repetitive Compaining for a Person.place or thing. Meaning using Signature lines for anything other then W/D related.. I think it can make a Community feel Isolated or Left out and feeling as if there pain is being over looked.


Hope your doing well sorry I think I read your having a cold.Hope you feel better [img alt=:)]http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/Smileys/standard/smiley.gif[/img]




Hi Jenny,


You popped in while I was making my long winded response!


I think you are right about signatures aiding the supporters. It's good when you can see other medications people have been using as well because I think that can make a difference too.


I have never thought about the adding of other things in the sig line but what you say makes sense.


Thanks for your good wishes. Yes, I have a cold, but am grateful if that's all I get.  :) I haven't had one for so long, I'd forgotten how revolting wearing my CPAP mask is when I have one (I should say 'more revolting'). Can't be flu as I've had the shot. I have been extremely lucky in not being sick with anything out of the ordinary for ages (touch wood), so not complaining (except to my husband to get extra attention.  >:D )



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Re the emoticons: Just click on the one you want from above the 'writing box'. Now here is a chance for me to complain! These are the things that annoy me to death. I searched and searched for a way to disable them - especially 'yippee'. My husband suggested just moving the window up so you can't see them but then you can't access the formatting tools above them without scrolling down constantly.


Fixed! I don't promise to not reverse this change (as others might complain to the contrary ::)), but I've moved the 'Yippee' and 'Ticked-Off' emoticons to the popup box (accessed by clicking the '[more]' link immediately below the row of emoticons (smilies) and above the reply box).

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Xana... :(


I am really sorry you have a cold.Is it winter there? Ughh I had like 2 this winter season and the Flu it was awful, lol On complaining to get attention from ur husband.You should your hurting!


Feel good soon I hope it leaves you quick.I hate colds they make me feel bad.

Homemade Chicken soup is very good in healing from a cold..



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Fixed! I don't promise to not reverse this change (as others might complain to the contrary [img alt=::)]http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/Smileys/standard/rolleyes.gif[/img]), but I've moved the 'Yippee' and 'Ticked-Off' emoticons to the popup box (accessed by clicking the '[more]' link immediately below the row of emoticons (smilies) and above the reply box).



I love you Colin!  ;)  Aaaah! No more little irritating jumpy man! I hated the stick poking one ('ticked off') too but didn't dare complain too much. And that one is gone as well!






Thank you.


Xana  :smitten:

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I love you Colin!  ;)  Aaaah! No more little irritating jumpy man!


Steady-on - I'm British! ;D


I hated the stick poking one ('ticked off') too but didn't dare complain too much. And that one is gone as well!


No worries, it was a small, easy change.




Thank you.


Xana  :smitten:


You are welcome. :)

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Steady-on - I'm British! [img alt=;D]http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/Smileys/standard/grin.gif[/img]



I'm technically British too. Not English though. Born in Wales. I have taken on the wanton ways of the country I've spent most of my life in. Aussies don't hold back!  ;)


Still have a British passport. It's a bit weird really. Not totally one or the other. Then throw in the mix of half Ukrainian! I am a true mongrel.  :)

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I want to weigh in on the issue of signatures and the one on images.


First, the signatures.


There are two ways I see this. First, if the signatures are bothering you, you can put your settings to not see the signatures. I found this really helpful a few months ago when I couldn’t concentrate at all. So just turn them off. It really helps.


Second, I like to see the signatures. If someone is in distress, it is really easy to see where that person is in the taper. Also it is really nice to change my signature as I moved down through my taper. Updating my signature is a small mark of relative success. Also they give a really good indicator of movement – they seem to have a rhythm of their own – they grow as a sign of success and slow, controlled progress. New members need to see that we mean it when we say we are trying to taper slowly and carefully. This is yet another way of saying that we believe in moving away from these drugs and we are acting on that belief.


About the images. Some of us communicate with words and others are more expressive with images. When I see images that someone has posted, I get a sense of what is important to that person. We have to be relatively anonymous here, but when we see the things and animals of our lives, it helps us to understand and respect the important things and gives us yet another insight into the person. I also see some really wonderful photography, which speaks to the sensitivity of members. It feels good to see these pictures. I think we are a pretty sensitive group and for those of us who are visual communicators, it is comforting to be able to communicate through images.


The random images. What I really don’t like is a random, thoughtless image. I can be putting in my blog the fact that I have only managed 2 hours sleep and that the night was full of anxiety or I have relatives coming for the weekend and am not happy about it. Then I don’t want to come back on line and have someone send me a whacky, glittery “have a great weekend” picture. I can ignore it now – maybe it is just a sign of a problem with mania? I can see images like that between friends – even though it is a public forum, we do get to know each other in different ways, and sometimes an image like that - the fun, whacky image of something fun and silly - is just nice and I really appreciate it from someone with whom I am travelling down this road– for a few minutes someone is thinking about me and is happy and sending me something fun. Hard to believe that, though, at a time when I am one of 100 instant recipients in a few minutes. Six months ago it would have been devastating to me  – Was no one reading what I wrote? Does anyone care? Can anyone understand?


We really are a caring group of people. We are all moving through problems that was not of our making - we are embracing the work of getting off these drugs. Can we just continue to be gentle with one another?


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I guess we're all a combo of something. My dad came from Ireland, Queens County. His whole family began the migration back in the 1800s. My first cousin worked for the FBI and finally retired about 5 years ago. He did an entire, very extensive family tree that goes way back. And this was hard cause so many of the Irish birth records were burned in a tremendous fire.


A lot could only be verified by the "lading records" from the ships that transported all the Irish immigrants into the harbors of Boston, New York and others. I find this all so interesting that I could research it for hours. My mom was from a German family who had also migrated, but way before my dad. They met at the Worlds Fair during the Depression.


I'm dating myself here to some extent, but that's ok. I never do Facebook or Twitter. I'm not really technologically challenged; I just have limited interest. However, if I must learn something technological for a good reason, I will. I do tons of reading and also am into the plight of animal rights as I think we spoke about before. I'm also very much into politics and tendto get over involved.


My ex-son-in-law is somewhat of a computer "geek." He used to joke about the eccentricities of individuals who knew so much that if they had to learn more, especially if they weren't interested in it, would, as he put it, begin "dumping ram." By that he meant you would see that their hircwas uncombed or unwashed, they're socks wouldn't match, their teeth were perhaps unbrushed. They just had brains that werecso "full-up" that the only way they could learn nothing else would be to cast off some of the basic stuff, or as he said, "dump ram."


So that's me. I learn what I must as I've learned so much already. That's why I am not very interested in learning how to post pictures or do emoticons. That, and I'm really not interested. Remember how I said I needed to talk also. Here's what I mean. And I'm "off topic" or maybe are back on track after all.



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Just read so many errors on my post. It's this iPad. Hard to correct unless I go down to my computer, and I'm now too tired and suppose lazy. But I hope I made sense.


I did make sense to me.



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