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Banned for spamming too many kitty pics


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Seriously? One of our members has recently been banned for 7 days for sending out too many images of a kitty in a basket apparently. I couldn't find anything in the forum rules advising against sending multiples of the same post. I don't want to say any names but this member has cancer and really needs this forum right now. I don't understand.
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This is the disruptive kitten pic. If you received one please repost it here to show support for this member.

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i got one,never spoken to the member but i was touched by the gesture

cant see what the problem is myself


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I don't see the problem either really other than this wanting to reach to all those who had been supportive of her. I think she just tried to send them to everyone because she possibly didn't remember everyone who had posted to her as she has been through a lot lately apart form w/d.
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The member you refer posted over 70 images on this forum in a very short period of time. This is spamming. Spamming is very disruptive to the forum.


No forum allows spamming of any kind. The content of the images isn't the issue. It is the result of this spamming that is the problem. I should also mention, we have permanently banned members in the past for spamming...no questions asked, because of the disruption this causes the forum.  The team took into consideration the extenuating factors in this case. A 7 day suspension is lenient due to the nature of the incident as well as past incidents with the member in question.


I would never discuss moderation issues on the open forum. We consider this a private issue. However, since it's been brought to the forum by a member, it seems only fair to address it here.


This determination was made by the Senior Team and stands.


If it is determined that any of your posts, comments or behavior are in violation of our rules, are disruptive to the smooth running of this forum, or bring the community into disrepute, we might edit or delete your comments, and/or apply other, proportionate sanctions against your account.



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Hi Hope,


I guess I'm confused as I was under the impression that spamming was something along these lines.


"Forum spam is the creating of messages that are advertisements, abusive, or otherwise unwanted on Internet forums. It is generally done by automated spambots, or manually with unscrupulous intentions."


I copied and pasted that from wikipedia. I was not here when the other members who spammed got banned and am only stating that this is confusing to me as I couldn't find in the forum rules where it states anything regarding sending out too many posts. I understand now that possibly the team would think that maybe it was computer generated or something and that possibly something harmful could have been going on I suppose. I think it would be helpful if members knew that doing this even if it's not an advertisement could get them banned.


As far as moderation issues never being discussed by you on the open forum, now I'm even more confused.

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Sorry, let me be more clear and specific.


We don't discuss any action taken against a member on the forum ie) banning, suspension etc.


As for spamming, what the member in question was doing is indeed considered spamming by this forum and this team. I think anyone would agree sending out over 70 images on a forum in a short period time  is considered spamming. I've been in touch with our Lead Developer, JackSparrow who is very well versed in spam and other such things.  It was also his technical determination that this was indeed spamming. 70 posts, whether being sent out via bot or human, is disruptive and will be dealt with. Although Wikipedia is an interesting site, they do not moderate this site. The BB team does.


I don't expect you to like our determinations but I would ask that you respect this team and their determinations. Our goal is to keep this forum running smoothly.




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Hi Hope,


I guess I was also confused about the banning process. When I first joined Colin had banned two members publicly and then when the stuff went down with the chat room those members were banned publicly. I guess there must be others besides the member we are discussing that have been banned privately? It's hard to keep up.



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I am not aware of Colin's banning before I was a member here or a moderator here. I can't speak to that. However, I can tell you that as Senior Administrator I do not, nor does my team discuss punitive action against any member with any other members of this forum, unless it's in the interest of the wider membership. Hence the complaints of "Why wasn't so-and-so dealt with?" The truth is, members are not privy to our suspensions or warning of suspensions. So, while it might seem that so-and-so has gotten off scot-free with something, the truth is, they probably have not. 


I should also make clear, "banning" is rarely done on this forum. That's considered a permanent action, although one could argue over the term, that's how we use it.  However a temporary suspension is done in certain cases. The reason was two fold in this case; A quick posting suspension was used to stop the spamming from continuing and causing further disruption to the forum or it would have, no doubt continued; and a further temporary suspension used as a result of this member causing disruption of the forum for the second time in a 24 hour period.


As for your confusion, Mariann. I'm afraid I can't help you any further than I have.



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As far as my confusion goes I have only been a member here for a few months. You have been a moderator longer than I have been a member and I believe those bans took place pretty recently. I was trying to be polite.



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I just read this and feel bad that sky needs the support at the moment and did she know she was doing anything wrong.  I just worry that this is adding further stress to her.  I thought she just went through the blogs and sent everyone a warm wish.  Personally I dont like cats but I appreciated the gesture.  Anyway rules are rules I guess.  Ive learnt a lot more about spamming i always wondered what it was.






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Again, I can't speak to what Colin has done. If he banned anyone and discussed it publicly, he must know why. You might want to ask him about that.


Occasionally there have been a great number of members who have been upset by a particular incident and members suspended as a result. Depending on the circumstances, it might be determined that it is appropriate that it be discussed in public. However, as a general rule, we do not discuss this sort of thing with the wider membership.


I've respectfully answered all your questions to my best ability, mvbb.

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I always seem to be the last to hear these things - just get up too late I guess. I received a kitten message yesterday. I actually thanked Skyy for it and added a picture on my blog of a pig from Taronga Zoo who has been trained to sit for his food. So cute. I then went into one of my long stories about why I don't eat pigs, but unfortunately my nitpicking with editing caused me to lose the lot and I was too lazy to do it again.


I had no idea that posting multiple pictures was not allowed as I have seen other members do this in the past. I have always considered it a way of just touching base with a whole lot of people you have connected with when you are not up to doing copious amounts of writing.


I don't do it myself as I don't have a huge number of friends on here (or anywhere unfortunately). Glad I have been warned though! Imagine if I had sent my lovely pig to lots of people. Some might not share my love of pigs and construe my actions as offensive.  :)


I was actually going to share with Skyy the story when I became grandmother to a big white fluffy cat. Like Lizzy, I am not keen on cats (even though I loved the one I found as a teenager) so it was difficult to show grandmotherly love towards my son's pride and joy. I tried my hardest.



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From wikipedia:


Newsgroup and forum


Newsgroup spam's a type of spam where the targets are Usenet newsgroups. Spamming of Usenet newsgroups actually pre-dates e-mail spam. Usenet convention defines spamming as excessive multiple posting, that is, the repeated posting of a message (or substantially similar messages). The prevalence of Usenet spam led to the development of the Breidbart Index as an objective measure of a message's "spamminess".


The above definition is the original (and arguably most correct) definition of 'electronic spam'. The term stems from a Monty Python sketch, where 'spam' was served with every dish. Where 'spamming' is deliberate, of course moderation action will be taken. Strictly, the same message posted just twice to the same group constitutes 'spam'. And yes, an image (with or without added text) constitutes 'a message'. I cannot begin to estimate the amount of times I've witnessed warnings issued at other forums when a member has posted the same message just twice to the same group. I'm sure those of you whom are regulars to a variety of forums will have read similar warnings. We are, actually, very much more relaxed about this issue than most forums - but the same message posted 76 times is clearly deliberately disruptive, and I don't appreciate anyone attempting to argue otherwise. I know that some of our members used to frequent a benzo withdrawal support forum that ostensibly operated without any moderation - you all know how that turned out.


I am aware that a small number of members seem to feel that I and the team do not deserve to determine the rules of this community. I do not understand what drives such thinking. This is a private group - the rules of the group are transparent are completely 'ordinary' - no one is forced to join this group.

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Colin not looking for an arguement

i think a lot of people are just genuinely confused by the moderators actions

the OP was posting what i considered to be a nice gesture ,they werent malicious or hurtfull images?

if its now possible to be  considered spamming for posting too often in a certain time frame then it kind of defeats the object of a group of people trying to help each other through a hellish period of their lives


spam and chips ;)

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Colin not looking for an arguement

i think a lot of people are just genuinely confused by the moderators actions

the OP was posting what i considered to be a nice gesture ,they werent malicious or hurtfull images?

if its now possible to be  considered spamming for posting too often in a certain time frame then it kind of defeats the object of a group of people trying to help each other through a hellish period of their lives


spam and chips ;)



No one posts 76 images in 20 minutes if there is no malicious intent. The content of the image isn't the issue. It's the fact that it was posted 76 times in order to be disruptive.  That takes a great deal of focus. Had I not banned this member from posting, it would have gone on. There were members she posted to that had never been in contact with her.


I should also point out that we have records of past infraction by members. Other members are not privy to those records. When we take action against member, especially if it is serious action that's because there have been other issues in the past. You need to trust that we know what we're doing. Decisions are made by the team as a whole. Not by one team member.


The bottom line is, if you don't like how this forum is run, you don't need to be here. This forum has been run very well with Colin's vision in mind. I, personally support that vision. We're not going to change that because a handful of members don't like how we do things.


Like Colin said, no one made you join. When you did you agreed to the rules. If you have decided you don't like them then you can leave. We're not changing them for any one or 6 members.




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if its now possible to be  considered spamming for posting too often in a certain time frame then it kind of defeats the object of a group of people trying to help each other through a hellish period of their lives


I'd like to address this as well.


Spamming is posting a repeated post or image. Not posting words or encouragement to your friends.


I don't see how not posting repeated postings of images defeats the purpose of this forum or those who want to support the members of this forum.


We have 1500 members who require support. They require information, encouragement and compassion. This has always been met via the written word, not repeated postings of images. I understand that posting images on your Buddie Blogs is some sort of outlet for you and others but that's not what this forum is about. The most helpful way to support our members is through your kind words. Many here just want to know they are not alone and that their suffering will end. I fail to see how a picture of a cat will do that.


If your concern is truly about supporting our members, please go to the main forum. Read some of the messages that are left. Reply to them with words of encouragement and support. A member who is living with tremors, a family that thinks they are faking and the loss of a job isn't going to get too much out of an image of a sparkly pink unicorn.



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Colin not looking for an arguement

i think a lot of people are just genuinely confused by the moderators actions

the OP was posting what i considered to be a nice gesture ,they werent malicious or hurtfull images?

if its now possible to be  considered spamming for posting too often in a certain time frame then it kind of defeats the object of a group of people trying to help each other through a hellish period of their lives


spam and chips ;)



No one posts 76 images in 20 minutes if there is no malicious intent. The content of the image isn't the issue. It's the fact that it was posted 76 times in order to be disruptive.  That takes a great deal of focus. Had I not banned this member from posting, it would have gone on. There were members she posted to that had never been in contact with her.


I should also point out that we have records of past infraction by members. Other members are not privy to those records. When we take action against member, especially if it is serious action that's because there have been other issues in the past. You need to trust that we know what we're doing. Decisions are made by the team as a whole. Not by one team member.


The bottom line is, if you don't like how this forum is run, you don't need to be here. This forum has been run very well with Colin's vision in mind. I, personally support that vision. We're not going to change that because a handful of members don't like how we do things.


Like Colin said, no one made you join. When you did you agreed to the rules. If you have decided you don't like them then you can leave. We're not changing them for any one or 6 members.




I do not even know how to respond to your comment above without getting into loads of trouble so I am going to articulate myself well so this does not occur.  I also support Colin's vision for this forum and am extremely grateful for the work that goes unrecognised often behind the scenes.  However your comments to one of my buddies really blows my mind and Im not sure how that statement fits in with Colin's supportive vision.  You know what I know Pablo really well.  He has helped me through many many a rough time.  I know he doesnt need me sticking up for him but I cannot just say nothing its not in my nature.  I think your comments are really hard.  This is not about sky either or her cats or what she did.  I dont care for cats and Im not questioning your rules about spamming.  Im just shocked Hope I really am.



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I don't feel my statement was shocking, Lizzy. I'm trying to run a forum and this group of individuals are taking up way to much moderation time.


Are you shocked at how disrespectful some of your friends have been to me, Colin and my team, Lizzy?

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Yes I was shocked quite frankly and I did say rules are rules.  Pablo is not a part of that group of friends I dont think he knows them at all and I believe he is an innocent victim of "Kitty Gate".  I just dont want him hurt thats all he is doing it tough atm. 



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Then I apologize to you Pablo. Please take my remarks to be toward a more general audience. I'm sorry you got caught up in this.



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Let me explain something to you all so there will be no misunderstandings. This is a general statement not targeted at any one post but at the recent posts that have been disrespectful to this team. I am taking a hard line on this as of now.


You all have three choices:


1)  You can stay on this forum and abide by the rules.This is what I recommend if you need support with any benzo related issue.


2)  You can stay on this forum and continue to be contentious, rude and disrespectful to my team, which will most assuredly result in a suspension of your account.


3)  Or you can leave and find another place to get support.


You decide. I don't have time to continue to defend the actions of a group of volunteers who are trying to keep this forum running. I've been patient. However my patience is running low.



Edit: Colin and I posted at the same time.


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