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Irritants, Annoyances and Pet Peeves, OH MY!


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So I'm an Old Broad and find that as I age I have become less and less tolerant with certain aspects of every day living.  I am seriously technologically challenged...can't even figure out how to put an avatar on this forum...or quote someone's post...or use the emicon function. (is THAT what the smiley faces are called?) Such a complete Duh.  My cell phone is a seven year old pink Razr and I have yet to learn how to use the camera.  I like it so I won't turn it in for a new one even though I was due for a new free sophisticated phone 5 years ago.  And texting?  Don't get me started.  Sorry you young whippersnappers but it irritates the living crap out of me.  My husband teaches at a local university and one day last winter I picked him up after classes.  There I was sitting in my car...la de dah, la de dah....my skin screaming with the old Benzo Burn.  Classes are let out and a gaggle of students rush out of the door, their thumbs a humming.  Two girls walk down the side walk together, pressing that keyboard a mile a minute.  One of them slams into a light pole, falls backwards on the icy ground but she doesn't miss a beat.  Her friend keeps on going, not even noticing she is now walking alone.  I wondered if I should get out of my car and help her get up as no one else even sees her...they are all lost in Very Important Messaging.  Anyway, she finally stands up, rubs her head and keeps on, keeps on.  Whatever happened to talking to the person who is standing right next to you...HMMMM??? IDK...I'm just too old for this...LOL.  Sorry, you texters.


Other peeves?  I am dumbfounded that my hair dryer has a tag on the chord that states:  Do not use while bathing or showering."  SHUT UP!  You mean I can't lather, rinse, reach through the shower curtain and grab my hair dryer then begin the process of drying my soaking wet head while standing under a stream of water?


Okay...so the husband buys some cheap metal shelving for the garage.  It comes in a thin, long box.  On the front of the box is a picture of the completed item with all kinds of 'garage stuff' stacked on the shelves.  Under the picture in big red letters it says:  "Items shown in picture not included."  Get out of town...you mean the six cans of paint, power drill and chain saw are not stuffed in this skinny box?  Well...I'm taking this back!


The front of a package of Twinkies reads:  'Cellophane packaging not for consumption."  Huh?  That's the best part!  Yum!


I'm annoyed that I get ten phone calls a week from some guy in Outer Mongolia who wants to sell me credit card insurance.


Did you ever try to open a pack of batteries with your bare hands?  You need a fillet knife and a hammer.


Okay...that's enough.  Sock it to me...give me the best of what you've got!









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Funny stuff, Donna!


My phone is set to ring exactly 4 times before going to voice mail.  In 17 years I haven't figured out how to change it. I have fallen down, spilled hot oatmeal in my lap and inadvertently kicked the dog, all in separate dashes for the phone. In the rare event of catching it before it stops, it's usually a computer generated call that "clicks off" as I answer. Have you ever tried calling a computer back?


My least favorite is the recorded voice that calls several times a week to tell me there is something very important I need to know about my credit card. There are no problems, the chirpy voice assures me, but it is urgent I talk to them right away by pressing 9.  When I press 9, I get disconnected, every single time. They also don't have a working call back number.


The only time I've ever called 911 in my life, I was placed on hold.


My doctor doesn't seem to take me very seriously. I feel like I'm making stuff up. Then why did I feel bad when he told me I shouldn't have waited so long to come in.  Is it always my fault? No matter what?



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Excellent, seeing this has officially made my day! and it's not quite 5:00 am. here, bravo for this post, where do I send the check, yipee! Donna's official funny thread, finally.


I hate when you call anywhere for service, you cannot just talk to them like a human. They have their script and are incapable of going off it. So when they mumble their really friendly greeting at the speed of sound in a language that no human can recognize, I like to disrupt their whole rhythm by very calmly and loudly giving them my script.


HELLO I yell, MY NAME IS M they are starting to make little weird noises here HOW ARE YOU TODAY, WHAT WAS YOUR NAME, CAN YOU SPELL IT. WHAT CITY ARE YOU IN, HOW LONG HAVE YOU WORKED THERE. DO YOU LIKE YOUR JOB.  by this time, they have either turned into real human beings with a genuine smile on their face, or they have hung up on me.


When solicitors call me, no matter when they call, I have a rushed voice and ask for their home number so I may call them back later when it is inconvenient for them. They either say WHAT or more typically they hang up on me.


When I call any type of business now a days, at the end of a call when they have not been able to help me at all, they always finish the conversation by saying IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE I CAN DO FOR YOU TODAY  I quietly ask them if they think they've done anything to help me at all, this stumps them completely and they are silent 'til I let them off the hook and say goodbye.


When I am dining out with someone and they request a glass of water, I think it's rude when they don't bring me one too.  Is it too heavy?


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M...back in the 'old days' when long distance carriers were pimping for your business I would literally get five calls a day.  Of course there was no call screening back then.  I used to hand the phone to one of my toddler children and let them blabber nonsense into the receiver.


Flip...I get that message on my cell phone at least once a week.  I hate it because they are calling from some third world country and the call comes in the middle of the night...my phone will beep until I get up and retrieve the message.  I finally blocked all texting on my phone because they were sending me texts also.  I don't have an unlimited text plan...Oh, the humanity!


I know employers encourge their empoyees to robotically spew off the  'have a nice day' thing after you hand them a bazillion dollars but the truth is they don't give a rats behind how your day goes.  Why should they...working at a minimum wage job and standing on their feet for hours.  One day after taking my money, the cashier was picking at her nail polish while my food was being bagged.  "Have a nice day," she mumbles.  'Your hair is on fire," I responded.  Nothing...didn't even slap at her head.


Pop ups on the bottom of the television screen.  They block out half the picture.  I was trying to read subtitles the other night and Kim Kardashian was sashaying around through the words.  Are you kidding me?



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Well damaged 123 I am very technophobic, but all my family( we are empty nesters) is very au fait with computers, having worked or are working in I.T. I've sort of learnt some basic stuff but have never done a computer course so have to ask hubby to help, which he does on & off if he can be bothered.

He feels he is using a windows computer & does not know a maccomputer so won't always want to help but if I nag him enough he'll help.I understand exactly where you are coming from.It's frustrating .

I can only text now because the apple iPhone is easy to use. :)


Basically I'm a very impractical person & always have been.








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It's sad, really.  I was sitting in the Student Union waiting for a friend and although it was crowded with students, the room was silent.  EVERYONE was either engrossed with FB on their computer or thrumming away at a cell phone.  No laughing or talking...not like I was in college and we played cards or TALKED to each other while waiting for the next class to begin.  When I look at some of the term papers my husband grades, I shudder.  They write in text speak. 


I guess it's just how the world is so called advancing.  I know...i know...I'm the spawn of a dinosaur.

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Parents... loose interpretation...who dress their little girls up to look like call girls, and enter them in those so called beauty pageants.  Totally disgusting, and in my opinion, a form of child abuse. How soon they forgot about JonBenet. 
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The home security alarm people call to say the alarm is going off.  Not going off on my end.  They schedule a repair person to come out.  I wait all day for him to arrive...not that I'm going anywhere anyway, it's just annoying to remain presentable for hours. 


He talks nonstop about technical alarm stuff that means absolutely nothing to me, interspersed with scoldings about my having never done the recommended weekly alarm test.  His computer tells him I've not ever done it.


Really? Test the alarm weekly?  Never occurred to me.  Did not know it was recommended.  Have no idea how to do it.  OH, the manual...yes, I do have the manual...somewhere...


Finds nothing wrong with alarm system.  Why did it not go off then, I ask.


We look at one another, each with our eyebrows raised.  He's thinking, 'Something's wrong but I can't find it.'  I'm thinking, 'Something's wrong but you can't find it.'


I still don't know if it works.  I still haven't done the recommended weekly test.  Detest the sound of the alarm.


Maybe next week...

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Great thread.  We are funnier than the "funny" annoying movies cited here.


My annoyances:

Anything shrinked wrapped

Making and receiving phone calls

Toe hairs

Children--aren't I awful

Animal shows that show more violence than war movies

Spilled sugar on floor

Pronouncing Nevada as Nevahda.  It is Nevaaaaada.

Religious bigotry

People who are really picky about how people use grammar when speaking.  Who cares--and I taught college English.  I care about how people write! And even in writing conventions change and roles shift.

Gross jokes

The statement "I am not a feminist, but...."  Okay! But what follows the "but" are things that we feminists fought for.



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Great thread.  We are funnier than the "funny" annoying movies cited here.


My annoyances:

Anything shrinked wrapped

Making and receiving phone calls

Toe hairs

Children--aren't I awful

Animal shows that show more violence than war movies

Spilled sugar on floor

Pronouncing Nevada as Nevahda.  It is Nevaaaaada.

Religious bigotry

People who are really picky about how people use grammar when speaking.  Who cares--and I taught college English.  I care about how people write! And even in writing conventions change and roles shift.

Gross jokes

The statement "I am not a feminist, but...."  Okay! But what follows the "but" are things that we feminists fought for.



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I want to be fair.  Things I say or do that annoy other people:


"Does this carp tarp I'm wearing make me look fat?"

"Did you want one of these Krispy Kremes...so very, very sorry."


Use The Husband's pocket knife to scrape varnish off an old end table....or even worse use one of his fly rods to stake tomatoes.  (oops)

Drive a car like I was a 95 year old woman with glaucoma.  The benzo's make me do it.

Let my dog eat off my fork...OMG, I can't believe I do it but right now his mouth is in better shape than mine.

Am so careless/oblivious when grabbing a cleaning product.  I washed three windows and a mirror with Spot Shot stain remover before I realized it wasn't Windex.  Total oil slick but I thought it my blurred Benzo-eyes.  The Husband had to strip it off with some kind of paint solvent.


Okay...I guess I'm as bad as the people I criticize.




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Hysterical, Damaged!  Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, there's not enough room on this forum to write down the things I do that annoy others.  This is a lifelong affliction, not benzo withdrawal...



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Oh Challis, I know what you mean.  When it comes to annoyance, I'm what you call a 'carrier'....Like Felix Unger in The Odd Couple.



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Oh Challis, I know what you mean.  When it comes to annoyance, I'm what you call a 'carrier'....Like Felix Unger in The Odd Couple.




Or Larry in 'Curb Your Enthusiasm'?


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Animal abusers...some royal jerks left their lab mix dog (1.5 yrs old) in their car yesterday while they went shopping...it was 100 degrees out with humidex index. Mall staff tried to help. The dog died. I'm still  :( over that. How could they...They have been charged.
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You are sooo right, Danni.  Animal abuse makes me sick....literally.  When we bought this house, there was a four foot chain tied to a post in the back yard.  The poor dog had 'paced' a three foot deep trench around the post.  When we land scaped we dug up old dog dishes and a shock collar.  The neighbors told us the dog lived out there 24/7, even in the severe winters we get here...no dog house.  One day the dog broke free and went down the street and a kind neighbor asked these wretched  people if they could have him...they said yes.


The man we bought this house from was a state trooper and no one would report him.  I could shoot him between the eyes with a deer rifle...he and all the other freaks that mistreat an animal.  Am I allowed to say that?



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Aaaaaack!  Can we go back to irritants, annoyances and pet peeves?? Pleeeeeease?  Animal cruelty makes me cringe...I have to change the channel when the SPCA commercial comes on...
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