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Time for a laugh or two


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Ah, you two, this is great. So happy for Annie and Bill. Can you imagine a ranch like that - oh, woops, I guess you just did  :D.


I have just had a night of 2 hours sleep a couple of nights ago with rushing tinnitus to remind me that I am still  in withdrawal. Seems to be settling now with a reasonable night last night. Reckon I should be back in the saddle soon.


Hanna, take good care of yourself.. you "will" be back in the saddle soon!  :smitten: Patty

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Thanks pattylu.

I didn't think it could get worse, but it just did. My best support has been by dog, Brodie. He "bloated" this afternoon at 1 pm and by 3 pm. I had to decide to have him put down because there was nothing they could do and he was in horrible pain. I am still in shock; I am so sad. He was just my best, happy buddy. I miss him.

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Thanks pattylu.

I didn't think it could get worse, but it just did. My best support has been by dog, Brodie. He "bloated" this afternoon at 1 pm and by 3 pm. I had to decide to have him put down because there was nothing they could do and he was in horrible pain. I am still in shock; I am so sad. He was just my best, happy buddy. I miss him.


Oh Hanna, I just came on, I'm so sorry.  I saw your picture of your Brodie on another thread, with the tennis ball in his mouth, I cried, my dear Cody, a Sheltie was the same with the tennis ball... I laughed, but cried when I saw your photo, missing my dearest friend.. I know your heart is broken, this is not a time you needed this... Oh, I wish I was with you right know, just to comfort you and cry and talk together... I can only share, as awful and horrible as this is, and you know it is, just as I did, you thought of your best friend first over yourself, you let him become free.  That doesn't help, I know, the heartache is beyond words.. Oh, Hanna, I just wish I could be there with you..  I understand.. I'm here for you.  Just know, your Brodie will always be with you.. He is in spirit now, look for his signs.. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, with everything you are going through.  Know my arms are around you with a hug...  My love to you, Patty

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PJ... I cannot write tonight, with what Hanna is going through.  I wish we had the "pm" back... Just wish I could be with her, and I am sure you feel the same way, in person with Hanna, just to hold her, cry with her, let her talk with this terrible loss she has.. 



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Thank you pattylu. Yes, it has been so sad, so quick. I have always had dogs - only 6 in my whole adult life - and they have been so good. Brodie was pretty special. Such a happy friendly guy. Really a buddy. I miss him so much already. Thank you for your kind thoughts.


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I am really so sorry to hear about your beloved dog.  Having had several dogs, I know what a strong, loving part of our lives they do become.  They are indeed our best friends.


Take care, my thoughts are with you.



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Hi Hanna & PJ...  Yes, they are the "best" devoted friends, they never fail or forget!  Something to share.  My youngest sister was in Catholic School, 4th grade, needed to write a term paper, their choice.  Sue wrote about dogs and humans, their connection and differance.  The end of her paper, "The beauty of dogs, they wag their tails and not their tongues!"  From the mouth of babes...
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Oh PJ, you amaze me.. your addition is so detailed and descriptive.. it was wonderful! ;):yippee: :yippee: Sure hope I can figure out something to write... I'll give it a go..



After a long day, Cody finally arrived at Vicky's.  Ohhh Vicky what have you cooked, I'm starving.  Well, my cowboy doctor, something delicious.. Go wash your hands and pull a chair up.  Enjoying the meal, they talked together of their day's occurrences.  Vicky, need to talk with you about something, 'what's that Cody," Vicky said. Two things! Had to go out to Billy's ranch, Billy looks great, in fact he almost seemed to be floating on air.  Said to him, "Billy, you seem out of normal, what's going on?"  Billy goes on to tell me, that he is in love with Annie, that he asked her to marry him and right that night.  Told Annie, I'll call the reverend, and call Cody/Vicky to be our witnesses.  Vicky, "I was kind of floored with this. Not that Annie is not a wonder, she is, but here me out, Billy is just going into things too fast again."  This is Billy's pattern, I really thought after what occurred with Missi, he would slow down about things like this.  Vicky, knew Cody was right on, oh did she.  Vicky thought to herself, "I'm going to make a little trip to Billy's ranch, need to see Angelia, but, I do want to have a long talk with him."


The second Cody said, "saw a beautiful acreage of land, out beyond road 82, near the Smith's ranch, not far from the clinic, its for sale.  I called the listing agent, they'll meet us when we're ready to view it.  "Vicky, you ready to start looking, you ready to start planning and set that date?"  Vicky looked lovingly into Cody's eyes, with the candle light between them, said yes, Cody, I sure am ready".


Hank couldn't believe his ears what Billy was saying.  "Billy, Annie is a wonderful lady, though, she is still married."  "No she's not Hank, Billy said".  "Then why does she have that wedding band on her finger."  Hank, "that's only because she knew she would be around men, and didn't want to be bothered by them with what she has been through."  "Billy, as I said, I think the world of Annie, but aren't you rushing this, with everything that has taken place?"  Hey Hank, we'll talk later, need to get out with the hands on the cattle.. we'll talk later.


Hank just shook his head.  He and Annie have gotten to know each other pretty well, day after day.  Hank knew Annie was one great lady, but he knew Billy also, a great guy, but a comer and goer, up and down with these women.  Hank didn't want Annie to be hurt, and frankly he thought, darn, I was becoming smitten on Annie, wanted to ask her to dinner, but thought she was still married. 


Betty was thrilled when Sarah walked through the door at the cafe.  "Howdy my girl, I've been waiting for you to come by", giving her a big hug and kiss.  "How's it going at the clinic?"  "Oh Betty, thank goodness you and Joel came by that day.. what a good fortune that was... I love working with Cody, his techniques with the horses are beyond measure, I'm learning so much more then I ever knew."  Betty, Sarah said, "and your Joel... oh Betty, you have one fine guy there."  Betty not one to be shy, blushed from ear to ear, and they both laughed together.  "Girl, you come sit, I'll bring a good hearty breakfast to you, need to put some fat on those bones, you skinny annie". 


Of course, Betty's wheels in her mind are going full speed in the kitchen... "Oh, now that, that Missi, that little spoiled skunk is out of the picture, I need to find a way to get that dang Billy and Sarah together.  Billy would be blessed to have that girl."  "A Vet besides", hope he has learned his lesson and thinks straight."   

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Hi PJ.  Hanna wrote so beautifully about the vet clinic... hope its ok I say this, but you changed the name.. Hanna named it "Country Paws and Heavenly Hooves...  :smitten:
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Hi Pattylu,

I called it that just to be what the people called it - because I didn't know if there was a real name. Now it has the real name and the fun name.

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Hi Patty, hanna, and everybody :)  Top of the mornin' to ya'....let's saddle up!


"Country Paws and Heavenly Hooves"........

"How did you ever come up with that name, Cody?"  "I really like it," Nancy mentioned to him, as he arrived at the clinic to check on some of the horses that were recuperating from their various medical conditions.  " Hanna James, a good friend of mine, came up with that great name."


"By the way, Nancy...I will be gone most of the day."  "Vicky, and I are going to look at some property South of here, near Medicine Bow.  If we like it, we will build our home there, and start a ranch."  From there, we will be going on out to Billy Rutledge's Riverwind Ranch."


Cody wrote out a prescription, and handed  it to Nancy.."Please make sure that Sarah gets this." "It's important that Jo Jo get the Trimethorprim-Sulfa."  "She has developed a rather nasty infection after the birth of her foal."


" I sure will Doc."  "Thank you Nancy, i'll see you tomorrow," Cody said to her, as he turned to leave.  "I'm sure happy to have Nancy as my receptionist," Cody thought to himself.


Vicky, and Cody always enjoyed the long ride out to Billy's ranch.  Although it was still winter, the pine-covered hills, rustic ranches scattered through out the rugged landscape, and the chance to talk to each other without being interrupted by some pressing business, made for a very pleasant trip.


"Hi there, Billy!"  Cody said to him as they shook hands, and engaged in small talk. There remained a somewhat uncomfortable distance between them because of Cody's present, and Billy's past relationship with Vicky.


"Got a minute, Billy, Vicky asked him. " Sure thing" he answered.  "I would like to see Angelia, and I want you to come with me." 


"Billy, What's this I hear about you and Annie?.....





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:thumbsup: PJ... Top of the morning to you.  You stinker!  Leaving this to me now! ::) ::).. Goodness gracious!  :D :D


Update:  Went to the celebration, 75 years of Golden Gate Bridge this a/noon. just nice to get out.  Ok, read your addition PJ... beautiful... but you stinker again - putting Billy in defense mode with that bold statement from Vicky.  You are really challenging me on this one.


Had to chuckle this a/noon.."Trimethroprim-Sulfa??  My synopsis about this:


1 - You own a horse or horses... ;)

2 - You are a Vet.... Ok, I'll call you Dr. PJ ;) ;) :laugh: :laugh:

3 - You most definitely live in Wyoming... every mention of towns, counties you have spoke of, I have looked up... sure enough - in Wyoming. ;) ;)


Don't answer any of the above... we're not suppose to share that info (rules :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:).  Hanna, this fellow has too much on me...  Maybe, maybe, we'll just have to make a bee line to SF with this story... then I'll get you "Dr. PJ"!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:;)


Oh... that was real sweet of you keeping "Country Paws and Heavenly Hooves... then saying, my friend "Hanna Jones"... What a sweet heart you are! ;) ;) 


So on with the story... spirit forces, help me ::) ::)::)


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Billy was a bit stunned how blunt Vicky was.  "Hey Vicky, such a strong statement, why do you ask?"  "Well, Billy, I have my concerns, I'm sorry I came across that way, I just really want to talk with you, then you'll understand."  "That ok with you?"  "Ok, Vicky, let it roll".


Vicky wanted to be gentle with her words, those didn't start off quite right, she was a bit unsettled how to approach this, though, she knew her concerns..  "Billy, how are you feeling health wise after all that took place?"  Vicky, "its been a struggle, but I feel really fine now, I've healed, I'm strong again."You know Billy, "things could have turned out quite differant for you, you could have ended up paralyzed, you could have lost your life, you do know you are very lucky?.  Yes Vicky, Billy said "I do know that."


Walking out to the pasture, Vicky stopped and turned to Billy, put her hand on his arm.. Billy, "I'm not here to rag on you, I'm just really concerned about you and Annie."  "I've come to know Annie really well, we have shared and talked alot, and I don't know how much you know of her history."  Vicky, "Annie shared alot with me, well you know, before the incident in being shot."  Billy shared all that with Vicky.  Vicky realized that the two had a connection, and that helped Billy make the decision to end all with Missi... That's what would have taken place, though, they knew what happened beyond that...


You know Billy, my concern is Annie and then you.  If the two of you are meant to be together, that would be the light of light..  I just know you enough, how and what you do to a woman, you have a charm and brings them in.  That's what you did to me...  Billy, "that what I want to talk with you about."  You touch on a woman's emotional self, that you truly care, steal a part of their heart to you.. then look...  Missi came into the picture.. you're off in a differant direction.  Do you understand what I am saying?  Vicky, "I'm not quite sure.. Were you jealous?"  No, Billy, "I was not, I just was somewhat hurt!?  Frankly, it would have never worked between us, my life was to be with Cody, even though I didn't see this before, just you need to understand, understand what you do with women.  That's why I wanted to speak with you.  Annie has dealt with enough in life, she no longer needs any more emotional effect, from anyone, including you.Billy, "for the short time you have known Annie, you need to slow down with all of this, you have to remember how you jumped into all with Missi."  Truly Billy, "remember what occurred, and think of Annie, don't hurt her!"  Angelia saw Vicky and came running.  Billy thought, "the same Hank said."


Traveling down the road together, Cody asked Vicky how things went with Billy.  Well, Vicky said, "I tried to be gentle, but I don't know Cody, he just doesn't get the message... Like the old saying goes "a tiger never changes their stripes"...  "I would hope, after the situation with Missi, he would grasp what I was trying to tell him; I just don't want Annie being hurt." 


They arrived at the property, drove down the long road.. Vicky smiled, looked at Cody... "I think we are home Cody... this is beautiful".  The land of golden green stretched beyond the view of the eye... the trees bare, would come to life at springtime.. the peace, a quietness of gentleness, the sound of a brook... "Oh Cody... this is home." 

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Thank you...to all the Military Veterans on this glorious Memorial Day.   


Patty, thanks for another great addition to the story.  I will be waiting for your book to come out.  Be sure to use the pen name pattylu....so I will know it is you.  :) 





The long, harsh winter moved on, making room for Spring to take it's place.   


The trees on the hills above Big Sugar Creek where the red squirrels live, were bursting with new leaves, in many shades of light, and dark green.  The dandelions were poking their mustard-colored yellow heads above the lush green meadows.... standing proudly.... alongside the magnificent wildflowers in their stunning shades of red, yellow, blue, and muted orange.   


The foals, standing on their yet to be tested, somewhat wobbly legs, were happily nursing alongside their protective mothers.


Cody, and Vicky broke ground for their new home near Medicine Bow.  What a beautiful home it was going to be with it's exterior of western red cedar logs, and fireplaces made of rock retrieved from Chugwater Creek.


Making plans for her June wedding to Cody, along with helping out at 'My Sister's Place', the shelter for abused women and children, that she, and Cody founded after winning the Mega Lottery, kept her busier than a Kansas wheat  farmer at planting time.


"CODY!..hurry!..get in here!," Vicky yelled to him from the kitchen ,where she was  preparing supper.  When she turned on the six o'clock news, she saw Cledus Baker's face flash across the screen with the crawler below that read: Prisoner escapes from minimum security prison..... at Mineral Springs .....considered armed, and dangerous.....last seen heading..... for the Cheyenne area.


"I'm scared, Cody," Vicky cried.  "He should have been locked up with criminally insane, where he could of never have gotten out."


"Don't worry, honey...they'll catch him, "Cody reassured her.  "Until they do, I want you to keep my pistol on you at all times."  I'm sure glad I taught you how to use it."


"Matt, this is Doc. Weaver", Cody said to Sheriff Bridges.  "Can I get a K9, to keep an eye on Vicky."  "Sure thing, Cody," he said.  "I can get Sheriff  Skyy Montana, from over in Sagebrush, to bring Laser over to your place."  "Thanks, Matt.  I owe you one," Cody said, as he hung up the phone.


Cody was out at the Guy Stillwell, Lazy S ranch, to assist his prize winning  Palomino show horse, Autumn Star, with the birth of her new foal in case complications should arise.


It was almost one week since Cledus broke out of prison, making a lot of people nervous, and somewhat edgy.  Vicky was home alone, except for Laser, the K9 dog that was loaned to her for added protection in case Cledus showed up at her house. 


Laser's ears perked up, and he growled ferociously.  Suddenly the front door burst open, and standing there, holding a large knife in his steady hand was Cledus.  Vicky screamed!. ..remembering that Cody's pistol was in the bedroom, and there was no way she could get to it fast enough, her only hope of surviving was Laser. 


Laser fearlessly lunged at Cledus, knocking him to the floor.  Cledus quickly recovered, and stabbed Laser in the chest. He let out pitiful moan, and layed there, silently. Cledus had murder in his eyes when he ran towards Vicky, his knifed hand raised ready to strike her.  "Oh my God! " " I  will never see Cody again, I will never have any kids," she screamed to herself as she caught a glimpse of the knife Cledus was holding, about to strike her.  "I love you Co"......she mouthed, not finishing saying his name, because a loud noise from a gun broke the silence.  Cledus lay dead on the floor.


Vicky, being a strong woman, composing herself rather quickly, saw a small figure  standing in the hallway holding a large pistol in her hand.  "Are you ok?," a voice said. There was Betty, cool as a cucumber.  "Ya', I shot the scumbag," she said, putting the gun down, and giving Vicky a big hug.


"Betty, my sweet, Betty."  "How did you happen to be here?"  "How did you happen to have your handgun with you?," Vicky wanted to know, realizing that she saved her life.


"I was bringin' over some homemade caramel rolls for you, and Cody to enjoy with your evenin' coffee."  "I heard the ruckus, and ran to my car to get my gun."  "I carry that 45 with me everywhere, hun."


No one mourned the loss of Cedus Baker.  Laser was treated at the animal clinic by Joel, and completely recovered.  Laser, and Betty were each presented with the Medal of Valor by Governor Blankenship. 







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Oh, :yippee: PJ... I read this earlier today. just came on to print it.. you added to it... Oh, this was fantastic...!!!  Actually, my heart was pumping with adrenaline reading it.. the suspense that was taking place... OMG... that was wonderful..  Truly.. a great piece of writing.. :yippee:


Yes, Thank you to all the Military Veterans this day, in honor of them all.. God bless each and every one of them.


My book... shoot, I don't think that will ever come about, but who knows.  My pen name.. thought some years ago.. it would be "Tara York".  Being Irish decent,, Tara is a great Irish name.. and York, my grandparents immigrated from Ireland to New York...  So.. if I ever write something, that is in print, look for "Tara York", not pattylu...  You, PJ.. a gifted writer, " you must" write something in print.. you truly have IT!


So, onto the story...




Billy, he thought and thought.. why are both Vicky and Hank talking the same to me.. Is it something I'm missing, that I just don't get?  Like Vicky said, "I have a charm, I take a piece of a woman's heart, then.. yes. then I hurt them, I make wrong choices...  Really, it has nothing to do with charm.. I don't have any confidence with a woman, I have just chased skirts all this time... Oh.. but not with Vicky... Yes with Missi.. Not with Annie... I just need to take this slow with Annie and myself... yes you big buck.. you most especially need to...  I promise, I will never hurt Annie.. I will do this right.  I promise you Vicky...


Vicky received phone message from Dakota Hensley, the bridal salon...  "Vicky, your dress is in, we need to do a fitting".  Vicky called Skyy... "Hey, do you have time this week, my dress is in, and we need to find yours... You bet Skyy said, how about on Thursday, in fact, lets go have lunch before...


The girls met for lunch at the mall, a good restaurant though, not the fast food stuff. Vicky, "how are you doing, after the Cledus nightmare?"  Well, I have had some restless nights.. but, I,m ok.. It was quite a scare for me.. I knew, when I saw he had escaped, he'd come for me... Thank goodness, thank goodness for Betty coming when she did... 


The girls arrived at the Bridal Salon... Vicky came out to the "viewing room" in her dress.. Skyy was breathless again, as well as Vicky... Really, no alterations were needed.  Dakota said, "Vicky, who do you have helping with all the plans... "Well, Vicky said,  at this point no one."  My cousin, Doreen is one of the best, why don't you give her a call, she'll help you just fine."  Now, let's find Skyy her dress...  After a few.. Skyy came out... Skyy knew, as well as Vicky... smart and stunning... "A crinkle chiffon that flows to create a front cascade that adds to dimension and romance, a sweetheart neckline.. it just flows.. and it will with a breeze..  Length to the toes, color they chose,  "Cornflower Blue"... like the wild flowers.  The girls knew, beautiful white cowgirl leather boots under their dresses.. then outfits, for them both, after the ceremony, with their boots on, to really dance and kick their heals up, and have a great party with all!


Cody asked Sarah, "can you go out to Billy's ranch today... I'm so swamped, have appointments the other direction... "Sure I can Cody... anything in particular out there.. Nope, just checkups for the horses.. Sure I can take care of that...  Anyone particular I see... Yea.. ask for Hank, he's the foreman of the ranch..


Sarah made her way out there... loved the countryside, how beautiful all was.. Finally pulled through the overhead gate... made her way in...  A man came up.. howdy, how can I help you Miss... I'm here to see Hank, the foreman... Well, I'm Billy, the owner.. what's your name.  I'm Sarah, I work with Doctor Cody... filling in for him... She extended her hand... hi Billy...  Let me show you around Sarah, since you work with Cody with the horses, you'll probably be a regular vet here...

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Excellent, Patty..I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.


Patty, you read my mind.  I was thinking about a way for Billy, and Sarah to make a connection.  Poor Billy...Annie, and now Sarah...two fine women for sure.  I love that name; Tara York...she definitely will have a place in our story!  ;)


Sarah is so different from the other women I have met, Billy mused to himself as he was showing her around his ranch.  I can tell that she is not at all impressed by the  physical appearance of a man.  She is more interested in a man's character, and his inner strength.  Maybe it's about time I grow up, and realize that being a real man means to just be who you really are, and let the chips fall where they choose to.


"You sure have a beautiful spread here, Billy."  "I can see by the condition of your herds, that you take ranching for what it is; lots of hard work, and a genuine concern for the welfare of your animals."  "I worked for the ASPCA for awhile after getting my degree, and I am still haunted by the way some people treat animals."  "Ever since I was a little girl my father has told me that you can tell the true character of a person by how they treat animals, and children."


Vicky had just arrived at 'My Sister's Place' when she noticed a new arrival sitting in a chair, holding onto her little rag doll with all her might.  "What's your name, sweetie"..she asked the pretty little girl with the bluest eyes she had ever seen.  "My name is Tara York ," she proudly announced. " I am four, and a half  years old, and I don't have a mommy, and I don't have a daddy."  "My name is Vicky, pleased to meet you, Tara." " You have the prettiest name in the whole big wide world," she told her.  Tara wiggled in her chair, and smiled.


"Maybe someday, I can find a new mommy, and a new daddy for you," Vicky said to Tara. "Would you like me to?"  "Yes, she answered, hugging her rag doll even tighter than before.  A little piece of Vicky's kind heart was torn away from her that day, and given to Tara.


"Oh, Cody...the house is looking just the way I envisioned it to be."  "The rustic look blends perfectly with the unspoiled, natural surroundings". " Dad will love living here with us in his very own detached living quarters."  "I would never put him in a nursing home."  "I want him to have some happy moments before his memory is completely erased by his Alzheimer's disease."


"Cody, I met the sweetest little orphan girl at the shelter today."  "Can we adopt her?" "Sure," he laughed..."I want this place to be filled with kids, horses, dogs, and beautiful, long lasting memories that we can tuck away in the far-away recesses of our minds, and when we are older, and sitting by the warm fire on those cold winter days, we can reminisce about those kids, horses, dogs, and beautiful memories."  "I love you Cody."  "Ditto."  He answered back.     




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Thank you, Skyy.  You are a wonderful woman who deserves the best.






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Thank you, Skyy.  You are a wonderful woman who deserves the best.




Ditto! :thumbsup:

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Oh, PJ... the heart of emotions came through with your addition..  Yes, PJ, I am enjoying this as much as you are..  I'm just amazed how it has evolved.  I've shared with you, with how and your direction in writing is, the gift you have... That has been a great challenge for me, it truly inspires me in helping add to the writings; amazing!  Glad you liked "Tara York"... I always did.  Oh... that sweet little girl... my mind's eye could see her wiggling how you described all.  Yes, our minds were in tune with Sarah, we needed to get her back... Yes... Billy, Annie, Sarah...  well, we'll find a way (Hanna will be back) to all weave (as you said prior) this together...  Yes," the character of a person is by how they treat animals, and children."  So onto the story..




.Hank.. "this is Dr. Sarah Hopkins, she's Cody's right hand vet today to help us." "Hank, call me Sarah, I'm really glad to meet you."  As I was saying to Billy, "what a beautiful spread this is", " having experience with ranches, I know it takes more then just one, to create, provide what I have seen."  Well, Sarah, "I'll leave you in Hank's hands, the two of you need to go with what needs to be done."  Billy, "it was fine in meeting with you, seeing the care of this land and these animals, we'll see each other again, I'm sure."


Vicky awoke very early.. Cody was deep in sleep, though, Vicky knew Cody had to get going early.. She showered, made coffee.. the scent drifted and Cody woke... Cody moved to the kitchen with one eye half open... Vicky, "coffee"... Well my cowboy vet... take your jo, go take a shower, I'm cooking a great breakfast before you leave.  As Cody was coming to the kitchen, the aroma of - bacon, eggs, potatoes... his stomach growled.


These two talked, laughed, ate... Vicky said, "Cody, need to ask you something seriously." " What's that darlin?"  When I told you about Tara yesterday, you said, "it was ok to adopt her", "were you serious on this?"  Yes, Vicky..."I am".  "What's your schedule today, do you have any free time to come by, so you can meet Tara.. we spend some time together with her?" Yes, "how about four this afternoon?


Vicky in route to "My Sister's Place", went through in her mind, her "To Do List"... "what a busy schedule I have"...  Finally, Vicky was able to set things aside, with all accomplished, and call Doreen Canepa, Dakota Hensley's cousin. 


Hello Doreen, "I'm Vicky Longstreet, your cousin, Dakota Hensley referred me to you.  Vicky went over the type of ceremony, where it would be, how she wanted it, and how the reception should be celebrated.  Well, Vicky, "let's meet at your ranch, you have a grasp of how you want it to be, this will work easy to pull all together."  The date was set for this Thursday.


Vicky was swinging Tara at the mini park the children played at, listening to Tara's laughs as she went back and forth.. Hey, Tara... "someone that is special to me is coming to meet with you."  Tara laughing, said, "will it be my new daddy?"  The strings of Vicky's heart just hummed... Cody was walking to the playground, saw the interaction between Vicky and Tara, he stopped. "look at Vicky, the joy in her face, the joy in that little girl's face.. well our daughter to be..

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I must say, patty......sitting at my computer, and adding words to our story with you, and hanna...is such a fun way to start my day.  "Yer' doin' a great job, Betty......I mean Patty" :smitten:



One look is all it took, and Cody fell instanty in love with sweet little Tara.  Her golden hair, the rag doll with one eye missing, those tan shoes with pink shoelaces, and her shirt with a smiling Minnie Mouse..... made his heart melt like a popsicle does on a hot summer day.


"What is your dolls name?" Cody asked Tara.  "Her name is Angel, she losted one eye...can you give her a new one?" " You bet your boots I can." " I got no boots," Tara said... fiddling with Angel. "Do you want a pair of boots," Vicky asked her.  "Yes, I want boots with stars, and horsies. "


"Vicky, can you speed up those wedding arrangements? "  "I want Tara to be our flower girl." "She will be our little barrel racer, wearing her new boots with the stars, and the horsies on them. "


"Are you hungry, Tara?," Vicky asked her, as they headed towards Betty's cafe.  "Yes," she answered..."my tummy growlded."


"For land sakes!"  "Who is this little hunka sweet potato pie? "  "Betty, this is Tara."  "She's spending the day with me, and Cody."  "Hi ya' Tara, give old Betty a high-five."  " Your silly."...Tara said, laughing in the most delightful way.


"How would you like some lil' cowgirl pancakes with lots of maple syrup, sweet pea?."  "Ok," Tara said..."I like you., Betty".."I like you too, half-pint." 


Vicky followed Betty into the kitchen.  "Isn't she a little sweerheart, Betty?  "Ya', i'll say she is."  "Where did you find her, in a pumpkin patch?"  She's from the shelter, Vicky laughed...."We want to adopt her after we get married."  "Well then, git yer' rear in gear, and git that weddin' started.


"I was never a mother...but there ain't nothin' stoppin' me from bein' a Godmother!"  "You will be Godmother to all of our kids," Betty.....Vicky, whispered to herself.

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:smitten: :smitten: Fabulous! Came on for a second just to read.. :smitten: :smitten: Hey, how about bringing Cody's immediate family into the story.. Would you do that?  :). I'll be adding to the story later, have lots to do..til later... Patty
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