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Time for a laugh or two


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Patty, another fantastic addition to the story :smitten:




Hanna :smitten:  Maybe you can introduce a Canadian into the story.  They have one of the best rodeos there is.


Skyy, keep those illustrations coming........they are so fantastic :smitten:


Hanna,  Oh you're in Canada?  My favorite country!  Patty

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A cold rain, and an angry wind greeted Skyy as she stepped out the door of the rooming house.    Rain dripping off the brim of her hat, and the cold wind whipping down the back of her neck, forced her to walk much faster than usual.  Dodging the many puddles in her path, and shivering from the cold rain, she was wishing she lived in Florida.



"Good mornin' Skyy."  "I think we're goin' to have one helluva winter this year.  Kinda like the one we had in ninety-one," Betty said to her, as she entered the cafe.  The aroma of hot coffee, and freshly baked caramel rolls gave Skyy a warm, happy, everything is alright in my world, kind of feeling.


"The snow was piled shoulder high to a seven foot cowboy that year," Betty  laughed.  "Hurry now, and git' out of that wet jacket, hun, before you catch yer' death of a cold." 


"Betty, do you think I can get off earlier than usual today?"  "Vicky wants me to go shopping with her at the grand opening of the new Tumble Weed Mall over in Rock Springs."  "Go ahead sweetie." " I'm so happy that you, and Vicky have become such good friends."


Since his engagement to Missi, and with her being back home for awhile helping her dad,  Billy has been walking around his ranch with his head in the clouds.


" Come back down to earth, Billy boy, quit your pining for Missi," Hank , his foreman, said to him .  "We got work to do....the cattle won't feed themselves, and the salt licks need replacin'." 


"Don't forget that Cody is stoppin' by at noon to give the cattle that are up for auction, the once over, so he can sign the certificate of health that allows for them to be transported out of state."  "We better get some of the boys to round up the cattle, and git' them doggies in the corral, ready for loadin' on the cattle trucks."  "Are you listenin' to me boss," Hank asked Billy, chuckling to himself.



Thanks for the illustrations, sky......appreciate it :)  It's really nice of you to do it. 

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Great illustrations! Funny. :D :D :D :D


Yes, pattylu,  I like it too. Not many, actually no, cowboys where I live! Cows, but no cowboys.


On with the story:


Vicki was waiting for Skyy at the new Tumble Weed Mall in Rock Springs.  She was just bubbling with news to tell Skyy. It made her realize how good friends they had become.  "Skyy, hope the drive wasn't too bad to get here".


"No, Vicki, it wasn't a problem, but we should probably look around and head home before the heavens open up and dump more snow here. It is already 2 pm and that sun sure does drop out of the sky on these winter days. One of those storms coming out of Canada. We always get this weather with that cold north wind. Wonder how they deal with it up there. I bet they get even more snow, except when those Chinook winds blow through."


"Skyy, so much to tell you! Talk about Canada; I jut got a call from Patty Lewis, up in Calgary. Remember I went up there to race with Kricket at the Calgary Stampede? Well, Patty had had seen me race. She teaches young cowgirls to race, sort of a camp, outside Lethbridge, under those sprawling skies. I thought there were only basketball camps in the midwest or baseball camps. Never heard of a cowgirl camp.  But she wants to bring some girls down next summer so I can teach them to race. Never heard of such a thing, but I said, heck sure! So they are going to be here. Wondered about the black flies down here. What the heck is a black fly anyway? Told them not to worry, never heard of them. Should be a fun summer with them coming to here and we can give them a big wild west welcome. And maybe we can set up some races for them."


"But, Skyy, that is not the most exciting. I wanted you to come to Tumble Weed, because I hear that there might be bride's dresses here somewhere. What do you think? Should I wait till summer to get married? Cody wants to do it soon, but I want to do it then, out under our open skies.  And I don't know about a dress. Don't rightly think Cody has ever seen me in a dress!"  Vicki blushed. Cody really hadn't seen here in a dress - other than those dresses for the local dances they went to.  She wanted to get married beside the waterfall, but maybe that was their special place, not to share.  She blushed again - never blushed so much in her life.


Skyy walked on with Vicki through the mall. She was happy for her new friend and had an exciting feeling. Maybe all these good things would happen to her, too. Maybe. Betty had her back and Betty seemed to make good things happen, that's for sure. She was meddling but in an open kind way. Maybe there was a cowboy out there.......just waiting for her.



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Hanna"......WOW that was fantastic!!!! :yippee: :yippee: :thumbsup:  You knocked that one out of the ballpark!  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: A great, great addition.  You're hooked! :yippee::)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


PJ, read yours after reading Hanna's.....WOW to you too! :smitten: :smitten: :thumbsup:  Have to charge this crazy IPad, so I can write something.... Whew, what a super challenge this is now!

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Hanna :thumbsup:  :smitten:  :smitten::thumbsup:


Outstanding!  Absolutely Outstanding!  I can see this story taking on many more interesting twists, and turns.  I join Patty in thanking you for your great addition to, what is turning out to be a real fun to read story.  With you being a regular contributer, and with Skyy's  illustrations, we can go as far as our imaginations will take us.

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The girls finally found the registry of stores at the mall.  Skyy scanned the list, hey here's a Bridal Store..... "Two Hearts Are One".  Well we'll have to hoof it, it's at the other end of the mall.  Skyy could see an excitement in Vicky's eyes... I need to lighten up things for her, Skyy thought.  Hey Vicky, "how about a white leather cowgirl jacket, skirt and boots for your Wedding.. Then, you could have Kricket donned with white flowers and ribbons, you fly down to Cody, barrel riding?". The two where hysterical with laughter... They arrived, "Two Hearts Are One" bridal salon.


The beauty of the store was beyond belief..elegant, though not intimidating.  Hello ladies, welcome to our Salon, " I'm Dakota Hensley, how can I assist you?" Dakota brought the girls into a "viewing area", full of mirrors and a slight platform.  She chatted with them both, did her inquiring with the bride to be, to get a feel for all, to help Vicky keep this a smooth venture.  Well Vicky, "I do have a feel for things, what your desires are for your dress, how about I select what I think you will like and we'll go from there....Skyy sat with anticipation.     


Dakota chose three dresses for Vicky, based on her knowledge, her gathering of information and her evaluation of Vicky's overall stature.  No mirrors in the immense dressing room.  The first.. Vicky came out to the "viewing room"' Skyy's breath was taken away.  Vicky stood on the platform, viewing herself in all the mirrors...she was breathless. Dress number two, the same, she liked, just.. Vicky thought, "they are beautiful, just the are not me".  Back to see number three... Vicky's sight...what, "oh grandma's sign"... Dakota said, "Vicky, this is one of my favorites that just arrived." This gown, is a fitted strapless bodice with a tulle skirt, it has embellishments that adds texture and dimension to this whimsical style.". What Vicky saw, "three embellishments on the backside of the gown, from the waste down....three butterflies.  Vicky came out to the "viewing room"... Skyy could not believe what she was seeing... Yes, the gown was amazing, beautiful, yes this is the one, but.... Vicky was radiant, she was glowing..


At the parking lot, the girls hugged, snow was falling fast, their breath was like ice, though, Vicky was warm...she just could not believe..she found her dress.  Oh Skyy, thank you for going with me.  You know Skyy, I know two that I want...  "What's that Vicky.". First, I want Betty to sit with my dad, she truly is like a mother to me and Cody, I want her to have the honor of being the "Mother" of both the Bride and groom.  The second, would you be my maid of honor?". Skyy was touched beyond words, she just hugged Vicky, and with tears in her eyes..."I am honored that you asked me, yes, yes, yes".

The girls laughed with tears...


Cody was at Vicky's preparing a fine dinner for them both, knowing the girls were going shopping.  The phone rang several times... Each time it was Missi.  Hi Cody, "it's Missi.. Is Vicky in, Is Vicky back yet?  Truly, Missi was starting to get on Cody's nerves.. "what's with this gal, he thought.". Again, the phone rang again... Darn, if this is Missi again... Hello, it was Vicky, "Cody, I just left the mall, I'm on my way...though, I need to stop at the one-stop station, I need to fuel up the truck and get laundry soap... I'll be home in about twenty minutes.  "Ok sweetie, just drive safe, the snow is coming down wet and heavy."


Vicky was excited beyond belief.  Did I ever think I would want or be wearing a dress like this?  Heck, we don't have a date set, no plans where or what, and "I have my dress?". Vicky was happy Cody would be with her tonight.. Dinner together, our time together... Oh!


As she was driving to the "one-stop... She laughed, "thank goodness I finally cleared out those two miscellaneous bags today I didn't get to before, "Cody, might think I was lazy or a slob, and that I'm not.


The truck was fueled, Vicky ran inside, shaking the snow that abound her. Paid for her purchases, flew back into the truck.















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This IPad is going to drive me NUTS... So here is the continuation:



Darn... That stupid Lottery ticket, I forgot to bring it in to check.  Vicky thought, you know, I remember in filling up at that no where station in Wyoming in coming home, what that fellow said... Shoot, never bought one of these before, forgot I bought it, found it in the cases I unpacked this morning. oh...get out of the truck and check it... "Who knows... I have had so much good.. who knows.  She scanned it... "Winner - Prize #1... Vicky thought' "what does that mean?.  There were so many people in line, she just wanted to get home...she saw a brochure to read about the lottey.  Before driving off, she began reading.... Oh dear God... A big prize.. She ran back into the store... Hi, just wanted to ask you something on this lottery stuff...  The man scanned it, "Miss, you have won, you have won the big mega lottery, you are the only winner..$68 million dollars.  Vicky flew out of the one-stop, shaking like a leaf, hyperventilating.. driving like a bat out of hell...  Oh my God... We can buy land, we can build that Vet Horse Clinic, we can have a "Cowgirl Camp... oh, I cannot believe all this....


Vicky flung the door open.. Cody took one look at Vicky.. she was white as a ghost..



(Skyy...if it's ok with you... A true picture of Vicky's dress:  David's Bridal... Go to search:WG3316)






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Sorry for another page.. It should have been "waist"' not "waste.  Cannot scroll down to correct on this Ipad....forget spell check!  Wow, two power house writers now PJ  & Hanna... Well, they are the writer's that bounced off each other on those great "chicken tales."


Oh Hanna... You don't have the cowboys up there, just cows as you say... We don't have a cowboy, cows nor chickens! :laugh:

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Hi Pattylu,

That was great. I would have got them in and out of the dress story with the cowgirl outfit, because I know nothing about dresses, especially wedding dresses.

I cannot believe that you can type that much on an iPad.  I know the feeling about wanting to go back and edit - I made a couple of typos, too.

I remembered that you are in SF - I think. No cows for you at all!

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Patty, and Hanna  :)


With the great way you two are going .......you may not need me anymore, I can probably just sit back, and enjoy the fantastic readin', that you two are a writin'......gees!  I'm startin' to talk like Betty. :laugh:  FANTASTIC, Patty. You can begin to write your very own novel any day now! :smitten:



"What's the matter, Vicky, ?  "You look like you were frightened by Marly's ghost," Cody said to her,  noticing the strange look on her face when she entered the house.



Cody!." " We won! we won!, Vicky screamed, over, and over again...... "We won the sixty-eight million dollar Mega Lottery! "  " Ya, and The President of The United States of America is meeting me for lunch at Betty's cafe tomorrow. "


"Don't tease me, Vicky", Cody laughed.  "I'm not teasin you"  "I wouldn't tease you about something this big."  Realizing that she was serious, Cody grabbed her, and they danced around the room together. Knocking over an antique table lamp, they both laughed, and shouted; "We can afford another one! "  "And now you can build your animal hospital," Vicky said, giving Cody a big, loving  hug.


"Show me the ticket! Vicky, show me the ticket !" Cody yelled.  "Just a sec., it's right here in my purse."  A look of horror flashed across Vicky's face.  She could not find the ticket.  "I can't find the ticket, Cody!"  "Keep looking," Cody said to her, always remaining calm.  "I have to get over to Billys and check the cattle that he is shipping to Colorado."  "I'm already an hour late. "


Cody arrived at Billy's three-thousand acre Riverwind ranch around four o'clock.  The wind was picking up speed, and driving the snow with it. It would take him an hour or two to complete his inspection of the cattle that were to be trucked to the Colter ranch in Southern Colorado.   


"Hey doc! "  Billy almost always referred to Cody as doc, out of respect for the hard work, and long hours, he put in practicing Veterinary Medicine.


"It's cold enough to freeze the rear-end off a brass monkey"  "Ain't that the truth" Cody remarked, blowing on his hands to warm them.  Not knowing what to say, neither one mentioned each other's engagement.  Cody kept quiet about the lottery ticket.


"Well, the herd looks pretty good, Billy."  "Here's your certificate of health, stating that the cattle have been inspected, and are free of disease." " Thanks doc, I appreciate it," Billy said.  "Load em' up, Hank!," Billy shouted to his trusted foreman.


Cody was pleased with the way that Billy ran his ranch.  Some of the ranchers in the area let things get a little shoddy at times.  "I had to segregate six of the beef cattle because of Keratoconjunctivitis, Billy." 


"You could have just said Pink Eye, doc."  "Ya, but then, I could only charge you five hundred dollars, not a thousand."  "The longer the word, the more I can charge you, Mr. Rutledge."  They both laughed, shook hands, and Cody headed back home.


I know that Vicky will find that ticket, he muttered to himself, not overly concerned about it.   


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PJ... You're not getting off the hook, to sit back and read! ::)


Hanna.. It's a pain typing on this IPad, driving me  :D :D... Oh, Hanna, for the record on the "lost" Lottery ticket... The man at the "one-stop", he's the owner, Vicky's witness!  AND... He had Vicky sign the back of the ticket, and of course Vicky has no recollection of that. ;). Gotcha PJ :pokey:


:laugh:  :laugh:  Yes PJ.. You are sounding like Betty :laugh:

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Thank goodness. I just couldn't handle a bad thing happening to them today!!! ;):);)


Hi Hanna, me neither!  Hey did you take a peek at Vicky's dress?  It sure is pretty!

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Thanks, Skyy.


Thanks Skyy... Hanna, if you want to see the detail, go into Google, type in David's bridal, in the search box, upper right corner, type in WG3316.  Once page for dress opens, click on photo of dress, a photo will enlarge.  Simple, but real pretty and a good buy price wise.

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Okay, Pattylu and Skyy, This blows me out of the water. I am sitting at my computer with people who are really kind and we are supporting each other through our different but related benzo stories, and I have never met you. But that is okay, because we may be on the internet, but we are all real and genuine.  Then I am writing a story with 2 people - and watching illustrations unfold from a third. And we all live in different places - most likely different countries - and then we can all look at the same bridal dress. In fact, if we wanted, we could all even order the same bridal dress, get it in a couple of days, take pictures of someone in said dress and send it to each other.  This incredible connectedness strikes me as pretty spectacular, in a very surreal sort of way.......oh, yes, I agree - it is a pretty dress. I have to say that I am not into bridal stuff, but that really is a pretty dress.
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Okay, Pattylu and Skyy, This blows me out of the water. I am sitting at my computer with people who are really kind and we are supporting each other through our different but related benzo stories, and I have never met you. But that is okay, because we may be on the internet, but we are all real and genuine.  Then I am writing a story with 2 people - and watching illustrations unfold from a third. And we all live in different places - most likely different countries - and then we can all look at the same bridal dress. In fact, if we wanted, we could all even order the same bridal dress, get it in a couple of days, take pictures of someone in said dress and send it to each other.  This incredible connectedness strikes me as pretty spectacular, in a very surreal sort of way.......oh, yes, I agree - it is a pretty dress. I have to say that I am not into bridal stuff, but that really is a pretty dress.


Right now the stomach muscles are cramped from howling with laughter what you wrote; how true all what you said... Guess that's the laughter from this all.  Though, there is lots of heart ache and sadness, no matter who you are a part of through this  journey.  This wonderful story, whether we add a sentence or paragraphs, or we are a reader of it, it just helps, it is an escape, it just gives us one thing, freedom with our minds, are thought process... Like going to the movie theatre, getting lost into the story, a release from every day life...for that moment.  This is what PJ began, and look how it has extended... To me... how wonderful...  If you want to know for me right now, go to Faith & Philosophy on this site, see what I posted.. Hugs... I need to write.. A salvation :smitten:



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Cody' had to leave, Vicky became frantic.... What did I do with that stupid lottery ticket.  She searched her purse, pockets of her clothes, her truck, every where... What did I do with it?  Vicky was frantic, she thought, who wouldn't be... Hey, I'm not a money hungry person... But the chance to have this, do lots of good, how could I lose that stupid ticket...  Vicky thought' "stop it, settle down, back track with this whole thing..". Okay.. think..., she retracted everything in her mind.  I'll go back to the "one-stop"' I must have dropped it there.


Vicky, she drove, the snow was thick as a mile high, the wind blew like no other. Her truck, the tires spun and skidded, even four wheel drive did nothing.. She finally got there.  Opening the door, the blustering wind tore it from her.. She went in, the man said... I'm closing Miss... Then he recognized who she was... Miss, I'm sure glad to see you.. You flew out of here like the wind.  Your face was familiar, I just didn't know who you were... I have your winning ticket right here, hoping you would find your way back... You did..


Vicky, drove, or crawled back driving through this storm. Finally home, exhausted, she limped into the house shivering from this whole ordeal.  The phone rang..hello Vicky said... "Vicky, it's  Missi, did Cody tell you I have called several times?". Vicky, yes she knew she was tired, but, she just couldn't take Missi's personality right know.  Vicky thought to herself, "Missi is a really nice gal, but, she is so spoiled, like the world revolves around her, and no one else matters."  No Missi, I didn't know you called, Cody went to Billy's ranch before I got home.  Well, "why didn't he leave you a message that I called, I called ten timed and spoke with him.". You weren't answering your cell phone... "What's with the two of you.  Missi, right now I'm not interested in anything or anyone, I'm  too tired." " I'll catch you later, and she hung up."


Missi was furious... That little bitch, who did she think she was talking too.. You know, she is just probably just jealous I won Billy's heart over?.Well, there is no way I want her as my maid of honor... Frankly, i don't trust her... I saw how a Billy looked at here... no way, he now my guy, no one, nothing will become between us!


Oh, the aroma of the dinner on slow cook Cody prepared... mmmm.. I'm worn out from everything. I need to relax... To that bath, the candles, the soft relaxing music... Oh... warm relaxing water. Vicky, she hears Cody's voice... Cody finds her immersed, joins her, the passion and love is.


Cody... I have the Lottery ticket... I don't want to talk of that now, though we really have choices, and guess what..I found my Wedding dress.. it's Heaven.. I love you my best friend... oh, Cody, we have a chance to do so much good..









He said, i'm sure glad to see you, you flew o






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Hi hanna, :)


I was wondering if you planned on adding to the story today, if you were, I will wait before adding to it.



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Hi pj,

Thanks for checking. I wasn't going to add today, so go for it. You just taught me a lesson. I was wondering the last time if I was going to be interrupting yours or Pattylu's story and started to get anxious. Much better just to ask! Thank you.

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Hi pj,

Thanks for checking. I wasn't going to add today, so go for it. You just taught me a lesson. I was wondering the last time if I was going to be interrupting yours or Pattylu's story and started to get anxious. Much better just to ask! Thank you.


Hi Hanna.... This is everyone's story.  Actually it is PJ's.  By no means are you interrupting!  My goodness look what you have written, and added to the story.  Remember what PJ said to me, don't be so serious!  Remember what you said to me....you could see my anxiousness in what I was posting, and just gave me encouragement. Now I am extending that back to you.


I want to say I'm sorry to you, by not posting yesterday,  what PJ posted to you today.  I did wait until last night, though I should had been more thoughtful and asked you.


Hugs, Patty :smitten:

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