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Time for a laugh or two


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PJ.  Yes.. In reply, think joining in writing this "novel" would be magic.  Meet you on the lovely free trail tomorrow friend....  Patty
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She better keep Cody there to protect her...........

More!!! Really enjoying it, pj.


Thanks hanna........Cody is a keeper, I hope Vicky realizes that he is, and doesn't get too smitten with Billy.  Time will tell :)

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PJ.  Yes.. In reply, think joining in writing this "novel" would be magic.  Meet you on the lovely free trail tomorrow friend....  Patty


I will probably be adding another page today, patty, then you, and anyone else who wants to, can join in with me, and see what wild, and crazy story we can end up with.

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"Vicky, Let's get Angelia from the trailer, and show her, her new home."  "She can stay here for ever if you want her to."So can you", Billy thought to himself.





oh yeah!


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PJ.  Yes.. In reply, think joining in writing this "novel" would be magic.  Meet you on the lovely free trail tomorrow friend....  Patty


I will probably be adding another page today, patty, then you, and anyone else who wants to, can join in with me, and see what wild, and crazy story we can end up with.


Thanks PJ... will check tomorrow... Hugs, Patty

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Vicky's mixed-up emotions were all over the place, bouncing back and forth like a ping pong ball.  She wasn't sure just how she should be feeling about all that had happened in the last few days. 


She was always happiest when everything stayed the same, but after rethinking everything that had transpired, she said to herself ;


"You were so right grandma."  "If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." 


"Angelia.... come on girl.  Let's go, and get you aquainted with your new surroundings." 


Vicky opened the ornate wrought iron gate, and watched Angelia as she joined the other horses that were happily grazing on the lush green grass that was intertwined with patches of wildflowers flowers of red, orange, yellow, and deep shades of blue.


Still somewhat bothered by her confrontation with Cledus, Vicky asked Billy if she had reason to fear him.


"No need to worry your pretty little head about him," he said, gazing longingly into her beautiful, tantalizing sky blue eyes.


"Cledus is probably in the next county by now".  "He knows if he ever did bother you again, he would have to answer to me, and there would be hell to pay".


"I've been wanting to dismiss him for a long time, thanks to your standing up to that little piece of nothing, it gave me a good reason to do it".


Exiting the large red barn, with the bright white trim that perfectly accented the doors, and windows, was doc, leading the prettiest horse, next to Angelia, that Vicky had ever seen.



" Isn't she a beauty?, Vicky", Cody said to her before handing the reins to Billy, who looked at Vicky with the kindest eyes she had ever seen, and said;


"Vicky, meet Kricket."  "She belongs to you now."


"Wow!"  "She's beautiful, Billy, but I can't accept her without paying you." Vicky said. 


She didn't want Billy to get the idea in his head that she could be his that easy.  If he wanted her love, and her loyalty, he would have to earn it.  She could not be bought!


"She has gumption, and values," Billy thought to himself. " I like that in a woman."


Vicky agreed to pay Billy one hundred dollars a month, for the next three years, for little Kricket.  Feeling much better now, she mounted Kricket, and galloped out to the pasture where, Angelia was.  Much to her relief, Angelia was contently nibbling on the sun-drenched grass, and mingling with the other horses. 


On the way back to where Cody, and Billy were, Vicky put Kricket through some barrel racing paces, and quickly realized what a great Quarter Horse she was.


"You are poetry in motion, little girl," Vicky affectionately said to her, as they galloped back towards the barn. 



OK, it's time for someone else to add to the story.....patty, skyy, pg, flip, hanna.....anyone? :)


Have fun!  remember.... laughter really is the best medicine :laugh:




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The smiles from Billy and Cody were a bit overwhelming as Vicky arrived back near the barn.  As she dismounted, her heart pounding, all she wanted to do was get Kricket watered, brushed and rested..  She needed to get a hold of her emotions with this Billy, the attraction she felt.


Billy asked, "what do you think and feel about Kricket, you still want her?"  With Vicki's beautiful smile and eyes that showed, he knew.  I just want to take Kricket in, spend our time together, water, brush and connect with each other. 


After sometime, Vicky came out, the guys were both chatting as she walked up.  Oh, Billy, thank you ever so much, Kricket is a beauty as I knew when I saw her, but, oh, we have truly have souls connected with eachother.  Cody, I know we have to get going, but I want to go spend a bit of time with Angelia.  "Sure, you go on ahead for that Vicky". 

After a time, Vicky and Cody bid their farewell to Angelia and Billy.  As Billy saw the affection between these two, he had a big  pang of... is it envy, is it jealousy.. he just did not know.  He knew Cody and Vicky were very close friends, like brother and sister as he had heard... though, seeing how Cody looked at Vicky, he really questionned that.  Billy felt pretty secure with himself before just this, but now he just didn't know.


Vicky and Cody had a wonderful ride back, through the wonderful countryside, sharing their love of animals, though, Vicky's thoughts kept going back to Billy and of course her Angelia.. Well Vicky thought "somehow all will work out"..


After this long day and all that happened with Angelia, when Vicky got home.. she just wanted to unwind and relax.  She put on the most relaxing music she had, lit candles throughout the bathroom, drew the water in her wonderful huge tub and decided a chilled white wine was in favor.  Oh Vicky thought as she immursed into the water, this is heaven. 


With the warmth of the water, the taste of the wine, the gentleness of the music, she let her mind drift.  Those thoughts were of the ride to the ranch, the beauty of the countryside, her dear Angelia, her dear friend Cody... she drifted further and further into relaxation... In terror, she sat upright shaking throughout... Cledus came full fledge with terror and anger to her mind... 

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patty, patty, patty..........Fantastic! :)



She got out of the tub, dried herself off, and quickly got dressed.  Vicky just could not erase the image of that ugly, perverted man from her mind.  Remembering the way he looked at her gave her chills and frightened her something awful.


"Hi ya hun,  what's eatin' ya'?"  "You can't fool old Betty.  "Wanna' talk about it."


"Oh,  Betty."  "I am so mixed-up and scared....I need to talk to you about a man named Cledus."  Betty sat down, a look of shock on her wrinkled face.  "How in the hell did you ever come in contact with that little weasel, wack job of a man?"


"I met him at Billy Rutledges' ranch, answered Vicky.  "We got into a terrible shouting match"  "Billy Rutledge!, that smooth talkin', so called God's gift to women; you GOT to be kiddin' me". "He can charm the warts off a toad, but if I was thirty years younger, laughed Betty,  hard tellin' what I would have done.  He's so damned cute, and charmin!"  " Those cowboys are somethin' else!"


"You gotta' real live soap opera goin'  on here, hun."  "Just don't forget about Cody." 


"Cledus, he's someone to watch out for," Betty warned Vicky. " No tellin' what that sawed-off piece  of worm wood is capable of doing when he's lookin' for revenge." 

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Sitting in the booth at Betty's Cafe, waiting for her breakfast and her nerves on edge, all hear an explosion, Vicky almost jumps out of her skin.  Of course, when Betty sees Vicky's face, she is pale white and almost to pass out, Betty rushes to her.  Oh, Vicky, it just was a big backfire of a truck going by, are you ok?  No, Betty I'm not, but by golly I will be.  I just need something to eat and move beyond on this.  Of course, Betty rustles up that breakfast and gets it to one of her favorite girls in this town.


Betty, I will be fine! I just didn't sleep well last night with what I shared with you,  though your wonderful breakfast has given me that kick I need.  I have lots of errands this early am before the race today at the Rodeo .  Sweetie, you take good care.  Try not to think about that Cledus, that worseless worm.  We have too many in town here who know and think the world of you... and you know one for sure... Cody!

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Saturday had finally arrived.  Vicky was as nervous as a little girl getting on the bus for her first day of school because the barrel racing was about to begin.

She drew number seven; "well that's a good sign," she thought to herself as she was warming-up Kricket to prevent her from having any muscle problems.


"Let's give it up for number seven, Vicky Longstreet, and her little mare, Kricket," came the announcer's voice over the loudspeaker.  "Ladies, and gentlemen, little cowgirls, and cowboys the course we have today is the more challenging cloverleaf pattern.  "As you can see there are three barrels that a rider must navigate around without hitting any of them, racing at break-neck speed." 


Vicky and Kricket entered the arena at top speed.  Together, they were as smooth as silk, and as fast as the wind.  Kricket flew around the barrels as graceful as a butterfly floating around a flower filled with sweet nectar.  She hugged them so close there was no daylight between her and the barrel.


"Ok, girl, dig down and give me all you got," Vicky encouraged Kricket an they raced  towards the arena exit.


"That can't be right!, Jack, the announcer, mentioned to Connie, his partner in the announcer's booth "  "Timekeeper, check  that time again, please."  "Holy cow, Connie! "  "Can you believe it?"


"Ladies, and gentlemen."  "There has been a  new record set here today."  Vicky Longstreet, and her sweet litle mare, Kricket have just completed the barrel racing course in an astounding time of 13.44!" 


When Vicky took a victory lap around the course, she noticed Cledus walking from the viewing stands.  " I hope Billy or Cody are here," she muttered to herself.



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With smiles and joy Vicky hugged Kricket as they ended the course... "Oh girl, you flew with the wind, you have a spirit in you I knew, what a beauty as you fly. Oh, Kricket, we truly are connected with each other, I knew this when I saw you and I knew it when I rode you... it was just there.  Thank you my girl.  Just as Vicky said this to Kricket, who did she see around the bend, but Cledus...  Vicky became startled for the moment, but regained her thoughts and composure, thought, screw him, I will not let him unsettle me any longer. 


Many folks were coming towards Vicky, congratulating her and Kricket for their victory. Vicky just beamed, knowing how this special girl was the winner, as she was just the rider.  Ok Kricket, lets get you in, lets get you watered and settled, you are the victor... Oh girl, I love you so much.  We have just begun our history together sweet girl.


As Vicky was watering and grooming Kricket, a familiar voice; Billy.  Hey Vicky, "how are my two girls".  Vicky, feeling unsettled with this and  blushed.... "how can I respond to this"... Oh, hi Billy, how are you doing"  Vicky, you and Kricket where like lightening out there, you two are just one together, you know that don't you?  Yes, Billy, that is how I felt with Kricket.  Well, I knew it was a good match with you two when I first saw you..  Ohhhhh... thanks Billy.  So how are things going for you?  Then another familiar voice... Hi Vicky, Hi Billy... who else but Cody.  Vicky was grateful Cody came, she just didn't like how Billy was coming across, kind of like Betty spoke of Billy.... Cody to the rescue Vicky thought,...he is always there, just a great friend and brother when you need one. 


The three chatted about the rodeo, Vicky's event and her timing with Kricket, the pride of it all.  The guys began speaking about the big dinner tomorrow night for the end of the rodeo...  Vicky thought "who will I go with if both ask... Oh, I love Cody with all my heart as a dear friend and like a brother..  But... oh my heart pangs... Billy ask me...  Yes I would say...


Vicky is finally home after this long day.. Again, she is so worn out... she thinks... a long warm bath in my wonderful huge tub...  She puts on the soft music, lights the candles in the bathroom, pours that chilled glass of white wine and immerses.... ohhhhhh - heaven...  Her thoughts go to the day... the wonderful day as it turned out... Kricket... oh lightening and smart, a team together...  Cody.... my dear friend... Billy.... oh my heart pangs... The dinner dance... oh well, I will think of it all tomorrow...

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The drama is mounting!!! ;) ;) ;D ;D ;)


hanna, patty is really good at this :)    She's smooth as silk, i'm rough as sandpaper :)

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The drama is mounting!!! ;) ;) ;D ;D ;)


hanna, patty is really good at this :)    She's smooth as silk, i'm rough as sandpaper :)


Oh no, you are smooth as silk PJ, you are so gifted!!  I am sorry, I forgot to say THANK YOU for you really nice comment after my first post to your story.  Truly, I just got lucky, you set the stage and I lucked out.  My second post to yours, I struggled, didn,t know where to go with it.  In anticipation, I didn't read your third post until last night.  What I knew I had to do, was just read it, not start thinking about what to write.... Don't think, just go with it.  Lol.  I have all Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts novels, that has given me some help.  Looking forward to read where you will go next with it.


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Ah yes, the perfect team!!!!! :yippee:  :yippee: 


The BenzoBuddiesBookteam.


Hi Hanna... Been waiting for you on this.... Need more female help to keep up with PJ... Patty

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Patty,  this is getting interesting.  When you  publish your romance novel, I want an autographed  copy :)



"Wanna' another cup of java, hun," Betty asked vicky.....who had stopped by for some advice from someone she loved, and trusted.


"Vicky has it sunk into that pretty little head of yours yet, that yer' famous all over the rodeo circuit from here clear to Reno?"  "What you and Kricket did is unbelievable, sweetie.  The scuttlebutt is that yer' goin' to have yer' picture on the cover of Cowgirl Magazine...maybe even Time.


"Brace yourself."  Every vulture, and two-bit huckster lookin' for a free ride is goin' to be poundin' on yer' door wantin' to git' in on yer' good fortune.


"Betty, if Billy or Cody asked you to the Dinner Dance...who would you go with?," Vicky asked her.  "A snowball in hell has a better chance than I do of ever gettin' asked to a dance by either one of those manly specimens", Betty roared.


"Im serious, Betty."  "If Cody asked me, and I turned him down.... it would break his heart, and that's the last thing in this world that I would ever want to do to him.  If I turned down Billy, he would just smile, and ask another pretty girl, Vicky remarked, with a sigh.


"Hi, ya' Chuckles."  "Have a a cup of my jo...it'll grow hair on that bald head of yours", Betty laughed,  and remarked. " I'll see you at the dance tonite, but only if you leave that beat-up barrel of yours at home."  They both laughed.


"Vicky, flip a coin....tails.... Cody wins, heads....Billy loses."




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For now, I am excited to read!! You two are great and I am happy to be the very first person to read your novel! If and when I have an idea, I will jump in later, but I am really enjoying this. Thank you.

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Good old Chuckles sat down with Vicky with his jo...  "Miss Vicky... you were the best, you and that Kricket, well, excuse my french, but you girls kicked butt.  You two are a number!"  "Frankly, I was sure hoping that would happen, I have always had a fondest for you, you are one great cowgirl."  "Oh. Chuckles, you are the very best... from my heart to you!.  Vicky now is thinking????  On my God, is Chuckles sweet on me???  No, I cannot deal with that too...  Chuckles... you have a mighty fine day, I have to get going, have lots of errands to do..


Oooh, I needed to get away from that, thought Vicky, I have too much dealing with my own mind, now Chuckles?  Vicky thought, no, that cannot be, I must be imagining things..


Vicky began thinking about what Betty said; "Famous all over the Rodeo circut from here clear to Reno", "your picture on the cover of Cowlgirl Magazine and even Time".... Oh... Vicky thought, this may be too much for me to handle.  I know I am a very strong person, but this taking place???  No Vicky thought, I don['t want this for my life or my Kricket.  Noooooo, I don't want this... or as Betty said "vultures, two-bit-hucksters looking for a free ride... No, that's not me, I don,'t want a part of any of this. I just wanted to ride with my Kricket and compete.  Vicky thought "this is becoming way to complicated"... This is not what I want in my life.  Well I have too much to think about right know to be bothered with all of this!!


Vicky ran her errands, finally got home, time to relax.. Now a knock on her door... Who is that, darn, I was just relaxing.. She opened the door, funny, no one was there.. She looked down... oh... a chicken with its head cut off.. blood all over...  She trembled from head to toe... she knew it had to be Cledus... She ran to the phone and called Cody...  Cody... please come as she was crying... I'm on my way Vicky... I'm coming....

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Vicky was hiding behind the drapes in her darkened living room when she heard the sound of car doors slamming .  She peered out the window... much to her relief it was Cody, and Betty. " He's so thoughtful to bring Betty with him," Vicky muttered to herself as she unlocked the door and collapsed into Cody's strong, reassuring arms.


"That lily-livered little bastard," Betty shouted.  "What a disgustin' mess!" " You got any bleach, hun?"  "I'll clean up this blood".  "When I finish i'll make us some coffee." "I could sure go  for a cup about now."


"I thought I saw Cledus lurking outside the dance hall last night," Cody mentioned to the girls.  "He is one disturbed little man."  " I'm not going to call Sheriff Bridges just yet, because there is no proof that Cledus is behind this."


Cody thought it would be a good idea if they went to his place to get Kricket, and take her out to Billy's ranch.  There was a rumor floating around a few years back that Cledus, in a fit of rage over being rejected by a cute little barrel racer, Hanna James...poisoned her horse....Little Half-Pint.


No one said a word.  There was an eery silence as they headed to Billy's ranch in the wee hours of the morning.  "You two sure were a cute couple dancin' the Texas Two-Step last night....Betty blurted out.  "I thought poor Billy was gonna' have a cow!"


Cody put his free arm around Vicky ... she snuggled close to him and fell asleep.  Betty looked over at Cody and whispered...


"I'll make the coffee at yer' weddin'."




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PJ... Want to apologize, I messed up on the story :-X!!  My sister, her husband, their daughter and 11 month old grandson traveled by car from Washington state to SF Bay area.. 2.5 days.  My niece called just after reading your story, my sister was rushed to the hospital, she had a stroke.  Unfortunately, I am 2.5 hours away from where they are, although, thank goodness our other sister and her family live in that area, as well as cousins.  With my hubby Ron's wds, terrible still at 15 months, having no life in helping him get through this, no other family in our area and the "good" old friends all went south on us when this all occurred with Ron, my life stopped as well as Ron's.  My salvation has been the bbs, I came on this site, when I found out, like all about these lousy drugs - to get my hubby off them.  Its been a long journey like for so many.  So.. back to my message... When my niece called, my whole thought process shattered.  When I finally came back on to post my part of the story, I lost the venue... it was "who was Vicky going to the dance with".... I skipped that out completely!!!  Then, when she go home it was to get ready!  Pooh, what a big mistake I made.  Don't know if I have the energy tonight to post the next part... I am so tired.  Well, we are going to eat dinner... maybe I will catch a second wind.  I'm so sorry!  Oh... though look what you wrote... you are soooooooooooooo gifted!!  Hugs, Patty
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So very sorry about your sister. How is she doing? Take care of yourself.  That is the most important.


I consider myself to be the groupy for this book and to be honest, I didn't see how you had messed it up at all.


You are both doing a fantastic job. Thank you for the story.

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So very sorry about your sister. How is she doing? Take care of yourself.  That is the most important.


I consider myself to be the groupy for this book and to be honest, I didn't see how you had messed it up at all.


You are both doing a fantastic job. Thank you for the story.


Hi Hanna, TY.. posted to ask for thoughts and prayers for my sister, it was moved to "'Faith & Philiosphy".  Updated about all on that.  Yea, taking care of mysef, I try to.  You ARE the groupy on this book.  Yea, I messed it up.  PJ is a wonderful writer and its been fun joining in this with him.  Hugs, Patty


PS... So lets see where I can go from here bringing it back some where I messed up!  :smitten:

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PJ.. Hope you read my previous post.. ugh!!  Publish a romance novel.. it will be you, and yes I want an autographed copy!  Reading all to my hubby... he thinks we should publish a novel together... ;D  So sorry how I dropped the buck in writing.. So here we go,...


Neither Cody or Billy asked me.  Oh that was ok, as I just knew they both would be there at the dinner dance. I finally got home, wanted to take some down time.. Just kept thinking, what is the heck wrong with me?  I feel like I have been riding a roller coaster these last weeks... Angelia with her situation and how my heart ached, then Billy, he once again, then that darn Cledus... oh.... Well, those two fellow didn't ask, why, maybe they are going through the same emotions.  Well, at least I don't have to toss the coin. 


I'm home thank goodness, need to unwind... Yes, I will take that wonderful bath and then get ready for the dinner dance.. I'm going to Betty's and we will go together.  Oh, I am so looking forward to dancing and spreading my wings... and yes Billy and Cody will both be there.  Actually, I am happy neither asked me to go... Less stress on me and them, I wouldn't have wanted to make that choice.  Now, I can dance with both!! 


The music was wonderful, I felt so carefree, I danced my boots off and had a great time.  Cody, oh Cody, we just fit like a glove and boot together dancing..  Billy, my heart pangs in your arms... though, just as much as it seems right, it then doesn't seem right.  Oh well, just forget all this and have a great time.


Oh, my feet are sore, its so great to be back home.  Of course, those two guys ponied who was taking me home...  Cody won out, he is the closest.  Oh... I am home.  I don't want to think about all that fancy stuff Betty spoke of, of being in the spotlight, that's not me.... I want that wonderful soft music, get "one" glass of chilled white wine and just relax...  Then the knock at the door.................


Oh Cody, thank God you are here.. You see what has happened... Betty.. oh... Vicky just held them both and sobbed..  I know it is him.  Ok you two as Betty said... you two go in, get that girl settled Cody, I'll clean this mess up, that crap ass bastard Cledus... I'll rake his ass over the water if he hurts this girl. 


Vicky finally was able to relax when she snuggled against Cody.  Oh the peace, I'm ok now. Vicky felt the bumps in the road, woke up, they were at Billy's ranch.  Cody had given Billy a heads up about what took place and they were coming, and Billy was awaiting for them.  They got Kricket settled in the stall... and Vicky said, where is Angelia... They looked and looked and Angelia was no where to be found.  Vicky, Cody, Betty and Billy were all beside themselves, as they knew something was more taking place..


Billy, Cody and Betty tried to minimize the situation for Vicky, said "oh, she probably is just out at the pasture".. Hey let's get inside Billy said... Betty said... hey I am cooking up a great breakfast for us all.  The four sat together had the hardy breakfast and "jo" Betty made, though, Vicky just scraped at the edges of the plate.. I'm to sick to my stomach to even eat..  Vicky thought,  "oh grandma, why is all this happening to me"?  Grandma, please give me some signs that this will turn around and what way I am supposed to go."


The sun was jetting over the hills onto the valley... Vicky saw Angelia out at the pasture... A sigh of relief, not just from Vicky, but the others.  Vicky said... I'm going out to Angelia to spend our time together.  When she approached, Angelia ran to her and whinnied.  Oh Angelia... I miss you so much, so much has happened and I am scared.  Girl, I don't want all this celebrity crap that is suppose to come... oh... I just want a simple life, with you, now with Kricket, with the pastures and mountains... just peace.  Out of no where.... butterflies were abound around Vicky and Angelia... 


Vicky teared... oh grandma... this is your sign.. it will be ok.. I love you grandma...

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