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Time for a laugh or two


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Not funny PJ, it's good!  I am a cowgirl and this would have melted my heart!


I like this a lot. Is there more?


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Not funny PJ, it's good!  I am a cowgirl and this would have melted my heart!


I like this a lot. Is there more?



OK you guys asked for it :laugh:



It was a great day for a rodeo.  The rain that had threatened opening day of the biggest event in Wyoming was now gone, making way for clear skies, and a warm gentle breeze.... leaving in it's wake, the smell of oiled leather, sweating horses, cotton candy, and corn dogs.


Images of bucking broncos, barrel racing, and bull riding filled the heads of the tough, weather-worn ranchers and their families, along with the hoard of city folks who congregated on the fair grounds to celebrate the annual Cheyenne Frontier Day's Rodeo.


"Howdy, Billy...... you goin' to enter the bronc ridin' event tomorrow ?." "Yea, you bet your boots I am."


"I aim to get in on some of that cash money before it's all won by those crazy bull riders," I yelled back at Charlie, the rodeo clown, affectionately called Chuckles by all who loved him, and adopted him as part of their family. 


"Be careful Chuckles!.... Watch your back today". "There's gonna' be some mean bulls out there." " I checked the roster, and I saw Bone Breakers name listed, along with Widow Makers."


Billy knew all to well the dangers Charlie had to face everytime he was in the ring with the bulls.  It was a year ago when Chuckles, and his barrel, saved him from being maimed by one of the most feared bulls on the rodeo circuit; Bodacious. 


Chuckles tipped his hat, waved goodbye, and continued on his way to the make-up tent.


"Vicky Longstreet!", yelled a shrill voice over the loudspeaker.  "Vicky, yer wanted over at the barrel racing event!."


Startled by the unusually loud public address system, Vicky awakened from her restless sleep in a sour mood, and yelled at Betty to cool it.


In a hurry to get dressed, she stubbed her toe on the edge of the dresser that was way too big for her small trailer.


"Ouch!, that hurts, just what I needed, ", she remarked, cussing to herself, under her breath, "a sore toe when I just gotta' win that barrel racing event tomorrow. "This is just great!" 


"I hope Angelia is feeling better this morning.  She didn't seem quite right when I left her with Cody last night," she thought out loud to herself as she rushed out the door towards the event station. 


"Someone looking for me", she asked, trying to regain her breath after becoming winded from the long run from her trailer.


"Ya, hun, doc. Weaver phoned".  "He's on his way over." "He's single ya know. Cody would be a great catch for a pretty young little filly like you."  " Here we go again ,Vicky thought to herself.  "I keep telling her I don't want to marry anyone just yet, heck i'm only twenty-two."


"Here, sweetie, have a cup a jo while your waitin' for doc to get here". 


"Thank's Betty, you're a lifesaver." an appreciative Vicky remarked, trying to remain calm until Cody came with news of her beloved mare, Angelia.


"Betty, your coffee tastes better than those four bucks a cup places.  What's your secret?"  "No secret, hun, I just add lots of love to the pot, gotta' keep those crazy Cowboys happy, ya know". 


A handsome, rather rugged looking man, with anger, and concern written all over his tanned face, conveyed to Vicky that he was not bringing good news, entered the open door of the event station.... 


" What is it doc!,  what's happened!," a distraught Vicky demanded.


"I have some bad news for you.  "Angelia will not be racing tomorrow or ever again.


She has what is known as an osselot, it's an inflammation of the metacarpophalangeal joint, or in simpler terms, arthritis in her front leg joint"




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I'm hooked, too!!!


In case you need an illustration, pj, thought I would offer one........ :)




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I'm hooked, too!!!


In case you need an illustration, pj, thought I would offer one........ :)





Neat Hanna!!!    PJ,  I am hooked also!  You need to be a script writer... You are great!  Pattylu

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You girls are something else!  I will add another page, and see if you are still hooked :laugh:


You guys can't really be serious.  This is some really bad writing, but hopfully it will re-tool my brain so I can write like I did before the benzos took away a lot of my creativity.  Doing this really helps my mind to reorganize the thought process, thanks for encouraging me.


Hanna, I would like to live in that cabin :)  Thank you for posting the nice picture.




Sobbing uncontrollably, Vicky hurried out the open door of the registration building, and ran to Cody's horse trailer  to comfort Angelia. 


"I'm so sorry girl, it's all my fault." " I wanted so much to win the barrel racing event tomorrow that I worked you way too hard last week." 


"Can you ever forgive me, Angelia?  Vicky pleaded, still shaken over what Cody had told her." 


"It's nothing you could have prevented, Vicky," Cody reassured her. " "Don't blame yourself for Angelia's predicament." "Her ailment is quite common in horses."


Cody wrapped his strong arms around Vicky, and gave her a gentle hug, trying to console her.  He oftened wished that Vicky had the same romantic feelings for him, that he had for her, but he knew in his heart, that it would never be, because Vicky had always wanted to have more of a brother, sister, kind of relationship with him.


"Vicky, a good friend of mine, Billy Rutledge, raises some of the best Quarter Horses in the West .  "He's got a ranch a few miles from here."  "I know we can go over there, and get you a horse for tomorrow' s race."   


"He's got a real sweet little mare, the pride of his herd, that stands a bit over 14 hands high, just right for you." "She's won many races in Colorado, and is as smart and gentle as any Quarter Horse that I have ever seen."  "She loves barrel racing probably more than you do." 


"You're willing to do this for me?" said Vicky, while giving Cody a big.... I love you like a brother, kind of hug before they got into Cody's large pick-up truck with the dual rear wheels, and headed East towards Billy's ranch. 


It was a beautiful day for a drive.  The pasture land, and the surrounding hills, after last night's rain, were as lush, and green as they could possibly be.  The delightful songbirds were greeting the new day with their cheerful songs.


The smell of the morning dew, the fields of Blue bonnets, Red Poppies, and colorful Indian Blanket Wildflowers had awakened all of Vicky's senses .....confirming to her why she loved Wyoming so much, and.... why....she would never leave.



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Ditto :smitten::thumbsup:  Poor Cody!  (That was my beloved Shetlie's name, a a beautiful guy, actually registered name Wild Bill Cody).... Oh, PJ you need to write romance novels.  Keep it going.... You have us hooked! :thumbsup::smitten:  Pattylu


(PS... Hey all, we need to have a thread, PJ'S NOVELS, WITH SECOND, THIRD AND FORTH GENERATION STORIES!)

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Well, here is another page  ???


Cody pulled the pick-up truck over to the side of the road so Vicky could check on Angelia. He got out, stretched his arms, and with every fiber of his body, soaked up the quiet beauty, and soothing sounds that one only finds in the country.  A quiet beauty, that almost seems surreal.


"Oh, Cody, look over there!, it's a cute little foal standing with it's mother?"  "I love horses so much," declared Vicky, in a cheerful, melodic voice.


"That's Mistico, and her new baby, Brave One".  "I helped her with a complicated Red Bag delivery".  "What does that mean, Cody, Vicky wanted to know.  "It's when the placenta separates too soon before or during a mare's foaling.


"Maybe Betty is right about Cody being a good catch," Vicky thought to herself as she and Cody walked to the back of the trailer to check on Angelia.


"Hi girl, you're going to feel so much better when we get to Billy's ranch, where you can mingle with the other horses and be free to do as you please".  "Cody told me that Billy will let you stay on his ranch as long as you want to. 


"I love you Angelia", Vicky whispered in her ear.


"The left rear, inside dual is a little low, but we'll make it", Cody mentioned to Vicky as they got back into the truck, and continued on their way. 


"Where is Billy's ranch? Vicky asked Cody, wondering if it was the same Billy she had seen repairing fence posts a few days ago.  She was pretty sure it was, because her father had once mentioned a guy named Billy, who's property adjoined his, near the South quarter.


"It's in Sweetwater County, near the town of Arrowhead Springs," answered Cody.  "As the crow flies, we have about fifty more miles to go"   


"That's him! " "I just know it is". "It's got to be the same Billy!" Vicky whispered to herself.


"Why did you become a Vet, Cody". "I guess because Dad is, and my brothers are, and I enjoy country living, and the decent, down to earth folks who are a part of it all."


"Is Billy married?," Vicky asked Cody, nonchalantly. "Yep, he's married". 


Vicky's heart sank....." Married to thirty five head of Quarter Horses, and five hundred head of beef cattle, that is."  "He could have been married a dozen times".  "He's the kinda guy girls go nuts over, but he just hasn't found his soulmate yet".


"I'll try to change that"..... Vicky thought to herself as they were approaching the entrance  to Riverwind Ranch.



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lol, PJ, she should have become a rancher! Then she could put up a big sign over her gate that said "Cattle Ranch".  :D


We had a family of Piggs in our neighborhood. They were typically late for church. My Dad was SO annoyed at me and my sister (and a little at my Mom) for laughing out loud when the preacher announced from the pulpit, "we are just waiting on the Piggs".  :D everything is way funnier in church.  :laugh:


My mother said she went to school with a girl names Ima Pigg.

She said there was another girl named Fanny Waddles. 


I think she was teasing me. 



Challis Who-Isn't-Very-Bright

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Oh!  I interrupted PJ's story!!  Didn't see it until after I quoted Flip's post.


Carry on...I'm waiting for...


[move]the rest of the story![/move]

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lol, PJ, she should have become a rancher! Then she could put up a big sign over her gate that said "Cattle Ranch".  :D


We had a family of Piggs in our neighborhood. They were typically late for church. My Dad was SO annoyed at me and my sister (and a little at my Mom) for laughing out loud when the preacher announced from the pulpit, "we are just waiting on the Piggs".  :D everything is way funnier in church.  :laugh:


My mother said she went to school with a girl names Ima Pigg.

She said there was another girl named Fanny Waddles. 


I think she was teasing me. 



Challis Who-Isn't-Very-Bright


I know a Ivana Tinkle.....

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This is probably a little old-fashioned sounding, but my mother's name was Patricia Cash.  Her father's name was Grant Cash.  When she was in college her father would send her checks with "Pay to the order of":  Pat Cash, and he signed the checks, "Grant Cash".  She got looks from more than one suspicious banker. 
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Tired of reading all the squabbling going on today. I am going to take a ride on the range with Vicky, Billy, and Cody. :)  saddle up and Come on along!



"It's surreal!, I must be dreaming," Vicky whispered to herself. "How can anything possibly be this beautiful, and peaceful?"


The beauty, and calmness was like a scene from a Currier and Ive's painting.  It stretched for miles, clear to the green hills beyond the Red Rock River.


Two high-spirited Collie dogs greeted Cody, and Vicky as they emerged from the truck.


"HI ya, Scout, good boy!  hi ya blaze, how's my buddies doin' today, Cody inquired of the Border Collies he had recently sold to Billy.   


"Howdy doc, hi ya Cledus, " Cody answered back to a short, mean looking man, that was built like a bull. "How is ranch work treatin' you?  It's a livin'!, Cledus grumbled, all the while eyeing Vicky, making her feel real uneasy. 


"This pretty little filly your assistant, doc?.  "She can assist me any time she wants to.  "I got a thing for pretty little filly gals," he laughed, showing a row of disgusting tobacco stained teeth.


Afraid, and disgusted by the actions of Cledus, Vicky moved closer to Cody.  "What's the matter little girl, you scared of big, bad Cledus."


Moving even closer to Cody, Vicky let Cledus have it with both barrels.  "You miserable little jackass." "Do you think every girl is nothing but eye candy to satisfy your perverted lust?".


"Go back to the hole you crawled out of, and disappear!," Vicky yelled, as she continued her tirade against Cledus.


"You little bitch, you can't talk to me like that.  "I'll knock you clear back to yesterday!", Cledus hollered,  as he was moving closer towards Vicky.


Cody Was about to cold-cock Cledus when he noticed Billy approaching.


A tall, well-built man, wearing a well-worn pair of faded blue jeans, emerged from one of several horse barns.  "Pack your gear, and hit the road Cledus or i'll kick your sorry ass clear into Rock County! "


"I'll get you for this, pretty lady!, Cledus yelled, as he glared at Vicky on his way to the bunkhouse.


"Are you ok, VIcky?  "I apologize for that crude welcome". " Cledus is a misanthrope who despises woman.


"By the way, you and Angelia galloped off in such hurry when I met you on the fence line the other day, I didn't get a chance to tell you that I will be at the rodeo all day tomorrow."  Vicky blushed, and tossed Billy one of her 'to die for' smiles.     


"Alright guys, Billy cheerfully suggested," let's go and and see 'Kricket'. The prettiest, and fastest little Quarter Horse in all the West.


"Vicky, Let's get Angelia from the trailer, and show her, her new home."  "She can stay here for ever if you want her to."So can you", Billy thought to himself.



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Oh PJ.... That ride was just Sooooooo fine :laugh:..  Ooh, I see danger with that snotty stinky mouth Cledus in the future for Vicky... Right???  Seems like Cody is going to have some challenge from Billy,,


Thanks.... Waiting for the next round!!  Oops, story not the squabbling match!!  Pattylu

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You are amazing PJ!! I don't even need my nook for a good read.




Hi pianogirl,


Thanks, you are so very kind, but You better hang on to your nook :laugh:

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Oh PJ.... That ride was just Sooooooo fine :laugh:..  Ooh, I see danger with that snotty stinky mouth Cledus in the future for Vicky... Right???  Seems like Cody is going to have some challenge from Billy,,


Thanks.... Waiting for the next round!!  Oops, story not the squabbling match!!  Pattylu



Hi pattylu.....glad you enjoyed the ride. :)  I tried to get the gentlest American Paint that I could, just for you.


Yes, without a doubt, that scoundral Cledus spells trouble for Vicky.  I was thinking of adding one more page here, and then let others jump in, and we could take turns writing a paragraph or two, and see  where the story leads to.    What do you think?

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