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Hank, the children are in the game room, "how about I go in first, sit a while with them, they know we are taking them out to the new "Pizza Shack" in town..  Just wait here, I'll bring them out..  Annie walked in, the three were in delight, knowing they were going out for pizza... and yes, meeting Annie's Hank. 


The children, holding Annie's hands in tow, walked down that hall with rainbows and bright stars.. they looked at Hank.. a big smile on his face.  Hank, "these are my wonderful friends.. Shana (7), Devon (4) and Tristan (2)...  Hank saw as they approached, Shana, well, she was like the mother of the younger two, Devon, shy with a lost look in his face, with his stuffed bear in his arms, and little Tristan, his thumb in his mouth, looking at his sisters for comfort..  Devon.. the first.. hi Hank... Shana, she was protective.. Tristan.. looked up.. howdy kink.. Hey kids, Hank said.. "you hungry for pizza?"


Annie and Hank were headed home.. Hank said, "Annie, you bet, lets adopt those little ones, love them and give them a great home."  Annie, you are a miracle... what you have brought into my life, and now.. these beautiful youngsters  that we will love forever... Annie, my Annie, I love you with all my heart and soul..


Hank kissed Annie goodbye in he morning, said "honey, you get the ball rolling, let's get our babies home with us, in this beautiful home and fill it.."  Annie knew, the love Hank was, it would turn out this way.  Finally at work.. Annie called the social worker....  Oh Annie said, "I thought the children were up for adoption."  Mrs Witworth explained to Annie, "we thought so also, though the father of these children is fighting this."  Annie got off the phone, held her head and cried...



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Hi patty :)


Annie called Vicky, and explained to her about the unexpected dilema that she, and Hank were contending with, regarding the adoption of the three Carter siblings.


"I am so sorry, Annie," Vicky said to her.  "Let's meet at Betty's for coffee.".  "I have an idea, see you there in twenty minutes."


Annie's spirits soared.  She knew that if anyone could find away for them to adopt those, scared, neglected kids it would be Vicky, and Cody.


"What are you two gals up to so early in the mornin'?."  "You wanna' a roll with yer coffee?" "Thanks, Betty, we would love one of your delicious caramel rolls," Vicky answered her.  "Betty do you know a Lance Carter?," Vicky asked her. "Ya, I know that no good deadbeat!".  "He used to pal around with that piece of crap, Arnold, my mama's boy, ex husband."  Now there was a piece of work for ya'." "Why are you askin'? "


"His kids are up for adoption." "Hank, and I want to adopt them,"Annie interjected.  "He changed his mind, and won't sign the adoption papers."  "What's the problem?, Betty asked" " Lance Carter ain't fit to raise the flag on the Fourth of July! "


"Betty can you do something for us?", Vicky asked her.  "You just name it, hun, and consider it done."  "Lance doesn't want those kids, everyone knows that."  "He's  looking to be bought off."  "A three dollar bottle of rot-gut whiskey would do it," Betty laughed.


"Can you get him to come over here tonight, Betty?  " No problem, i'll offer him a drink, and a free meal."  "He'll come a beggin,"  Vicky handed Betty the adoption papers. " When he comes over around supper time, I want you to feed him, put a bottle of whiskey on the table, let him have a few, then....offer him the five-thousand dollars that is in this envelope."  That should be enough money to get him out of town, and keep him drunk until everything is finalized, and he can never get his hands on those kids ever again. "Annie and I will be watching, and listening from the kitchen...we want to witness him signing the papers, so he can't claim that he was forced to do it."


A jug of rut-gut whiskey in one hand, and an envelope containing five-thousand dollars in the other, Lance Carter staggered out the door of Betty's cafe....mumbling....."Good for nothin', rottin', stinkin' brats."




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Hi to you PJ  :)  Wonderful!!



Betty smiled as Lance was staggering out the door. we got you, "you piece of crap"... Though, with a few other diners still eating.. Betty just cleared the table Lance ate at, had the signed adoption papers in her pocket apron, asked her other diners how yu'll ok??  Sauntered with a swagger, a smile from ear to ear to the kitchen, where Annie and Vicky were jumping with joy!  Hey you girls Betty said, "you two owe me big time, how about a big hug".  The three hugged and danced with joy.  Well, that skunk drunk worthless rat will never have those children again, bet to be sure for that.  Here are the papers girls, and guess what, the diners right beside him, that was Judge Baker from the next county over.  When I sat down with Lance, talking with him about the children, what that rat said, would have raised the hairs on your back.  I politely said, Lance, let the children be, let them be free, as well as you..  Lance said, hell, I never wanted those brats at all, I want rid of them...  So, I pulled the adoption papers out, we talked, as you most surly heard.. he said I want rid of them... The Judge, he got up, came over and said, sir, are you aware of what you are saying and doing?  I got really scared, but I knew we'd be ok...  Look, girls, Judge Baker witnessed the papers... 


Breathless, Annie and Vicky left, papers in hand.. Fate.. can you believe that Annie, Judge Baker being right there hearing all this, seeing what was important..  Oh, that Betty, what a savior in a world she is..

Annie, go home to Hank... you take off tomorrow.. I'll call the social worker tommorrow, and tell her all that took place, and I will call Judge Brown tomorrow morning to meet with him, so we can get this going.


Hank saw Annie walk through the door, just exhausted.. Hun, you ok, you don't look well.. You need something to eat.. lets go into the kitchen, I have a good meal ready.  They sat, they talked, Hank couldn't believe what he was hearing.  Annie... oh Annie, we will have our little family now.. those little cowgirls and a cowboy.. they're coming home to be safe.. we'll love them forever.


Two days later... Annie and Hank went together.. "My Sister's House"..  These three little darlins.. sat, saw Hank and Annie walking hand in hand... they held the children, said.. let's go kids.. lets make it official. we need to be at Judge Brown's court.  The five, walked hand in hand, with smiles... 


Judge Brown declared, "children, these are your parents, parents, these are your children", go live a good life of love together.. The five, held each other... who was in the back of the court room.. Vicky, Cody and Betty, the three of them crying together...   

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"Hank, we have to enroll Shana in school this week"...Annie said to him, a look of concern on her face.  "Because of her past home life, she missed all of the first grade." "Poor thing" "When the other kids her age were playing with their easy bake ovens, she was cooking supper on a wood burning stove for a drunken father, and two little, frightened kids."


"I talked to superintendent Mary Shackleford....she said that Shana could be put in the second grade, even though she missed the first grade."  "She told me that the results on the aptitude tests,  showed that our Shana has the maturity, and intellect of a fifth grader."  "That's great news", Hank said..."let's show her who is waiting in the barn to meet her."


Shana stared in disbelief, when Hank opend the barn door...standing there, pawing the floor, was 

a beautful little brown, and white Paint. "Is she really all mine?" " Can I keep her for ever, and ever?" "That mean Lance won't take her from me, will he?" 


"No one will ever take her from you...I promise you that," Hank said to Shana in a reassuring, comforting voice.  "I'm going to call her Sparkles, father, Shana said to Hank...giving him a hug, that turned this tough rancher, former Marine...mountain of a man....into a six-foot-four-inch piece of putty.


Betty was looking out the window of the cafe when she noticed Billy approaching the entrance door.  When he walked in...she started belting out the lyrics to 'Billy Boy'.


"Oh, where ....have you been

Billy Boy, Billy Boy?

"Oh, where ....have you been, Billy Boy?

can she.... bake a cherry pie

Billy Boy?

can she bake... a cherry pie....

charming Billy?........


"Who told you that you could sing," Billy laughed, and gave Betty a big, I missed kind of hug. 


'Yer lookin' real good, Billy.....married life must agree with you."  "How's that sweet little wife of yers'." "She's great," Billy answered. " Being a Veterinarian keeps her plenty busy."  "She pregnant yet, Billy," Betty asked him...."I don't know, she's the doctor, ask her."  "Here's yer coffee, hun....it's some of Martin Cadbury's special blend....you met him yet, Billy?  "Yep, he's a real nice dude...whenever I think of little Martin, with the stepladder, trying to get that big Carl guy on that Percheron...I go nuts. "  " I think the whole county is still laughing about that misadventure." 


"Sarah is the best thing that ever happened to me, Betty.  "She made me take a real hard look at myself....what I saw, I didn't like."  "Loving her, has made me a changed man."  "I gotta run, Betty...tell Martin his coffee was damn good!"       



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Hi PJ ;)



Betty called Vicky and laughed so hard on the phone.. sharing how she belted out the lyrics to "Billy Boy' as Billy he walked in.  The two howled on the phone together.  Betty, you are one, there is no one else like you!  Betty went on to tell Vicky what Billy said.. Well Betty, I think for once and for all, Billy has finally come to his senses and does understand all.  Who better, but Sarah, one fine gal. Oh Betty, will those two be surprised on Saturday afternoon.  They think Cody and I have "just" invited them over for a bbq, to spend the afternoon and early evening together...  Wow.. wait until they see!  A wedding reception to celebrate their marriage.


Saturday morning came, Vicky, with the caterer had everything in place.  Betty, Joel, all the ranch hands from Billy's ranch, and Hank and Annie were there, though there was a great surprise in store for both of

them, one that both Vicky and Cody made sure that would take place, one that must take place.


The doorbell rang... Vicky and Cody.. and of course Tara went to answer.  Hi Uncle Billy, Hey Auntie Sarah, and threw her arms around their legs... The two picked this wonder of a child up... kissed her... hey baby, how is our little cowgirl... I got my cowgirl boots on for our party!  Cody and Vicky looked at each other thinking the cat was out of the bag... but, Billy and Sarah didn't even catch on...


SURPRISE...  Billy and Sarah couldn't believe their eyes... Betty, Joel, all the ranch hands from Billy's ranch, friends... then a lot of tears from Sarah... her mother, her dad, her sisters, brother n laws, her nieces and nephews... She just hugged and held them all.. She looked at Vicky and Cody... she just couldn't believe all..


Then, two beautiful woman came forward to Billy, they looked at him, with love.. Billy, we are your older sisters... Billy thought.. they look familiar.. who are they.. my sisters.. no, I don't have any family.. Vicky took hold of Billy, sat him down and told him the entire story.  Billy, you were only three years old when your parents passed.  Your two wonderful sisters.. Maggie and Liz.. older then you, went to live with your aunt, a single woman in Maryland.. You Billy, you were sent to your uncle on the other side of the family, as you were a boy, and the family thought you needed a male influence.  You, as you know, lived with your Uncle Gerald, a single man, who had the acres of land you own.... Billy, these are your sisters... you now all have each other again as a family.  Billy was just beside himself... he stood on shaky legs.. held his hand out to Maggie and Liz... the girls just took him into their arms... Billy... he just let all emotion out.. all that he had held in for years thinking he had no family.  Maggie, Liz... let me introduce you to my wife... Dr. Sarah... no Billy, just Sarah.  Sarah just hugged both woman... and thanked God for this wonderful reunion for Billy... Billy now has a family, that he never thought he had..


As the party was coming to its end... Billy stood.. I would like to make a toast to Sarah, to my new found family, to Sarah's family, to my ranch hands with their family, to my dear friend Hank and his dear Annie..

to my dear Vicky and Cody... From Sarah and I, I want to thank all of you.. especially Vicky and Cody..what you both have given us...  Sarah said... Billy, lets share all.  Billy said, looking into Sarah's eyes, looking with glistening eyes to his sisters.. to Sarah's family, to his dearest friends.. Sarah is pregnant... the baby will be here in seven months... 


Betty with tears got up and hugged Billy and Sarah.  I knew it when you came into the cafe.. you didn't let on one bit..  Well, I guess I have a surpise for all you kids too.  Joel come up.. Joel and Betty just held each other.. Hey these old two coots.. well wer are going to become a pair of boots together.. we are getting married.  The laughter from all to both of them, the love was abound with this.. 


The first day of school arrived for Shana... Annie was up early, got everything in order for the kids and cooked a hardy breakfast...  Shana came down pale.. she began crying.. Annie went to Shana... honey what's wrong.  Mom, I am so nervous... I've never been to school; crying.  Sweetie.. look at me, as she held her.. listen, I was the same way my first day of school.. You don't know now.. but you will have new friends, you will love your teacher and you will have so much fun.  I didn't think so either.. my dear sweet girl.. you wait... when I pick you up.. you will come out to me with smiles on your face.  Dry your eyes... come and eat some breakfast.. and then we'll go.. I'll be with you all the way my girl. 


Hank just watched Annie, with her arm over Shana's shoulder, holding her, to take her to her new venture.. school..

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A big Martin Cadbury style smile to you patty  :)


Shana, her head held high, walked proudly down the long, brightly lit, hallway, with it's highly polished Terazzo floors.  She was searching for room two-twenty-two.  "There it is, she whispered to herself."  "Don't be scared, there's nothing to be afraid of ," she convinced herself as she entered her classroom. " If I don't like it, I will walk out."


" Hi, you must be Shana, my name is Abigail Traxler..."I like your boots, pretty snazzy." " Thank you," Shana, said to her.  " I will be your teacher....welcome to the second grade." "I am so happy to meet you, Shana." 


"She's nice, Shana thought to herself, as she smiled, and shook Miss.Traxlers petite hand, noticing that her finger nails were painted different colors....."she's going to be a fun teacher."


" Annie was parked in front of the school, waiting for Shana to come out....hoping, and praying that her first day of school had not been a traumatic experience for her.


"Mother, you were right! .... I do love school! " "My teacher is so nice, and she is so pretty." " I have a new best friend...her name is Veronica....she has a brother named David...she has a girl pony named firecracker"  Annie had never been happier, or more relieved, than she was in knowing that everything was going to be alright.  "Mother, i'm hungry...what's for supper? "




"That's so sad, Billy...I just can't believe it...Chuckles crossing the street, and killed by a drunk driver."  "Thirty years as a rodeo clown,  fending off wild bulls, and not a scratch, and then to be crossing the street and get run down by a drunk driver who had nine prior DWI's , and should of been locked up."  "Life can be so unfair sometimes, Cody, ya, I know ,Billy.  "Irene is devastated...they were married fourty years."


Anyone who had ever attended the annual rodeo, knew, and loved Charlie Capshaw...affectionately known across the state of Wyoming, as Chuckles the Clown, attended his funeral.  To accomodate everyone, it was held at the fairgrounds where there were bleaches, and ample parking for, what was expected to be a massive crowd.


There was not a dry eye among the tough bull riders, the wiry bronc busters, the weather-beaten ranchers, the little kids, or the rodeo clowns who gathered from all around the state, to pay their respects to a man they all loved so much.




The land was wrapped in a blanket of snow.  The ranchers had their hands full keeping their livestock fed, and watered, but they didn't complain....they accepted all that nature handed them...when the going got tough, they got tougher.


Christmas was but a week away...Vicky, and Cody, with the help of Tara, were decorating a huge white pine, that Cody hauled down from the snow-coverd hills above their ranch.  George, Vicky's dad was sitting in a chair watching them.  His Alzheimer's was slowly getting worse, and he was no longer very aware of his surroundings, and had no idea that he was about to become a grandfather, something he had looked forward to for a long time.   

Vicky's baby was due around Christmas Day...she didn't have an ulta-sound done to determine the sex of her baby because she, and Cody wanted to be surprised. 


"Mommy, can I feel your big tummy?", Tara asked her...".sure you can"...honey.  Tara gently touched Vicky's swollen stomache, giggled, and asked, "mommy can we name the baby Rudolph if it has a red nose? "     




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Thanks for that big Martin Cadbury smile from you to me!  ;)  His coffee sure has a wonderful aroma, even though I don't drink coffee anymore... just the scent... hmmmm!




After the service for dear Chuckles.. everyone gathered to eat and celebrate Chuckles.  One by one, all who loved him took the mike, to share their story.  There was laughter, tears and chuckles, just what Chuckle would have wanted.  The sun began setting, all knew, that it was time to say goodbye.. and voice by voice joined... "Happy Trails To You, Until We Meet Again"..  We love you Chuckles in unison they yelled..  The doves were released, as well as the balloons... Farewell our dear friend.


Annie and Hank were so proud of their children... Shana was doing so well in school.. Hank, can you believe this, Miss Traxler's report.. Did we think our Shana would be graded at the top of her class.. not only academically, but deportmen-ship also!  The three children were busting at their seams with Christmas here.  Between decorating the tree, making handmade presents, baking... Oh, Shana sat reading Christmas stories to her brother and sister, hugged them both... oh, how very lucky and blessed we are with Mom and Dad... what a wonderful life we have now..  Annie and Hank gathered the children around the tree and the blazing fire in the fire place... shared the hot coco and the best Christmas story, The Night Before Christmas.  The children were in the flannels, rubbing their eyes with tiredness... the cookies and milk out for Santa.. and of course, the carrots for the reindeers.  The children, carried up to their beds, were tucked in and sound asleep for their special Christmas tomorrow morning.


You silly girl Tara... only one "person" can be named Rudolph... Santa gave that name to his reindeer.. "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer".  Tara laughed.. ok mommy.. let's think of other names.  Tara looked over at her grandpa.. Hey pops.. George looked at Tara.. a glimmer of this little girl.. Oh, poppy, as she crawled up onto his lap, hugged him and gave him a big kiss on his cheek.  Poppy, isn't our tree beautiful..  George looked at the lights, smiled, looked down to little Tara, and said... oh, Vicky, its so beautiful.  Poppy, I'm not Vicky, I'm your Tara...  George hugged and kissed this wee one... I love you my girl.  Vicky looked with tears in her eyes, knowing dad thought he was holding her, though, was grateful that Tara didn't understand that, just gave her poppy all her love.


Vicky's back had been bothering her all day and evening long.  After's Tara bubble bath, with her glee and laughter.. back down to the tree.. the tradition as Hank explained to Tara.  Santa travels so very far, he and his reindeers need that food to keep going from house to house.  So, Tara bounced out of his arms into the kitchen.. grabbed the yummy cookies mommy and she baked, with a big glass of milk, running into the grand room almost spilling and dropping all... Vicky and Cody just howled...  Here they are Tara said... all the food Santa needs.  Cody said.. Tara, what about the reindeers.. Tara flew from the room into the kitchen.. Vicky and Cody hysterically laughing, see Tara with a paper bag of lettuce with carrots.  Well Cody said... that will just do for the reindeers.  They held her, reading, The Night Before Christmas... within two paragraphs, Tara was asleep.  To bed with this girl, let's tuck her in.. we have a big day tomorrow with this little pistil. 


At three in the morning, Vicky was awaken racked with pain in her back... She woke Cody... The blizzard that came in was fierce and strong, the wind and snow that was mounting was beyond a storm that had hit in a long time.  Cody knew, there would be no way to get Vicky to a hospital, or have the doctor come.. It was up to him now.  Cody got Opal, the housekeeper, a joy of a woman, and yes, she had experience in being a midwife.  After six hours of very hard labor... the baby was born.. a healthy little boy... As Vicky held this babe... its like he looked at her and gave his first smile... Merry Christmas my little one...

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Patty,  good morning :)



It was Christmas day, the new fallen snow sparkled like diamonds under the brightly lit moon.


Tara awoke earlier than usual.  She bounced down the red carpeted stairs dressed in her bunny pajamas with the feet that kept her nice, and toasty warm.  When she reached the bottom, she heard a whimpering sound coming from a rather large, white, wicker basket that was sitting under the Christmas tree.  She ran to the tree, looked inside the basket, jumped up, and down, and let out a shriek of sheer delight, when much to her surprise, looking up at her, wagging it's tail, shaking, and wiggling like leaf in the wind, was a little black, and white Border Collie with one brown eye, and one blue eye.


Opal, hearing the commotion coming from the family room, emerged from the kitchen, picked up the puppy, and placed it in Tara's out-stretched arms.  "Be careful, Tara, he's awful tiny, you mustn't squeeze him too hard," She said to her, in a kind, teaching tone of voice.  Tara giggled, and squeeked with pure joy when that little puppy with the one brown eye, and the one blue eye licked her face. " I love you puppy...I have to give you a name....I'm going to call you Mozart, because I love music."


Hearing Tara mention the name of Mozart, Opal didn't know what to think.  "Where did she hear about Mozart?....I realize that she is extremely smart, no it couldn't be, she couldn't be a child prodigy, could she? "


"Mommy!, mommy!, daddy!......come see my little puppy....come and look at Mozart," Tara hollered to them when she noticed they were coming down the stairs. 


"Mommy what are you holding in your arms...come and take a look, Tara, Vicky answered her.....


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Tara looked, as Vicky sat and held this babe before her... Tara with her little Mozart in her arms, now her mom with a baby in her arms... Mommy, did you get this in a basket from Santa?  Cody and Vicky chuckled.. no Tara .. remember how I showed you my tummy, shared, how my tummy was growing with a baby, like you have seen with the mares... Well, this little guy came when you were asleep.. this is your baby brother.. Mommy.. you said we couldn't name him Rudolph... can we name him Austin?  Cody and Vicky looked at each other.. yep.. Austin Cody Weaver is a fine name.



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PJ, that was nothing of an add on... Sorry.. for some reason I cannot get things going with this like before..  Oh... now I see where you might be taking Tara.. hint, hint, hint from you.  Hoping I can elaborate more withe the additions.. just kind of stuck.. but I will get there.. hang in there with me.. Patty
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Hi patty :)


Austin is a good, solid name for a cowboy.


That was sure weird!  When I posted this the first time, it came out in double :crazy:


"That was some Christmas, Vicky."  "It sure was Opal, I can't believe that New Year's is only three days away."

    "I was sleeping so soundly, I didn't hear Cody leave this morning."  "Do you know what time it was when he left?"..."it was about four-thirty,Vicky."

    "There was some kind of an emergency out at the Bramwell ranch."

    "Austin Cody Weaver...I love that name...."Thank you, Opal, I like it too... Cody came up with it." "He's got your eyes, Vicky."  "Look at the size of those hands." 

  "He's going to be a big guy, just like his dad." 

  "Martin, do want to hold my new puppy? " Tara asked him.  "Be careful, he's real wiggly, and jumpy."

    "I'll say he is." 

" My goodness, he has one blue eye, and one brown eye! " 

    "What's his name?, Tara."  "His name is Mozart...he's a Border Collie...he likes you, Martin."  "How can you tell that he does...cause his tail is wagging."

"Indeed it is, indeed it is." 

    "I have to get going, Vicky," Martin, said to her.  "There are a lot of guests coming to the ranch for New Years." 

"Did big Carl make it for  Christmas?             

    "Goodness gracious, yes."  "He and Florence are going to leave the hustle, and bustle in New Jersey, and buy a home near Castle Rock."

    "Oh, my sweet Jesus!"

Opal hollerd, and shouted. " Vicky come quick!."

    "There's something crazy going on around here." 

When she opened the door to the sunroom with it fascinating array of plants, in hundreds of different colors, shapes, and textures.

There, sitting at the baby grand, recently purchased by Cody, who wanted to learn how to play the piano ....was Tara....playing the most enchanting, lilting music that Vicky had ever heard.

    " Please tell me I'm not dreaming or halucinating, Vicky", Opal said, in disbelief.

    " I see it!, and I hear it!, but I don't believe it!," Vicky exclaimed.

"Tara, honey...What is the name of that beautiful music you are playing? "It's 

Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21- Andante...." Tara said nonchalantly.... it's my favorite....do you like it, mommy?"  " I love it!....it's my favorite, too."

    "She's a child prodigy!" Vicky....

"I know Opal, but how, and why....a six-year old doesn't just sit down and play like a concert pianist."

"It just doesn't happen."

    "I'm going to call Elizabeth Wertheimer, she's a music professor at Valley College...she has got to hear Tara play."

"Thank you for coming over on such short notice, Elizabeth," a visibly shaken Vicky said to her. 

    "My God!....that can't be!"...is that Tara I hear playing beyond those doors?," Elizabeth remarked ....a look of sheer joy lighting up her eyes. 

    "Do you know what she is playing, Vicky?

" heck no, she answered.  "I'm just a humble barrel racing cowgirl." 

    " She's playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata...I must say, I have never heard it played better, and with so much feeling."  "She plays so powerfully, yet, she plays so softly." 

"It's almost like the pianos keys are made of velvet."

      "Tara, how did you learn to play the piano?," Elizabeth asked her.  "My first mommy showed me how." 

      "Tara, you keep playing if you want to...I have to talk to Elizabeth in the kitchen."

"We adopted Tara from 'My Sister's Place'...she had no immediate family."

      "Her parents were killed in a car wreck back East".  "Their name was York." 

Elizabeth, clutching her chest, gasped, and asked Vicky for a drink of water. 

      Composing herself...she asked Vicky if Tara's parents were Soyna, and Herbert  York.  "Yes, that was their names."

"Vicky".... Elizabeth, excitedly said to her.

"Sonya, and Herbert were both world famous classical pianists." 

    "The apple sure didn't fall from the tree," Opal interjected.

"Listening to them play Mozart.... was like soft caresses to the soul," Elizabeth sighed.

      "Mommy, may I watch SpongeBob Square Pants?"  "They are so funny...Squidward is my favorite, he plays the clarinet." "Go ahead and watch", a confused, and bewildered Vicky, said to Tara. 

    Elizabeth took Vicky's hand and said to her:  "You must always remember that Tara is only six years old, and will most often act like a normal six year old "

    "Her musical genious is just there....she knows it's special, but she doesn't obsess about it, or understand it." " No one can." 

    "My precious little 'pianogirl'.... in your cowgirl boots covered in spotted horses, and yellow stars.....what am I going to do? "



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Vicky knew she needed to spend time with Tara, the outdoors.. riding together, just getting that space from it all, to connect with all that has come about.  Good morning my dear girl, as she tossled Tara's curls.. Oh.. Mommy.. I was dreaming the most wonderful dream.  Vicky layed next to Tara.. what were you dreaming sweet girl... Mommy, I was playing the piano... at some wonderful place.. and my first mommy was standing next to meet smiling at me, she was really happy.


Hearing this, Vicky thought.. I have so many challenges ahead with and for Tara.. My most important, is to keep Tara being a child, with happiness and wonder, grounded for her life ahead..  Well Vicky thought, where else for that, in the space of the countryside , freedom and happiness.. with true people..


The two saddled up. Vicky on her new favorite mare, and little Tara on her pony.. The two ventured out into the countryside...  Riding with laughter, racing together, both found that freedom that they both needed..  They came to a wonderful river, Vicky surprised Tara with a basket of food, their dear Opal put together... the blanket was spread.. mother and daughter shared.


Tara.. I want to talk with you sweetie about some things.. Ok mommy.. Tara, you have a wonderful gift, a gift like an angel, your gift is music, you know that right?  Yes, mommy I know... I love it with all my heart...  Tara, do you remember your first mommy and your daddy..  Tara.. looked down at the river, a tear flowed into her eye, she looked up to Vicky.. oh... mommy, as she threw herself into Vicky's arms.. Mommy... I was so sad, I cried and cried.. when they told me.. I loved them so much.. I was their girl, just like I am your and daddy's girl now.  I was so sad.. all I could do, was take my fingers, play the songs on a table, on a chair, on the bed.. that's all I could do..  Vicky lifted Tara's chin.. sweetie... it must have been very sad for you, I'm sorry that happened.  Know though, your first mommy and daddy gave you something so very special.  What they gave us.. was their special girl, and know you are our special girl..  Tara, I love you with all my heart. 


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"I'm coming! "  "Hold your horses,"  Opal said, as she opened the door to a tall, middle-aged man,  who was dressed meticulously in a gray flannel suit, carried a brown leather brief case, and had a stern, stone-faced look on his not too friendly face. 

    "He must be that lawyer from New York....I don't like him," Opal thought to  herself. "He's got mean looking eyes." 


"Good morning, my name is Randall Parrish."  "I am here to see Dr.and Mrs.Cody Weaver "  "It was a good morning until you got here," Opal lamented to herself.

"Please sit down." "I'll tell them you are here."  "Thank you ma'am." 

    " I am here on behalf of Isabella York."  "Tara York's Aunt," he said to Vicky, and Cody. 

"How are you, Tara?, Randall Parrish asked her."  "I'm not talking to you, mommy said I should not talk to strangers." 

"You came to take me away from my mommy, and daddy, and my baby brother, and my puppy."  "I don't like you!....you have mean eyes," Tara cried, running to Opal."  "What a nasty little brat", he thought, as he was opening his brief case to find a copy of the adoption papers. 

    "Come with me sweetie, let's go and feed Mozart."   


"We adopted Tara legally," Cody explained to Mr.Parish.  "It was strictly on the up, and up."  "No one came forward to claim any biological connection to her when we made a public announcement in the newspapers." 

"Now that the whole world knows who she is, and with the distinct possibility of her  making millions, all the scum, masquerading as good, and decent people, come oozing out of the woodwork, like the no good slime they are." 

    " You can high-tail it straight back to New York, and inform Isabella York." " No soap! "  "We will see her in court!" 

"You may think that Wyoming is in the middle of nowhere, and we live in the sticks, but let me tell you Mr. Parrish."  "We are not just a bunch of ignorant hicks standing around gathering dust!"       


"You will realize how wise, and tough we can be, when our attorney, Francis Red-Fern, starts asking Miss. Isabella York a few pertinate questions." 

" I'll give you a heads up." "Francis is a lady." ' A real tough lady, who will serve up Isabella York on the proverbial platter to the jury."  "Are you sure you want to pursue this?"

    "Good day, Dr. Weaver."  " I relish the opportunity to challenge you in court".  "You will be eating those words when Francis is done with you," Cody said under his breath.


Francis Red-Fern, an American Indian of Shoshoni lineage, is a strikingly beautiful, very intelligent woman.  Her high cheekbones, raven-black hair, piercing dark brown, almost black eyes, mezmorized everyone in the courtroom. 

There was not a sound to be heard when she began her closing arguments to the jury.


"Ladies, and gentlemen."  "Isabella York doesn't give a tinker's dam about Tara Weaver's worth as a human being."  "She is only interested in Tara as a commodity, as a money making machine, and as a way for her, Isabella, to become  rich, and famous." 

    "Precious, sweet little Tara, is going to face many challenges in her life because of her very special gift."  "A  gift that must be used for good, not evil."


" Isabella, fire shooting from her glazed-over eyes, glared at Francis Red-Fern, and shouted: "Tara belongs to me!"  "Her mother was my sister! " "She is mine!" 

Judge Galloway pounded his gavel, and admonished Isabella York that anymore outbursts from her would result in a contempt of court charge.

    "Tara has already lost one family," continued Francis.  "To lose another, would tear her tender heart into a million pieces, to be scattered to the four winds to drift endlessly to no where. " 

    "Tara would never be whole again, her spirit would be broken, snapped in two like a twig." " She is not made of wood."  "She has a soul, she has a heart, she is innocent, she is loved." 

    "Isabella York must not be allowed to take this precious girl, and break her spirit, like one would snap a twig in two." 


The spectators who were packed in the small courtroom, jumped up, and down, hooted, and hollered, and stomped their feet when the clerk read the jury's verdict, that reafirmed the Weavers' contention that Tara was indeed legally adopted by them without malice, or premeditation to deceive.

    Judge Jerry Galloway banged his gavel, and insisted on order in his courtroom,

but he didn't really.

He, and everyone on his staff, had fallen in love with a precious little girl, who wanted to go home, to see her baby brother, Austin....and her little puppy, Mozart,  who has one brown eye, and one blue eye. 



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Wow... you are on fire in writing.. This one needs more "mo jo", maybe 1k x more to keep up with you now! Great, great addition.  Can't even fathom where you are bring Tara too....  Fantansic!!!  Patty
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Thanks Patty,


I got a little carried away....That New York lawyer, Randall Parrish, and his client, Isabella York ticked me off. :laugh:  You have a great day, dear lady :)



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Thanks Patty,


I got a little carried away....That New York lawyer, Randall Parrish, and his client, Isabella York ticked me off. :laugh:  You have a great day, dear lady :)




Wooo.. "The lawyer and Isabella got you ticked off?"  Thought you said, your "A" personality was gone?? :laugh: :laugh:  Well.. guess not totally, huh?  ;D:)  Truly, I don't know where I'm going to go with this now...



Opal was at the door, with Austin in her arms, when she heard the car coming towards the house.  Opal had been beside herself with worry all day, what would happen?  Tara jumped out of the car... Oh.. my Opal.. I'm here.. and I'm staying!  Opal leaned down, kissed her baby girl.. and Tara just kissed and hugged Austin... said... Austin.. no way, no way, was I going to be gone from you, mommy or daddy.. Out from the corner of the house... Mozart comes bounding... jumps up, with his paws around Tara, his tail wagging from east and west.. with smiles and his "kisses" to Tara.  Mozart, truly understood this whole venture.


Dreams back and forth, Vicky woke.. Oh.. its only 5:30 am.. The house was quiet, Cody, Tara, Austin, Opal.. and Mozart all asleep.. Vicky tiptoed to the kitchen, made some jo, sat outside on her porch. Oh, so  early in the morning before anyone was awake... The sun was just sheeding its small rays over the horizon, the birds began to stir with their songs, in welcoming this day, she looked, there was a coyote traveling by, who stopped and viewed her, then continued on.  Then in site from the light of the sun,  buds of the trees beginning their new beginning of life.  How life is, a time and a place for all and one.. a  beginning and end, then a beginning.  Vicky's concern and worry was Tara... I know the challenges in ones life.. the learning process.. but, Tara's is so differant with her talent.  This weighing so heavy on her heart, to do the very best for Tara.. Vicky just sighed..  Within a slight distance.. four beautiful butterflies came about.. dancing in the air, just near her... Oh, grandma... yes, grandma, it will be ok..  I know you are with me, to guide and help this beautiful little soul to go forward with her gift.


The sound of crackeling, the smell of smoke, woke Billy...The room was filled with smoke and flames, he could barely even think... just to get Sarah out of the house... He couldn't wake Sarah, he flung her over his shoulder, broke the window in their bedroom, carried her down and out from the house.. The house was in flames at this point.  Billy, screaming... Sarah... wake up... he felt no pulse,  he began CPR...  The ranch hands hearing the comotion, came running.. They tried to stifle the fire, though that was to no avail...  Billy was still doing CPR when the paramedics arrived.. They had to pull Billy away, he was frantic, he was sobbing...  Sarah... please, please hold on... I cannot live without you.  The paramedics worked and worked... her heart would regain, then stop, regain, then stop... finally... it stablized... their worry, was her baby, having a lack of oxygen... 


Hank, its Billy.  Billy broke down... Billy I'm on my way... I'll be there in about twenty minutes, you just hang in there til I get there...  Annie couldn't believe what had taken place... Oh dear God... Hank, hopefully Sarah and the baby will be ok... this will just destroy Billy if this isn't the way...  Go to him Hank...


Hank, knowing things weren't going well, called Cody, Vicky and Betty... Billy needed all of them right now.. just to be there in strength for him...  Just hoping Sarah and the baby will be ok.... 

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Wooo.. "The lawyer and Isabella got you ticked off?"  Thought you said, your "A" personality was gone :laugh:    Well.. guess not totally, huh?      Truly, I don't know where I'm going to go with this now... 

Patty, Although my type 'A' is on hiatus, I refuse to become a Caspar Milquetoast :laugh:



For three agonizing, tortuous days, Billy, and the others, who loved Sarah so much, took turns sitting by her bedside, waiting, and hoping, and praying for a higher power to intervene and awaken Sarah from the coma that had placed her in a world of deep, dark silence.

    "Mother, is Sarah going to die?," a concerned, teary-eyed Shana, asked Annie.  "Doctor Katkov told Billy that she is going to be alright."  "Is the baby going to die?," mother.  "The baby will probably grow up to be a smokejumper," Betty said, trying her best to brighten the mood in the room. 

    "What's a smokejumper?, Betty," Shana wanted to know.  "A smokejumper parachutes into forest fires, and keeps them from getting bigger."  "Smokejumpers are very brave."  Calmed somewhat by Betty's demeaner, Shana turned to look at  Sarah. 

    "Mother!" "mother! "  "Sarah is waking up! "I saw her eyes open!"  "Her eyes moved, mother!"  "I saw them move!" "look!"  "They moved again." 




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Annie, Betty and Shana.. around Sarah... smiled with tears as they experienced Sarah coming back to life.. After the doctors and nurses went through checking her vital signs, her motor movement, her speech, the monitors on the baby... they were just astonished... Truly a miracle, both were fine.. 


Sarah.. smiled at the three.. said "where is Billy?"  Sarah girl "your Billy is heading here, you just wait and see".  "You know Betty... I sure could a caramel roll right now, I'm sure hungry".  "Dear God almighty", with tears in her eyes, "hun,, those are the best words anyone could have ever said to me, I'll cook a batch for you for sure." 


Billy flew into the room, shaking from head to toe, after the hospital calling him and giving him the best news..  The three departed slowly, allow this husband and his wife that time together.. "Sarah, oh Sarah, with tears flowing.. Sarah.. he could hardly speak."  Sarah, just held her arms out to Billy, leaned his cheek against hers.. "Billy, oh my love... we'll be ok."  Billy, "I need to ask you something?"  Billy, you never spoke of your mother.. was her name Dorothea?"  Billy looked in astonishment at Sarah.. "Sarah, how do you know that?"  "Billy, I was with your mother, I know that is hard to believe, but I "was" with her."  She told me it was not my time... she told me to tell you she is with you, has loved you forever.. and her grandbaby would be fine."  Billy, "do you believe me?"  Billy was astounded..."Yes, my love I do."


Billy drained, came out of Sarah's room... Not only was Betty, Annie and Shana there.. now Cody, Vicky, Hank, Joel and many of the ranch hands... They hugged Billy, many with tears in their eyes... Billy was just grateful.. he just broke down and cried... Hank just held him...  Hey Buddy, Hank said.. "I think we all need some good food, and a good drink..  Betty hollered.. "well you country bumpkins. you know where to go for that... Betty's Cafe... Off they all went... 

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Patty, as I write this I am listening to Mozart.  Little Tara has stolen my heart :)


Life goes on.  People are tough.  People are resilient.  They pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, and move on with the determination of a bird in springtime who is building it's nest for a new generation of songbirds.

    And so it was for Billy, and Sarah. With the love in their hearts, and the determination in their hands, they rebuilt what was lost, and eagerly awaited the birth of their baby.  They would be forever grateful to their many kind, and understanding friends.


Millions of people from coast to coast, and around the world, were glued to their television sets, and electronic gadgets of all colors, shapes, and sizes. 

    Six year old Tara Weaver was about to give her one, and only concert at Carnegie Hall.  Vicky, and Cody wanted to share her unique, indescribable talent with the world for only one time.  When she was older, they would let her to decide for herself in what way she would pursue her musical genious.


    "Are you nervous honey? Vicky asked Tara. "No mommy, when I play the piano I don't get nervous, it just makes me happy inside."  Tara, all dressed in white, with a powder blue bow in her hair, looked like an Angel.

" Ladies, and gentlemen, accompanied by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, from Medicine Bow, Wyoming, I present to you, six-year old Miss. Tara Weaver who will be performing  Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor. " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XwLwOhZ6lw&feature=related

    Tara's tiny, nimble fingers flew, and danced over the keys, as if by magic, hypnotizing all who were listening.  They had never before heard a piano played in the way they were now hearing it. 

    Tara received the longest, and most thunderous applause in the history of Carnegie Hall.     


People from all over the state of Wyoming, from Medicine Bow, to Chugwater Creek, to Mission Springs were completely blown away by charismatic little Tara.  Even the hardened cowboys, who would never admit that they listened to classical music, were smiling, and gloating with pride.


Betty turned to Joel, and remarked "If you want to git rich, invest in used pianos." "Little girls from Cheyenne, to Big Sandy will be beggin' their mothers for piano lessons."     



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Goodmorning PJ :)  Glad you listened to Mozart.  Tara has stolen your heart??  Shoot, thought all the characters in the story did. :)  I'm very familiar with the piece you mentioned, my cousin is a concert pianist... her mother was also... we, a very close knit family of 21 first cousins, had the joy of being exposed to understand the beauty of classical music. A wonderful day to you...




Cody and Vicky waited in the wings of the stage transfixed, amazed and with pride, at what their little Tara provided to one and all with her gift.  They watched as she in her little frame, standing tall and with grace, gently with a bow in smiles to all who applauded her.  Glowing as she went to the wings, into her parents arms, Vicky and Cody just held her. The applause went on and on.. after a total of six bows.. Tara was told, there must be one more encore..  This child, with her gift, played beyond what a heart and spirit could give...


Elizabeth Werthheimer, the professor Vicky had contacted, hearing Tara play, sharing who Tara's birth parents were... Elizabeth had arranged this concert  Standing beside Vicky and Cody,she said Tara deserved this major opportunity, but it needed to be much more and now! Vicky and Cody were startled for the moment in Eliabeth's tone... though, that melted when Tara was running to them both.


Tara flew with joy into her parents arms, with a joy, love and glow in her face.  They knew this was the love of her soul, music, her gift. Elizabeth, congratulating Tara, turned to Vicky and Cody, told them bluntly, this child is a prodigy, you cannot stop her gift...  Vicky was astonished, Cody was shocked... Cody said "Vicky.. let me take Tara, you speak with Elizabeth."  Within seconds of Tara and Cody departing, who came out from the curtain from the wings... Isabella York, standing next to Elizabeth.  Vicky, Elizabeth stated, "You know Tara's lineage, who her parents were, the gift the she derived from them, you cannot stop what this child has, what she needs to give".  Tara looked at Elizabeth, then at Isabella.. "Elizabeth, why is Isabella here?"  Vicky.. I have known the York family for many years... Isabella is Tara's aunt, she knows the importance of this, it is quite apparent you don't, as you want nothing for her with her gift until she is an adult... That is why Isabella is here..


Joel woke in the middle of the night... Yes, Betty just right on... all these baby girls throughout Wyoming will want pianos to learn to play.  Joel got up, penciled his figures... By golly.. I'm a vet, but by golly, I going to open up a few shops around, get those home ladies not working outside, who play the piano really good, to open the world of music to these youngsters.  This is not for money, this is for these little cowgirls to attain something outside for themselfs..


The night came.. Sarah gave birth to she and Billy's baby... but it was not just one, it was two.. a girl and a boy... little did they know, or the doctors... All were healthy and all were amazed, a bundle of two! 

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Good morning to you, patty. :)  I hope you enjoy the long Fourth of July weekend.




"Where did they git that curly hair from, Billy,?" "It couldn't be from the milkman, there ain't no milkmen in these parts," Betty laughed.  "Did ya guys name the little rascals yet?" 

    Billly put his arm around Betty, and proudly announced to her: "The little guy is William Darrow Rutledge, he's going to be a lawyer."  "No punchin' cattle for him."  "He will be the Governor of Wyoming one day!"  " This sweetie is Olivia Anne Rutledge, in honor of Sarah's grandmother." "She  has your middle name, Betty...in honor of you," Sarah proudly said, with a sweet smile on her face.


"Mommy, can we go and visit Martin?," Tara pleaded with Vicky.  "I want to ride Apple Jack, and make believe that I am a barrel racer like you you were."  "Good Lord!," Vicky thought to herself...she can play the piano with more feeling than Mitsuko Uchida can...and now she wants to be a barrel racer."  "Well, I guess she can be the first barrel racing concert pianist."  "How strange would that be? 

    "Mommy did you know that Mozart wrote music when he was only four years old?, "Tara said to Vicky, as she helped her saddle Apple Jack" 

    Vicky watched in amazement, as Tara guided Apple Jack around the barrels that Martin had set out for her.  "Well now, Tara. "Are you going to be a piano player or a barrel racer?," Martin teased her.  "I am going to do both," Martin. " Can't I mother?" "You must be at least thirteen years old to enter barrel racing competition, honey."  "But knowing you, Vicky whispered to herself, "you'll probably be entering, and winning when you're only ten."

    "Martin, this confused cowgirl could sure use a cup of your special cowboy coffee about now."  "Jolly good!, my dear Vicky, let's go and find big Carl, he'll cheer you up." "Hi there, half-pint, big Carl said to Vicky, as he hugged her, and lifted her two feet off the ground, and set her atop the six foot high split-rail fence that surrounded the horse corral. "  " Vicky, can you and Tara stay for lunch?," Martin asked her.  "I've got a piece of shoo-fly pie in the fridge with your name on it", that sounds yummy, Martin."

    "I would love to have lunch with you guys, if Carl, that big Grizzly Bear, will get me down from here," Vicky laughed.  Big Carl reached up and grabbed vicky around the waist, and was about to set her down, when he changed his mind, and put her back on the top rail.  "If you want down from your perch, half-pint, you have to promise, that if you ever divorce Cody, you will marry me."  "I promise, I promise, now let me down." 

    Vicky, Tara, Martin, and big Carl, holding hands, and laughing, began to sing a rousing rendition of; "I'm an old cowhand, from the Rio Grande" as they headed towards the dining hall.  "Vicky, don't forget we're having fireworks here tonight," Martin reminded her. 

    "We'll be here, Martin, Cody loves to watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July."  "He says it's part of what makes America the great country that it is."       



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Happy 4th of July to PJ, all BB.. and all the wonderful characters in this story PJ began... until then!  Patty
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