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Anyone have a crappy bf or alone in wd?


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So Sunny, you said the candex does not rev up your symptoms?  My dr. tried to get me to take these oregano oil capsules and omg it revved up my symptoms bad, so I couldn't take it, thats was over a month ago though, so maybe I am a little better yet?
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OK- I need my girls......Tomorrow I go to court to find out if I am going to lose custody of my daughter due to this whole benzo mess.  My ex is trying to get full custody, and keep her in CO, I live in AZ.  I have not seen her in three months, and it may be months before I see her again.  I am scared, and am still in wd, so triple scared.  Please keep me and my daughter in your thoughts and prayers, we need it.
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I will see your JennaMarbles (whom I love) and raise you a Bon Qui Qui




Fantastic! Ive seen her stand up about the nail salon. so funny! Went to comedy club last night, kind of a dead crowd, but still fun. Comedians have the hardest job I think. Was fun, though. I had 2 beers. 8).


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OK- I need my girls......Tomorrow I go to court to find out if I am going to lose custody of my daughter due to this whole benzo mess.  My ex is trying to get full custody, and keep her in CO, I live in AZ.  I have not seen her in three months, and it may be months before I see her again.  I am scared, and am still in wd, so triple scared.  Please keep me and my daughter in your thoughts and prayers, we need it.



Good luck tomorrow. You know live happens how it is suppose to. Maybe the situation is a better outcome than you think. It may not be necessarily "losing custody" as much as "gaining some time to heal". I know, as a mom, that is a hard situation to be in. Bean in mind she will always be your daughter, and you can always revisit this when you are feeling better. No one ever regretted taking the high road, even in the face of adversity. I know it's scary, but try to find the best most peaceful way to get through it. I do know of what I speak.

Namaste, Sarah~


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Thank you, I do believe life happens as it is supposed to.  There is no backing out, so going forward is it.

Namaste to you my dear:)


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Sarah -


Am thinking of you and your daughter today.  SarahN dippity said some lovely things (so wise!)  I hope it helps you. 


Yeah, I totally believe sugar's toxic too.  Too bad, it tastes so good!  I tried the oregano supplement too... hated it!  The Candex doesn't seem to rev any of my symptoms though. 


SarahN dippity - you are my hero!  You went to a CLUB?  And had BEER?  I am so jealous!  How was it?  I miss my wine.  Did you get a quick buzz?  Hangover?  Any revving of sx?  Tell me more, tell me more!




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Hey Sarah,

Check this out. If this isn't the case then check the other things on there.




I found this when I was searching for relationship recovery. You can download the whole hypnosis for only $12. HE has an english accent which I find so pleasing. There are a ton of topics and you can get a discount if you get 2 that seem to go together. You can download a sample for free to make sure you like the direction and the sound of his voice!




Hypnosis for breakups!



I have been feeling better and better and socializing is so important. It was a big part of my life and although sometimes I feel uncomfortable, I try to make myself do at least fun things. The comedy club was very fun. I have been having one drink when I go something  like light beer or a wheat beer and the smallest available and not drinking it all. I don't recomend it and it does rev up my sx sometimes, sometimes not. I can't say that I recomend it, but I think it's important to know that everyone is different in their recovery. If I do feel it its with increased tinitus, and I feel more sluggish than normal.  No buzz, more like hangover feeling. If I have wine, I still with a light white, and just a small glass and don't drink it all. it's just not worth not feeling good.  I didn't feel too bad on Sunday. We had a do nothing day planned anyway.


I do like to get out if I can. We just went to the show and directly home. Coulnd't really read my date. I had a blast, the girl next to me was hilarious. He didn't talk much, not on the ride there, or the ride home, no music in his car, he's probably just too serious a person for me. But I went and that is a victory for me.


....my body needs a hero!!lol. I love that song! Come and save me.....lalalalalal


Catch up with you lovlies later.




Edit: deactivated commercial links

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Sarah, still thinking about you today.  :smitten:


That clip on sugar was very powerful. I'm so glad I watched it. I know it will be that much easier for me now to skip the sugar. Thanks for posting!



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lol. Too funny. Today is the second time I've laughed in a month or so.  :laugh: I've had a lot of crappy bf's. You'll get through this.
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Oh ladies thanks so much for the support!!!Today went as well as it could have gone.  I have to say that a strange sense of calm came over me, and it has not left since.  I feel like God has given me a window, and at a much needed time:)  I was able to sit through the whole court hearing without freaking out, and actually composed myself quiet well.  Bad news is, the dad does have primary care at this point and I have visitations.  The dad did not even bring our daughter down with him, I can not believe him.  I am sad that it has come to this, but if I am not healthy, than I should not be taking care of a three year old.  I make a solemn vow right now to all of you, when I get better, I am getting her back.  She is my little baby and when I am better I am going to fight hard.  I know he is happy, he got his way, and doesn't have to pay child support anymore, but this is temporary.  I feel like I had the strength of everyone on here who prayed for me and kept me in their thoughts to get me through this.  Thank you all for your love and support:)  I get to see my daughter April 21 for two weeks:)


Libby- thank you:) you are too sweet:)


Skyy-thx for the love:)


sunny-thank you:)


Sarah- thank you so much, it means a lot me that you went out of your way to find something like that:)  It looks very cool, and when I get some money, I am going to do it. I believe in hypnosis and it has helped me in the past:)

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I'm proud of you! Today had to be a very difficult day. I'm sure you can take care of your daughter, but if you can have this time to work on recovery therin lies the upside. Keep thinking positive and being patient with yourself.


I totally think guided hypnosis has merit. Having a mantra such as I am healthier and healthier chanted over and over I think can create a trigger in your mind to create healthier and healthier. I've heard the more specific the better, that makes sense too.


Interesting story, when I did stop smoking, the follow up hypnosis were on cassette tapes. The not smoking one wasw on one side and the other just happened to be motivation to excersize. So I would listen to one side one night then the other side next night. I didn't give it much thought as I usually just fell asleep to them anyway. But I ended up joining a gym and running daily. Both with ease without much thought. Just like it was the natural course of things. Just like the stopping smoking. Never wanted one again, really never thing about it. I'm a non smoker. I even forgot how much I hated that I couldn't stop. It was just easy, when before I tried and tired, to no avail. I was embarrassed that I couldn't stop and I desperately wanted to.


Hope your window extended throughout the day, Ms. Sarah :) I'm impressed and proud. Well done today.


Continue to get well!

SarahNdippity doo~

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Ooh SaraN dippity, now I'm very interested in the hypnosis for pain management. Hmm. I'm checking out the site now. If it helps, it would be a great use of $20 (since I'd probably combine and get two!). I'm going to double check the library first though, and see if there's anything for free. LOL. This adoption is cramping my spending style!  ;)  Kidding. There's nothing I'd rather spend money on than freeing that kid.


Sarah- so glad you're at peace. That is the biggest gift, I think. If we have peace, no matter what life throws at us, we'll get through it.





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Sarah - a friend gave me this mint tin once with this facetious quip that made me laugh through the pain.  Hope it gives you a laugh too.



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I have been feeling better and better and socializing is so important. It was a big part of my life and although sometimes I feel uncomfortable, I try to make myself do at least fun things. The comedy club was very fun. I have been having one drink when I go something  like light beer or a wheat beer and the smallest available and not drinking it all. I don't recomend it and it does rev up my sx sometimes, sometimes not. I can't say that I recomend it, but I think it's important to know that everyone is different in their recovery. If I do feel it its with increased tinitus, and I feel more sluggish than normal.  No buzz, more like hangover feeling. If I have wine, I still with a light white, and just a small glass and don't drink it all. it's just not worth not feeling good.  I didn't feel too bad on Sunday. We had a do nothing day planned anyway.


I do like to get out if I can. We just went to the show and directly home. Coulnd't really read my date. I had a blast, the girl next to me was hilarious. He didn't talk much, not on the ride there, or the ride home, no music in his car, he's probably just too serious a person for me. But I went and that is a victory for me.


....my body needs a hero!!lol. I love that song! Come and save me.....lalalalalal


Catch up with you lovlies later.





Good to know about the alcohol.  Thanks!  I think I am still aways from trying it, I think.  Someday!


Was this a FIRST date??  Good for you girl!  I'm lookin' forward to dating after things get a little easier.  Haven't been me for a while.  Was so harsh on men.  Ugh.

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Hi guys,


Sunny: so funny on the mint tin. There is another good website for overcoming relationships as I'm really having a rough time wtih this. It's :





It is an empowering site for getting over bf.  You can order flowers for yourself but won't know when they will be delivered as a cheer me up or text messages for a month of uplifting supporting texts. My favorite was a "virtual burn his picture". 


It was a 2nd date but I don't think I'll go out with him again. I thought our first date was challenging I was having terrible sx. My ears rang so loud and I even teared up. We just arent' matched well. I'm proud for going, though. I do want to get through this, patience is not my stongest feature....


Libby~Let me know how you like it if you end up getting one. Money is tight but I'm with you, $20 for some relief! A massage is $80! I hope you do get it and find it works. You won't feel "hypnotized" just really relaxed. I think some people have a idea that being hypnotized means you are under somene elses control. I have a lot of faith in it, but I used it before benzos. I've seen a lot of hypnosis quakery, but I think these have merit, even if just to be guided into relaxation. Plus the positive points they make can become the types of conversations we have with ourselves to learn self soothing. Good luck!


Sarah~Thinking of you and hoping you are managing to keep this all in perspective. Maybe write it down when you feel in a good place so that you can read over it to remind yourself what your goal is and maybe a little mantra to use on the more challenging day.


Night, Benzo Babes~


Sarahn dippity~ :smitten:



Edit: commercial link removed

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Thanks love, lots of tears today, and anger.....I started to give up on me a bit today. Am quiet disappointed with how I have turned out and how life has gone.  Not sure where to pick up the pieces...:( Having friends makes it all not so bad:)
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Oh Sarah, hang in there!! I've been down on myself at times too for ending up in this boat, life not turning out as I  had planned. I literally FELL APART on my 30th birthday. I can laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny at the time! I wasn't done with school, wasn't married, didn't have kids, finances were not good, health was horrible. I truly was just devastated- NOTHING was going how I had planned. Now, almost two years later, I realize things were falling into place exactly as they should and that life is about to get even better. I certainly couldn't see a way out then, but am so glad I just held on til things started to improve.


Lots of love to you-



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Oh Sarah,


Bless your heart. This is the icky part of this journey. If I were to put to paper all my flaws, omg, I would probably wither away. I have been where you are...like at a party and someone says "what do you do?"..."well I haven't killed anyone today for asking me that question, so that's something." LOL.


Let's change the perspective for a moment. Like the ying yang, life is full of good and bad. Seems like no one has trouble keeping track of the bad, however, let's list some of the good for a sec. I think if you move your thinking and this takes practice, but when you begin to decide your entire worth based on whats not working, its going to bring you down and that is not productive. Make a list so you can look at it regularly. Us darling single girls don't have someone to remind us, and even those that do don't get reminded enough. List everything good about you. I'll start with some things I do know:


Sarah is courageous for working toward getting of Benzos, no matter how she is getting there, she is doing it. (be very proud of it, it's amazing!)

Sarah has integrity for handling court in such high fashion in the midst of a very emotionally challenging and likely somewhat unfair situation.

Sarah is awesome for starting the crappy boyfriend thread that lifted many people that don't leave the house very much's spirits!

Sarah says what she thinks and is a powerful woman.

Sarah is a good Mom.


You know yourself better than anyone so make your list and keep it. Don't say you are good because then discount it why that particular thing doesn't count. I use to do that, and its counter productive.


You will hard days, this withdrawl does not define who we are as people, but it is our life for now. I seriously believe that practicing positivity even if you don't feel like, much like working out, has accumulative effects.


You are worthwile, and you are valuable, and you will get through this. Find Sarah superwoman, and get her some lipgloss!


Happy Better day today, Sarah :smitten:





:smitten: :smitten:for you too Libby, sunny and skyy...ps: anybody's thoughts on a Benzo Babes (and Boys)  Behaving Badly? lol


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Libby- thanks love:)  My acupucnturist always says to me when I am having a bad day...Sarah, you are going to look back on this and laugh, I promise:)  Sometimes, I can get a glimpse of being better and laughing at this, because while it does suck, it is kinda funny. I mean I am walking around like a big dummy running into things because I am dizzy and out of it all the time, I have this huge belly and look like a homeless person sometimes hahahaha.  OH! Yesterday I was out buying my Aloe juice for my tummy, and guess who I run in to!!! My ex from like five years ago!  He looked gorgeous and is in amazing shape, and I looked like a garbage can! I was so hoping he did not see me, but HE DID.  He was like Sarah! And then he wanted a hug!  I was like ummmm I have not showered today, bwaahahahaha, was so embarrassed, and he smelled really good hahaha, he must have been like wtf???That is pretty funny.  Anyways, I have to laugh, makes it seem not so serious:) Thank for the support:)

Love Sarah

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