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Anyone have a crappy bf or alone in wd?


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Sarah- I can not even believe it, I mean out of the woodworks, this boy calling me, that boy calling me, I am like wtf?? Where the hell is this coming from?? I mean I go almost two years with the whole Brady on and off thing, and no guys interested, I mean none, and then all of a sudden its like four guys at once contacting me out of the blue, seriously I sometimes wonder if our hormones can travel or something, or like someone on the other side is helping out, because this is not normal.  Anyways, I don't have the energy to juggle all four, so I have it narrowed down to two......BUT they are both young...22, and I am 27, with a child, this is not really a good combo, but they both seem ok with it.  Problem though, they know each other, they are friends actually through work haha, I did not know this until it was too late!!!  The one guy who played tennis with me though is kind of winning.  I have yet to go out with either one of them, I hate first dates, HATE them.  Plus my heart is wounded and I am not sure about dating right now.  I am going out with the tennis boy tomorrow night, so we will see how it goes.  I went to go see him at his work the other night, so it was not really a date, but we talked for a few.  Anyways, I am starting to feel like strangers on here, everyone is like MIA??  I am missing our talks!!! How have you been?  How are you feeling??  I am missing my little one, but my mind is so forgetful, it feels like she was never here..I hate that.  I think about you often:)



Lizzy-Did you read my post to Sarah? It will say about the boy:) It was not really a date, just a visit:)  I will check out that movie, I am always down to see a good flick! Have you seen well crap I can not think of the name of it now, but it is a British film I think it won a bunch of awards anyways when I think of it I will let you know.  I am so happy to hear you got out, that is more than I could do even now, but I hate anything around food because of my blood sugar issues.  I am going a little better now, the light headedness is starting to let up, and the dizzy spells have lessened a tad, but not complete relief, and the confusion just awful, I can not focus on anything or look at anything for too long because it makes me feel weird.  Found a good book, its called "Women who love too much."  Good look at unhealthy relationships and where that stems from.  I have learned a lot about myself already.  No contact with you know who, but am missing him.  Tomorrow I am going to get my nails done.  I made a valiant effort at it tonight to do it myself, and well, it looks like a five year old did my nails:) I now can feel sure that I need them done for me, because before I could not really justify spending money on my nails, but after tonight, I can feel good about spending money on them hahaha.  Missing my baby girl, she is missing mama too, cried tonight when I talked to her, did not want to hang up, missing me bad.  This is awful, tearing me up, I can not think about it too long though because I start to panic.  Wondering when will life get back to normal again?  When will she be with me again, the person she belongs with....When I think about how long she has been gone, I start to freak out, so I block it out.  When I think about how things used to be when she lived with me, and I had my own apartment and a good job, and taking care of her everyday, I almost hyperventilate.  I still am in disbelief of all that has happened, and that she is STILL not living with me.  The other night I had to go to Sprout's to get my gluten free bread, and it is right next to where me and the ex husband used to live, and I started to have a panic attack.  So much pain there, so much disbelief that life went the way it did, can not even remember what it was like living all of us together, my poor little girl.....she has been through so much because of this.  She must really just want her mommy and daddy together like they used to be.  Ok I gotta stop, too much.  Where did that come from??????? Sheeesh sorry that just all poured out on accident!  I was just trying to tell you about my new boy and bammm all this? HAHAH ok I am going to bed its 2am here, can not sleep without little one:(

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wow Sarah


that is big darling isnt it I know the pain and grief is dreadful thats why you are blocking it out its a survival thing your body is trying to protect you from further hurt its very very sad but life throws us doozies hey.  I really believe in the universe and it delivering lessons to us unfortunately you and I have been given some $hit to deal with hey.  I was in my early 20's when my first husband bailed on me and left me literally holding the baby I suffered serious post natal depression as a result of this was dreadful took two and half years for me to recover so I got the baby but lost my much loved husband.  Hey did I tell you he found me on fb 18 years later what a joke wants me back wtf.  I was like oh yeah no problem AS IF.  So im hearing your pain from another perspective.  I feel for your little girl she would not understand what is going on its unfair of them to not involve you more they should want to do everything in their power to be able to give you support so she can get back with her mummy.  Makes me so sad.


Oh good news on the guy front just take it slow your fragile and emotional right now you dont want to be hurt by anyone now.  Focus on putting you first and whoever second for the minute.  Good girl on reading the book try and find out why this is happening in your life Im certainly not a relationship expert Im actually quite the failure when it comes to relationships Im not meant for them at all.  I hated giving up my hopes and dreams for others wish I would have stayed single to be truthful anyway not to worry life's a biarch sometimes.


I love you sarah you have been a constant friend through this to be honest when we first met I wasnt real sure at first as to whether you and I would get on however I was in a bad place and not thinking clearly at all when I thought this.  You have turned out to be a ray of sunshine for me in so many ways Im so happy to have known you and I appreciate you sharing so much.  I to have thought Im becoming a stranger on here for some reason things seemed to have changed so much or perhaps they havent perhaps we have changed what do you think.


Love to you and I think of your little girl often and will send her some positive energy ok she will be fine.



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Lizzy- Thanks for sharing your story, I always appreciate different perspectives, although it makes me sad to hear about your losses.  Men can be awful, but so can women.  I think there are good and bad people out there, or maybe just screwed up people who do not know how to handle life.  I thank God for my acupuncturist everyday, he is what a real man looks like, and he reminds me every time I see him that is what I deserve and will have one day. 


I will not let anyone hurt me at this point, I probably won't let these guys get even close to hurting me, I just won't let them in.  Its funny, the more distant I am with these guys, the more they come around, proves maybe they aren't really interested in me, maybe the chase?  So stupid, I am truly over the whole chase and catch and release thing.  Grow up people!  You know? I had pretty bad depression after my baby, I was married to an awful man who cheated and left me to take care of my baby alone, even when we were together, so I feel your pain.


I love you too Lizzy- its funny, I could tell you weren't too fond of me in the beginning, but I didn't mind, I know we are all fragile on here, and emotional.  I actually really liked you off the bat, but I think you were friends with Xana and it caused some tension, its all in the past though and we move forward.  I am so glad that I can help you and lift you up, you have lifted me up so many times, and been a great friend, so the feeling is mutual:) Maybe we are all growing, and changing, maybe that is why things have changed, its kind of like graduating from high school, its never the same when you go back:) Not a bad thing either, we just grew a little maybe? I know Mini got hit hard with some things, and dipity was struggling a bit too, we all pull back when we need our breaks:)


Love SFace

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Sface thats it ill stick to that name


I think the more space you give a guy the more appealing they will find you.  No guy wants anyone throwing themselves at them well they do for a while but not the long term.. I have been so guilty of that when I was really ill I was very needy and depended to much on a certain person for support and they quickly withdrew it noone wants a needy person.  I know I dont anyway what is done is done.  I do agree we have grown as people thats for sure its not a bad thing Im older than you and Im still growing I dont think we ever stop do we.  I just dont know.  So the acupuncturist sounds delightful does he have a passport and will travel lol stay focussed on what you want.  You know what at this point in my life not wanting anymore children etc Im going to be happy with myself Im actually quite excited by the possibility of living my own life now just dont know where I will head with it.  Want to live it to the fullest I know when Im better I think we have been given an opportunity here to live our true authentic selves. 


So how have the family been treating you lately are things getting better there?  Im worried about mini she is not doing well I feel so bad for her because she is so isolated wish she would come back on.


love to you glad we ended up ok.  hey at least were honest right its a good quality to have.



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Lizzy- my acupuncturist is great. He is gorgeous, smart, kind, loving, successful, all the things I want in a man.  Too bad he is married:( Yea giving people space, every one needs it.  I used to feel the need to be talking with my boyfriend all the time, now when these guys txt me everyday, I get annoyed.  I can tell, I am getting better, not just with the benzo, but with life.  Lots of growth, which means lots of pain, and having to face the truth, which I do not want to look at, but I must if I want to get better. No, we never stop growing or learning, there is just too much in the world to know.  I believe we will be our authentic selves when this is all said and done, I believe it.  Glad to hear you are ok living your own life, that is how it should be, being happy alone...then everything else is a bonus.  I can see I have a lot of work to do to get to that place. 


I avoid my family at all costs, I left and went and stayed with my brother last week for a few days, it was nice being away from my parents.  Still no luck with a job, and I get worried because how will I handle a job with the unpredictability of this healing?  One day I can not get out of bed with fatigue and the next I am so light headed I feel like I am dying.  Its like what next? I am worried too, poor Mini, I wish she would say hello:(  Anyways, looks like another long night in front of me, doing my best not to contact you know who.  Do you work Lizzy? I don't think I ever asked you?

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lol Sface


cant believe you just asked me if I worked at all because at this very moment Im freaking right out because you know how when I was sick my car was stolen did I tell you that.  Well in the car was my resume with all of my qualifications etc Im so mad because now I have lost every single thing aaaahhhhhhh like I need this.  So no I have not worked since last year my first year I have not ever worked but I am applying for this job its perfect wish I could tell you what pm system is back up next week so Ill tell you then.  There is no way I could have worked before I was half dead so i get you on that.  This is permanent part time so will be good if I do get it I will have a good chance its right up my ally.  anyway about the guys yeah they all want you know dont they.  Funny that just take things easy at least you have some options love hey.


I feel sorry for your family they must not appreciate you at all its very sad for them and for you.  One day you will be free of all of this Sface you really will.  Have you been applying for many jobs yourself is there much your way I dont know where you are but well is it a busy place like a city or small town?



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Lizzy- I had no idea your car was stolen??? That is awful! Can you make a new resume?? Yea can not wait ti hear about the job, pm comes back next week? yaya, no more airing my personal stuff for the world to see:)


I have no idea what is going on with guys.....some guys want me some guys don't.  I met this one guy recently who said no wonder you are single, you bitch a lot, same guy who said, I do not know who told you you are hot, but my friends saw your picture and they said you are just OK.  I about fell off my chair, can you believe someone is that insecure they have to put you down?  It funny, this is the same guy whose friend is a photographer and asked me to model for him, I am like dude you are just making yourself look bad.  Why do I care what a jerk thinks to begin with, he is a bug to be crushed:)  Omg, and then the cute guy I am talking to, he is turning out to suck.  I don't know if he is a jerk, or just doesn't get it, but he keeps calling me at like 8pm saying do you want to go out now?  I am like if you want to go on a date, make plans with me the day before and at a decent hour.  What is with guys are they all just idiots?


I do not feel sorry for my family, but I am getting out of here as soon as I get a job.  I have been applying all over and getting nothing, I live in a suburb, so its pretty busy.  I do not know what the universe is trying to tell me, but I am over it!

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Lizzy- I had no idea your car was stolen??? That is awful! Can you make a new resume?? Yea can not wait ti hear about the job, pm comes back next week? yaya, no more airing my personal stuff for the world to see:)


I have no idea what is going on with guys.....some guys want me some guys don't.  I met this one guy recently who said no wonder you are single, you bitch a lot, same guy who said, I do not know who told you you are hot, but my friends saw your picture and they said you are just OK.  I about fell off my chair, can you believe someone is that insecure they have to put you down?  It funny, this is the same guy whose friend is a photographer and asked me to model for him, I am like dude you are just making yourself look bad.  Why do I care what a jerk thinks to begin with, he is a bug to be crushed:)  Omg, and then the cute guy I am talking to, he is turning out to suck.  I don't know if he is a jerk, or just doesn't get it, but he keeps calling me at like 8pm saying do you want to go out now?  I am like if you want to go on a date, make plans with me the day before and at a decent hour.  What is with guys are they all just idiots?


I do not feel sorry for my family, but I am getting out of here as soon as I get a job.  I have been applying all over and getting nothing, I live in a suburb, so its pretty busy.  I do not know what the universe is trying to tell me, but I am over it!


Boys are dumb in their 20's !  Honestly I swear now that I am in the mid 30s, they have kind of gotten a clue.  I usually date closer to 40s now.  I find even the young ones don't appeal to my cougar instincts! LOL!

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Haha Skyy, your cougar instincts!!


So sorry your car was stolen Lizzy. That stinks!


Sarahface, I agree, sometimes I think so many guys are all interested in the chase. That book I'm reading "Attached" talks about how if you play hard to get, you WILL catch more guys (at FIRST). And they'll be the wrong types of guys. The ones you can say, "I'm looking for this and this and this, can you be that?" and don't freak out, those are the ones you really want. And they seem "boring" at first because they're not interested in the chase. I'm struggling with this right now because the guy I like, he appears to be one of the ones who reacts to the chase. If I'm distant or just talking about hanging out in general (or talking about my adoption) he's WAY cool, very supportive, responds quickly. But if I'm talking about a certain day or time to hang out or am very direct, it seems like it freaks him out or something. Doesn't respond quickly, etc. Can't tell if he's anxious, or still involved with that other girl, or trying to play hard to get, or what, but I'm kind of over it and I'll probably call him on it when I see him tmw! Maybe we'll end up just going back to being friends. If he's not interested in long-term, I need to move on. He's darling though and I really really care for him, so I'm hoping he freaking pulls it together!!


Lots of love to my girls here.  :smitten:

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Libby- thanks:) I am going to get that book, I went to the bookstore to get it and they did not have it.  So I am going to order it online.  I got another book while I was there though called women who love too much.  Same concept, very eye opening.  I think Skyy is right, I need to stick to guys in their 40's.  Maybe late 30's.  Can not stand guys in their 20's they are just so dumb.  The guys that are interested in the chase I stay away from now, you are right about that.  I am going to have to get over the whole boring thing, that will take some time to get used to a good guy.  Hey we are learning together!:) Sounds like the guy you are with may not be worth it, he is seeing someone else?? Boooo, no good Libby:)  I have no room to talk, but I do not want you to get hurt:(  Man I am going to stay single for life! I realize I have a lot of work ahead of me before I can have a healthy relationship, lots and lots of work.
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Sface, Skyy, & Ms Dipity...thanks for missing me!  Been on a crazy rollar coaster ride over here...up and down and all around!  I'll see how I'm doing on Friday so I can catch up with you all.  Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts into the bb universe!! 




Skyy...hubba hubba!  Thanks for bringing my counterpart to the party!  -Sunny DoubleD 07

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Sunny- I am so sorry to hear you are all over the place too, it seems we are all getting slammed right now??  Maybe we are getting better, so we are more sensitive to the ups and downs.  Either way it sucks and this month just blows for me.  Everyday I want to post something in wd for support but I do not want to over do it!


BTW, its 109 degrees where I am and its only MAY!!!!I am in for a bumpy ride this summer, and I refuse to go out in that crap again today!!!

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Sunny- I am so sorry to hear you are all over the place too, it seems we are all getting slammed right now??  Maybe we are getting better, so we are more sensitive to the ups and downs.  Either way it sucks and this month just blows for me.  Everyday I want to post something in wd for support but I do not want to over do it!


BTW, its 109 degrees where I am and its only MAY!!!!I am in for a bumpy ride this summer, and I refuse to go out in that crap again today!!!


We ARE totally getting better!!  And don't you forget it!  :laugh:  (Remind me too!)  Sorry you're having a rough month.  :therethere:  We're gonna get there!  Kicking and screaming...but we'll get there!  No doubt. 


Eek, that's hot, hot, hot!!  Like some of the boys hanging out on this thread!!  ;)


Hang tight!  We cant do it, for sure!   

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just quickly because im freaking so busy today but boo freaking hoo on that loser that said that to you.  Honestly sweety dont buy into stuff like that.  People often put others down or ignore them simply because its always their stuff not yours ok.  Some people male and female are clearly very rude.  You deserve better Oh the guy thing age doesnt matter it simply doesnt get better Im thinking about changing sides and going out with a woman haha not really but you get my picture.  Im gong to be happy by myself for a while until Mr right comes along instead of Mr right now.

thanks Libby in regards to my car its not the car its the contents all my credentials the originals were in the car and now im applying for this job and its going to be hard I can get my degree replaced but all the other stuff I have done I cant get them back anyway not to worry.  Hope you are well libby


your friend



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Sunny- I will remind you as much as you need!!!I hope you get a nice window soon!


Lizzy- I have to remind myself that sometimes, its their crap not mine, I do not need to take this on.  Still hurts, but I must move on!! You know they talk about going through wd from relationships when you get addicted to them like me, I can actually feel it, like my symptoms flare up, insomnia kicks in, and depression, almost wd symptoms like from benzo, its scary and I didn't know I was doing that to myself, thats why its so hard to stay away from bhole, I am addicted to him in a sense and I get anxious without him.  When I am with him, and dealing with all the drama of the relationship, I do not have to deal with the emptiness I feel because of childhood crap.  I never want to sit with it, but unless I deal with it and become whole myself, I will never be happy, with a man, or without, even if the man is good to me.  I guess its time to start really working on myself instead of other guys.  Sometimes the truth really is painful.  So for me its best to be alone while I travel this road to recovery, its just dumb of me to try to have a relationship right now or date, I need to heal me first.  You know whats cool, now that I am starting to figure this out, the mean guys don't seem so appealing anymore......and the pain that I feel while alone makes sense, and instead of running from it, I think its time to run to it and get to the bottom of it and release it.  Life is too short to carry this burden around with me. I think I need a therapist haha.  Lizzy good luck today, I hope you get a good job:)

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oh sweety I can do your therapy for free.  I also get addicted to all the wrong men and you know what its crazy because nothing will drive them away faster than addiction.  Its the abandonment stuff from childhood though it flares up.  Therefore when I get dumped by someone rare I might add im usually the dumper but oh its happened to me and I was shattered.  When I met my husband aaahhh you know what I scream to think i married him for all the wrong reasons you know he was stable and secure = BORING therefore wrong for me I should have stayed alone will pm you more dont want to share anything more with certain bb and certainly not the world.  I have already shared more than I should on this forum.  Even on here there are givers and takers as Im sure you have worked out.  anyway thanks on the job thing I need to finish the application today.  Have to say you are spot on often when we are obsessed with someone or something it takes our minds of what is really happening in our lives.  Quite interesting really.


Love Lizzy

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Lizzy, Mini, where are you guys? where did libby and sunny go??


Hi Sarah and Lizzy!


Well believe it or not, I just got back from DRIVING 922 MILES round trip to meet my sister, her family and my Mom who came down to Florida on their vacation.  I am SO proud of myself for doing this!  They had a gorgeous house rented right on the beach.  I had a great several days just hanging out with them and spending time with my 90 year old mother who is in failing health.  YES it was a struggle for me.  I still have balance issues, I am itching all over like crazy and have a host of other symptoms.  ON the way there, I almost turned back several times but I pressed on.  I was so glad I did.  I just had this strong sense that I should go see my Mom and not delay.  She and I sat on the deck and looked at the beautiful blue water and the white sugar sand and enjoyed the breeze and the sounds of the surf.  We reminisced about everything, all the family stories, her childhood, my birth, things that we had shared both joyful and sad.  We shared a room every night.  She is struggling so, it is hard for her to get around and she is so stooped and in pain a lot.  A once strong and proud woman who gave her all to her family, it was difficult for me to see her so reduced.  But it is the realities of a life fully lived.  It was so worth the effort to go and try to ignore all my symptoms and pretend that I was okay.  I did a pretty good job of it I think, no one seemed to think I was acting strange!  I got up this morning at 6 and drove 7 hours and just got back home and am exhausted.  Hope all is well with you guys.  I have not disappeared forever, just on a little vacation.  The Prince will be home tomorrow for the long holiday weekend so I will be catching up with him too.  I will catch up with all my BBs when I've had a good nights sleep and have spent some time paying attention to my Prince.  Hang in there ladies!




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Hey Cute toes!


If you must go missing......right? I love your vaca story Mini! Im so jealous of the ocean and your time with your family. Good for you and good for you staying the course to go..


I love this! See you tomorrow.


D :smitten:

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wow Mini


that made me feel so good reading your story about your time with your family and especially your mum.  Im so super proud of you and I feel that this is one decision you will never regret at all.  How lovely to have that time and share a room I just think its so special.  Going outside of your comfort zone and yeah thats a big drive for sure proved to be wonderful.  So happy for you and the Prince is coming home as well you are going to be so loved up.


enjoy the weekend look forward to hearing from you again and dont worry we are still here lol.  Sleep well and take it easy.



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Lizzy, Mini, where are you guys? where did libby and sunny go??


Hi Sarah and Lizzy!


Well believe it or not, I just got back from DRIVING 922 MILES round trip to meet my sister, her family and my Mom who came down to Florida on their vacation.  I am SO proud of myself for doing this!  They had a gorgeous house rented right on the beach.  I had a great several days just hanging out with them and spending time with my 90 year old mother who is in failing health.  YES it was a struggle for me.  I still have balance issues, I am itching all over like crazy and have a host of other symptoms.  ON the way there, I almost turned back several times but I pressed on.  I was so glad I did.  I just had this strong sense that I should go see my Mom and not delay.  She and I sat on the deck and looked at the beautiful blue water and the white sugar sand and enjoyed the breeze and the sounds of the surf.  We reminisced about everything, all the family stories, her childhood, my birth, things that we had shared both joyful and sad.  We shared a room every night.  She is struggling so, it is hard for her to get around and she is so stooped and in pain a lot.  A once strong and proud woman who gave her all to her family, it was difficult for me to see her so reduced.  But it is the realities of a life fully lived.  It was so worth the effort to go and try to ignore all my symptoms and pretend that I was okay.  I did a pretty good job of it I think, no one seemed to think I was acting strange!  I got up this morning at 6 and drove 7 hours and just got back home and am exhausted.  Hope all is well with you guys.  I have not disappeared forever, just on a little vacation.  The Prince will be home tomorrow for the long holiday weekend so I will be catching up with him too.  I will catch up with all my BBs when I've had a good nights sleep and have spent some time paying attention to my Prince.  Hang in there ladies!





Mini- so proud of you!!!! Man that must have been hard for you......I tried to stay at my brothers last week for a few days and he is only 40 miles away from home and I had to leave my symptoms got so bad!  922 miles sheesh!!!! I do not know how you did it, but mad props lady!!!! I am so glad you got to see your mom and talk about some good times:)  Maybe you had some help from above:)  I am glad you were around people who love you and now your man is coming home wahoo!! Hope you are feeling better:)



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I thought I would be the one to start off the party tonight!  It is Friday and I have a song for all you ladies:)



Tonight is the night!!!Impossible does not exist!!!:)



Ok some good news, my benzo belly...........GONE!!!!!I have my flat stomach back with lots of hard work I might add. I am doing p90x again and eating very clean, since the no gluten thing I lost about 5 pounds...not a lot but you can see it.  Since wd started I have lost 10 pounds, it is very slow and gradual, but it does come off!!!! And with ease:)  My pretty face is coming back, my skin is getting better, my hair is not falling out as much:) I can see things starting to turn around a bit. 


Boy update...Ok cute tennis guy??? Total DUD.  He would call late at night wanting to go out, his excuse was he is a bartender and got off late.....I said you can either call me ahead of time and make plans, or don't call.  Well, the nexy day he told me he did not know what he was looking for and was confused...he wanted to be friends though.  We never even made it to date number one....what a loser.  Trust me, I did not lose any sleep over this guy haha.  Ok boy number two, might have a drinking problem??  Its one things to want to have a good time, its another to down a whole bottle to yourself haha.  Either way, I was very smart this time, took it slow, and look they both proved themselves to be losers.  I made clean breaks and am totally happy alone.  I still miss you know who, and that will take a long time he put the hurtin on me big time....But I am healthier for it, and learned a lot.  I think I will be making some better choices in men from now on:)  I am going out tonight..maybe, or I might go shopping and buy my little one a new outfit:)  Cheers ladies:) :-* :-*

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yay Sface


could healthy wise mind choices im proud of you.  You deserve so much better my sweet friend.


happy days ahead your sounding so much better Im thrilled for you go out im going to get of here soon and go live a little dont wont to be hanging here all day today.


love to you



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Lizzy- thanks doll:) I am getting there.  I am too tired to keep thinking about meeting the right guy, I just do not want to even think about it anymore:)  I am ok alone, and that is the end of it:)  Now I just need a dang ol job!! How are you feeling lately?  I guess no one wanted to come on here and party, this place has just fizzled out:(
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I know everyone is doing their own things but our Skybee is quite unwell at the moment did you visit her blog.  So our thoughts and good wishes have to be sent her way because she has been such a gem to us all.


Dont know where everyone else is I think they are getting better perhaps and are out and about.  Ive had a pretty good day I mean Im certainly not living the life I want to live but Im only six weeks off what can I complain about really although I was seriously ill for ten months before so I have a lot to whine about lol.  anyway how r u?



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