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Has anyone ever had to leave work (like short term disability leave?)


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I happen to work for an AMAZING company that allows for all types of Leave options when you or a family member are experiencing medical problems.


I am currently in the process of starting an 8-week leave (with the option to extend it if need be.) I am waiting for the official approval now from the company that my employer contracts to handle this stuff. I spoke with a rep from there today and she said that she received my doctor's medical certifications, and she had some general questions for me. I explained to her more about my situation, and she seemed to genuinely understand and thanked me for explaining my story to her in further detail.


So, I have a good feeling about the fact that I will be approved for the time off, but I am wondering if I will be approved for the short-term disability pay, as well. If approved, I will be paid 70% of my salary for the entire time I out, which would make things a LOT easier for me to handle and would allow for me to focus on healing rather than worry about my finances. But, I am worried that since this is psychiatric in nature (even though there are clear physical symptoms) that maybe they are going to deny my claim. Call me a pessimist.


Anyone had any success leaving a job for a short period to get well, and get paid for it through insurance? Or any stories similar that might take my mind at ease?

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Yes, I had to claim on my personal disability policy. I think they paid out for about three months until I called an end to it. I felt that as long as i was not working but getting paid I wouldn't be motivated to get back to work. So I stopped the $$$ coming in and very slowly and carefully began to spend more time at the office. My shrink and pcp and manager at work all had to fill out monthly progress reports on my condition throughout the disability period. That was kind of a pain because I felt very exposed. But it's all part of the process I guess. There was however absolutely no problem with the fact that this was a psychiatric or mental rather than physical malady. They treated it as an illness...which it was.
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Oh, thank you, BettyLou. That really gives me hope then. We shall see. I will know for sure by next Wednesday.


And, I TOTALLY get what you mean on the 'feeling exposed' thing. I think the one thing that has made that part of it bearable is knowing that I try to be a super positive person, and I know my manager and HR want me to feel better and make it through this, and that when I do, I will be a source of honesty and openness about what I went through because it's just a blip in the grand scheme of things. We didn't ask for this, and yet it was placed on us for some reason, and I feel like that reason for me anyway is to educate others and be a source of inspiration for anyone going through this difficult period. Plus, the only people who know all the dirty details truly are my manager and HR, and that's why I felt taking the full leave was right for me, because I didn't want this to start affecting my work and then it get around that Wylidas is 'a nut job.'  :idiot:  :laugh:


This really makes me feel a lot better about my situation. I really hope everything works out, because if I don't get paid for some reason, it may not be much of a restful or relaxing time for me to heal (which sort of defeats the purpose.)


I am already thinking about how I might appeal it if I am not approved for some reason. (My psychiatrist neglected to mention on HIS claim form that I was taking Lorazepam for almost 9 months, and I had to tell the Claims Examiner that myself, which she said made sense with the other information he DID provide to her. But, still that;'s kind of important info for him to leave off. I think he just doesn't want to look culpable.)

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oh yeah!  I worked for a very major employer with excellent benefits and they were great.  I cannot say enough nice things about them (I mean, my supervisor was an ass and then some, but the company was *great*).


Anyway, while I think that most people in bad enough condition to wind up here usually qualify for FMLA (three months of unpaid sick leave) I was lucky enough to have an employer with a Sick Leave Pool program that actually held my job for me and gave me full pay for 4.5 months!  They had several different criteria were you could qualify, like facing a life threatening condition, risk of losing a life or limb, a few others, and finally being so sick that you are unable to take care of yourself which was 100% me. 


Between my doctor being supportive and my employers being supportive I had my job held and got full pay for that time.  I ultimately was not in any condition to return to work, so I did lose the job but they really went above and beyond the call of duty for me and if it were not for that pay I would have run out of money immediately.


I honestly don't know what I would have done without that and encourage everyone to look into their FMLA options as well as sick leave pool.



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Sweetg- I am sorry to hear that you still ran into problems despite your best efforts, but it *IS* nice when companies like ours exist that allow for this kind of thing.


I am almost 100% sure I will qualify for FMLA with ease. But, if I don't get the short-term disability pay, I am going to run out of money pretty much immediately. As in, I am not sure how December's rent is going to get paid. :(


So, I just have to hope that between what my doctors told them and the conversation I had today with the claim examiner, that it qualifies me for pay. I really am so bad off that there have been periods where I didn't shower or brush my teeth for over a week.  :idiot:  That's pretty bad. I'm just filled with dread and worry that I won't get paid and this will all be for nothing. (I will know in my early next week, and the waiting is killing me.)

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Greeting's Wylidas....Yes, I can relate to having to take leave from a job. Due to this unforseen, and uncomfortable journey some of us are experiencing to one degree, or another, we face numerous log's on our trail. 

As a writer, my manuscript has sat gathering dust and cob-web's for some time now. That is quite aggravating, yet has to be accepted for now anyway.

If you can find it all possible, perhaps it would help your current situation by visualizing a very positive outcome in regard's to your receiving financial assistance as you take a well-deserved break.  All the best to you.

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Thanks, StarWolf. I am going to practice my positive visualizations tonight before bed.  :thumbsup:

I really do need to start thinking more positively about everything in my life. This will all work out. I know it just has to.

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Absolutely!  Go for it, and keep reminding yourself that you deserve a paid leave.

Then perhaps, you can picture in your mind's eye, being welcomed back to your job position once again, and your fellow co-worker's are smiling to see you return

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Anyone had any success leaving a job for a short period to get well, and get paid for it through insurance? Or any stories similar that might take my mind at ease?


I was on short-term disability for 4 years for physicatric care.  It's no different than any other illness, imo.  Good Luck....

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Fishingguy...I am struggling to work because of my symptoms but I don't know how to appraoch Dr about any disability...even short term. Just wonderned if you could share your experieince.


thanks and blessings

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You guys are so amazing! Thank you all for the well-wishing! I really have high hopes now that I will be approved for short-term disability. I am visualizing all the amazing things will happen over the next 8 weeks and that I will continue to get better and better and better! When I am through this, I am going to sing it from the mountain tops!
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I happen to work for an AMAZING company that allows for all types of Leave options when you or a family member are experiencing medical problems.


I am currently in the process of starting an 8-week leave (with the option to extend it if need be.) I am waiting for the official approval now from the company that my employer contracts to handle this stuff. I spoke with a rep from there today and she said that she received my doctor's medical certifications, and she had some general questions for me. I explained to her more about my situation, and she seemed to genuinely understand and thanked me for explaining my story to her in further detail.


So, I have a good feeling about the fact that I will be approved for the time off, but I am wondering if I will be approved for the short-term disability pay, as well. If approved, I will be paid 70% of my salary for the entire time I out, which would make things a LOT easier for me to handle and would allow for me to focus on healing rather than worry about my finances. But, I am worried that since this is psychiatric in nature (even though there are clear physical symptoms) that maybe they are going to deny my claim. Call me a pessimist.


Anyone had any success leaving a job for a short period to get well, and get paid for it through insurance? Or any stories similar that might take my mind at ease?




Back in 2007, in the midst of unknown tolerance withdrawals and the "help" of misinformed, but certainly well-meaning professionals, I found it necessary to take a leave of absence from work.  


After my leave was up, I filed for short and  long term disability under my private disability insurer (purchased by me through my employer).

I filled out the "claimant's" statement and my doctor filled out the doctor's certification.  The policy that I had at the time covered a disability, whether it was from a physical or mental condition.  In other words, as long as my doctor certified that I could not perform my job duties, I was eligible to receive private disability insurance benefits.  The only restriction was that benefits arising out of a "mental condition" (whatever that is) were payable for a maximum of 2 years versus being eligible for benefits until age 65 if the condition that prevented me from working was caused by a physical ailment.


As long as you are deemed unable to perform the duties of your current job by your doctor, your private disability insurer should be responsible for paying you benefits regardless of whether it is a mental and/or physical ailment - as long as they do not specifically exclude mental conditions.  The time allotted to receive benefits may be different depending on your policy.


I hope this helps.  :) Hugs and Healing, Laurie


For the benefit of other members who have questions concerning Social Security Disability benefits, I would like to add that the standard for being deemed "disabled" under the SSA is very different than that of a private disability insurer.  In order to be deemed "disabled" under SSA guidelines, a person's disability, mental or physical, must not allow that person to do any work of any kind for a period of at least 12 months.

 Many people who have filed short and/or long term disability benefits under their private disability plans and then went on to file a claim for

SSDI or SSI have been disappointed to find out that the definitions of disability between a private and Federal plan are very, very different.  For those seeking information on SSI/SSDI, please go to www.ssa.gov for complete eligibility guidelines.  


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Wow, Laurie/Klonkers- THat's really fantastic information. THank you SO much. I absolutely LOVE this board and all of you lovely people. I wouldn't be able to make it through without your support. :)

You are all so amazing, :) :) :):smitten:

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Wow, Laurie/Klonkers- THat's really fantastic information. THank you SO much. I absolutely LOVE this board and all of you lovely people. I wouldn't be able to make it through without your support. :)

You are all so amazing, :) :) :):smitten:


My pleasure, wylidas.


I hope that your time off work is a wonderful opportunity to heal at your own pace. :) Hugs, Laurie

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