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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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:'(I'm here because I am in so much pain I can hardly bare it!!  A friend told me about this site a long time ago, but I never had a computer to access you.  I am very scared and confused.  I am on clonazepam and having difficulty getting off.  I've been in sever sleep deprivation for 5 years and I don't know what to do?  It started when I ignorantly got addicted to Ativan and when off it.  Never heard the word COLD TURKEY before this.  I went through nightmarish, hellish  symptoms that are undescribable.  I tried to get off using a program from a friend I'd recently met at the time, but went to fast was so confused and scared that it was unsuccessful.  In and out of hospitals and treated like a maniac.  Was told I was faking and I could go on, but I'm sure you've heard it all before.  Now I am at .49 mg due to a liquid taper that is compounded for me, but it's so hard.  I think I cut too much again too soon and now I am at the point of no where.  It hasn't been good at all any way, but I was getting a little sleep here and there.  Not enough, but now even that's gone again.  I'd like to go on Valium, but don't know how to transfer over and I need relief and success this time or I don't know what else to do or try.  My last cut was 2%  from .50.  I was doing 1% after cutting at a much higher rate earlier in my tapering.  Initially I wasn't sleeping even on a higher dose and made larger cuts and for some reason I began to get a little sleep.  Been seeing a hormone specialist hoping this would help since I found out my levels were so low.  I guess it isn't going to make the difference I WAS LOOKING FOR.  So sad and depressed.  It's messed up my whole life and time with my son and daughter and grandson.   My marriage is so stressful and I don't go anywhere much.   I feel and look old now and just dreadful.  Can anyone giver me advice on how to get off?  Is Valium a better choice?  I'm scared!! Even to try, but I have to do something!!
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Hi pearl, welcome to BenzoBuddies


Sleep issues are so hard to deal with ad benzos sometimes makes it worse, I'm sorry you struggling right now. Valium might be a better bet for you since it lasts a bit longer than Klonopin. Do you have a doctor working with you on this? We typically suggest a 10% reduction every 7 to 14 days but you should work it with how you feel. Let us know if you have any questions, we're here for you.




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Hi there,


I did a crossover to Diazepam (Valium) from Clonazepam earlier this year after having a horrible time trying to come off of Clonazepam (although my first cut was 25% - recommended by my doctor).  I found it easier to control the cuts of Diazepam and all and all was more happy with how I felt coming off it - though not symptom free by any means.


Make sure to check out the General Taper Plans to see how other people are doing with their crossover and taper from Diazepam/Valium.  The most important thing to remember is to not rush.  Take your time to decide what is best for you and you will get there.  It took me 10 months in total to taper (including my crossover), and it felt like eternity some days, but I am now 3 months free and seeing signs of healing.  Many people here are in a similar situation to you and can sympathize greatly with you. 


I became much more recluse and scared when I was tapering, but since being off I have seen huge improvements in those areas.  I have a good social life and I'm able to get out of the house with no worries and my fears are very slowly subsiding.  Try to hold on to that.  You will get there and things will improve. 


There is also a "Search" function at the top where you can enter in words like "crossover" or "Valium" to find links to other threads that may be of use to you.


All the best to you and I'm so happy you found this forum - I know I have benefited greatly from it over this past year.


Take care,


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Hello Pearl,


Click on Reply at the bottom of the your thread. Then post a reply and then click on POST.


That is all.


How are you doing today?



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Thank you for helping me with how to reply.  I'm still lost in all this though.  I hope this gets to you.  I don't know how to send it directly, if there is  a way to send it to your site alone.  I don't know how to navigate on this site, it's all so new.  When you're sleep deprive, nothing comes together quickly.  Thanks  much!!
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Hello Pearl,


I see your reply in Introductions. You are navigating great! You are right it takes a little time to learn how the site works. We are here for you.


So, you are sleep deprived. That is awful. I am so sorry. I know how that feels.


Take all the time you need.


How can we help? What do you need? Reassurance, love, support, etc.




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pearl; just a note to let you know i am thinking of you.  we all know what u r going thru- at times it feels unbearable but if you keep holding on you will get better and better.  believe in healing because you will heal from this.  keep posing honey.  this too shall pass
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Hi Pearl,


Welcome to BB.  Just know that by being here you will find a lot of comfort and support from those who really know what this process is like.


I tried to taper from clonazepam (klonopin) and found it too hard.  I did the cross over to valium.  Valium was much more sedating for me so it might help you sleep better.


Just keep coming here and asking for help whenever you need it.  This is a tough journey, but you are not alone and healing will happen.


pianogirl  :smitten:

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piano girl  I do want to convert to Valium but don't know how to begin.  I am at .49 mg by trying to use a liquid taper from my compounding pharmacy , but it is too hard.,.  Even cutting 1%.  I can't sleep and if I do it's short  and erratic all night..  I'm all over the place and can't get stable .  Was getting sometimes 3-4 hour, but no more.  How do I begin to convert from .49 and start to add the Valium.  I need to show my doctor a rough schedule or something to work with.  Please if anyone an help me get  going.  I need relief!!
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Many of us just battled through the insomnia but if it gets too bad for you, you may want to ask your doctor how to best deal with it. Most of us don't like to throw other meds into the mix but sometimes the benefits out-weigh the risks. You might ask your pharmacist to help you with that conversion if no one chimes in the offer their experience on this.


Hang in there Pearl, you can get through this, take it slow.

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Hi there,


I did a crossover to Diazepam (Valium) from Clonazepam earlier this year after having a horrible time trying to come off of Clonazepam (although my first cut was 25% - recommended by my doctor).  I found it easier to control the cuts of Diazepam and all and all was more happy with how I felt coming off it - though not symptom free by any means.


Make sure to check out the General Taper Plans to see how other people are doing with their crossover and taper from Diazepam/Valium.  The most important thing to remember is to not rush.  Take your time to decide what is best for you and you will get there.  It took me 10 months in total to taper (including my crossover), and it felt like eternity some days, but I am now 3 months free and seeing signs of healing.  Many people here are in a similar situation to you and can sympathize greatly with you. 


I became much more recluse and scared when I was tapering, but since being off I have seen huge improvements in those areas.  I have a good social life and I'm able to get out of the house with no worries and my fears are very slowly subsiding.  Try to hold on to that.  You will get there and things will improve. 


There is also a "Search" function at the top where you can enter in words like "crossover" or "Valium" to find links to other threads that may be of use to you.


All the best to you and I'm so happy you found this forum - I know I have benefited greatly from it over this past year.


Take care,



Schatje, Bare with me if I did this wrong, I'm not sure how to make comments to individuals. I haven't ever been on a forum before so I'm very unsure what to do. I'm going thru withdrawal and trying to learn how to communicate with people on BB.

I saw where you made a comment about becoming a recluse and scared while tapering. I became this way over the last 1 year plus of being on klonopin and jumping back and forth to other benzos. I didn't know why and still don't. I wasn't afraid of leaving my house or shopping before.

I am better now that I'm off benzos, but there are days where the fear of leaving my house still happens. I even started seeing a counselor not knowing what was going on. Haven't had time with him to see if it will help, 2nd apt this wk.

Are you doing anything to rid yourself of these feelings or are they just disappearing as you heal?

Congrats on your 3 mos free! I'm right behind you almost 11 wks. How are your symptoms?



Pearl, Good luck on your cross over. Take your changes slow. I didn't and it made all this so much harder. My dr had zero idea about tapering and unfortunately I didn't until it was too late. There's lots of support info here and people to help you. Every day is one day closer to healing. 

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you can consider starting a thread under withdrawal support and get input that way.  there are people on here who know taper plans.

i would just like to say  whatever u do let no one talk you into klonipin.  that is terrible.  the mental stuff getting off k is rough

u will get this figured out sweetheart.  you will

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Pearl, I am new here also. I know the symptoms are horrible and scary. Glad you are here. I too have severe insomnia, sometimes going 7 days with no sleep. It seems as though when I able able to get a slight grip on my worries then I can atleast rest better. I find that when I am really worried about something I try to come up with a game plan and then that way it is taken care of to the best of my ability. Hang in there.
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pianogirl  how did you cross over to Valium?  that's what I want to to do but have no info.  The Ashton Manual doesn't show how to convert from a low dose like mine at .49mg one time a day..at night over to Valium.  My doctor said he'd help but he said 1/2 mg of Clonazepma in'st equal to 10 mg Valium and that the Valium was to high in comparison.  I don't know what to do.  How much do I cut from the Clonazepma and how much to add of the Valium to stay at right dose before being totally on Valium to taper off that.  My pharmacist said h'e look into it.  I'm concerned.  My doctor said I'll end up going back words instead of forward if I use that comparison and he won't write a script for the cross over. I just want to sleep again and be free from this horrible drug.  Anybody else with knowledge on this?
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