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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I am 30 years old and have taken klonopin for approximately 5 years. I have severe panic attacks and social anxiety. I recently surrendered to the fact that I am also an alcoholic and have 9 days sober with an awesome support network through AA already. I already have a sponsor and have met some incredible women.


I have wanted to get off of klonopin for as long as I can remember. Just 5 days after I swore I would be sober, my doctor (or actually PA through a psychiatric clinic) said she wanted me off of klonopin in 6 weeks. She put me on Buspar, which has made me feel really positive, along with Celexa and has me down from my 2 mgs/ day to 1 1/2 a day for the next two weeks. In two weeks, she wants me on 1 mg per day, and then will give me a half mg as needed for weeks 5 and 6. Things went really well on Friday and Saturday. I only took 1 1/2 as directed, but today I felt chemically ill from all the medication, crummy, and severely anxious to the point of pulling my car over to the side of the road and taking my last 1/2 for the day. I was still riddled with anxiety and terrified of dying and took one more half, and a 15 minutes later one more half. I felt okay again... its sad, I am obviously addicted or else all of my problems would not have disappeared.


I turn to you because many of my AA women do not have experience with Benzos. I want off, but quitting alsochol and tapering from benzos in the same month seems a little too much... I am afraid I will resort to drinking again to keep my dosage low, but that will only exacerbate my anxiety in the long term.


Anyone have experience with the things I have mentioned... have you taken Celexa and Buspar together, and did it make you feel strange at first?


Any comments are appreciated  ???

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Hi kat30ra,


I'm sorry you're having a hard time, it looks like you're receiving good support from AA and it's helping you. From what I understand, it's better to quit the alcohol first and tackle the benzos later. You may be tapering a little too much at a time though, would your doctor agree to go a little slower?


Let us know if you have any questions, I'm glad you found us, welcome to BenzoBuddies.




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Hi kat30ra,


Congratulations on your 9 days of sobriety.  That is awesome.


As fellow AA member and benzobuddie, I agree with Starbird that alcohol sobriety is most important to deal with first.  The two are very different.


So glad you found this forum, you can find faith, hope and support here too.



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Thank you for your reply... I do think it is a little much, too fast! I hope to work through the process using many of the tools I learn through AA, and I really am committed to coming off of this drug. I just don't know how I will function and with no insurance I must pay for each office visit out of pocket (unemployed!) so seeking a second opinion isn't really financially feasible.


I know her taper method will not kill me, but during panic attacks I lose self control and I take extra because during fight or flight you have to take action, right? If I were in the woods with a giant bear ready to attack, I would do whatever would save me during that moment- not think of someone else's advice... if that scenario makes sense at all  :) So, I suppose I am terrified of not being able to follow this schedule. I think I may keep a diary for the next 11 days so that perhaps she will see what I am thinking and going through at the moment I pop those pills.


Thank you again!


Oh, and Healthybodyandmind, I just read your post... thank you so much for your reply. Did you work on the two addictions separately?


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Hi kat,


yes I worked them separately.  I'm also on celexa and will stay on it until I am completely tapered from clonazepam.  I can't imagine handling more than one recovery at once. 


There is nothing like the support in 12-steps.  The personal connection, and for me, the spiritual/higher power emphasis, and seeing that people can make it - day after day - sober is so helpful.


Sobriety from alcohol is amazing. 


I don't know what country you are in but medicaid in the U.S. will help addicts. 

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