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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

worse after dosing


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Hi all...my story is a bit complicated...I was on a ton of Benzos (see sig line) and was c/t'ed in October. I lasted 4 months in C/T and reinstated to much less K than I was c/t'ed from. I then began to titrate down using milk. I am at about .25mg of K now and honestly am feeling WORSE after dosing. The K does nothing for me anymore- I can't tell if I dose or not. I'm still heavy in w/d, but I didn't take my dose this morning and feel better physically than I do if I DO dose. UGH....what does this mean? Could I be toxic to the stuff?


I kind of want to not dose for an entire day and just see how I do. Wondering if it would be stupid to try that? I just can't stand the thought of dosing on something that feels like it's making me sicker. My physical symptoms are a lot better w/o dosing than they are after I dose.


Anyhow, just wanted some opinions on why this could be and if I should perhaps consider jumping...if it's just making me sicker? I was planning to just not dose at all today and see how the symptoms feel...if I get slammed, I can go back to where I was and finish out the taper.


Any suggestions on why this is happening? And if I should just keep going or what??


Thanks. Love, Nicole

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Hello Lamberfn,


Sometimes I feel worse after dosing.

Yesterday morning I felt just fine until I took my dose. I believe there comes a point in our taper that the benzo may give us paradoxical effects.

I was on Klonopin as you know c/o to Valium, and it's no fun either.. I feel myself come back, but then after dosing.. I go into this sedated world and I don't like it after being awake and alert. Yesterday evening I skipped my afternoon dose of 10mg, the pm dose to see what it would do.. well, hard to tell because of valium's half-life.


Paradoxical effects Klonopin (Clonazepam)


ADVERSE REACTIONS: The most frequently occurring side effects of Klonopin are referable to CNS depression. Experience to date has shown that drowsiness has occurred in approximately 50% of patients and ataxia in approximately 30%. In some cases, these may diminish with time; behavior problems have been noted in approximately 25% of patients. Others, listed by system, are:


Neurologic: Abnormal eye movements, aphonia, choreiform movements, coma, diplopia, dysarthria, dysdiadochokinesis, "glassy-eyed" appearance, headache, hemiparesis, hypotonia, nystagmus, respiratory depression, slurred speech, tremor, vertigo.


Psychiatric: Confusion, depression, amnesia, hallucinations, hysteria, increased libido, insomnia, psychosis, suicidal attempt (the behavior effects are more likely to occur in patients with a history of psychiatric disturbances).


Respiratory: Chest congestion, rhinorrhea, shortness of breath, hypersecretion in upper respiratory passages.


Cardiovascular: Palpitations.


Dermatologic: Hair loss, hirsutism, skin rash, ankle and facial edema.


Gastrointestinal: Anorexia, coated tongue, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth, encopresis, gastritis, hepatomegaly, increased appetite, nausea, sore gums.


Genitourinary: Dysuria, enuresis, nocturia, urinary retention. Musculoskeletal: Muscle weakness, pains. Miscellaneous: Dehydration, general deterioration, fever, lymphadenopathy, weight loss or gain.


Hematopoietic: Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia.


*In the above .. I darkened the effects I have, even though it's Valium.. a Benzo is a Benzo IMO*



Also keep in mind we are tapering and it is a mixed bag. I can get out and do things, so on...

But I force myself sometimes, just my experience.

Also, being on the Klonopin itself can cause side effects.. as you know.


To tell you to jump.. I think that is up to you.


Hang in there!

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Thanks, Sigma. I think I've decided not to dose today just to see what happens. The horrid pain I was feeling before is not AS bad as it was w/o any benzo on board. If it gets to be hell, I'll dose and continue the taper. Prob not a good idea to jump from here, but I have to see how it feels, since dosing is making me feel so sick...


I'll keep you posted...


Love, Nicole

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Thanks, Sigma. I think I've decided not to dose today just to see what happens. The horrid pain I was feeling before is not AS bad as it was w/o any benzo on board. If it gets to be hell, I'll dose and continue the taper. Prob not a good idea to jump from here, but I have to see how it feels, since dosing is making me feel so sick...


I'll keep you posted...


Love, Nicole




I made a cut to 10mg, 5mg cut.. it tends to get taxing on me.

I feel better off this stuff too. I know the cuts catch up, but we have to do what we have too.

It isn't easy for anyone, BUT I say let the healing begin.


Listen, if it gets too rough.. continue your taper.

I am no doc (Thank Goodness) But if you feel better off of it then  :thumbsup:


I tend to feel better the lower I get in dose, yes I have w/d but some have went away.. like Hypotension is not so bad, Headaches are fading compared to what they were, I feel emotions come back.. which I like all of me.

Just things like that.


I plan on- 10mg, 5mg, 2.5mg, 0mg But that is just me.


I hope you start feeling well.



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Thanks, Billy. Yeah...I mean, I think we're all different. It just feels like I'm becoming toxic to the stuff. I might be singing another tune in 24 hours, but I'm going to ride it out to see how it feels. If it hurts too much, I guess I can continue on w/ the taper. We'll see...Just want to see what happens, I suppose, since I feel like the crap is just making me so sick.


Thanks for your well wishes. Best of luck on finishing up your taper...





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Nicole, don't forget you just CT'd off Neurontin pretty much too--you may be feeling crappier for a while. 


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Thanks, Phri. I actually felt BETTER having gotten off of the MORONtin. I was glad to be done w/ that one. I appreciate your concern...I'll have to see how I feel as time passes w/ no drug on board. If it's too rough, I'll go back on and finish the taper...


Love and ((HUGS)) and healing, Nicole

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Ok- so decided last night to dose...the skin burning was becoming severe, also broke out in a hot, red rash all over my belly and feet. So, am going to finish titrating to the end. It's not worth it to me to suffer immense pain just to try to jump early. I mean, the burning pain was SO severe and that was just after missing less than a full 24 hours of dosing, which just terrifies me that when I DO jump, that things are going to get AWFUL again. I wish I didn't have this deep, burning skin pain. It's enough to drive anyone INSANE.


UGH...oh well- back to the drawing board. Going to finish out this titration and just PRAY that things are OK when it's time to jump...


Love and ((HUGS)) and healing to all of you, Nicole

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You tried.. I would just keep on titrating down.

Don't be so hard on yourself because you are trying and you will do this.


I'm sorry you are having all these symptoms. I have some of the same, but then again, I think we all do.. just express them differently.

The skin burning you are talking about.. I have it too. I think once off for a while, this goes away. It is unyielding and painful.. BUT it will subside just like all other symptoms in the future.


Have a good day, Nicole.



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Thanks, Sigma. I appreciate it. Yes, I am just going to finish out the titration and PRAY that all hell doesn't break loose the moment I step off the last bit of K. Ugh...HATE THIS. I hate that this drug is so unforgiving. That we have to suffer SO much to get off of it. That the pain is SO bad. Oh well, just b/c I hate it, doesn't mean it's going to go away, so I guess I just have to settle in and get used to it until it decides to go away. I wish I would've just stuck out the c/t SO bad. I'm pissed at myself for reinstating, b/c I feel like jumping off this time is going to hurt so bad. I guess I need to quit worrying and just know that things are going to get better w/ time...sigh.


Hang in there, friends...


Love, ((HUGS)) and healing, Nicole

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Hey there -


I just want to say - you guys are heroes to me.  I don't feel so alone.  I see my reg. doc. in a week and am hoping she'll agree to a taper. But it seems like I'm just slogging thru my days - no emotions, just 'blah'. 


Thank you for your encouragement.  I'd like to get on chat, but I can't figure our how to share! I can get there and read others' comments, but not sure how to say anything myself.


Gotta run to work.  8 hours, I can get thru this ...


Did you share with your bosses that you were going thru this?  I know they notice something is amiss, but I'm nervous what they'll think or exactly what to share, if anything.


Thanks -



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Thanks, Phri. I actually felt BETTER having gotten off of the MORONtin. I was glad to be done w/ that one. I appreciate your concern...I'll have to see how I feel as time passes w/ no drug on board. If it's too rough, I'll go back on and finish the taper...


Love and ((HUGS)) and healing, Nicole


Right, I just mean, it may add to your withdrawal symptoms for a while.  Like all of this stuff the w/d seems to be delayed and then lasts for a while but fortunately it does pass.  When I CT'd off 1200 mg I was really sick but only for about three months (although I did reinstate to 300 mg).  Really if you're doing okay off of it I doubt you'll need to go back on and taper.

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