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Nervousness leading to tachycardia


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Lately ive been getting nervous for the smallest things, for example today i was watching a football game Um vs Kansas st and the game came down to last play of the game (yay for me lol), ive always been a very competitive person, and the game gets me nervous, i get worked up you can say and my heart starts pounding then after the game was over led me into tachycardia which led me to have a panic attack. i start thinking im goin have a heart attck etc... but i slowly calm myself down, this panic attack came w/ alot of adrenaline rushes as well....i let go of playing video games cuz it also got me too worked up! i juss dont know how to be calm ive always been a fanatic for sports and a  hyper person that its frustrating, i cant even enjoy watching a game?!!? could it be that im tapering too fast and need to hold for a bit as this has never happened to me in the past throughout my taper? also now gettin even harsher s/x when i cut as well, or is this just how it goes the lower u get? Thank you
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Oh goodness...the same thing pretty much happened to me while watching a football game the other week!  Didn't quite turn into full out panic attack but it was unpleasant.  I think like you said the nerves over the game feed into symptoms and that is so difficult because I too used to enjoy watching sports and such...plus it's really frustrating for me because I'm away at a school that has a LOT of games I used to enjoy going to and right now I think it would be too much!


If you feel like you need to hold, do it, but for me, the lower I got, the worse it got.  It seemed like no matter what I did it was the same, I had very short periods where my symptoms would lessen but not disappear and there seemed to be no rhyme or reason as far as holding/cutting/etc.  But that was me.  I'm just a few days off now and it has been ROUGH, so I'm a little scared to see what the future holds.  Anyway I would say try to hold for a few extra days and see if it improves...but sometimes when we get lower, we just have to keep moving on in my opinion if holding doesn't work.  I know some will disagree and say to hold for a long, long time but it's a personal decision...and I think after a certain time you'd just end reaching tolerance anyway which would be counterproductive.


It's really up to you what you want to do...but that's just my experience and trust me, I feel your pain!

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ANYTHING remotely exciting would rev up my s/x to the point of creating a panic attack when I tapered.  Fortunately, that seems to be one of the things that is going away now that I'm off.  Our central nervous system is SO sensitive while we taper and after jumping...and as frustrating as it is, sometimes we can handle what we "normally" could handle.  My husband and I ADORE movies....and I'll watch anything.  But while tapering we were so limited as to what we could watch b/c any intensity would send me over the edge and it would ruin the evening.  Just know it does pass over time, and eventually you'll be enjoying the sports and the games again....I noticed I could handle more stimulation from movies, etc. about 3 weeks after jumping.


All the best to you,


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yea AJ and schajte its sux, i dont think it was a full blown panic attack my heart went out of control for a bit which scares me. but i calm myself down it took me awhile to do so but i eventually did. im prolly goin hold for a couple extra days but man i cant stand this before throughout my taper at least i can watch games and play video games if i wanted to and etc....now any lil thing overstimulates me its driving me insane  :idiot:...its like idk wat to do anymore for distraction....and aj i get you too i use to go to so much Canes games and Heat games but know its like i cant even go it really sux i n now i cant even watch it!?!? wat is this! ughh lol
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I can't stand the feeling of a racing heart...that just starts the whole panic cycle for me. I wish I could use inderal or something for it then I'm sure that would cause more issues, but if it gets too bad, I'll make another appt with my shrink and see if that's a good idea.


To slow your heart rate, ice pack on the face helps (vagal response).

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It seems to me like everything amps me up THAT MUCH MORE...


If I'm excited about something I'm like OVERLY EXCITED.


If I'm nervous a bit about sometime I'm OVERLY NERVOUS.


I think it's b/c everything is in somewhat of a hypersensitive mode when tapering.


Hang in there! Don't let it start a panic attack for you!


Remember these questions to ask yourself when feeling like that. For instance in my case I would say to myself:


"How old am I? 28, okay... not very likely to have a heart attack at my age."


"Do I have a family history of heart attacks at a young age? No. My great uncle had one but he was like 75 years old. Okay..."


Those usually give myself some reassurance. I know it's easier said than done. But hang in there. Youre all gravy baby!  ;D

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I tell myself " if i keep panicking im goin have a heart attack, knock it off! " lol seems to sort of work, but yea ur right i get overly excited or overly nervous for every lil thing! Thank cntor! ull be good as well  :thumbsup:

Lonestar i know i wish i can use somethin for my heart also but i dont think i should im only 25 n just get thru it n not fear it.....I mean my mom tells me if these are s/x from this n i tell her yes it happens and she tells me ur only 25 u shouldnt worry bout a heart attack or heart issues...although she tol me if i keep havin these issues im goin go see a cardiologist...we'll see...take care

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If you want some relief from this, you can try Lonestar's suggestion, ice pack on face (vagal response). Or you can ask your doctor for propanolol. Propanolol is a beta blocker. It keeps your heart and blood pressure from going high. It can be used on an "as needed" basis. I used maybe 20 total for my taper and withdrawal. It was nice to be able to stop my pounding heart experience, which is real hard to ignore and makes it hard to settle down.


Also, Iwillican, there is an opportunity here to explore some quieter life practices. My son in his 20s is at a zen buddhist sitting right now. He meditates every day. A big part of getting through this nightmare of withdrawal is developing some new and different coping skills. They will serve you for life.

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I tell myself " if i keep panicking im goin have a heart attack, knock it off! " lol seems to sort of work, but yea ur right i get overly excited or overly nervous for every lil thing! Thank cntor! ull be good as well  :thumbsup:

Lonestar i know i wish i can use somethin for my heart also but i dont think i should im only 25 n just get thru it n not fear it.....I mean my mom tells me if these are s/x from this n i tell her yes it happens and she tells me ur only 25 u shouldnt worry bout a heart attack or heart issues...although she tol me if i keep havin these issues im goin go see a cardiologist...we'll see...take care


You won't have a heart attack , but propanolol (inderal trade name) is used for people w/ fear of public speaking often. if you have low BP, probably not a good idea. We give it to babies in the NICU for recurring supraventricular tachycardia.

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My dr gave me proponolol however you spell it and I won't take it. My blood pressure is normal but close to low so I have a phobia about it.  I never had palls to begin with and he gave it to me?  I have had heart palls twice since I jumped five weeks ago.  It happened when I tried reinstating a little caffeine back into my system.  I think I will forever be a caffeine free girl!  Lol. Was not a good feeling!
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Honestly i juss dont wanna take anything either, my blood pressure is a lil low plus i will freak myself out with another medicine that ive never took and especially a heart medicine, phobias will kick in, but if it continues i will tell my doctor about it im just going to hold for a bit for now see if that helps n ill juss try to avoid stressful situations and events....


Yram i do meditate a lot on my own and listen to relaxing music a lot! but idk wat a zen Buddhist is and im christian so i dont think ill be doin much of anythin that has to do with Buddhism....ill juss meditate on my own and relax the mind.

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