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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

exteme physical symptoms that cause anxiety...normal?


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Thanks to everyone that posted to my husband the other night.  I was so surprised by the number of posts and amazing support.  I am hoping to get some more insight here as I am really suffering and not sure what to do.  Long story short, I tapered and was doing well at the end of my taper.  Not 100% by anymeans and typically one bad night a week.  The first week off was ok, the second week off was ok.  Now my third week off has been a nightmare.  I am to the point where between the physical symptoms and off the charts adrenaline and anxiety I am virtually bedridden.  I can't function.  I am really shocked that it is this bad when I was a short term user, on a relatively low dose of K and tapered for 4 1/2 months. 


I am having symptoms like when I c/t the ativan.  I am wondering if I don't have a larger problem.  I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and excess estrogen a month into my taper.  I have heard that benzo w/d throws your adrenals out of whack.  So I am wondering if my symptoms are normal or something else. Here's my really troublesome physical symptoms:  icy/burning sensation in lungs when I breath in, lump in throat (like I swallowed a sweatsock or hairball), difficulty swallowing, reflux, nasal congestion (very hard to breathe through my nose), thick post nasal drip, tightness in chest, faster than normal heartrate, shakes (internal and external), feeling like I am not getting enough air, major adrenaline surges, stomach issues, insomnia (I am exhausted but the physical symptoms prevent me from sleep...also the adrenaline), swollen burning tongue, thick foamy saliva.  I am guessing this is withdrawal since I had some windows at the end of my taper.  But at the same time could I have to medicate myself because I have thesese symptoms from a medical problem that is not going away.  If anyone else has had all this, how did you possibley get through it????




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Precious Tam, :hug:


Have you looked into finding an acupuncturist? I do believe it could give you considerable relief.


I am so sorry that this is wreaking such havoc on you physically, sweet woman. You are in my prayers, and I am sending you healing energy and Light for you to be feeling better.


Man, this stuff is monstrous; like setting loose a whole pack of criminal suspects in our nervous systems and blood stream. I think it's time for the suspects to be sentenced, the jury has already come in with the verdict. I want those suspects wearing black and white stripes and locked up and the key thrown away.


Seriously, I trust this will pass for you, but I am so sorry that it is causing you such pain and anxiety.


Love and blessings,

your friend,



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Hi Tamzo, I also have alot of physical symptoms and every time the intensity was there the anxiety was high, our body go into fight flight mode and causes alot of stress to our CNS, I have 1 adrenal cortex gland removed , and the other one works twice as hard ,but I know our bodies are capable of healing hun, I am getting there slowly but surely , and you will too.


Love Laura

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The Reflux and acid itself causes me anxiety x 100.


It is the most disgusting symptom I have!


I kid ya not, it tastes as if I have old quarters and dimes in my mouth melting.



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Ugh...Tam. I'm sorry you're feeling this awful. I, as you know, have been in bed for months dealing w/ these symptoms. I don't have all of the same physical ones that you do, but I do have a lot of physical symptoms, as well as mental symptoms. All of the physical symptoms, when present, create a great deal of anxiety for me. It's like a cycle- you get so many physical symptoms and then they are overwhelming and painful and your brain and body respond w/ anxiety over them, which then heightens the physical symptoms and makes them worse.


I wish I had answers for you- other than rest and time. I think that's all that we can do right now, esp in the beginning stages of this- rest and time. I know it's awful and it's hell...but those physical symptoms will diminish over time, as will the anxiety.


I want you to think back to PRIOR to the surgery and when you took the Ativan. You didn't have ANY of these symptoms, correct? I think that's the baseline that you need to compare to. You will get back to THAT when the withdrawal is over. Perhaps the adrenal fatigue is caused by the withdrawal? I don't think there's any other medical condition, in all honesty, that's causing your issues. I think it's solely related to the w/d and it will just have to pass on it's own with time.


This sucks, I know- you have kids and a life you need to get back to. You don't have time for this. None of us do. But you've got to listen to your body and rest as much as you can, especially in the early stages, in order to get well. I think once some more time has passed b/w you and the drug, that you will be up and functioning better and that these symptoms will start to fall off until they're gone.


I wish I could give you a big ((HUG)) and let you know that all of this is going to pass and that you're going to be OK. The w/d and anxiety are feeding your mind so that you're looking for another cause to the problems you're experiencing...b/c if it's something else, it can be fixed. I think this is perfectly normal thinking in w/d. We think, HOW could this be SO bad, HOW could this last SO long. But, it does. Try not to question it, but to acknowledge, this IS w/d...it WILL go away...I was NOT like this before and I will NOT be like this after. I think the worst part of this entire experience is the "not knowing" how long...that drives us all insane. We just want to know WHEN we're going to get well so that we can get on with our lives. I wish there was a timeline that said, ok- at this point, you'll be able to do this, and at this point you'll be well and so on. It certainly would give us something to strive for. Sadly, everyone is different and there's just no way to know.


Hang in there, friend. Get support. Get help w/ the children. Be gentle with yourself and KNOW that this too shall pass.

Much love and hugs, Nicole

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I am so sorry you are going through such a rough patch.  I am no expert at all but I do know that my worst symptoms are physical.  Maybe they are caused by anxiety or they cause anxiety I don't know, but there is definitely a connection there.  I have had sinus surgery so i know all about sinuses so perhaps saline nasal irrigation will help you.  If the drainage is colored icky it could be a sinus infection.  I also am very exhausted and have these weird jerks when I wake up.  Maybe rest is the best thing for you right now.  One of the things I do when I wake up with adrenalin surges (every time) is to lay flat and breathe deep and try to relax each part of my body from top of head to toes.  Sometimes I am able to get back to sleep after I do that. You will find things that work for you to help you endure this awful time.  Be as peaceful as you can, nurture your body and your soul and let time heal you.



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Thanks to everyone that posted to my husband the other night.  I was so surprised by the number of posts and amazing support.  I am hoping to get some more insight here as I am really suffering and not sure what to do.  Long story short, I tapered and was doing well at the end of my taper.  Not 100% by anymeans and typically one bad night a week.  The first week off was ok, the second week off was ok.  Now my third week off has been a nightmare.  I am to the point where between the physical symptoms and off the charts adrenaline and anxiety I am virtually bedridden.  I can't function.  I am really shocked that it is this bad when I was a short term user, on a relatively low dose of K and tapered for 4 1/2 months. 


I am having symptoms like when I c/t the ativan.  I am wondering if I don't have a larger problem.  I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue and excess estrogen a month into my taper.  I have heard that benzo w/d throws your adrenals out of whack.  So I am wondering if my symptoms are normal or something else. Here's my really troublesome physical symptoms:  icy/burning sensation in lungs when I breath in, lump in throat (like I swallowed a sweatsock or hairball), difficulty swallowing, reflux, nasal congestion (very hard to breathe through my nose), thick post nasal drip, tightness in chest, faster than normal heartrate, shakes (internal and external), feeling like I am not getting enough air, major adrenaline surges, stomach issues, insomnia (I am exhausted but the physical symptoms prevent me from sleep...also the adrenaline), swollen burning tongue, thick foamy saliva.  I am guessing this is withdrawal since I had some windows at the end of my taper.  But at the same time could I have to medicate myself because I have thesese symptoms from a medical problem that is not going away.  If anyone else has had all this, how did you possibley get through it????





Tamzo you will get thru this.. I am here for you.. Hope you are feeling better sweetheart Please tell me yes



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So sorry you are suffering so badly Tamzo.


Just a thought - are you already on beta blockers (propanolol)?  My doctor prescribed them to slow down my fast heartrate and reduce anxiety and I personally found them a godsend and provided so much relief.  They are not addictive apparently.  I started off on 40mg/day and am now on just 10mg - I intend to stay on that dose until i am fully recovered.


I wish I could wave a magic wand to make you better Tamara - patience is the key alas.


I hope you feel better soon.


Much love

Angel :smitten:

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