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Henry rushed out the front door of Wilson's 'Seafood Restaurant'. Running as fast as his seventy-five year old legs would allow him, he headed for the Kershaws, dodging pools of water and lightning strikes as he made his way through the jet black darkness. Soaked to his skin, from the pounding, wind driven rain, and gasping for air, he came barging into the Kershaw's house. Standing in a small puddle of rainwater, created from his dripping wet clothes, Henry stood silently, still struggling to regain his composure. Rita ran up to him, put her arm on his shoulder, and asked, in a worried voice. " What is it, Henry... what happened"?  Regaining his breath, Henry explained, in a  quiet, even voice. "They getim' at Wilson's. They got Vilhem. Old man Wilson, when he notice Vilhem, he called the sheriff and keeps  him busy til' they git there, by givin' him some fresh-made jambalaya, that he puts in big sized bowl, with blue lobsters painted on side of it. Wilson, he is a smart man".


"No body can turn down Wilson's jumboloooa", he laughed, feeling much better now, and quite proud of himself when he noticed a slight smile on the kind faces of his good friends, Mavis and Robert. He proceeded to tell, how, after they cuffed him, Vilhem bawled like a baby and sobbed to the law... "I am a kind and gentle man, who loves children. I could not, and I would not, harm another human being. It is Dennis who you want, and I know where he is hiding".....

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I hope someone will add a few words, some sentences, or a paragraph or many paragraphs.




"Flo, we're getting low on hamburger buns and pickles. I think I'll go down to Murphy's store and do some shopping. Is there something I can get for you while i'm there"? "Ya, pick me up a pack of smokes, sweetie...Don't say it!...I know I should quit, been tryin' to for over fourteen years", Flo mumbled under her breath.


"Better wear your jacket, doll. There's a cold wind blowin' out there, I bet we're going to have a early fall this year." Roxie put on her jacket, the one with the large LSU tigers emblem sewn on the back of it. As she was buttoning it up, her dream of going to Louisiana State University, flashed briefly through her mind. "See ya Flo, be back in a flash", Roxie yelled, as she headed toward the front door. "Git back here young lady and give me a big hug", Flo demanded, in a loving voice that Roxie had never heard her utter before. Surprised, and quite pleased to hear that different tone of voice, she immediately whirled around and embraced Flo in a big, "I love you" hug.


A huge gust of New Orleons big city wind stung Roxie's face as she stepped out onto the beer can, whiskey bottle, cigarette butts everywhere, dusty sidewalk.


As she hurried towards Murphy's store, her pretty green eyes noticed an older model, faded, and rusted, green Oldsmobile with a small plastic skull imbedded with evil looking red eyes, hanging from the rear-view mirror, parked next to a fire hydrant. "Their going to get a ticket", Roxie remarked to herself as she entered Murphy's store.


"Hi ya, beautiful, windy enough for ya"?, shouted a bald, kind faced, pudgy little man from behind the meat counter. "Hi...yourself Murph", Roxie answered back, pushing the wind-blown hair away from her strikingly beautiful face. Her head was reeling with delight from all the wonderful, mouth-watering smells that permeated every inch of that quaint little store. "Already got it bagged for ya, Including a treat for your cat". smiled Murphy, with a twinkle dancing around his Irish blue eyes. "Flo phoned in the order....she sounded kinda strange, worried like. She must want you back in a hurry, Rox, he said as he handed her the used paper bag containing her order. "Thanks Murph, where's Jenny today?. Is it her day off"?, Roxie asked, as she turned to leave. "Gosh no", answered Murphy,"Jenny's gone for two weeks. She went to visit some friends in New Jersey. She deserves a vacation. She's a real sweetheart with a heart of gold, there's no none who doesn't love Jenny.


Roxie's lovely auburn red hair, was being blown around like a leaf in a gale as she made her way towards the 'We Never Close Diner'


"That's wierd", Roxie whispered under her breath. "There's that car, the Oldsmobile that was parked at Murphy's store". Sensing immediate danger, she dropped her bag of groceries and started running, dodging the large cracks that were scatterd along the worn-out sidewalk.....Appearing..seemingly from out of nowhere...a scary looking man stepped in front of her. "OH MY GOD!, It's YOU"!......"YA, It's me, your old buddy, Dennis".


Roxie had no chance of resisting Dennis. With little effort, he forced her into his car. "Put your head down, and keep it down"!, he demanded, as the old Oldsmobile, sputtering, and leaving a trail of blue-black smoke, ran a red light and sped away like a bat out of hell in a southerly direction.


"Crazt cat.....Roxie should be back by now...a worried Flo told herself as she looked out between the bars attached to the worn entry door.

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  • 3 months later...

I thought I would resurrect this thread, and start a new story, and see what happens.  You can add a sentence, a paragraph or as little or as many words as you are comfortable with.  I found that doing this is really a good way to help our brains to organize the thought process. 




"What's your name?," I heard her ask me. "When I turned away from the section of fence that I was working on, and looked in the direction of where that sweet sounding voice was coming from, I was stunned by the beautiful girl sitting astride a magnificent, caramel colored Quarter Horse.


Long, flowing hair, the color of golden honey, mixed with burnt sienna,  framed a face so beautiful that it belonged on the cover of the next issue of 'Cowgirl' magazine.


"I asked you what your name is, cowboy." "You do have a name, don't you?", she asked teasingly, her robin egg blue eyes sparkling and dancing in a way that almost hypnotized me.


"It's Perry, what's your name?" I asked her without hesitating.  "So you can talk", she remarked, "You're kinda tall, aren't you", "tall enough," I answerd back, as she extended her hand to shake mine. "I'm Victoria, happy to meet you.  You can call me Vicky."


"Pretty little mare you got there, Vicky," "thanks Perry, her name is Angelia".  Pausing for a moment before gently touching Perry on the arm, Vicky asked, "Are you coming to the rodeo on Saturday."


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Don't be Shy, go ahead and Add a paragraph or two.  It can be Lots of Fun to have different writing Styles to make for an Interesting story.....I am  curious as to how Vicky becomes an integral part of the story, so I will add some more lines.




It was a great day for a rodeo.  The rain that had threatened opening day of the biggest event in Wyoming was now gone, making way for clear skies, and a warm gentle breeze, leaving in it's wake, the smell of oiled leather, sweating horses, cotton candy, and corn dogs.


Images of bucking broncos, barrel racing, and bull riding filled the heads of the tough, weather-worn ranchers and their families, along with the hoard of city folks who congregated on the fair grounds to celebrate the annual Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo.


"Howdy, Perry, you goin' to enter the bronc ridin' event today?." "Yea, you bet your boots I am, Chuckles.  I aim to get in on some of that prize money," Perry yelled back at Charlie, the rodeo clown, affectionately called Chuckles by all who love him, and have adopted him as part of their family. 


"Be careful Chuckles!, watch your back today, there's gonna be some mean bulls out there.  I checked the roster, and I saw Bonebreakers name listed, along with Widowmakers."  Perry knew all to well the dangers Charlie had to face everytime he was in the the ring with the bulls.  It was a year ago when Chuckles and his barrel, saved Perry from an attack by one of the most feared bulls on the rodeo circuit, Bodacious......Charles tipped his hat, waved, and continued on his way to the make-up tent.


"Vicky Longstreet", came a loud voice over the loudspeaker.  "You are wanted  over at the barrel racing event."


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After being rudely awakened, upon hearing her name being paged by the unusually loud public address system, Vicky shouted. "Now, what the heck does Betty want?,"  In a hurry to get dressed she stubbed her toe on the edge of the dresser in the process.  "Ouch!, that hurts, just what I needed today", she remarked, cussing to herself, under her breath, "a sore toe,  when I just gotta win that barrel racing event.  "This is just great!" 


I hope Angelia is looking better this morning, she didn't look right when I left her at the vets last night," she thought out loud to herself as she rushed out the door towards the event station. 


"Someone looking for me", she asked, trying to regain her breath after becoming winded from the long run from her trailer.


"Ya, hun, doc. Weaver phoned.  He's on his way over. He's single ya know, he would be a great catch for a pretty little filly like you."  " Here we go again ,Vicky thought to herself.  I keep telling her I don't want to marry anyone just yet, heck i'm only twenty-two."  "Here, sweetie, have a cup a jo while  your waitin' for doc to get here". 


"Thank's Betty, you're a lifesaver." an appreciative Vicky remarked, trying to remain calm until Tyler came with news of her beloved mare, Angelia.


"Betty, your coffee tastes better than Starbucks. What's your secret?"  "No secret, hun, I just add lots of love to the pot, gotta keep those crazy Cowboys happy, ya know". 


A handsome, rather rugged looking man, with anger, and concern written all over his face, conveyed to Vicky that he was not bringing good news, entered the open door of the event station....  " What is it doc!,  what's happened!," a distraught Vicky demanded.


" I have something very disturbing to tell you, Vicky."



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Anyone who wants to jump in and add to the story is more than welcome to.



" I won't beat around the bush, Vicky.  Angelia will not be racing tomorrow, or ever again.  She has what is known as an osselot, it's an inflammation of the metacarpophalangeal joint, or in simpler terms, arthritis in her fetlock, front leg joint"


Sobbing uncontrollably, Vicky ran out and hugged Angelia, who Tyler had foresight enough to bring back with him.  "I'm so sorry girl, it's all my fault," Vicky sobbed.

"I wanted to win that race so badly that I worked you way too hard.  Can you ever forgive me, Angelia?"


"Vicky, a good friend of mine, Perry Rutledge, raises quarter horses.  He's got one,  that I know we can go and get right now, and have you ready to race by this afternoon.  She's a real sweet little mare, who stands about 14 hands high, and has won many races in Dakota.  "You're willing to all this for me?" Vicky asked, as her crying slowly subsided. 


Vicky gave doc a heartfelt thank you, and a big, 'you're great Tyler' kind of hug as they sped toward Perry's ranch.




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It was a beautiful morning for a drive.  The pasture land and the surrounding hills, after last nights rain, were as lush and green as they could possibly be. Fields of Blue bonnets, red poppies, and colorful Indian Blanket wildflowers ,confirmed to Vicky why she loved Wyoming so much, and why she would never leave.


"Can I check on Angelia", Vicky asked Tyler.  He stopped the pick-up truck along the side of the scenic road.  They both got out, walked to the back of the horse trailer, and checked to see if Angelia was doing alright.


"Hi girl, you're going to be feel so much better when we get to Perry's ranch, and you can mingle with the other horses and be free to do as you please".  "I love you Angelia", Vicky whispered in her ear.


"The left rear, inside dual tire is a little low, but we'll make it", Tyler mentioned to Vicky as they got back into the truck, and continued on their way. 


"Where is Perry's ranch?," Vicky inquired of Tyler, wondering to herself if this was the same Perry she had seen repairing fence posts a few days ago.  She was pretty sure it was, because her father had once mentioned a guy named Perry, who's property adjoined his, near the South quarter. "It's in Sweetwater County, near the town of Arrowhead Springs, Tyler answered. 


"That's him!  I know it is, it's got to be the same Perry". "Why did you become a Vet, Tyler". "I guess because dad is, and my brothers are, and I enjoy country living."


"Is Perry married?," Vicky asked Tyler, in a nonchalant way.  "Yep, he's married".  Vicky's heart sank.  "Married to forty head of Quarter Horses, and five hundred head of beef, that is."  "He could have been married a dozen times".  "He's the kinda guy girls go nuts over, but he just hasn't found his soulmate yet".


"I'll change all that, Vicky thought to herself as they were approaching the entry way to "Briar Field Farms" 



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"It's surreal!, I must be dreaming," Vicky whispered to herself. "How can anything possibly be this beautiful, and peaceful?"  She tried to comprehend all that lay before her.  The beauty, and calmness stretched for miles, clear to the green hills beyond the Red Rock River.


Two spirited Collie dogs greeted Tyler and Vicky as they emerged from the truck. "HI ya, Scout, hi ya blaze, how's my buddies doin' today, Tyler Inquired of the Border Collies he had recently sold to Perry.


"Howdy doc, hi ya Bill," Tyler answered back. "How is ranch work treatin' you?  It's a livin', Bill answered , all the while eyeing Vicky, making her real uneasy.  "This pretty little filly your assistant, doc?, she can assist me any time she wants to, I got a thing for pretty little filly gals he laughed, showing a row of disgusting tobacco stained teeth.


"I wouldn't assist you in figuring out what day of the week it was, you jerk water fool."  "Go back to the hole you crawled out of, and disappear!", Vicky yelled to Bill.  "You little bitch, you can't talk to me like that.  I'll knock you clear back to yesterday!"


"Bill, we don't talk to guests of Briar Field Farms in that way.  Pack your stuff and hit the road, or i'll knock you back to a week from Sunday!"  "Are you ok, VIcky?  "I apologize for that crude welcome, and assure that your experience is in no way representative of who we are, and what this ranch represents."


"Alright guys, Perry cheerfully suggested," let's go and and see 'Kricket', the prettiest and fastest little Quarter Horse, from here to Oklahoma."  "Vicky, Let's get Angelia from the trailer, and show her, her new home.



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Feel free to put your thoughts into words, and add to this convoluted story.  :D



Her heart, breaking up into little pieces of hurt, that scattered her tender emotions throughout her confused mind, Vicky turned  Angelia loose in the South pasture and began to cry.  Watching her 

walking slowly to join the other horses that were happily prancing and romping among the lush green grass which was intertwined with flowers of red, orange, yellow, and deep shades of blue.  She remembered, and took comfort in, the anonymously written words of a very wise person, who stated.....


"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. "


Still somewhat bothered by the confrontation she had with Bill, she asked Perry. "Is Bill a dangerous man, should I have reason to fear him?"  "No need to worry your pretty little head about him," Perry said, looking into her, to die for aqua blue eyes.  "Bills probably in the next county by now".  "He knows if he ever did bother you again, he would have to answer to me, and  there would be hell to pay". "I've been wanting to dismiss him for a long time, thanks to your standing up to that little piece of nothing, it gave me a good reason to do it".


Exiting the large red barn, with the bright white trim that perfectly accented the doors and windows, was doc, leading the prettiest horse, next to Angelia, that Vicky had ever seen.  " Isn't she a beauty?, Vicky", doc said to her before handing the reins to  Perry, who looked at Vicky with the kindest eyes she had ever seen, and said,


"Vicky, meet Kricket, she belongs to you now." 



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