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Do any of you smoke, I do and surely know that is not good. Seems since i have been in W/ds from both drugs I have smoked more. Anyone else have a thought on this.
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Hey Belle,


If it were me, I'd hold off on stopping smoking until after your taper. This is purely from perspective of when I quit smoking, but I had anxiety attacks and anger that I can still recall to this day. I'm glad you've made the decision to join the non-smokers club. I'd just rather not see you in any more pain than you might be in.

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I have smoked for 37 years.  I started titrating the middle of June.  I quit before June cold turkey.  2 months I had under my belt. 

I picked them up again.  I'm so disappointed in myself, BUT, I chose the lesser of the two evils, which sounds stupid because we all know how bad smoking is, but that's putting too much on my body at once I think.    what do you think? 


And Yes, you smoke more during this.  Geeze, what we are feeling is hard enough.  So we reach for the cigs. 


It's even advised IF you smoke, don't quit while doing this. 

It's terrible to tell someone not to quit smoking, but when it comes to something like this, It's tough. 



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I dont know Mamie,


I worry over everything right now. It is awful. Oh, how we wished we had never started smoking, right. That is what they told me at the ER. when I went from the lortab w/ds. dont stop smoking right now. it is so worrisome

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I worry about everything too.  Literally.  on top of doing this.  It's just awful.  Yes, I wish I never started smoking, and now I wish I never picked them  up again.  How stupid was that?  :pokey:

But we are going to get better.  We are.  And then we can quit.  How's that?  You can look at it that way. How long have you been smoking? :therethere:



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Yes I smoke like a chimney, now more than ever it seems. I have went through two cartons in two weeks!


I started smoking at 12 years old and I wish I never seen a cigarette, really.


Cigarettes here are 10 bucks a pack!


But yes I pace and smoke, lay down, pace and smoke.

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Myli and Sig


Well  I have been smoking since I was about 16, too long. and yes Sig, it is hard right now isnt it. You guys are sweet I enjoy any converstion right now. Just really hurting in the shoulders and head, but I guess we have to plow on. Keep in touch. How old are you all, if you dont mind me asking? I am old 55. Gosh I just got a brain zap of dizziness just now.


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I am 51 and smoking as long as you.  Yes, this is a GREAT place to come for support.  so many caring, supportive loving people here. 

Have you been around the forum?  It's like a Mansion with sooooooooo many rooms. 


I just sprouted out in the different places about 3 weeks ago.  I like to go into off topic.  There are games we play in there.  Keeps you going for a while anyway.  Anything to do.  you know?  there are other places as well.  There are success stories that are very encouraging.  Look around if you haven't already.  I have been on here for quite a while and just ventured out. 


I hope you feel better. I hate the dizziness and brain zaps.  I get them too.  :hug:



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31 years old, and have been smoking since 12 years old.

One aunt of mine gave me the cigarette, the other lit it up, and says, "Inhale".

I did and that's all it took.. thanks to my two Aunts!!!  ::)

I started out on Harley Davidsons in 92 or 93

Then Camel


New Port

Now, I smoke Kool (Thanks to the homeless shelter I was once in Harlem, NY).

But you know, I met a lot of nice folks there.. sad, but I did.

Learned a lot there too, it was out on Ward's Island.





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I quit smoking last year.  My thought was that smoking was doing far more damage to my body than the Klonopin, and I did not want to try two life alternations at the same time.


I think you should just decide which is more important to you, get off of that first and then attack the other after you feel you've successfully tackled the first.  Trying to kick this stuff on it's own is difficult enough.  Since you're on this taper, worry about the smoking later down the road.



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I quit smoking about 11 years ago and after I ct'd I started craving cigarettes like never before! I've seen others mention craving cigarettes more during wd, not sure why that is but it seems to be something that is common  :-\
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I quit smoking about 11 years ago and after I ct'd I started craving cigarettes like never before! I've seen others mention craving cigarettes more during wd, not sure why that is but it seems to be something that is common  :-\


I crave opiates, and no one can answer why, as I have put it on my blog a million times. :)



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I'm 40 and been smoking 25 yrs.


Got myself down to 5 cigs a day before starting to taper off the benzo's. Now I smoke a pack if not more a day. Not proud of it but it is what it is. I agree with Comet, worry about quitting later. To me smoking definitely was the lesser of 2 evils. I still plan to quit but I think getting off the benzo's is far more important.

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That's a given sigma for sure!!!  :thumbsup:


BTW, I think my sister knew your Aunt's bc that's pretty much how she got me smoking.

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Thank you BB's,


Your talk is so appreciated, from my heart to yours thank you so much.  Myli, know I havent ventured around on here, I am so computer illiterate it is pitiful,about the games what room or what do you do, well I guess I will read what you said again, that would be helpful for me, I just got the short out on the brain function right now. I appreciate the info. sitting here reeling to keep from rocking out of my chair.

God Bless everyone

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I want to clarify what I said. I'm in no way justifying smoking. I think it's a terrible habit that's put out by the government for whatever reasons. Anyway, what I was trying to say was that nicotine withdrawal was hell, for me. I was always in an anxious state and the littlest thing would set my anger off. I could never imagine that toppled with benzo withdrawal. I'd like to see you go through this the smoothest way you can. I was only suggesting, though. Always do what you think is best for you.
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down at the very bottom, of this screen below reply there is a drop down menu.  When you look at it now it will say withdrawl and recovery support.  That's what we are in now.  click on the drop down button, and it will give you different options to go to.  There you will see off topic. click on that. and it brings you to a brand new place.  I understand how you feel.  I'm short on it too..  

I hope I explained it right.  


Mamie :hug:

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When i was on benzos i did'nt smoke much. Since coming of them i have started to smoke a lot more !  I am hoping once i start work and feel my day i can try to quit :/
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  • 9 months later...

Dear Friends,


Several months ago I was lying in bed late at night when I got this urge to want to smoke a cigarette.  I couldn't understand why such a strange craving when I had only smoked cigarettes just to fit in with others in my early 20s for a short period of time and I did not get addicted.  I had never smoked since and I am 53 now.  It was just a blip considering my years of being a health nut more or less.


This urge to smoke happened again at times as the months have passed lately in this withdrawal and so I posted about it on my blog and asked if anyone knew if this kind of thing was a part of withdrawal but nobody responded.  So I thought it was weird that I was having these smoking urges.  And besides the horrific cycling mood swings and depression and depersonalization have been tormenting and so to have a cigarette craving is no big deal compared to the other horrific symptoms.


But anyway, late last night as I was lying in bed I got this urge that I thought I wanted to smoke a cigarette again.  I got out of bed and went into my husband's office where he was working and I said, "I just know that there is something more wrong with me than just withdrawal because I got this urge to smoke again and nobody on the forum talks about this!"


So my dear husband went to the forum and he found this thread and read it to me.  So this urge I am having to smoke cigarettes has something to do with this thread at least.  I just figure that because my brain has been bringing up so many past memories like 100s of people I should not even remember at all, that it is remembering smoking cigarettes. 


This morning as I was waking two people came to mind and their names and I should not even recall them.  This has happened to me so many times throughout this withdrawal, that I think I have remembered everyone on earth that I have ever seen for a second.  I wish this would stop.  Nobody should remember this much minute detail. 


So anyway, I think the cigarette urge has something to do with the brain and withdrawal too.  It is very weird because when I smoked over 30 years ago I didn't crave cigarettes and just did it to fit in and yet now I get this thought and urge that I want to sit and smoke.


I wish I had the urge to eat and sleep and the urge for my interests and the urge to love people and feel the urge of joy rather than the urge to sit in lonely suffering boredom, fear and depression and smoke.  Oh, I won't smoke.  The urge isn't strong.  Oh I won't do that.  I just wanted to bring this thread up because it answered this question for me.  Hope4us

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I smoked 5 years on and off just  very little .When started taper smoked pack of cigarettes , just to calm me down.

December 5 months  off benzo  , have flu , but soooo bad , i have to stop .

I dont plan to quit , just stop cause month in bed w/d and flu .

I think because i quit due w/d took little satback. Little worst , stress on edge  every second . Is getting better , but i will never do that  ever , quit smoke due w/d . 

Now is 4 months no smoke  , i am very happy , never again .

Weeks after quit smoke  going tru w/d , was  very hard , if you dont' wait when  you over benzo . Very hard . :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: All best  Erika

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I wish I had the urge to eat and sleep and the urge for my interests and the urge to love people and feel the urge of joy rather than the urge to sit in lonely suffering boredom, fear and depression and smoke.


I agree 100000%

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