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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.


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Cna anyone relate to this , symptoms triggered by any stimulation , sometimes it can be just a slight walk, a scratch, a rub, a touch , my  body is super sensative , even a sneeze, a cough, its so scarey. It triggers a nerve weakness, stinging, pressure around my throat area / head , and it even triggers a headache. It so bad, somedays its not as intense and others its really bad , sometimes afraid to take a breath .
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It's like a cascade effect.  I recently went to the dentist and they worked on the left side of my mouth, but afterwards my entire mouth became inflamed.  Like they irritated a few nerve endings and it spread.  Or something will hit my leg, and the next thing I know my entire calf area will feel like a rash, but there is no visible rash.  Is it like that?
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Hey helpme123,


Stress in general triggers anxiety symptoms for me. If I have the slightest worry about something, my mind will trigger me into a panic. If I stop what I'm doing, take a minute and let myself feel it, but not be afraid of it, then I usually calm down. I have to keep telling myself that everything will be okay, because worrying will only make things worse. I hope things let up for you. It's no fun when we feel funky like that.

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Thank you for your replies , really appreciate it , I am so scared , I cant do this anymore its too hard , I feel like my entire body is just gng to stop functioning normal , my entire CNS is so extremly hyper sensative, my Sensativity is like this ... my body starts to sting all over , I go weak and get pressure in my head with a headache, my throat closes in, when ever I scratch the top of my head /arm any where on my body if I walk a few steps, I talk, cry  my mouth stings, I go to the BR , I rub or massage any part of my body , it triggers every one of those symptoms really intensly , I am so scared !!!!!!!!!!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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laura, the best I can come up with is to lower your stress levels. 


1) cry as much as you can, until the very last tear

2) anything else that calms you (lying in bed?)

3) call someone? Talk with someone?



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He told me its all Benzo W/D related, theres is nothing medically wrong with me , nothing!!!! other then benzos
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I dont Amano, I just worried its permanent, I just want to know if anyone else has it this bad , at least I know that maybe just maybe there can be some hope . I have really bad parethesia almost 24-7 , I am really scared , so scared !!!!!!! I do know theres alot of people taht have worst symptoms , and just as sacred and I am not dismissing their pain, I am just mentioning abt what I am dealing with and how Iam struggling to cope for myself.
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Hey helpme123,


I see you're concerned you'll feel this way for the rest of your life. Please, try not to think that way. The truth is we all heal. When you're up to it, try to read some of the success stories. There's people who are getting better everyday and there's even some who are completely healed. The link below is a thread that gives you some ideas about how to reduce anxiety. It's one of my favorites.


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If it's any consolation I went through EXTREME hypersensitivity that now intermittently rears its ugly head. I had more issues with this while taking a steady dose of K. Riding in a car felt like a six flags theme ride. Playing music with my band was absolute torture; I could feel the sound waves rattling my bones :'( It has gotten better for me. I know you have been off your benzo for a while, so I don't know what to think about such a protracted sensitivity to everything. I'm sure it will get better as time goes on. Sorry to hear about such pain so far out:( Hang in there.

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Hi helpme123, I too have the painful parasthesia at 15 months out, along with several other very disturbing symptoms. We have to hang onto hope, and try our best to keep faith that we will heal. We have plenty of people telling us they have been right where we are and they healed! So many others around our time off have healed too, which tells us this is pretty normal to feel bad this far out.  :thumbsup:
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Hi Help,

You know this is all benzo withdrawl.  You have to stop thinking that this is permanent.  It is not.  I am going thru the same thing.  Just going for a walk lately makes my symptoms come on full force.  It was not like this a few months ago, but any stimulation at all seems to trigger them into acute /full blown mode again.  This a wave although sometimes it feels like a tsunami.  I know it has been a long time for you and also for me, it is exhausting and frustrating to be suffering for so long.  I do understand.

You have had great window periods and so have I and yet we are hit again more intensely then before.  It does not make sense but yet it happens. 

Don't lose hope because that is all you have right now.  This will all be over soon enough.......they say it gets worse before it gets better. 

Remember, this is just withdrawl and a wave.  This is not permanent.  Bezno withdrawl is a syndrome and nothing more.  You will be ok.

Hang in there, am praying for you.    Ginia

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This is not permanent.  Bezno withdrawl is a syndrome and nothing more.


I agree with ginia, it's a syndrome, and eventually it will go away.. it's temporary.


I have to tell myself this as well, and I'm still on 23mg of Valium! I get very sensitive to many things.



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Thankyou Gina and Sigma, your both in my prayers too. Love Laura


I am worried if because I took Hydrocone/ASAP for a few mths while I was on Bnezos , I took 1 a day for 2 mths only , and I was also on Gabapetin for 19 days only also while I was on the Benzo , have any cause and effect as to why I am still suffering over 14 mths later, if this is what is causing this weakness, I had it off and on from  the beginning of my C/T , but never where it was 24-7 every single day for the past 3 mths , I still can physically walk , do things but with some difficulty, I get nausea from the weakness, I gagg from it, its like a nerve weakness, the strangest thing is that its gets really intense when triggered , when I do walk it seems to get worst on times , alot more lately , my throat closes in feels like its swollen when its triggered , everything is now always triggered by evrything I do. I worry if that penicillian made me worst and caused me to have a reaction like someone on a quionlone , all I know I am 100x's more worst off then I was in April , since then I cant even feel my sjkin it doesnt feel normal at all , feels like if I had a glove on my hands and touching my skin. My entire body feels weaker, my knuckles on my fingers feel cracked off , my neck feels like its gng to fall off like its hanging on by a thread , the stinging I can handle for now , that comes and goes , but the  other symptoms are just steady 24-7 , I am so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know how much longer I can deal with this , I am so worried its gng to be like this for years or forever. I NEVER had any symptom leave for good ever!!!!!!! , and more keep coming , to me thats not a good sign its hard to find hope in that , my windows as I use to have no longer exist , it just lessens.What if I got permanent CNS damage from the Hydrocodne I took while I was on benzos, what if it was caused from taking the gabapetin, or the recent penicillian , what if I was given a Quinlone and never knew it just b4 they put me on benzos , I question everything , but then m,y reasonable side tells me I wouldnt off had windows feeling almost 100% normal over a year ago, then I read that you can have a delayed reaction from an antibiotic 2-3 weeks or even mths later , then my worries trigger all over again. I contacted the Hospitals and Drs I seen when I was on Vacation , theres no list of me being on a Quinlone , I am just praying all have all the list provided to me with all the meds I was perscribed . How can all this be coming from being almost normal at 4-5mths out from a C/T , to feeling like crap like I ma dying everyday and getting extremly worst , my last great windows were in March of this year , I felt almost 85% normal , I had no weakness , no anxiety, no stinging etc... but I still had the stimulation symptom but not as extreme as this , the symptoms were only triggered whae I went to the BR only , then in April this year I felt almost 75% normal, I still felt like I was in my own skin , I never had thsi symptom I have now where my skin dont feel real. Parethesia spreads like Cancer, and I fear its gone to far long tahts it not reversiable.


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I know I am only 6 months out, but I just wanted to let you know that during my last two years on benzos they gave me mega doses and courses of Levaquin (which is a quinolone), Hydrocortisone for an adrenal crisis, plus I was on Gabapentin (Neurontin) at a high dose for years after getting shingles. (See my Signature)


I was on 3 different benzos for a total of 20 years and detoxed.  I was basically an invalid after Detox, and now at almost 6 months I am no longer an invalid by a long shot and I am definitely healing.


I can't predict the future, but I just wanted to show you someone else who took the exact same drugs you were worried about is definitely healing and making progress.  I hope this gives you hope.

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Ginia...you said you are still hurting as far out as you are...can I bother you to ask what you are still dealing with or what has come back in a wave?  Trying to keep tabs with kindled buddies here...hope it doesn't bother you to respond!




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Hi help,

Sorry, I don't mean to hijack your thread, but Mary asked me a question and I would normally pm back but..... anyways.  Mary, I have alot of the same symptoms that I had thruout my taper and post taper.  It's true that the symptoms wax and wane and I thought most of them were gone but got hit with a huge wave again.  I find it curious though how different our symptoms are that hang around for awhile.  Today was pretty much a very mild symptom day which I believe to be a sign that everything is recovering albeit at it's own pace.

My symptoms are:  esphophigal spasms, muscle aches , heavy/lead body, some nausea, blurry vision, excessive saliva, tooth nerve pain, some insomina, mild agoraphobia, intermittent DP/DR but not much anymore.  Intrusive thoughts, mucos, itching, nose twitching.  I think that's it.  Somedays I will  have only 1 symptom midly and the next week get slammed with all of them at once.  I can't figure this out but benzo withdrawl has a mind of it's own.  You'll be ok though, kindled or not if you perservere you will make it.  Ginia

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Yes sorry Laura for highjacking your thread...I try to only do that if I think it can help someone besides me.  Thanks so much Ginia!  I'm thrilled for you that you seem to be entering a window! 


Love you guys!

Mary :smitten:

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