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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Can you make a move in withdrawal

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Dear BB, Just wanting to know if you can acutally make a move when your in severe w/d.. Having to make plans so early in w/d to move away from your loved wons till you get well.  Not being able to pack a bag right now or even thinking of that move now.. Being in such pain weaning off..You said bb there will be an end to this.. Please tell me yes again.


I do not want to think ahead now, because it is too much for me to handle.. Arrangements though have to be made early for a move... How will I do this.  Have no idea what to take how to take or anything.. Just feel stuck in w/d now.  Right now all I can think about is the next cut ,nd the next cut that is all...


Has anyone experienced this before... Do we just stay where we are and take a chance in life with our illness of this poisen..

I cannot barely think of getting dressed some day's, never mind packing... I am in such pain and scared to do this anymore.

Having to tell your son to his eyes you cannot drive him anywhere when he is just a kid... You love him so much and he does not understand or will try... Thinking of being away from him kills me.. Should we keep pusing bb...I am not sure if I asked you this before what makes u keep going everyday, especially when your loved ones are not there for you..


God have not even started the recovery period yet.. My pain now is getting stronger from the posen...mental and physcial..

I keep going anyway, but yes there are those moments of wanting to give up and say NO MORE OF THIS..... I will be around here for awhile for your support and love.. I hope to have a good story for you one day.. I will also be here to comfort those in need of support also....


Thank you for your support bb



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Hey Mishi,


I, personally, have not had to make a move throughout this process.  But I've had to handles situations that were fairly stressful...and I always come out okay.  I think it's amazing what we are capable of if we are forced to push ourselves.  I'm sorry you are feeling so isolated during w/d. 


All I can say based on my own experience is that the more I pushed myself, the better I felt.  I think b/c my kid is younger, it's forced me out of the home each day to walk her to school  I HAVE to go to my weekly chiropractor appointment...so I get there.  I enjoy being a part of the "meal planning" for our house...so I go to the grocery store w/ my husband and kid.  I have to see my daughter play in her piano recital...so I go there (I was a nervous wreck) and I ENJOY it.  We get invited to quite a few parties throughout the year...so I go...and love it!  I just force myself within reason.  It's the "getting there" that is difficult.  I know these things aren't the same as "moving"...but I'm just trying to get the point across that if you start w/ baby steps, you'll be shocked at how much you are capable of doing!


If you have to move during w/d...it will be difficult...but it's doable in my opinion.  It's all about pacing yourself.  Not doing too much at once.  Keep us posted on what happens! 


All the best to you, Mishi,


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If you are talking about "moving" as in physically moving your possessions from one house to the next then yes, I had to move right smack dab in the middle of the worst few weeks of my life. I was about 3 months off the drug and barely functional but somehow I managed to make it happen.


I was moving into a smaller place so I had to separate my things into three categories- keep, put in storage, or sell. Since my brain was barely functional it took me the better part of two weeks to separate everything and pack it appropriately.


It is now 3-4 months later and I still haven't organized my new place! It's hard to do when you lack motivation and organizational skills  :(

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I know that I have not had to move personally but at the same time my kids live several hours from here and I am a firefighter. It was either lose my career and lose touch with my kids or push myself to attempt to continue on with my life and not lose everything I have worked for. I know the struggles of stress when it comes to withdrawal of K and quick tapering and suffering at work and driving several hours to see my kids and not wanting to leave the house and its scary and tough. I personally believe that you give yourself the best chance of recovering from withdrawal and minimize what you lose in your life by telling yourself you have no choice and push yourself forward. Like Schatje said its amazing what you can do when you push yourself. 


Also just a recommendation to try. You really need to try and change your thinking when it comes to your recovery. In your post you said you have not even started the recovery period yet which is not true. You started your recovery period when you made the decision to get off of these drugs and move forward in your life. I know there are days that we all have where we want to quit and give up but like you said you keep going anyway and there is no reason to add the stress of withdrawal by constantly renforcing negative thoughts such as those. Accpetance of this process is one of the strongest tools you have in battling withdrawal.  Your doing great, your moving forward, strive to push yourself a litlle farther each day.  ;D

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I feel for you and know what you are going threw.....Oct of 2009 while in tolerance withdrawal we had to move from our house.I could not think right and had no energy My legs felt like lead weights in them...It was horrible looking for another place,i was so scared we would get a place only to be told down the road that the house was being foreclosed on as with our previous house...this was such a fear that i put a deposit down on a really nice but small apt, that did not take cats and we had 5 at the time.3 indoor 2 outdoor....We took 2 to the pound and it tore me up so bad that my husband said no way can we move there..So each day i got up and said ok 1 more day i will look on craigslist for a house and after a week i found the place were in now and we love it....We were able to bring our cats and  its a long term rental with a wonderful wonderful landlord....This was such a hard time for me,i did not know  i was in tolerance withdrawal until may of 2010.This is when i started my long taper....


If i could get threw it you can to!....I had help packing and cleaning which helped....Call on all relatives and friends to help you pack clean ect....Take one day at a time and remember this will pass....My thoughts are with you!

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Hi Mishi, So sorry you are in a bad place right now.  But as the other said, if you try to change your mindset and push yourself to do stuff like take your son somewhere, force yourself to go out with the family etc you really will feel better and able to do a little more each time.


If you focus too much on each cut and how you are feeling you will feel worse and the days will drag.


It took me a while to realise I had to do these things too.  It was only when I had had a terrible day of w/ds and had a friends for supper that night and was moaning and weeping to my husband who is generally very supportive - he just cracked up and told me I was making his life hell.  So I counted to 10, pulled myself together, got ready for the dinner party despite feeling like rubbish ... and you know what?  It went really well and it took my mind off everything and I felt better.


I know its not easy for you Mishi but life must go on.  Sorry to sound so brutal, but once you push yourself you will have a better relationship with the family and you will get through this easier. And you won't need to think about moving out.


You seem a strong person and you can do this!



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I know that I have not had to move personally but at the same time my kids live several hours from here and I am a firefighter. It was either lose my career and lose touch with my kids or push myself to attempt to continue on with my life and not lose everything I have worked for. I know the struggles of stress when it comes to withdrawal of K and quick tapering and suffering at work and driving several hours to see my kids and not wanting to leave the house and its scary and tough. I personally believe that you give yourself the best chance of recovering from withdrawal and minimize what you lose in your life by telling yourself you have no choice and push yourself forward. Like Schatje said its amazing what you can do when you push yourself. 


Also just a recommendation to try. You really need to try and change your thinking when it comes to your recovery. In your post you said you have not even started the recovery period yet which is not true. You started your recovery period when you made the decision to get off of these drugs and move forward in your life. I know there are days that we all have where we want to quit and give up but like you said you keep going anyway and there is no reason to add the stress of withdrawal by constantly renforcing negative thoughts such as those. Accpetance of this process is one of the strongest tools you have in battling withdrawal.  Your doing great, your moving forward, strive to push yourself a litlle farther each day.  ;D


Firefly thank you so much for your help.  I hear what you are saying to me... You did not want to loose to touch with your kids...You pushed yourself. I think you are a strong person firefly.  I say that my recovery has not started because I am still weaning off the klonopin right now.. Believe me everyone here suffers and I know that..  The pain for me right now is horrifice fire fly.  I am trying to push myself in the worst way...  The thing is I cannot do this on my own at home.. Leaving scares me because I cannot be alone anywhere...  Try to talk to my daughter now, and she said that people with cancer have it worse..

Should I accept firefly that I have no family left... I want to survive like you do.


You are amazing in your recovery...Are you feeling better right now in your life firefly.. Has your pain diminished..You save people's lives and you are a good person.  I want to know about your life and how it is going for you..Thinking of you right now and from far away giving you best wishes and thanks again.. Hope to hear from you again and want to know about your life.




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Hey Mishi,


I, personally, have not had to make a move throughout this process.  But I've had to handles situations that were fairly stressful...and I always come out okay.  I think it's amazing what we are capable of if we are forced to push ourselves.  I'm sorry you are feeling so isolated during w/d. 


All I can say based on my own experience is that the more I pushed myself, the better I felt.  I think b/c my kid is younger, it's forced me out of the home each day to walk her to school  I HAVE to go to my weekly chiropractor appointment...so I get there.  I enjoy being a part of the "meal planning" for our house...so I go to the grocery store w/ my husband and kid.  I have to see my daughter play in her piano recital...so I go there (I was a nervous wreck) and I ENJOY it.  We get invited to quite a few parties throughout the year...so I go...and love it!  I just force myself within reason.  It's the "getting there" that is difficult.  I know these things aren't the same as "moving"...but I'm just trying to get the point across that if you start w/ baby steps, you'll be shocked at how much you are capable of doing!


If you have to move during w/d...it will be difficult...but it's doable in my opinion.  It's all about pacing yourself.  Not doing too much at once.  Keep us posted on what happens! 


All the best to you, Mishi,



Schatje Sorry I did not get back to you sooner... You are making tremendous strides in your recovery.. You are going out which is remarkable.. I am so proud of your accomplishment.

Going out to the store with your kid and your wife..


Hoping you are getting better every day of your life.. No Pain just joy for you and your family.

All of my luv to yu... Thank you so much for your help

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If you are talking about "moving" as in physically moving your possessions from one house to the next then yes, I had to move right smack dab in the middle of the worst few weeks of my life. I was about 3 months off the drug and barely functional but somehow I managed to make it happen.


I was moving into a smaller place so I had to separate my things into three categories- keep, put in storage, or sell. Since my brain was barely functional it took me the better part of two weeks to separate everything and pack it appropriately.


It is now 3-4 months later and I still haven't organized my new place! It's hard to do when you lack motivation and organizational skills  :(


Florida guy You had to move in withdrawal.. It must have been so difficult for you...You made it thru. What strengh you have and power within you  So proud that you are off now off the poisen... How are you feeling today in your life... I really want to know.. You are kind to come here and support me.. Hoping recovery is getting better for you all the time.. Praying for good days ahead for you and lots of peace..


Thank you again for your help.




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I feel for you and know what you are going threw.....Oct of 2009 while in tolerance withdrawal we had to move from our house.I could not think right and had no energy My legs felt like lead weights in them...It was horrible looking for another place,i was so scared we would get a place only to be told down the road that the house was being foreclosed on as with our previous house...this was such a fear that i put a deposit down on a really nice but small apt, that did not take cats and we had 5 at the time.3 indoor 2 outdoor....We took 2 to the pound and it tore me up so bad that my husband said no way can we move there..So each day i got up and said ok 1 more day i will look on craigslist for a house and after a week i found the place were in now and we love it....We were able to bring our cats and  its a long term rental with a wonderful wonderful landlord....This was such a hard time for me,i did not know  i was in tolerance withdrawal until may of 2010.This is when i started my long taper....


If i could get threw it you can to!....I had help packing and cleaning which helped....Call on all relatives and friends to help you pack clean ect....Take one day at a time and remember this will pass....My thoughts are with you!


I am so happy for you right now.. You went thru so much in your life.  So much pain that you endured... So much withdrawals you had to deal with.. I am so sorry.... I am happy thank god you had the support... You really need that today...How is your new life right now onmypath...I know this was rough for you.... I guess the strength is within you... You did it.


Craigs list.. I just found out about it the other day.. Not so sure how to work it.. Is it difficult?

Thank god for the cats you can keep them.. Thinking of you right now with all of my luv to you and your family.. Thank you so much for being here for me.




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