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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Why does it seem that Google is warning people from using this site?


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It's almost as though the owners of Google don't want us having any support imo.

It's bad enough that GPs are misinformed. 

This is a blatant lie. This site has saved me and I imagine many thousands of others too.



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[I ...]

If it wasn't this site, God knows where I'll be now...

In the "best scenario" on 10 mg Ativan...

Now I'm off benzo for two and half years living my life in my best version ever!

Vive Benzo buddies!❣️

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It's an amazing website and I have no idea how I'd have coped without it and the wonderful support and advice from other members!


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Seems to be a classic example of a not-well set up search engine, I have had similar issues with Google. This is a quote of an opinion shared on the "Roots Recovery" Website. Most search results are just 3rd grade "detox and recovery" centers if one searches through google... So not useful information :/

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Yes, I am aware of roots-recovery (a detox facility). This is a reminder for me to deal with them.

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How frustrating!

Benzobuddies saved my life. I don't know if I would be able to go through the horrors of withdrawal without it. It's helping me cope with my current wave, almost 7 years post taper.

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It is frustrating to see that Google search results for inquiries about almost any type of info about benzo withdrawal often leads to page after page of links to detox facilities that focus on physical addiction. 

Many people that  are already off of their benzos, and are looking for answers (and support) for their suffering, are mostly given links to for-profit detox centers.


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All detox centers are for profit either directly or indirectly. 

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I have a VPN and whenever I search for something benzo related, I go thru another country.  The UK, Germany, etc.  This way, the US rehab ads are filtered out and you can get your eyes on some real medical literature and studies.

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Guys dr google, insomnia got me and many others more ill 🤒 , as illegal sellers of benzos and other drugs are on there, pretending to be pharmacist Sleeping pill.

Ignore it. What works for us is personal. Google are not reliable. 




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11 hours ago, [[B...] said:

It's almost as though the owners of Google don't want us having any support imo.

It's bad enough that GPs are misinformed. 

This is a blatant lie. This site has saved me and I imagine many thousands of others too.


I hav been reading similar stuff internet. It's because they only read  withdrawal horror stories. Here is bright side too what they don't notice. I love this place and people this helped me.

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Just to be clear, any information can be "harmful" depending on how you utilize it.

This site contains active, and historical, accounts of benzo withdrawal that are far worse than what most people will end up going through. If some people do not acknowledge that, they may end up causing themselves even more stress and panic after reading about many of the worst-case scenarios. That said, the suffering of the outliers (severe and/or protracted), though not the norm, should not be ignored/censored for the sake of "protecting" the public from reality. They deserve to have support and validation from their peers just like those in any other type of support group in existence.

If you don't try to keep a full perspective when joining a site where members often discuss suffering, you have the potential to bring despair upon yourself. To a great majority, this site has been practically essential to getting through the recovery process. I am sure many people would attest to that.

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On 21/07/2024 at 15:30, [[C...] said:

Yes, I am aware of roots-recovery (a detox facility). This is a reminder for me to deal with them.

Are you saying these (for-profit) detox centers are putting stuff like this out? I can certainly understand why. Benzobuddies is free and the DIY methods shared here are not only safer IMO but far more effective for a successful detox and it costs you little to nothing.


These for profit benzo detox centers IMO are very dangerous for some ppl and are best avoided, again IMO. The benzo detox protocols they use are woefully inadequate and can be dangerous due to their rapid detox protocols. I speak from personal experience after I entered one in 2006. I thought for sure I was going to die from the w/d, but I did not. They essentially take you off rapidly and think if you can tough it out for 2-3 weeks benzo free, you are over the worst of it. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Any negative google ads (for benzo detox) should steer ppl away from these (for profit) detox centers and towards forums like benzobuddies and benzo-wise medical doctors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not just google. I have been warned by health professionals against this website. They said “whatever you do don’t go on those….etc


they completely failed to understand what I was starting to go through and encouraged me to go CT. 

they did not provide me with any support


I don’t know what I would do without the Hope and understanding this website provides 

the success stories and the individual replies have been valuable in making me understand what is causing my symptoms 



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2 hours ago, [[B...] said:

Not just google. I have been warned by health professionals against this website. They said “whatever you do don’t go on those….etc

To be fair, that suggestion is almost similar to a doctor telling a patient to stop using webmd and Google to look up symptoms and diagnoses for health conditions. However, sites like this have been crucial to a lot of people simply by educating them on how to properly come off of benzos and on what to expect when coming off.

The "expect when coming off" education is kind of a double-edged sword of knowledge. Knowing the possible symptoms and complications of benzo withdrawal can help prevent a person from getting false diagnoses (and prescribed meds) that are based on benzo withdrawal symptoms. It can also discourage people from using these meds long-term. But this knowledge can also create problems where people that would be fine just stopping their benzos (from short-term use) now force themselves to go through unnecessarily long tapers out of fear. Tapers that actually cause them to become physically dependent on the benzo 

Some people are susceptible to hypochondria and my end up feeling the symptoms they read about through psychosomatic processes.

People should use this site to educate themselves cautiously with the understanding that the majority of the severe experiences documented here are basically outliers and should not be viewed as typical.


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10 hours ago, [[C...] said:

To be fair, that suggestion is almost similar to a doctor telling a patient to stop using webmd and Google to look up symptoms and diagnoses for health conditions. However, sites like this have been crucial to a lot of people simply by educating them on how to properly come off of benzos and on what to expect when coming off.

The "expect when coming off" education is kind of a double-edged sword of knowledge. Knowing the possible symptoms and complications of benzo withdrawal can help prevent a person from getting false diagnoses (and prescribed meds) that are based on benzo withdrawal symptoms. It can also discourage people from using these meds long-term. But this knowledge can also create problems where people that would be fine just stopping their benzos (from short-term use) now force themselves to go through unnecessarily long tapers out of fear. Tapers that actually cause them to become physically dependent on the benzo 

Some people are susceptible to hypochondria and my end up feeling the symptoms they read about through psychosomatic processes.

People should use this site to educate themselves cautiously with the understanding that the majority of the severe experiences documented here are basically outliers and should not be viewed as typical.

That is an incredibly well balanced and well written piece. 

I only wish I weren’t one of the outliers, but I am. As I am not really functioning, I’m an outlier within outliers which is harder. 

even though I used to be prone to hypochondria, I actually think that this whole process has cured me of it. I’ve had to learn acceptance of all sorts of crazy and awful coming and going symptoms without obsessing over them. If I ever get through this, I don’t think ANYTHING could scare me again. Absolutely nothing else could be as bad. Having said that, this is not going to be the same for everyone of course. 

it’s interesting to hear your views on overly long tapers - first time I’ve heard that view

ive been assuming I could have helped myself more if I had tapered my zopiclone even though I was in withdrawal but maybe that is not the case. Maybe I would have been sledgehammered by symptoms either way. I guess we will never know

i doubt anyone will be conducting any well designed large trials of taper regimes any time soon sadly

either way, I think your voice is very valuable. 

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10 hours ago, [[C...] said:

To be fair, that suggestion is almost similar to a doctor telling a patient to stop using webmd and Google to look up symptoms and diagnoses for health conditions. However, sites like this have been crucial to a lot of people simply by educating them on how to properly come off of benzos and on what to expect when coming off.

The "expect when coming off" education is kind of a double-edged sword of knowledge. Knowing the possible symptoms and complications of benzo withdrawal can help prevent a person from getting false diagnoses (and prescribed meds) that are based on benzo withdrawal symptoms. It can also discourage people from using these meds long-term. But this knowledge can also create problems where people that would be fine just stopping their benzos (from short-term use) now force themselves to go through unnecessarily long tapers out of fear. Tapers that actually cause them to become physically dependent on the benzo 

Some people are susceptible to hypochondria and my end up feeling the symptoms they read about through psychosomatic processes.

People should use this site to educate themselves cautiously with the understanding that the majority of the severe experiences documented here are basically outliers and should not be viewed as typical.

You make some very good points. I have seen ppl who have been on benzos less than a month do year long tapers. Like you said, you are actually making yourself more dependent. The bottom line is for most ppl tho who have taken these drugs for a long time and who wish to withdraw, a slow taper that gives the brain and body enough time to adjustment after a dosage decrement is probably the best and safest way to go for a successful detox outcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is whats called googles "people often ask" its agitated, google is not telling you this website is harmful it is infact numerous people searching for similar than a website populates which is relevant 

Root-recovery is the website here  the bottom of the big text shows their website link, they have their website which has been formulated for proper SEO so they reach higher on search queries therefore leading them to the people also ask questions location
they have something on this forum which is against it for whatever their reasoning , given their company website name seems like they might be detox site, or place of recovery which they have taken offense to this website posted a webpage about it on their website with excellent SEO populating to high top page of google when looking for.

Hope this made sense!


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Ladies and gentlemen,

The internet began as an open forum with freedom of information from all sources, big and small. There is now a great bait and switch happening to something opposite of that.

When a search engine takes away our freedom to search for and find the truth, it’s no longer a search engine. By definition, it becomes the big brother.

They used the most recent global health crisis as an excuse to put in place 1984 style censorship. Of course, they call it “striking a balance”, but as you see in this topic’s example, the “balance” is what they say on the first 10 pages and everything else on page 11 of the search results, if at all.

They prioritize results of websites that they deem to be expert, authoritative, prominent and trustworthy. They also decide what is disinformation and misinformation, monopoly anyone?

I think it should be left up to us to decide what’s what. If we don’t hone that skill of discernment, it will atrophy and we’ll begin to believe whatever we’re being fed.

When a company breaks its own consumer product, you know that its goals are not pro-consumer. I’m not saying it’s a subsidiary of an alphabet agency, but wait, what?

These days, I find the best sources through word-of-mouth referrals from homemade blogs and vids. This is what it has come to when an industry gets institutionalized.

They want to control information because information is power and they want to keep it all for themselves to control the unwashed masses.



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Probably cause either google is woke or big pharma and google = big tech = all the same BS.

They dont want the big public to know the truth about the demon pills.

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On 15/08/2024 at 10:13, [[h...] said:

Probably cause either google is woke or big pharma and google = big tech = all the same BS.

They dont want the big public to know the truth about the demon pills.

You pretty much nailed it right there.......google and big pharma are indeed in partnership with each other and as many people now know, anything they don't want the populations to know the truth on, is now labelled as "conspiracy theory" WHETHER the topic IS or NOT conspiracy or truth, they will label it a "conspiracy theory" to confuse the matters for people who know no different.

Take for example, the whole covid issue a few years back..........we now have hundreds, if not more, doctors and scientists, (former chief scientist of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon for one) who spoke to a bunch of "covid denying" doctors and virologists back in 2021?  about why they deny covid is/was real and he was convinced the whole covid thing was a lie and that no covid virus existed..........they hold the opinion it was all made up for the purpose of making a massive (in Bill Gates' own admission.......82 billion dollars from them).........if you're that high up, it seems common sense that you'd be power hungry for money and control, no conspiracy needed  there, just greed and power issues.

Wikipedia (wicked-pedia) is now known to be created and funded by the intel communities/agencies and military as well as DARPA, yet they claim that statement is also a "conspiracy theory". The amount of BS they now label as "conspiracy" is just ludicrous and covering up for real crimes THEY commit. Ive personally left modern medicine knowing the Rockefellors held a symposium back in the day to gaslight all healing/alt medicine professions that were not backed up by the Rockefellor Insitute of medicine.

The reason they are likely bagging this site is because this site is instrumental in the big pharma system losing money from people here being freed of dangerous benzo drugs.

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