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Digestive issues and nausea -- advise needed BADLY

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I'm having really bad digestive problems every day.  I feel very nauseous and have a terrible "gurgly" feeling (for lack of a better description) in my intestine and stomach.  I have started feeling so sick that I am sometimes not functional -- and I have 3 kids to take care of.  I've had all the medical tests to rule out any major probems. I don't have any food allergies or intolerances.  I just think the high dose of benzo has this effect on me.


I would welcome any suggestions regarding what foods to eat, what probiotics are best, how to stop the bubbly, gurgly, gassy feeling in my intestine; other treatments or meds that help.


Some people say get more fiber, some people say get less.  It's all so overwhelming, but I really need help with this.  It may sound like a mild problem, but it's pretty intense and I can't afford to lose any weight.


Please help.  Thanks.





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Hi Twell -


I had bad GI problems just like you describe on benzos.  After I got off, they came back and then went away (hopefully for good).  Ashton describes a lot of misdiagnosis of IBS when actually caused by benzos.  I used plain probiotic yogurt loaded with fresh blueberries.  Five Stars was the brand recommended to me by an excellent GI doc.  It is tolerable when loaded with fruit.  A more tasty brand is Activia which is available everywhere.  Drink lots of water all day long - dehydration can lead to constipation.  I was in tolerance w/d for years and the tight gut muscles really hurt at times.


Hope this helps.  Bill

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You might want to try ginger ale or just ginger. Some vegetables can cause a a lot of bloating and gas such as broccoli. For the nausea I used "Sea-Bands" on my wrists, I was skeptical but they really did work. You can also do a forum search for "Benzo Belly" and see what other buddies have said about this wonderful symptom  :sick: 
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I am a big fan of Sea Bands for nausea.  You wear them on your wrists and they really do work.  You can pick them up at any drug store or Wal-mart, just ask the Pharmacist to direct you to them.


Another thing that really helped me was a book I bought off Amazon called "Nourishing Traditions."  It is loaded with tips for making foods more digestable (and a great nutrition guide too!).


While I was in tolerance w/d I took digestive enzymes which totally helped.  Enzymedica makes a good one called Gastro, also Lactose Stop by Renew Life helped enormously with dairy.


I eat yogurt everyday and take a probiotic, but I don't think it is a high quality one, I am sure someone will chime in on a good brand for that.


Hope all this helps!

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You might want to try ginger ale or just ginger. Some vegetables can cause a a lot of bloating and gas such as broccoli. For the nausea I used "Sea-Bands" on my wrists, I was skeptical but they really did work. You can also do a forum search for "Benzo Belly" and see what other buddies have said about this wonderful symptom  :sick:  


I think we posted at the exact same time Star!  I love Sea Bands too.  I forgot about the ginger, sometimes I also took Ginger Capsules if the nausea was extreme, great suggestion.  I am plagued with benzo belly no matter what I've tried, I have even given up the gassy foods, sugar, etc... no luck!


I came into modify this post because I don't want to get people confused about my benzo belly.  The nausea, gurgling, and reflux is gone after I did the things I said.  The benzo belly is something new, it looks like I am pregnant.  I think it is from poor motility brought on by w/d.  If the food doesn't move properly gas will form and cause distension.  I believe that is what is happening, just my guess, but my other sx's are gone.

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I do not know if this is available everywhere, but I like the Brown Cow yogurt... from HEB. Also, after reading others posts, I began taking digestive enzymes, and Align, a probiotic. So far, they have not caused problems. Feel better everybody!
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Hi Twell,


Upset stomach, horrible gurgles and pop-like sensations, cramping and nausea have ALL hit me hard during my taper.  And at times I can barely walk from one room to another w/out feeling a bit rush of "UGH" (the only way I can describe that deep nauseous feeling).  For me it comes and goes...I've gone as long as weeks w/out it...so it may not hit you through your entire taper.  I have tried the sea bands recently WITH success (wish I had thought to use them earlier...now that I'm near the end of my taper...better late than never!).  The ginger capsules or a GOOD quality ginger tea have helps w/ some of the queasiness.  For me, it's also become a fear during w/d.  I have this crazy anxiety that comes on STRONG when my stomach is upset, so I've tried to learn how to now get so worked up and make things worse.  I think I feel very "out of control" w/ it. 


If I'm in a rough patch and the nausea is really bad, I eat applesauce (unsweetened), some toast w/ little butter, soda crackers...not much else...I treat it like a flu so the food is simple.  I can barely eat during the nauseous waves and often stick w/ very little food and as much water as I can stomach (although that's all improved since using the sea bands and ginger tea).  I have lost weight but some of it comes back when I go through a phase where the nausea isn't prevalent. 


I stay away from lactose and too much sugar (but I had issues w/ lactose BEFORE this).  I don't take any pro-biotics but have heard good things about them.  Listen to your body.  We are all so different during w/d.  I kept a log of foods I ate and tried to look for patterns so I could stay away from things that upset my stomach more.  I have noticed (for me) that garlic is a no-no.  Which is too bad b/c I LOVE it.  But that will come one day.  Also, for whatever reason, I can eat scrambled eggs, but as soon as I eat a hard-boiled egg, it sits like a brick and doesn't budge for HOURS. 


I hope that helps.  If I think of anything else I'll post it.  I know how debilitating the nausea can be...it's unpleasant to say the LEAST.  But just know it may pass at some point as it did for me.  And yes, it came back, but then it goes away. 


ALL the best,


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I eat a lot of homemade soups with vegetables. I'll make my own stock, then freeze the remainder in small containers. I'll use this whenever I couldn't get anything down. Or I use bouillons, with no msg, for a quick soup or a warm drink at night. Brown rice, as it seems to digest well. I had to give up traditional durum semolina pasta (which is no small feat for any Italian)...instead I use the rice pastas and this italian corn pasta...the latter is much better tasting. So far no sx or revved up system, compared to the burning that the traditional pasta would induce. Homemade tomato sauces, which again don't produce serious issues like the jarred or canned ragu's or tomato gravies one buys at stores. Whole wheat bread...though I miss my white bread. Nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and currants...no raisins as they are to sweet and cause revved up system. Found out the hard way...I had to really pedal hard on my bike ride, to burn off all that excess sx it was causing me. Whole wheat crackers and unflavored rice cakes. I use my own toppings...mostly nutella or crushed fruit, like blueberries or strawberries and ricotta cheese with homemade sundried tomatoes...which are not as salty or oily as store bought. Soft cheeses like mozzarella. Fresh fruits and vegetables. A lot of chicken and turkey...I have also tried fresh lamb and pork with no problems. Beef always causes me issues, I don't know why...so lamb burger which is really tasty or chicken, turkey burger if I crave one...I make them myself. No processed foods...had a hotdog and I almost doubled over in pain within the hour. McDonalds is a no no. Lots of acid build up after both thsoe fiascos. And honey replaces sugar...for sweetening herbal teas or as a topping. Also, I try to avoid artificial sweetners, if I can. Yogurt with nuts and seeds or ground flax for a light snack, and yogurt icecream for a treat or desert...which I seem to tolerate well. Boiled egg helped a lot and I also eat a banana before bed...star104 suggested that one, which seems to actually help. Nothing I eat is fried...for me it is baked, boiled or steamed. I eat depending on how I feel...at my worse mostly liquids and light...at my best I try a little of everything. I lost 41 pounds because of benzo's.


For nausea I drink chamomile or this ginger herbal tea I found...it works wonders on calming my stomach down. I haven't tried Sea Bands.


Btw...when I cook; I cook in batches. I kind of think ahead. So say I  make a stock...I will cut up the meat and spread out the vegetables evenly in those 750ml plastic containers, with the twist tops. I will have at least 7 containers, of whatever, stored away in our freezer...that is 7 meals I don't have to think about. I will freeze all leftovers...so if things are bad...I just pull whatever I have, warm it up, and eat. There is always something just in case of an emergency.  Should you do this...cool everything off in ice cold water, before you put in freezer...so you won't have boo boos to clean up nor that rancid after taste that comes by leaving it out. My mum taught me that one. I learned all this when my grandma was on her deathbed...it made life so much easier. If you have small children...think about this...this method saved our lives, we where beyond tired and barely holding on to our sanity.

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Wow, so much great advice! 


Follow up questions:  I have seabands but can's figure out where to place the ball -- does it go between the 2 thin bones running down your wrist?


Also, do I have to make ginger tea by boiling the actual ginger root -- or does someone sell ginger tea already made (that is effective)?


What is Align?


What are digestive enzymes -- specifically, what and where do I buy them -- are they capsule form?

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Hey, sorry you are feeling rough!  While I didn't have stomach symptoms, I did have horrible reflux for years that I did manage to finally beat.  Here are some quick specific recommendations that helped me, and hopefully might work for you:


Bio K+ (acidophilus yogurt probiotic) - As you probably know, you have a whole flora of friendly organisms living in your GI tract that will make you feel very sick if they start to deplete (such as due to physical or emotional stress).  Acidophilus is the biggie, and the absolute best thing that money can buy is Bio K+ which is a super charged yogurt culture.  It's a little pricey, but you're only taking 2 spoon fulls a day, so it's not as bad as it sounds (though you can eat the whole thing with no ill effect if you're feeling awful).  This is a common brand and is available at Whole Foods and any other health-oriented store with a refrigerator section.




Activia yogurt (Bifidus Regularis probiotic) - It's a different strain of probiotics, and has the benefit of being available at all grocery stores.  You might want to make a point of getting non-fat since it tastes great and you might be eating a lot of it.  (Be careful about eatting more than 1 or 2 a day, though, because one of it's marketing points is that it makes you regular, if you know what I'm saying.)




Regular yogurt - Even regular yogurt has probiotics in them, and since you might want to eat a lot of yogurt since it can really sooth the stomach in and of itself and regular yogurt it has the benefit of being cheaper than the other two and readily available.


Ginger Ale - Ginger is a miracle in and of itself, whether you have it in tea form or not, but I thought that light carbonation helped my stomach some, too.  I never used the tea, so I can't say how it compares.


Aloe juice - I'm throwing this in as an honorable mention since it didn't do much for me but so many other people recommended it to me as having been a life saver for them with their stomach problems and I didn't see it mentioned here.  Any place that sells Bio K+ (Whole Foods or any health food/hippie dippie shop ;)) will carry this, as well.


Hope you feel better, soon!



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Wow, so much great advice! 


Follow up questions:  I have seabands but can's figure out where to place the ball -- does it go between the 2 thin bones running down your wrist?


Holding your hand out with the wrist straight, place the middle three fingers on the inside of your wrist, with the edge of the 3rd (middle) finger just below the first wrist crease. The Nei-Kuan point is located underneath your first (index) finger in between the two wrist tendons - place the stud inward over that point. Do the same on the other wrist, they have to both be in place for it to work.  


Also, do I have to make ginger tea by boiling the actual ginger root -- or does someone sell ginger tea already made (that is effective)?

I drank ginger ale, but I know they sell ginger chews, capsules and such in the stores. Personally I've never had ginger tea, but I'd like to try it!


What is Align?


What are digestive enzymes -- specifically, what and where do I buy them -- are they capsule form?

Align is a probiotic product.


This will all pass, hang in there, I know this is miserable for you and I hope you get relief soon.  :therethere:

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I've posted this before, and promise I do not own stock in the company that manufactures or sells this. There is a medication called Zofran (ondansetron--generic) that is great for nausea. The only side effect I have received is a headache. It requires a prescription and insurance will pay for most of it. Hope you get better!
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I also suffer from the same digestve problems as you do.  I have had them throughout my entire taper and will probably have them after I have finished my taper.  I use crystallized ginger which you can find in most grocery stores or organic food stores. It is great for both nausea, intestinal cramping and bloating.  You only have to rip a small piece off because ginger is pretty strong.  Another thing that I use is fresh basil. It is great for nausea. I just minch up a leaf of it and put it in some College Inn Chicken Broth.  You can add some pastina too. That is also very easy on the stomach.  Some other foods that don't bother me are Sucess brown rice, Yoplait Vanilla Whips, white chicken meat, carrots and when I am really bad my favorite staple, oyster crackers.


Like you even when I am laying down with no nausea when I get up and move around it triggers the nausea.  As far as the gurling in your stomach is concerned I also have that.  You have to try to eat something very bland to make sure that it isn't acids building up in your system which in its self causes nausea. If your nausea goes away then you know it was acids building up in your stomach and you needed some food to absorb it.


The pressure bands will have instructions in the box that show you where to place them above your wrist. I have them to. They really work.


The nausea really brings you to your knees, doesn't it?  It's like constantly having the puke bug.


Good luck. I feel your pain.





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I can't thank you all enough.  I thought I was the only one having these problems -- and yes, the nausea really brings you down.


You all have given me such great advice, I don't know where to start.  I think I'll start with the easiest things first -- the ginger products and the sea bands.


Perhaps a probiotic too -- do you think it makes a difference if you just take acidophilus tablets instead of taking the yogurt?  Is it supposed to be preventative or do you take it as needed when nauseous?  Does is make a difference if you take it on a full or empty stomach? morning or evening?


Boy, I have a lot of questions!  You guys are great to help me.  Thanks.


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I can't thank you all enough.  I thought I was the only one having these problems -- and yes, the nausea really brings you down.


You all have given me such great advice, I don't know where to start.  I think I'll start with the easiest things first -- the ginger products and the sea bands.


Perhaps a probiotic too -- do you think it makes a difference if you just take acidophilus tablets instead of taking the yogurt?  Is it supposed to be preventative or do you take it as needed when nauseous?  Does is make a difference if you take it on a full or empty stomach? morning or evening?


Boy, I have a lot of questions!  You guys are great to help me.  Thanks.



Regarding acidophilus, I believe the yogurt is superior to the pills because it's all alive in a living culture and all you're doing is transplanting that culture from the yogurt container to your stomach.  Of the yogurt cultures out there, Bio K+ is the most supercharged which is why I recommended it, though I guess you could just eat more of a cheaper one for the same effect.


Acidophilus can be taken both preventively and reactively, and the best thing about it is that there's no such thing as taking too much (well, read the packaging on whatever form you take, but there shouldn't be).  Now, keep in mind that I was taking it for acid reflux and not nausea, but there were times that I actually got relief on contact from taking it.  That wasn't the norm, and mainly it had a (highly visible) cumulative effect.  You would probably want to do something like take some every day and also take more when you feel bad.


As for taking it on a full or empty stomach, you can do either but my understanding is that you'll get more bang for your buck on an empty stomach (but not to the point where you wouldn't take it on a full stomach if you were feeling sick).  The emptier your stomach, the more likely it is to come into contact with your stomach lining where you need it to stick, and also the more available stomach acid which it needs to thrive (literally acidophlis = "acid loving").  Nothing bad happens if you take it with food in your stomach, so if you feel sick after having eaten it's not like you should wait to take it if you believe you will get some relief from it.


So, all of that said, while it's possible, I suspect that acidophlis won't be a magic anti-nausea pill, but I think that depending on what's causing the nausea you might start to see some difference within a few days to a week of taking it.  Acidophilus is really great for you, in general, so even if you don't find the relief you're seeking, you'll still be doing yourself some sort of a favor.

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It would take too much yogurt to get the same result from one  pill of Align. It is for digestion though , not necessarily for nausea.
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With the sea bands, it is between the two tendons and you measure 3 fingers down from the wrist.  At least that's what mine say...some people say 2 fingers, but the instructions on my sea band packaging said 3 fingers.


I buy a high quality tea by Traditional Medicinals that is Ginger Tea.  Some people boil the ginger root but I find a good quality tea does the trick for me.  Even try a health food store where they have even more to choose from. 


Hope you find something to give you some relief...I know first hand how tough the nausea can be.  But it will pass over time...maybe sooner than later!!!


Take care,


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Which of these products do you think would relieve daily intestinal gas (that lovely "gurgly" feeling)?  I think this is what is causing me the most discomfort and nauseau.


Do probiotics help with this?  Which ones? 


I really apprecialte any feedback or additional suggestions. I'm so sick of feeling sick.




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What works best for me with regard to the gurgling is the crystallized ginger. I get relief in my intestinal tract from the gurgling within 5 to 7 minutes.


How are you feeling? Any improvements?



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I have been on a low dose of Doxepin 10mg for a long time. The antihistamine is what I need it for. Amazingly Doxepin also works for nausea and gives me an appetite.
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Physically, the digestive issues have been the hardest for me.  Mornings are the worst.  The only thing that helped was getting up and walking and walking and walking....and time.  It is getting better now, but I was on a very low dose of valium (for this forum --2mg) for a short time (2 months ) which followed a few months of random ativan use.  It has been about 7-8 weeks since c/t and my stomach is just now settling within an hour or so after waking me up.  So it is improving, but slowly.  I have taken probiotics the whole time and have no idea if they helped or not. 
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5 to 7 minutes?  Wow!  I would love that!


I hate to sound stupid, but i have never heard of crystalized ginger -- what does it look like and where do I get it?  Is it something used for baking?


Where do I find it -- do you have a specific brand name and can it be found at regular supermarkets or do you happen to know an online order site?




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I have purchased it online and the website I usr is nuts online. You can purchase a pound for $3.99 plus shipping charges. You will get it within two days, sometimes the next day.  They also have numerous other ginger products, including teas.  I have bought lots of other products from them for gifts.


If you don't want to go online then I'm sure health food stores carry it and possibly even grocery stores. I use nuts online because the quality of their products are great.



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