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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.


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My parethesia has gotten worst, the touch sensativity gotten worst , it so sensative to touch it triggers more intense stinging, nerve weakness , like my nerves goes limp, it use to be off and on from the beginning of my c/t , but now its 24-7 , scared to death .  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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I'm right there with you at 16 months out. Hang in there, we'll get through it.


P.S. My toes are on fire right now as I type this.

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At this point, I would have these symptoms checked out by a doctor, if you haven't already.  There are several (treatable) medical conditions that can cause it, you know. For instance,  I found this on a medical site:


"When someone experiences paresthesia on a regular basis, however, it could indicate a more substantial problem within the body. Frequent cases of paresthesia can be symptoms that neurons in the brain are malfunctioning, and are not properly relaying signals to the brain. In such cases, the neural problems may be related to malnutrition, diabetes, a thyroid condition, or another medical problem."



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At almost 16 months neuropathic pain and parasthesias persist for me also. I am cofused about the posted replies. Are these not a wd sx listed by Ashton and Wikipedia among other authorites. Is average healing time not between 6-18 months? As most know Laura has had every diagnostic test there is and visits her doc regularly. I communicate with others over a year off who are still not healed and having problems. It seems unpopular to state you are still having problems after a year or so off. I know this is scary to those early in recovery...I haveseen several people try to start threads about being a year or even two off and these have been locked because they may exclude some. I feel like my own and lots of others experiences are invalidated. Thx for listening.
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At almost 16 months neuropathic pain and parasthesias persist for me also. I am cofused about the posted replies. Are these not a wd sx listed by Ashton and Wikipedia among other authorites. Is average healing time not between 6-18 months? As most know Laura has had every diagnostic test there is and visits her doc regularly. I communicate with others over a year off who are still not healed and having problems. It seems unpopular to state you are still having problems after a year or so off. I know this is scary to those early in recovery...I haveseen several people try to start threads about being a year or even two off and these have been locked because they may exclude some. I feel like my own and lots of others experiences are invalidated. Thx for listening.




How is your experience invalidated?


Every different story is unique.


If the op has this kind of constant symptom, it would be wise to seek professional medical advice as has already been pointed out.  The OP's sig states that they used homo remedies, who knows what they were.... perhaps they have had a negative impact on the op's body.....there is no way of telling.  Do we know if the op is taking other "alternative" cures and remedies? we don't know, if they did it could be having an effect on their body right now.......


Similarly, how do we gauge how bad the symptoms are?


I'm a year out and have tingling, burning, throbbing, aching and all kinds of weird sensations on a daily basis.  They are symptoms but I just get on with things, right now it feels like the skin on my right cheek and top lip is being peeled back.  What can I do about it?  I've been checked, there is nothing found to be wrong so I just ignore it.  I've had it before when I quit meth, it took the best part of three years to go completely.  It was EXACTLY THE SAME thing that I have now.



It seems that by "confusion" you mean you don't like anyone's answers, what do you suggest people do when confronted with this situation?  How would you prefer to see people respond?



I don't think either beeper's nor my response was confusing in the least.  We asked questions and offered opinion, isn't that what a forum is for?



Some posters post nothing but woe is me threads, we all know how horrible this experience is, but we must all surely know that it is not a sit back and wait for everything to happen situation.  We have to help ourselves as best we can.  If people cannot do that and support forums are not enough, professional help is always available.



Colleen I really don't understand why you were confused.






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Hi Amano, I see your point. I was trying to convey a personal feeling of mine. I dont think a feeling can be wrong it is how I feel. I dont communicate as well as Id like to on the computer. I really meant no offense. When people say they are in severe pain I believe them. I try not to judge. You sound like a strong person. Im sorry you have the parasthesias too, as you know they can be quite painful. Mine are really painful too, severe chewing sensations and others. I try to ignore them best I can. Good luck on your complete recovery Amano. 
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Thank you for your replies, I seen seen many many many Drs since all of this happened ,I had a MRI just a week ago was perfect, Catscan...Perfect, all my Blood work every test , calcium,iron, thryoid, CBC test, all my B vitimins , potassium, magnesium, phosphate, and on and on, even x-rays,I get my blood work done every month, every month , tested for autoimmune diease, liver, kidney , ALL my vitimins every test imaginable , and as far as the homeopathic remedy I havent taken one since and taht one was derieved from Calcium Phosphate very natural , I feared taht too.  I am tired of people telling me theres something else wrong with me , this really sets me back I am so fed up!!!!!!!!!! so now my conmcerns again is taht there is only one other problem with me is that its PERMANENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for telling me that. I agree my nerons are trapped and not functioning properally. Thats the only possiblity its permanent as why people posted me saying that they dont understand why I am still suffering . As far as the parethesia I do get breaks off and on , and my Dr said its all benzos he says theres no other reason for me to have these symptoms, so I guess from what a few mention then I have permanent damage so whats your thought . :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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I am officially in protracted withdrawal (ashton states 18 months +) and am here with you still suffering all of this garbage.  Average healing time is stated as 6-18 months but what i should mention is all the people that heal within months or weeks that are celebrated within the success stories, thank god.  They were not average as I am not average. 


What i will tell you is i watched a movie, oceans 11, it is non violent movie, high end theivies being clever,  anyways i hadnt seen it before wd but during wd i have seen it about 20-25 times and just last night i watched it and understood it.  The strange thing is i thought i kinda understood the plot and how they pulled off the robbery.  I was wrong way wrong.  I watched the movie last night and said oh ya, oh right, oh that makes complete sense. 


So my theory is during wd we are all affected differently, not a new theory but like some people have pain some people dont.  Some people have their rationalization and/or comprehension affected, me.  So if my rationalization and comprehension was taken away, among many many other things, how could i understand wd is temp, these are just sxs, i will get better....


I hope this helps and is not too confusing.  I certainly wasnt a mensa canidate prior to wd but i was smart i have 2 college degrees, and now i am not but i am making very very slow progress.  I still cry every day and struggle with simple tasks but i understood oceans 11. tammie

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This I found on Ashton Manual





A minority of people who have withdrawn from benzodiazepines seem to suffer long-term effects - protracted symptoms that just don't go away after months or even years. It has been estimated that perhaps 10-15 per cent of long-term benzodiazepine users develop a "post-withdrawal syndrome". Many of these people have taken benzodiazepines for 20 years or more and/or have had bad experiences in withdrawal. The incidence of protracted symptoms in those who have undergone a slow taper under their own control is almost certainly very much lower.


Table 3 shows the symptoms most likely to be long-lasting. These include anxiety, insomnia, depression, various sensory and motor symptoms, gastrointestinal disturbances, and poor memory and cognition. The reasons why these symptoms persist in some people are not clear. Probably many factors are involved, some directly due to the drug and some to indirect or secondary effects (See Table 4).



Usual Course

Anxiety - Gradually diminishing over a year


Depression - May last a few months; responds to antidepressant drugs


Insomnia - Gradually diminishing over 6-12 months


Sensory symptoms: tinnitus, tingling, numbness, deep or burning pain in limbs, feeling of inner trembling or vibration, strange skin sensations - Gradually receding but may last at least a year and occasionally several years


Motor symptoms: muscle pain, weakness, painful cramps, tremor, jerks, spasms, shaking attacks - Gradually receding but may last at least a year and occasionally several years


Poor memory and cognition - Gradually receding but may last at least a year and occasionally several years


Gastrointestinal symptoms - Gradually improving but may last a year and occasionally several years


Take care





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My parethesia has gotten worst, the touch sensativity gotten worst , it so sensative to touch it triggers more intense stinging, nerve weakness , like my nerves goes limp, it use to be off and on from the beginning of my c/t , but now its 24-7 , scared to death .  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Helpme123 I feel your pain.  Gosh I hope you have some relief soon... I am not where you are right now in the sense of recovery because I am still weaning off the posen..  Although, I have to say that listening to you, and your suffering right now makes me want to help yu so much.. The good news is that you are off the posen and there is nothing wrong with you on the testing you had done... Think of that right now.. I know you are scared.. I know this is scary for you... You will heal from this.  Please keep me posted on how you are feeling... You and your husband make a nice couple..  Hang in there. Be well.

My prayers are with you.. Luv, Mishi

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Thanks for the replies. Its not gng to  be ok anymore for me .


I would also want to mention I had also seen a nerologist, a Benzo wise DR, and an endoncrologist , 4 GYNs,  and all said the same thing , theres nothing medically wrong with me all tests came back perfect. I DONT have any underlying medical condition , its ALL BENZO related !!!!!!!!! and the only thing I feel is I will never recover this. Heres my reasoning for believing this , from the time I went C/T , two weeks after my C/T I started having windows , not great but had them,but had them EVERY mth , after a few mths went buy those windows became great , I didnt realize how good those windows were until lately , I had windows almost feeling 100% on 1 window all day long , almost  every symptom was completly gone!!!!!!!!!! I had another great one March that just past feeling almost 90% normal , and alot of my windows inbetween that I was feeling 70-85% , my last great window was April 11 I felt 75% normal, I actually felt like I was in my own skin then, since then I got worst , since I started experiencing that carpet burn sensation , I took NOTHING since December to make me feel this bad , The Homopathic Remedy I had after that I only carried it in my pocket thats was it !!!!!!!!! I did take 1 just 1 Antibiotic called Cloxicillian , its a penicillian , that was because I was having alot of acne and one pimple was really close to my eye , the Dr was worried I would get an infection if it went any closer to my eye , but I STOPPED taking them after 1 dose. that was almost 3 weeks ago. As I said I HAVE NO UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITION AT ALL!!!!! I am post menapause is all I am right now , and theres no way menoapsuse can cause this much pain. So from gng to feeling great to this is only telling me I will always feel like this , Parethesia spreads like Cancer, so its spredaed more intensly all over , what else am I too believe.Thank you for listening

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How long have you been post menopause ?  Some women suffer symptoms years after menopause.  I am post menopause and I feel like menopause is tied into this whole mess for me.  I know that you do a lot of research, and wondered if you ever read on the menopause sites.  Those ladies sound like they are suffering with the same symptoms we are.  :o  Hormones are a girls best friend !!!  :laugh:  When we lose them.....well.....they don't call it the change for no reason. 

You have the one adrenal....which seems like it might pose a problem.  Has any professional ever commented about this?  I wonder....because I have only 1 functioning adrenal.


I really hope that things turn around for you helpme....because I know that you have suffered so much.


Sunny girl :hug:

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Thanks Sunny I appreciate your comments, yes I do research alot,he symptoms for menopause , but these symptoms are OVER the top , its not menopause symptoms at all!!!!!!!!!!! , you dont start to sting by just a scratch , or by a touch , or massaging your arm etc... theres no way!!!!!!!, my neck is so tensed , muscle spasms, throat muscles constrict every time especially if I even massage my neck, my tongue pulsates , seriously do menaopause do that, theres no way, the weakness is a nerve weakness, my family Dr and my Endoncronoligist also said these symptoms are far to extreme to be caused by menopause, its unheard off, as far as my 1 adrenal gland , again the specialist said theres no way it will cause this, because my other adrenal gland functions perfectly to make up the difference, its so perfectly functioning that I dont require any hormone supplements and she said I didnt need to any more follow up appointments, and that if I had amazing windows b4 then theres NOWAY my adrenal is effecting me at all!!!! Theres no other test required to determine what is wrong with me or what is causing this, other then Benzos , and taht maybe just maybe I have could be one of the few if any have severe parethesia taht no longer will get better. Sunny I am post menopause still, and did I read or misunderstand that you have 1 adrenal gland ? if so what one is removed the mudella, or cortex?
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Thanks for the replies. Its not gng to  be ok anymore for me .


I would also want to mention I had also seen a nerologist, a Benzo wise DR, and an endoncrologist , 4 GYNs,  and all said the same thing , theres nothing medically wrong with me all tests came back perfect. I DONT have any underlying medical condition , its ALL BENZO related !!!!!!!!! and the only thing I feel is I will never recover this. Heres my reasoning for believing this , from the time I went C/T , two weeks after my C/T I started having windows , not great but had them,but had them EVERY mth , after a few mths went buy those windows became great , I didnt realize how good those windows were until lately , I had windows almost feeling 100% on 1 window all day long , almost  every symptom was completly gone!!!!!!!!!! I had another great one March that just past feeling almost 90% normal , and alot of my windows inbetween that I was feeling 70-85% , my last great window was April 11 I felt 75% normal, I actually felt like I was in my own skin then, since then I got worst , since I started experiencing that carpet burn sensation , I took NOTHING since December to make me feel this bad , The Homopathic Remedy I had after that I only carried it in my pocket thats was it !!!!!!!!! I did take 1 just 1 Antibiotic called Cloxicillian , its a penicillian , that was because I was having alot of acne and one pimple was really close to my eye , the Dr was worried I would get an infection if it went any closer to my eye , but I STOPPED taking them after 1 dose. that was almost 3 weeks ago. As I said I HAVE NO UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITION AT ALL!!!!! I am post menapause is all I am right now , and theres no way menoapsuse can cause this much pain. So from gng to feeling great to this is only telling me I will always feel like this , Parethesia spreads like Cancer, so its spredaed more intensly all over , what else am I too believe.Thank you for listening



Hi Laura Im sorry you feel so bad. I am in my own personal hell over here too. You seem like you are having trouble accepting this is withdrawal. You would be amazed at how much better you would be if you could accept it, and just "be sick" and have faith you will heal. That alone will take a load off the extra anxiety. Of course it may take a while, but the main thing is, healing is happening. I've read many posts where people say they had a bad spell right around your time off, so my guess is, it won't be too long before you start getting some more windows.  ;)   Please for your sake, start trying to focus on more positive things. I'm praying for you.

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Ok Dear friend I have to chime in !

If you had only this 1 sxs and it was relentless then perhaps I would say it may be something to look into! Although you are have many benzo w/d sxs.to me says w/d!

Idk Im huge on comman sence and being you have had way many tests and all came back Perfect! To me it sounds like these Homeopatheic remidies may be playing a part in the lenght on time before your sxs drop off!

We have to remember many elements desturb our Gabba and cause a rise in our sxs!

If I was you I would accept the fact that this Benzo Monster is just that .And will cause such havok on ur mind and body ..Not forever Laura just for now ...I beleive your going to see huge improvements in the next few months and more Windows less Waves for sure! But pls just as long as no other things are thrown into the mix .Your brain knows what to do and Definitly knows how to Heal! Remember You had Windows thats your Hope because if it was something else ...It would be allday everyday nonestop since day 1..Pls stay so strong and Fight Laura I know ur hurting so badly wish I could take it away but I cant! Hang on your almost there sweet friend Just alittle longer! ;)


Love ya...~Jenny

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Thank you for your replies, I seen seen many many many Drs since all of this happened ,I had a MRI just a week ago was perfect, Catscan...Perfect, all my Blood work every test , calcium,iron, thryoid, CBC test, all my B vitimins , potassium, magnesium, phosphate, and on and on, even x-rays,I get my blood work done every month, every month , tested for autoimmune diease, liver, kidney , ALL my vitimins every test imaginable , and as far as the homeopathic remedy I havent taken one since and taht one was derieved from Calcium Phosphate very natural , I feared taht too.  I am tired of people telling me theres something else wrong with me , this really sets me back I am so fed up!!!!!!!!!! so now my conmcerns again is taht there is only one other problem with me is that its PERMANENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for telling me that. I agree my nerons are trapped and not functioning properally. Thats the only possiblity its permanent as why people posted me saying that they dont understand why I am still suffering . As far as the parethesia I do get breaks off and on , and my Dr said its all benzos he says theres no other reason for me to have these symptoms, so I guess from what a few mention then I have permanent damage so whats your thought . :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


Well, you've obviously had these symptoms checked out medically so that does just leave benzo withdrawal, doesn't it?  :-\  Yours is the first doctor I have read of who has attributed any symptoms to benzo withdrawal so far out so I guess you at least have a doctor who validates your feelings, which is a good thing.  As far as the parethesia being permanent, I really don't see the reasoning.  If you get a break from it from time to time, I think there's every reasong to think that this is NOT permanent.  Since you've already seen a neurologist - so presumably know what, if anything, you can do to support the repairing of your nervous system - I guess you will just need to accept these symptoms for now and get on with your life as much as possible.  I have had to accept that the tinnitus I develo0ped in 2008 will always be with me (since it was dx'd as age-related) and sometimes I think I can't stand it one more minute but somehow I always do.  :(  Try to accept what is but retain hope for a better future.

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It seems unpopular to state you are still having problems after a year or so off. I know this is scary to those early in recovery...I haveseen several people try to start threads about being a year or even two off and these have been locked because they may exclude some.


People at 16 months out need support too.  I shutter to read this, if I am still struggling at 16 months I hope I am not black balled.

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No one was banned, Perserverance.  I know a thread that was only for those more than a year off was locked because the administrator feared it was too restrictive.  No one has been stopped from posting about their problems months and years after quitting benzos so no worries.
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My dr acknowledge it first off he knows me for 13 years as his patient he us quit aware I am not a hypro a complainer never was I would never make anything like this up he knows that secondly he had another patient that had burning legs for two years and he read All the info I gave him my dr is also a Christian as I

Am myself . And after all and I mean all tests I had done he said that's the only explanation

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