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Physically pushing yourself?

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Hey buddies,


Do you guys sometimes want to push it when you have a window? In my case, I am physically depleted all day long till about 6. Around this time my body wakes up a little bit, and I usually get my exercise for the day in. The problem is that I sometimes take it too far, and it can end very bad. I remember doing pull ups because I felt I had the energy, but after the 4th set I started to experience really bad palpitations :( Scary stuff I tell you.


The bottom line is I know I should probably take it easy with exercise, but I have a really hard time doing it. I get competitive, or into it, and want to just exercise like I used to. This sucks guys :-\ Does anybody else take it too far and pay the price? I feel like a 90 yo.

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I do push myself when I am riding my bike or if I do exercise. Sometimes...like yesterday...I'll get hit by anxiety and soon after my breathing goes all wonky. I'll have to stop because I can no longer catch my breath. The palpitations will start up, so I'll walk it off. I think I am like you Ben zolo...where I see those young whipper snappers, and I want to prove to them and myself, that I can still do it. So off I go biking up those steep hills...I huff and I puff and soon enough run out of air again...pushing...falling over from exertion, and embarrassingly enough, there I am walking up...as those youngsters are racing past me on the halfway mark...going, going gone.


I hear you very well...guess I am pushing 100 yo. though.

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Hi, I have been pushing myself lately, have too, company.


I don't say anything about my w/d or tapering.

I rather not.


It has kept me distracted, but whewwww.

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I think we all push ourself when we feel better. Listen to your body and be gentle on yourself. Don't be scared if after one 'window', where you try to do everything what you can't during bad symptoms, next day you don't feel pretty well. That is your body say to slow down. We get so nervous about our recovery and when we get a chance we want everything. Our body is perfect mechanism and send us some signals what we have to do which are sometimes scary and we don't  realize that on the right way. We get frightened.

I am sure you will fell better and better so you will increase time of your exercise.

Take care



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Over 2 weeks Sigma with a house guest and your right whewwww!  Ben, during my whole taper I was walking 4 miles a day , lifting weights and riding bike and I have slowed it down with my house guests here and some days I'm not even walking and I gotta tell you that the physical symptoms have eased up.  I am  now starting back slow in the walking.  I was doing way to much exercise.  Linder
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I also push myself.  I think my issue is I am obsessed with doing so so much.  I am out in my yard with ladders and hand saws cutting down small trees, I got out a electric trimmer and trimmed overgrown bushes.  I just cant stop myself.  I do feel bad some days but I just will not let this taper and this summer go without doing the things that need to be done.  I also believe that I cant sit still, if I dont keep moving I will feel the w/d's worse.  If I keep my body and mind busy then I dont have time to focus on the taper. 

Hang in there everyone!!  If we are pushing ourselves and doing something, then it has to be better then sitting around consumed with this nasty journey we are in........

We will make it!!


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This morning was pretty well for me so I decided to make an appointment with the dentist. So I got scared now. I know I do that to myself, I am guilty cause I feel anxious now and on the edge to get panic attack, I trigger them. But anyway I will go to the dentist, I will push myself. Hope I will survive there  :). If I don't go now when is the right time.

This is not that I push myself physically then mentally, but I wanted to share.


Take care



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Oh, the wonderful dentist appointment.  I had to have dental work done a few months back when my s/x's were the worse.  I was so scared, I have been going to the same dentist forever.  I told them about having anxiety really bad, they were very patient with me.  I couldnt keep my mouth open and felt like I couldnt breathe but they let me take a break when needed.  I would just explain the situation to the dentist.  I think we can surprise ourselves when we have no choice but to do something. 

You will be fine.


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My life is already ruined for the moment. Hoping to reverse that ;D My fatigue is the worst symptom by far. When/if I do feel panicky, or anxiety, I feel so grateful. I'd rather feel something than feel completely flat lined :'( Just don't know how I got such horrible fatigue? Anyhow thanks guys. I am going to try and spread the activity a little more evenly over the day... I still collapse around 1:30-2, but I'm hoping this improves as I heal. F'd up!
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  It was good decision going to dentist. I was freaked out but breathing saved me. I was so happy that after dentist I took short walk and went to one store. That was great considering my agoraphobic state lately. Anyway it is good push yourself through some situations but also have listen our body. If we not try we cant know our limits. Take care. Marija
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My life is already ruined for the moment. Hoping to reverse that ;D My fatigue is the worst symptom by far. When/if I do feel panicky, or anxiety, I feel so grateful. I'd rather feel something than feel completely flat lined :'( Just don't know how I got such horrible fatigue? Anyhow thanks guys. I am going to try and spread the activity a little more evenly over the day... I still collapse around 1:30-2, but I'm hoping this improves as I heal. F'd up!

  Everyone thinks his symptom is the worst. If I can just get rid of my anxiety and panic. It is like w/d hits us where we are the weekest. Dont worry. You will be fine. You already doing great. Marija
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I am not having any withdrawal at this time and feel good so I do my usual things. Even when I don't feel so great I will make myself do the things I have to. My seasonal allergies bother me more than this benzo thing going on.
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Ben - I am extremely competitive and tend to push the edge on everything.  It has just about killed me during w/d.  Read my thread "I'm an Idiot."  I will never push it again!  Moderation is the key - a little will go a long way now!  Best, Bill
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I workout 6-7 times a week, including the Insanity workout, weight lifting, basketball, etc. I have had to fight through "I think I'm going to die" feeling on numerous occasions. So far, I'm still kicking.
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I hear that tarheel. It's hard to hide this condition from our kinesthetic peers ;D I have lost a lot of muscle, athleticism, etc, etc. I hope it doesn't take too long to regain. Thanks Billwill. Good luck to us all!
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Hi Ben

The most important for you now is to feel better. You will have plenty of time to exercise (full time)as you did before and you will get back your muscles. I know you get upset for things you like and can't do them now as before. Nothing will happen if you push yourself but as I saw you get more and more upset then, and you don't need that. You don't need worry. Just think that this is something temporary and try to accept that and be satisfied with how much you can reach now. Better days coming.



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I hear that tarheel. It's hard to hide this condition from our kinesthetic peers ;D I have lost a lot of muscle, athleticism, etc, etc. I hope it doesn't take too long to regain. Thanks Billwill. Good luck to us all!


it comes back so fast without the crap in your system. :thumbsup:

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