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Deteriorating vision

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6 months off and feeling better, but it seems as if my vision is deteriorating. I first became aware of this a couple of months ago when I almost failed my vision test at the DMV. Since then I have started to pay more attention to it. It was stable for several weeks but as of the past couple of days there has been a change for the worse.


A couple of months ago it was only my right eye. Now it seems like the right eye has gotten a little worse and my left eye is starting to go as well. Never had a problem reading but I am sitting here squinting trying to read the forum. Pictures are getting blurry as well.


Hard to tell whether or not this is WD but I am assuming it is. Been having some floating pressure in my temples the last couple of days which corresponds closely with the timing of the vision thing. I really hate to go throw a bunch of money on an eye doctor and glasses but if this gets any worse I'm not going to be able to get my work done.



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I spent several months with blurry vision, Floridaguy, but it was while I was tapering.  After the first few weeks, I decided to get checked out at the eye doctor "just in case".  Strangely, I had no problem reading the charts and cards and my eyes checked out fine.  Still had trouble seeing text on the computer screen, though.  Since you are so far out (6 months), I'd probably get it checked if it out if it is interferring with your ability to do what you need to do.
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I had blurry vision since my Ativan to Valium crossover and it got worse after Detox.  During my A-V crossover I spent a ton of money at an eye glass place, but the thing is if it is from w/d your vision will wax and wain, and since the lens is fixed, it doesn't help much.


I have found the best thing to do is to go to the drug store and pick up a few different strengths of magnifying glasses.  I have 3-- a 1.5X magnification, a 2.0, and a 2.5.  I switch around depending on how bad the blurriness is that day.


I have asked if this gets better, and had some replies from BB veterans who told me it EVENTUALLY does.  I had 20/20 vision before, so I find this to be an added nuisance of w/d.  But is has given me a new found empathy for my poor hubby who has to wear contacts since his youth.

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I had blurry vision since my Ativan to Valium crossover and it got worse after Detox.  During my A-V crossover I spent a ton of money at an eye glass place, but the thing is if it is from w/d your vision will wax and wain, and since the lens is fixed, it doesn't help much.


I think it is WD. Today the dizziness I had in my temples has subsided and I can see a lot better than I could yesterday. I remember reading some posts awhile back about eye doctors having commented that this is a common symptom of benzo WD. I'm gonna stick it out as long as I can.

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I think it is w/d as well.


I have had boughts of blurry vision that really alarmed me. It has somewhat subsided for now, but I have a feeling it will rear its head again.

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  • 2 months later...

Okay, this is really getting annoying.


When I got sick last week my vision started to get blurry again. It came around at the same time as I was being hit with a massive sinus pressure headache, but unfortunately despite the headache being gone, I still can't see like I should.


At what point do the vision problems tend to go away? I really want to avoid throwing money down the drain trying to fix a temporary problem but if this doesn't go away I will have to take action.

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I don't know if this applies to your situation or not, FloridaGuy, but since I got on a plant based diet, my vision has improved significantly.  I didn't do it for that reason, but it just happened, and I believe it's why. 
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I started doing eye exercises and have been noticing slight but continuous improvements in my vision.  Here is what I do:


Keeping your head straight move your eyes in the following directions 10 times each.  Close and rest your eyes for a few seconds between each set:


1) Up to down


2) Extreme left to extreme right


3) Upper left to lower right


4) Upper right to lower left


5) Complete circles CW


6) Complete circles CCW


Draw and 'X' on a Post-it note and stick it on the wall in front of you just above eye level.  While keeping your eyes fixated on the 'X' turn your head left to right 10 times, then move your head up and down 10 times.


The vestibular system and areas of the brain that control the fine eye motor movements have been effected by the benzos.  I believe this is helping me based on the concept of neuroplasticity.  Even Ashton says balance exercises can help the cerebellum portion of our brains recover, which is in line with this rational.  I hope this helps you!!!

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I started doing eye exercises and have been noticing slight but continuous improvements in my vision.  Here is what I do:


Keeping your head straight move your eyes in the following directions 10 times each.  Close and rest your eyes for a few seconds between each set:


1) Up to down


2) Extreme left to extreme right


3) Upper left to lower right


4) Upper right to lower left


5) Complete circles CW


6) Complete circles CCW


Draw and 'X' on a Post-it note and stick it on the wall in front of you just above eye level.  While keeping your eyes fixated on the 'X' turn your head left to right 10 times, then move your head up and down 10 times.


The vestibular system and areas of the brain that control the fine eye motor movements have been effected by the benzos.  I believe this is helping me based on the concept of neuroplasticity.  Even Ashton says balance exercises can help the cerebellum portion of our brains recover, which is in line with this rational.  I hope this helps you!!!


Good stuff. Might have to give it a shot  :thumbsup:

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I have blurry vision all the time. It has been cleared up maybe few times for some short period.

Thanks for sharing those exercises. Dont know if I can do them cause my eyes hurt and feel hard moving them or look somethin moving.


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I love the exercises that Perserverance gave you. I might try them myself. Sounds good. At my age I got glasses a few years back that I never wore and I found that I do need them now. My eye doctor said I was a late bloomer for needing glasses. My dad was the same way and his eye sight actually improved somewhat as he aged. Strange. Everyone should have an eye exam every two (?) years anyway. Eye sight is too precious to loose.
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Vision problems has been a symptom that has haunted me my whole journey so far. I am 16 1/2 months benzo free and my vision still gets blurry now and then, but not near as bad as before. Now, im dealing with weird swirly-like smoke looking movement in my vision when I look around. It has been with me now I guess between 3 - 4 months non stop, this round. I had it before and it stopped furing a 2 month window I had, only to return with a vengeance.
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