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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.


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On the web one can find many detox centers that say they work with benzo patients.  It looks like the only positives about detox with benzos comes from the centers themselves. Am I correct in thinking that detox is ineffective, and that a gradual withdrawal (taper, etc.) is the only way out?



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In a word, yes.


Most of those seem out to make a buck. Thousands of bucks, I mean, and clients leave those places shaking.


You're in a location that seems more open-minded to gentle medicine, so you might be able to find a place that would help your sister. Read here some accounts of ppl who've had experience with so-called detoxes, though--you'll likely find an assist. Best of luck,



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juliad is right, detoxes have a bad rep. they seem to be used only as last resort. It's much easier on the system to taper and you may not suffer as long and hard as doing a detox.
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You may want to read page 4 of my blog, and my thread "The Detox Facility called to see how I was doing..." under Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Support.
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Am I correct in thinking that detox is ineffective, and that a gradual withdrawal (taper, etc.) is the only way out?





A slow, sensible taper, acceptance and time are truly the only way to go when it comes to benzo withdrawal.

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Wow, I read Perseverence's post "Detox facility called..." and it confirmed my suspicions that these people don't know any more about benzos than the average Joe Shmoe on the street.  Thanx to all for your responses.
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Hi Soldi:


What a loving and caring sister you are!! :smitten: :smitten:  You're looking at the right site to help you with some decisions. 


Most close family members just cannot understand the misery of this benzo stuff.  It is more than a trap - more like a journey through hell and back.  :tickedoff::pokey:


I did a C/O to valium as ativan is such a short-life benzo.  I made it!  With your love, I'm sure your sister will feel like she's supported in her taper.  BIG PLUS!!



God bless,


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Don't do it. You will regret it. They like to use drugs like Tegretol and withdrawal you from the benzo within two weeks. That Tegretol is awful and terrible on the liver. Google it. I was in detox so yes, I have experienced it. It was a huge waste of money. I ended up back on the Ativan and am now doing a crossover to Librium to taper. Unless this detox center is going to keep you for as long as it takes to slowly taper the benzo and keep you comfortable the whole time and promise you a money back guarantee if they are not successful in getting you to fully recover, I would not go. My experience was that I was treated as though I was getting off pain pills and alcohol and any other drug like that. Benzo's are much different than any of those types of drugs.
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  • 1 month later...

Thanks everyone for the information on Detox Centers.  That just confirms my experiences.  I went to a major teaching hospital in my state and the doctors said the same thing (that I shouldn't have any major issues after coming off of Klonopin except for a few weeks).  They also said I wasn't a drug addict and they brought me off of it in 5 days.  I got so sick I thought I was dying.  I didn't even have enough strength to wash my hands.  When I informed my "team" of doctors on how sick I was, they wanted me to get out of my room to get my mind off of the withdrawal symptoms.  That was the absolute worst thing to do.  I tried to stay off of Klonopin for 6 days once I got home, but I only got sicker.  I was so weak I couldn't even use the telephone or open a Powerade bottle when I first got home.  I eventually got so weak that even turning over in bed caused shortness of breath.  I'm thinking about writing the CEO of the Hospital to let him know of my ordeal.


At any rate, once I went back on Klonopin on the 6th day, I immediately calmed down from the worst panic attacks I had ever had.  About 5 minutes after going back on Klonopin, I felt a tingling sensation in my legs and later realized that it was the blood starting to flow back down to them.  I had hardly been able to stand prior to that.  When I called the Doctor back at the hospital (before going back on Klonopin), she said that she thought I was still medically stable!  I don't think she (nor the other doctors on my team) had ever weaned anyone off of Klonopin.  I think they just had textbook knowledge (and limited knowledge at that).  In fact, it seems like I knew more about Detoxing from Klonopin than they did.  There was absolutely no compassion and the doctor just told me to keep a positive attitude.  If they had been through even 1/10th of what I was gong through, she never would have said that.


Well, enough ranting about my bad experience.  I'm just so glad that I didn't spend thousands of dollars at a Private Detox Center only to have to go back on Klonopin.

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There has got to be a way to get this out in the open so that ALL doctors across the nation will understand that you MUST TAPER SLOWLY OFF BENZODIAZAPINES!!!! I honestly don't know what their big hurry is to get someone off benzo's fast in the first place. They put some of us on these drugs for how many years?? And then they want us to hurry off them! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO???? Do I need to write a letter to Obama or something? I was treated the same way in detox. I even called my doctor when I was extremely weak and could hardly talk and I told her they took me off the Ativan way too fast. She argued and said "NO THEY DIDN'T." I reinstated it myself and got a second opinion. Do people have to die and do enough doctors have to get sued by the families before they will wake up?
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I agree with you Mis Kim.  I was thinking about writing a letter to both the FDA and President Obama.  Most doctors, I think, are simply not trained well enough in the detox process.  It's a shame we had to go what we went through (all through the hands of a doctor).  I have been flabbergasted at the lack of knowledge among both doctors and nurses regarding how long it takes to come off of Benzo's.  I have, however, finally found a doctor that is working with me to come off of Klonopin very slowly.  He is very knowledgeable and compassionate.  It took me a good while to find him, but I found him nonetheless.


I'm with you, however, doctors need to be educated about these dangerous drugs and I personally think Benzo's should be banned by the FDA.

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Detox shut my entire body down. With symptoms too long to list. 16 months later and I have not recovered yet.

Don't believe the lies that detox centers tell. They told me 5 days I would be off the drug. But they never said you would be crippled mentally and physically for a long,long,long time. Pure Hell...

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Those places can help you get off quick, but they cannot deal with the wds.  dont tempt fate.  A slow gradual taper is safest.  sn
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