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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Functional medicine

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After seeing every specialist under the sun this is my next attempt. However, stupid expensive.

Has anyone seen 1? Thoughts?

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Had to google this. I favour a holistic approach so if the objective is to treat the whole person then that makes sense. When clinicians treat symptoms without looking at the underlying cause then so much is missed. 

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Yes. I have had so much more help from my functional medicine doctors. They look at labs differently and have a deeper understanding of how all the systems in the body work together. My experience has been very good. 

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Yes. My regular GP had always looked at my labs and said everything looks great.

My functional medicine doctor will look at the same set and point out things that need addressing. For example, my B12 is not technically low, but my fmd looked at it and explained it needs to be higher to be optimal. Many such findings.

She also runs totally different tests. Discovered dysbiosis through stool testing. 

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Yes, B12. I asked mine to run it again. Nope.

Do you feel better? I sure hope so! 
Thank you,

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@[Ma...] I really hope you have good success.

I am still suffering tons, but it's because I am not tolerating things that could help me. Very sensitive. But we're working on it. The flu has really messed things up.

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I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had the flu, especially on top of everything else. I hope it passes quickly and you get some relief real soon!

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I've never seen functional medicine, but only heard good things. If you're willing, I'd give it a try.

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I have had some bad experiences with functional doctors, but I know they aren't all bad. I would say just make sure before you go or if you go and it's like this, I wouldn't return. If they sell their own supplements or formulations that seem vague, like they don't explain the diagnoses to you and just want you to take their own blends. ( In my case someone wanted me to take all these tinctures they had crafted and charged me so so much money and when I got sick they wouldn't help me change meds or refund me or anything). 

Also, they should be doing blood testing, and I suppose other ways like saliva or hair would be fine, but they need to make sure it's conclusive, rather than using weird machines ( that happened to me where they used a machine like the game "operation" that would touch my fingers at different places. The "diagnoses" they gave me were incredibly bizarre and alarming. In other words, I had gone to a total loon. 


I don't believe they're all like this but there are a good many who may be deceitful or not have reliable tests, so I would just advise you to be careful with your research, I wouldn't want you to lose any money or go through more stress. 

Hope that's not alarming, just my advice

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2 minutes ago, [[f...] said:

I have had some bad experiences with functional doctors, but I know they aren't all bad. I would say just make sure before you go or if you go and it's like this, I wouldn't return. If they sell their own supplements or formulations that seem vague, like they don't explain the diagnoses to you and just want you to take their own blends. ( In my case someone wanted me to take all these tinctures they had crafted and charged me so so much money and when I got sick they wouldn't help me change meds or refund me or anything). 

Also, they should be doing blood testing, and I suppose other ways like saliva or hair would be fine, but they need to make sure it's conclusive, rather than using weird machines ( that happened to me where they used a machine like the game "operation" that would touch my fingers at different places. The "diagnoses" they gave me were incredibly bizarre and alarming. In other words, I had gone to a total loon. 

I don't believe they're all like this but there are a good many who may be deceitful or not have reliable tests, so I would just advise you to be careful with your research, I wouldn't want you to lose any money or go through more stress. 

Hope that's not alarming, just my advice

It’s good advice and I’ve had a similar experience.

Well stated, and welcome!🤗 

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I have had many bad experiences not all with traditional medicine besides this benzo nightmare. I'm sure there are many scam artists in all professions. One of my doctors went to jail for insurance fraud. A good functional doctor is hard to find. That being said they actually try to figure out what is causing your issues and treat you by making you healthier through dietary changes and lifestyle. Traditional medicine doesn't investigate why you have high blood pressure or even have the time to figure it out. They treat you with a med that alters your chemistry and causes 50 other problems. Then they treat side effects with another pill and on and on. Good for cash flow, not so good for you many times. This is how many of us got to this place unfortunately. These people are excellent if you're in a car crash in keeping you alive. Long term care watch out. Just my opinion.

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17 minutes ago, [[P...] said:

I have had many bad experiences not all with traditional medicine besides this benzo nightmare. I'm sure there are many scam artists in all professions. One of my doctors went to jail for insurance fraud. A good functional doctor is hard to find. That being said they actually try to figure out what is causing your issues and treat you by making you healthier through dietary changes and lifestyle. Traditional medicine doesn't investigate why you have high blood pressure or even have the time to figure it out. They treat you with a med that alters your chemistry and causes 50 other problems. Then they treat side effects with another pill and on and on. Good for cash flow, not so good for you many times. This is how many of us got to this place unfortunately. These people are excellent if you're in a car crash in keeping you alive. Long term care watch out. Just my opinion.

yes, amazing advice. I think a focus on your diet, exercise ( that's right for you and your challenges) and food intolerances/allergies checking is a fundamental place to start. So much of our modern diets ( esp here in the USA) are making us worse, in at least some major ways, and they can be hard to find. Thinking like GMO foods and stuff like that which I am now intolerant to after this whole process of being this sick for 7 years and getting off this med. That's just me though, but I would say probably the majority of us at least have some intolerances, so clearing those out for a while and healing and then reintroducing or whatever the patient feels best for them, could help cut down some on our overall suffering/ hardships. 

I would say just try to dodge anything with hokey machines or "tinctures", like homeopathy, not that that's bad, but rather, a practitioner who doesn't explain it or the whole concept doesn't have much merit or make sense, I'd be leery of those. I just know how precious money/ lack of money is during this whole grievous process too. 


So someone who is willing to cover all the bases checking levels and then finding out how to get more of what you need in your system naturally ( supplements, food etc) and will listen and be flexible if you are sensitive, would be IMO the best type of person to approach. 


Good luck! :)

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I have a functional med Dr who is a internist and real MD. She is good and smart. Ran a ton of blood that my gp, specialists and neuro didn't think of...and saliva tests, thyroid, antibody test etc. she believes in gut brain axis but I haven't got results from her treatment unfortunately. I believe if I wasn't such a difficult case, she would be successful.

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I have absolutely no doubt there will be a percentage of members here who have ended up on benzodiazepines because of gut related issues (gut brain connection), the gut often considered the second brain. Some of those members and non members will have approached a GP about depression, anxiety, and a myriad of other symptoms and found themselves placed on benzodiazepines, because GP’s have been provided next to Zero training in the Gut. Especially in terms of the microbiome imbalalace, intestinal permeability (leaky gut), parasites, Sibo (and other overgrowths) which lead to leaky gut, along with diet, stress, PPI’s, certain other medications… of which leading Functional Integrative Medical Practitioners believe antidepressants will be next added to the list as causing leaky gut. Functional Practitioners train for years solely on the gut, and the gut brain connection, so far beyond the scope of any GP, of who, most still don’t even know what Sibo is, and couldn’t treat that or any other of the aforementioned conditions even if they wanted to, simply because they neither have the knowledge nor appointment time necessary. 

Of those who are on benzodiazepines because of gut related depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc… a percentage of those will still not be aware that it is gut related issues that led to them being prescribed benzodiazepines.

when it comes to these type of symptoms, GP’s are not interested in root causes or treating the root causes, only treating symptoms, whereas functional integrative medical practitioners will find the root cause through various tests not used by GP’s, and then look to treat the root cause… treat overgrowths or imbalances, heal the intestinal wall, and get the gut functioning back to its optimum, resolving symptoms related to an unhealthy damaged gut. 

As with any practitioner… research… explain that you want to participate in your treatment, and therefore, need to have your results and treatment explained to you. When it comes to gut related issues, one really needs to become their own doctor, so follow the guidance of the practitioner, but also research everything about their findings. There is plenty of information (on everything) available online through websites of the worlds leading functional medical practitioners. All you have to do is search. The more you research, the more the puzzle will come together because you will see how everything is connected. 

If tapering off benzodiazepines or in recovery, certain treatment protocols may have to wait depending on how reactive you are to certain foods, supplements, tinctures, antimicrobials. But, I believe exposing a clear picture of any underlying issues… is invaluable.

As someone dealing with SIBO, Intestinal permeability, histamine + salicylate intolerance, and MCAS, whilst tapering, I can’t really treat right now, or at least, I can’t resolve those issues completely because of reactions. But, I have the knowledge to keep these issues under control and not exacerbate them until the time comes where I can treat effectively without reactions.


I’m not saying everyone here has gut issues and should see a FIMP, but if you think your past lifestyle may have put you in the high risk group and you feel that certain symptoms that led up to you being placed on benzodiazepines felt unusual to you… couldn't put your finger on why you would be experiencing them, then I would definitely consider seeing a FIMP. 

You do not have to have noticeably impaired digestion to have gut/brain related symptoms. Many have no idea why they don’t feel great, simply put it down to aging. Most don’t find their way out of declining health until they finally stumble across a FIMP after being fed up with seeing GP after GP without any answer other than “try this drug for your symptoms”, potentially only creating another nightmare… 

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Thank you for all of the information! It’s a very well respected group, from what can tell, and I was able to get a 30 minute complimentary consultation. Will definitely report back 🤞 

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20 hours ago, [[M...] said:

After seeing every specialist under the sun this is my next attempt. However, stupid expensive.

Has anyone seen 1? Thoughts?

I have seen a functional medicine health Coach who wrote me a list if supplements but ended in a setback. I wouldn't advice taking any supplements as I thought they were what I needed . Been in a setback now for nearly 3 month . Its lesseninh a bit in intensity .I hope it leaves soon .

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I’m sorry you hit that pitfall and suffered.

Unfortunately FIMP’s won’t understand the complexities of treating someone in benzo withdrawal or recovery, where some supplements simply aren’t tolerated. 

What I would be more interested in is finding out any underlying gut related issues so I have the overview to work with long term. 

There are some supplements I tolerate and some I don’t, and each individual with be different. 

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36 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Have any of you had a B12 shot?

I had a B12 shot about 12 months ago and I have methylated B12 that I take... when I can remember.  

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Did the B12 shot help in any way?

UPDATE: my insurance actually covers this-go figure. They’re also doing a brain EEG which my neuro refused. 
Now I just have to summon the energy and willpower to actually get there 🤦‍♀️

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…which brings me to this:

Serious props to all of you who can actually make all of your doctor’s appointments. Insane courage and tenacity!

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2 hours ago, [[M...] said:

Did the B12 shot help in any way?

UPDATE: my insurance actually covers this-go figure. They’re also doing a brain EEG which my neuro refused. 
Now I just have to summon the energy and willpower to actually get there 🤦‍♀️

I feel like it helps me some with energy.  It also helps with red blood cell production and is needed by your bones.  

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I saw a functional medicine doctor.  I liked her and thought she was very knowledgeable and thorough.  However, for those of you here that truly suffer from bad cases of BIND, I don’t think they are going to be of much use.  I’m not trying to be a downer, I’m just being realistic.  

If benzos obliterated your GABA receptors, time is the only real proven answer.  That’s even hard for functional medicine doctors to accept but I’ve been on this board a while and that seems to be the only healer.  Just think of all the different reactions people here have to certain supplements. 

My functional medicine doctor gave me a pretty extensive list of vitamins and supplements based off my complaints and bloodwork.  I was given magnesium which I had a horrible reaction to.  B12 and methylfolate gave me panic attacks.  There were a few more supplements that either didn’t help or made things worse.  

BIND laughs in the face of medicine as we currently know it.  It’s hard to make sense of things until the body heals and reacts normally to things.   

Seeing a functional medicine doctor could be really good for some other stuff though.  I think it could have been great before benzos destroyed me.  But be careful with any vitamins and supplements you may be recommended.  If they’re on the “potentially harmful” list for people with BIND, proceed with caution. 

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