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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

The most posen prescription drug

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Dear BB, I just read the post about what fox new wrote about Klonopin... I knew that it is a horryfying medication.. BB I am so scared right now because of all the klonopin I used and the way I feel..


I am not freaking out for nothing... I know that I have to continue my journey... Stevie Nick's life was ruined because of it... She had no kid's because of it..  It was on the news yesterday.. I did hear it also besides seeing it on the post... What will happen now to any of us who have taken Klonopin and are very sick...  It is the most potent benzo out there..


I want to live an move on and see my kid's grow up.  Please can you give me some encouragent here as I am a sufferer from this posen... What should I believe and how should I go on knowing this... I have burning skin as I am writing to you... I am so upset right now. BB, Please tell me how to keep pushing now.  I need to sleep alittle tonght...  I just cut the K last night... Thank you.. God have mercy on all of us please..  Mishi

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Stevie Nick's life was ruined because of it... She had no kid's because of it..  It was on the news yesterday..


But don't forget that she lived to tell the tale and is now enjoying her life to the fullest once more.  I actually believe that she is touring at the moment, so let that be a beckon of hope for you, Mishi, okay?  You will heal from this.

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Dear BB, I just read the post about what fox new wrote about Klonopin... I knew that it is a horryfying medication.. BB I am so scared right now because of all the klonopin I used and the way I feel..


I am not freaking out for nothing... I know that I have to continue my journey... Stevie Nick's life was ruined because of it... She had no kid's because of it..  It was on the news yesterday.. I did hear it also besides seeing it on the post... What will happen now to any of us who have taken Klonopin and are very sick...  It is the most potent benzo out there..


I want to live an move on and see my kid's grow up.  Please can you give me some encouragent here as I am a sufferer from this posen... What should I believe and how should I go on knowing this... I have burning skin as I am writing to you... I am so upset right now. BB, Please tell me how to keep pushing now.  I need to sleep alittle tonght...  I just cut the K last night... Thank you.. God have mercy on all of us please..  Mishi


BB I have one more question to ask... Does this mean when you are on valium or you switch to valium it will be safer for you to take than the Klonopin.. Really, Really, I need to know..

I appreciate your help and Kindness.. Are we in less danger if we take the Valium now after you have been on K... Or what if you are on K and still weaning off  What will happen to us.



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Yes, Stevie has been healed for years now, that was in the early 1990's.


Don't forget she detoxed, and that's far from what you are doing, Mishi.


She was on a very high dose, and took Prozac as well with it.


As far as Valium vs. Klonopin, been on both of them, and can tell you the valium maybe smoother, but a Benzo is a Benzo, no matter how you flip it.





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BB I have one more question to ask... Does this mean when you are on valium or you switch to valium it will be safer for you to take than the Klonopin.. Really, Really, I need to know..

I appreciate your help and Kindness.. Are we in less danger if we take the Valium now after you have been on K... Or what if you are on K and still weaning off  What will happen to us.



A benzo is a benzo, Mishi; they are all the same family of drug.


What did this program say about Klonopin that has you so worried?  I tapered off of Klonopin and am doing just fine.

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Stevie Nicks life isn't "ruined", she's totally fine now -- and she detoxed c/t too! She says she lost a decade of her life to it (8 years on.)
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Mishi I understand that you are upset, but it sounds like you're always thinking that no one ever heals from this, and all hope is lost. This is certainly not true!!! No one has not healed from a benzo. It takes a while, but you will be healed too and you will feel fine again. You must remember this.


Also, Klonopin is not the "worst" benzo. There is no "worst," but actually I've heard that Xanax is much more intense.


You are doing fine, you just need to remember that you are not permanently damaged.

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You are doing fine, you just need to remember that you are not permanently damaged.




No you're not permanently damaged as Holly said.


It's temporary.


Benzo withdrawal doesn't last forever.

The Benzo didn't, the w/d will not either.


As far as Stevie Nicks, also I watched a youtube video on her, and she said it took her 2 years, but she detoxed.

This was back in 2007, I can't find the video now, so it must have been deleted.


She's out having a ball now and performing concerts, living life.


You are healing as you taper, and I believe we do, and I can tell.


Hang in there.


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Sorry I didnt call you......I have been having a rough few days.  Stevie Nicks was just on the show The Voice last nite performing.  I also know she said that benzos were the worse to get off of, BUT she is fine and has been for a long time.  I know that you are going thru a lot and I promise you, things will get better.  It is so hard to think that because this med affects us mentally and physically but you will.  I really dont know if switching to V will help you, I still have bad w/d's, really bad days and then some good ones.  I just want you to know you will heal.  Everyone does. 

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Mishi, You are right at the acute stage and that is why you feel so terrible. I just went through that stage a little while ago when I finally jumped on April 24th.  You sound highly emotional like me so I recognize the feeling. I was just like you. Everything hyper excited me. I could not sleep more than 1 to 2 hours a night. I had constantly burning arms also.  But you must try your best to stop panicking. It is making things worse for you. Your life is not ruined!!!!! I say it again, YOUR LIFE IS NOT RUINED. I took a Benzo for 42 years. I took KLONOPIN for 6 1/2 years. I tapered very slowly. I don't want to stick up for a Benzo but Klonopin still helps people under certain circumstances so it is not poison. I dry cut all the way to the end with Klonopin so I can't say if switching would be better. I still have an anxiety problem, I still have the burning arms but now it is NOT all the time. I'm not going to sugar coat what you may go through, you read everybody is different and goes through their own withdrawal. It is  not easy BUT IT IS NOT THE END! I have been following some of your posts. You are so much like me, I'm now knowing what I must have been like. Stop Panicking now!!!! Breath

deeply. If you can't sleep, get up and watch a funny movie, listen to your favorite music, read a children's book

and satisfy your inner child, wrap a blanket around you and feel God holding you. Don't worry about not sleeping. Your body will give in when it needs to sleep. You will get through this but it takes work on your part. You have a lot of BB responding to your posts, they are reaching out to you. You are not alone and that is very good. This is the beginning of the rest of your life and you must believe that it is going to get better. If I

am doing it after 42 years, YOU CAN TOO! I'm still working hard in my journey, I still have challenges, but  I refuse to give in.  We are in this together. ALL OF THE Benzo buddies. TAKE OUR HELPING HAND AND HANG ON TIGHTLY.

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Sorry I didnt call you......I have been having a rough few days.  Stevie Nicks was just on the show The Voice last nite performing.  I also know she said that benzos were the worse to get off of, BUT she is fine and has been for a long time.  I know that you are going thru a lot and I promise you, things will get better.  It is so hard to think that because this med affects us mentally and physically but you will.  I really dont know if switching to V will help you, I still have bad w/d's, really bad days and then some good ones.  I just want you to know you will heal.  Everyone does. 


BenzoBuddies discourages the sharing of personal information, please see our privacy policy.  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=9681.0#post_personal

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Sorry I didnt call you......I have been having a rough few days.  Stevie Nicks was just on the show The Voice last nite performing.  I also know she said that benzos were the worse to get off of, BUT she is fine and has been for a long time.  I know that you are going thru a lot and I promise you, things will get better.  It is so hard to think that because this med affects us mentally and physically but you will.  I really dont know if switching to V will help you, I still have bad w/d's, really bad days and then some good ones.  I just want you to know you will heal.  Everyone does. 


Please forgive me Pamster. I will not do that again.. Please leave the messages here so I can reply back to everyone when I return back from the doctor... I know they are alway's here just making sure.  Again, I just got scared... Hope you are well. Love, Mishi


BenzoBuddies discourages the sharing of personal information, please see our privacy policy.  http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=9681.0#post_personal

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I'm so sorry you are struggling so. I see a big pattern of how you scare yourself. I do that too so what I say to you I say to myself. We all know how toxic klonopin is....Most recommend

that we stay away from the news right now....You saw that on the news then you had to think about it and then you posted it. It really isn't good to do that when you really need to focus

on healing. I hope this makes sense. I know when people talk about detox or recovery places you want to go there too. I just wish you could see that you yourself can help yourself heal. I tapered

klonopin and paxil last year easily after years of use. I took a klonopin not thinking about it after a few nights of not sleeping well. Then I was hooked. I started researching and scared the crap out of myself.

At that point I needed to be scared. Last year I spent two months at a psychological healing place in Santa Monica and it made everything worse....I then spent two months at an outpatient program in Loma

Linda....I was even more a wreck and suicidal. They didn't believe me and I got out of there. I came home and my husband packed up all my self help books (probably at least $1,000.00) and drove out of

town and found a dumpster. Guess what? I found bb and actually started to get stable....I have been where you are....I will probably be there again....


I have a teenage son. Guess what? They aren't really supposed to even like you at this age....I told him that the dr. gave me medicine that I need to get out of my system and there is a lot of pain involved.

I apologize to him. I don't complain to him. Right now being busy with sports and school he doesn't really care....You just need to explain that to your children. They are most likely worried about you and anger

is the way they are dealing with it right now....They don't hate you.....


I started reading "What you say when you talk to yourself" by Shad Helmstetter (probably spelled that wrong) and quite a bit clicked for me. The first time I tapered there was no doubt in my mind that I would have side effects. I actually was just lucky....I sure convince myself often now that I will.....I've started getting out more and talking nicer to myself and I've started feeling some relief....


Mishi please start being nicer to yourself......You can fix this not anyone here or any facility can....Bottom line is that you have to stop scaring yourself so you can start tapering and getting relief...I know you can do this...


xoxo Pam

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I agree with Real Deal. You can't scare yourself.


Many times I have, and it's very easy to do.


I know we research things on Benzo withdrawal, and stumble upon info we may not desire to see.


I would stick with my plan, and go on with it, and try to avoid stories or info. that may scare you.



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Great post Real Deal.  It seems to me that the real enemy is the fear thinking ... that is the work ... to not believe the thoughts.  Replace them with positives constantly.  Hard work keeping track of all that, that is going on in a racing mind but it is crucial to stand up to them.


I loved this part:  "Bottom line is that you have to stop scaring yourself so you can start tapering and getting relief ... I know you can do this."


Mishi - I hope you listen.  :)

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I'm so sorry you are struggling so. I see a big pattern of how you scare yourself. I do that too so what I say to you I say to myself. We all know how toxic klonopin is....Most recommend

that we stay away from the news right now....You saw that on the news then you had to think about it and then you posted it. It really isn't good to do that when you really need to focus

on healing. I hope this makes sense. I know when people talk about detox or recovery places you want to go there too. I just wish you could see that you yourself can help yourself heal. I tapered

klonopin and paxil last year easily after years of use. I took a klonopin not thinking about it after a few nights of not sleeping well. Then I was hooked. I started researching and scared the crap out of myself.

At that point I needed to be scared. Last year I spent two months at a psychological healing place in Santa Monica and it made everything worse....I then spent two months at an outpatient program in Loma

Linda....I was even more a wreck and suicidal. They didn't believe me and I got out of there. I came home and my husband packed up all my self help books (probably at least $1,000.00) and drove out of

town and found a dumpster. Guess what? I found bb and actually started to get stable....I have been where you are....I will probably be there again....


I have a teenage son. Guess what? They aren't really supposed to even like you at this age....I told him that the dr. gave me medicine that I need to get out of my system and there is a lot of pain involved.

I apologize to him. I don't complain to him. Right now being busy with sports and school he doesn't really care....You just need to explain that to your children. They are most likely worried about you and anger

is the way they are dealing with it right now....They don't hate you.....


I started reading "What you say when you talk to yourself" by Shad Helmstetter (probably spelled that wrong) and quite a bit clicked for me. The first time I tapered there was no doubt in my mind that I would have side effects. I actually was just lucky....I sure convince myself often now that I will.....I've started getting out more and talking nicer to myself and I've started feeling some relief....


Mishi please start being nicer to yourself......You can fix this not anyone here or any facility can....Bottom line is that you have to stop scaring yourself so you can start tapering and getting relief...I know you can do this...


xoxo Pam


Pam thank you so much for reaching out to right now... I had a window yesterday while tapering... This morning I am in terror.. All night light something is ripping out inside of me relly bad.  I am here with my aunt right now.. She is not emothional but at least sher is here as so are you.. My family will be back on monday.. They are freaked out and don not want me.  I anm getting worse and do not know where I will end up.. I need help with someone to take care of me desperately at home... It is bad...Gosh pam the pain right now thru my skin thru my  insides... I have to go for now.. I am happy that you are recovered... and well.. Please stay the course and let me know more on how I can finish the taper and where I will wind up.. God bless you... Mishi  Please keep me posted I really need freinds right now to guide me.. Mishi

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I agree with Real Deal. You can't scare yourself.


Many times I have, and it's very easy to do.


I know we research things on Benzo withdrawal, and stumble upon info we may not desire to see.


I would stick with my plan, and go on with it, and try to avoid stories or info. that may scare you.




Sigma my friend... i will not read those stories... But for now I am suffering so bad.. Please still be there for me as you alway's have.. One window..yesterday.. Today is torture and pan.  Sigja please give me more encoragement.. Please    I cannot and refuse to this alone... I have alway's put myself before other's... I am a kind person... Now I am reaching out for life in the worst way.. Please be well and stay as you are an amazing person.. Luv, Mishi

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Stevie Nick's life was ruined because of it... She had no kid's because of it..  It was on the news yesterday..


But don't forget that she lived to tell the tale and is now enjoying her life to the fullest once more.  I actually believe that she is touring at the moment, so let that be a beckon of hope for you, Mishi, okay?  You will heal from this.


Bevoir thank you so much.. I know that you healed.. I am grateful for you.. I am in despair this morning... Cannot move my back or my foot.. Someone is ripping the insides out of me all night long... Tell me how you did it please tell me Bevoir... I appreciate that so much if you will.. I have no one at home who cares about me.. Or maybe they just cannot do it for me.. I do not want to wind up alone in this fight.... Please get back to me with more hope.. May god bless you everyday.. You are wonderful...Luv, Mishi

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I'm not recovered. I'm tapering and have a lot of symptoms. I just see it in you to get somewhat stable. Can you distract yourself at all. All of your posts are so filled with fear. Can you try watching tv or a puzzle maybe?

Even for just a few minutes. Deep breathing exercises can help too.


Just want to see you get better.



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Mishi, You are right at the acute stage and that is why you feel so terrible. I just went through that stage a little while ago when I finally jumped on April 24th.  You sound highly emotional like me so I recognize the feeling. I was just like you. Everything hyper excited me. I could not sleep more than 1 to 2 hours a night. I had constantly burning arms also.  But you must try your best to stop panicking. It is making things worse for you. Your life is not ruined!!!!! I say it again, YOUR LIFE IS NOT RUINED. I took a Benzo for 42 years. I took KLONOPIN for 6 1/2 years. I tapered very slowly. I don't want to stick up for a Benzo but Klonopin still helps people under certain circumstances so it is not poison. I dry cut all the way to the end with Klonopin so I can't say if switching would be better. I still have an anxiety problem, I still have the burning arms but now it is NOT all the time. I'm not going to sugar coat what you may go through, you read everybody is different and goes through their own withdrawal. It is  not easy BUT IT IS NOT THE END! I have been following some of your posts. You are so much like me, I'm now knowing what I must have been like. Stop Panicking now!!!! Breath

deeply. If you can't sleep, get up and watch a funny movie, listen to your favorite music, read a children's book

and satisfy your inner child, wrap a blanket around you and feel God holding you. Don't worry about not sleeping. Your body will give in when it needs to sleep. You will get through this but it takes work on your part. You have a lot of BB responding to your posts, they are reaching out to you. You are not alone and that is very good. This is the beginning of the rest of your life and you must believe that it is going to get better. If I

am doing it after 42 years, YOU CAN TOO! I'm still working hard in my journey, I still have challenges, but  I refuse to give in.  We are in this together. ALL OF THE Benzo buddies. TAKE OUR HELPING HAND AND HANG ON TIGHTLY.


Lucy did you receive my long letter I just wrote to you please tell me yes luv, Mishi

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I'm not recovered. I'm tapering and have a lot of symptoms. I just see it in you to get somewhat stable. Can you distract yourself at all. All of your posts are so filled with fear. Can you try watching tv or a puzzle maybe?

Even for just a few minutes. Deep breathing exercises can help too.


Just want to see you get better.




I am sorry. I thought you were finished on your taper... I am sorry. Pam.. I is hard to distract myself right now... I want to see you get better also... I really eo.. Where are you on your tpaer.. I how you are almost done... I just wrote a long letter to lucy and it is gone.. Gosh I need a friend right now in my home with me... You are too kind to care for me... I hank you with all of my heart.. I wish the pain would just go away right now.. I wish I could face my family.. The ones that tell me they love me.. Not anymore .. They are scared of me and will not support me... Pam I had one window yesterday.. Boom Today and last night in terror from the K.. Please know I am grateful for your letter I hope you can still keep in touch with me here on bb... I want to to know how you are doing in your life also... Please let me now how you survived this monster... Or how you are surviving this monster.. Do you have anyone that supports you at home?  Gosh my tummy is burning so bad...  I hope to tell a success story one day... I hope to talk with you soon... Know that you are in my heart right now.  Please write me back.. Luv, Mishi

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Sorry I didnt call you......I have been having a rough few days.  Stevie Nicks was just on the show The Voice last nite performing.  I also know she said that benzos were the worse to get off of, BUT she is fine and has been for a long time.  I know that you are going thru a lot and I promise you, things will get better.  It is so hard to think that because this med affects us mentally and physically but you will.  I really dont know if switching to V will help you, I still have bad w/d's, really bad days and then some good ones.  I just want you to know you will heal.  Everyone does. 


Renee, Thank you my friend.. I hope you are okay.. I have so much to say to you.. Right now the pain is so strong.. I have to stop typing alittle and write you back later.. I need to talk to you later on the site... The Valium you say may not make a difference anymore.. Who know's. anything right now.. I hope you are feeling better right now.. Please wait for me to write you back.. I cannot move my ams very well at this moment.. I did not forget you or will i ever...  Please write me back.. Wait for a leter back to yu,, God bless you and your family... Luv, Mishi

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Mishi, You are right at the acute stage and that is why you feel so terrible. I just went through that stage a little while ago when I finally jumped on April 24th.  You sound highly emotional like me so I recognize the feeling. I was just like you. Everything hyper excited me. I could not sleep more than 1 to 2 hours a night. I had constantly burning arms also.  But you must try your best to stop panicking. It is making things worse for you. Your life is not ruined!!!!! I say it again, YOUR LIFE IS NOT RUINED. I took a Benzo for 42 years. I took KLONOPIN for 6 1/2 years. I tapered very slowly. I don't want to stick up for a Benzo but Klonopin still helps people under certain circumstances so it is not poison. I dry cut all the way to the end with Klonopin so I can't say if switching would be better. I still have an anxiety problem, I still have the burning arms but now it is NOT all the time. I'm not going to sugar coat what you may go through, you read everybody is different and goes through their own withdrawal. It is  not easy BUT IT IS NOT THE END! I have been following some of your posts. You are so much like me, I'm now knowing what I must have been like. Stop Panicking now!!!! Breath

deeply. If you can't sleep, get up and watch a funny movie, listen to your favorite music, read a children's book

and satisfy your inner child, wrap a blanket around you and feel God holding you. Don't worry about not sleeping. Your body will give in when it needs to sleep. You will get through this but it takes work on your part. You have a lot of BB responding to your posts, they are reaching out to you. You are not alone and that is very good. This is the beginning of the rest of your life and you must believe that it is going to get better. If I

am doing it after 42 years, YOU CAN TOO! I'm still working hard in my journey, I still have challenges, but  I refuse to give in.  We are in this together. ALL OF THE Benzo buddies. TAKE OUR HELPING HAND AND HANG ON TIGHTLY.


The long lettter I wrote you a few minutes ago is gone.. I have to speak with you. on this site.. Please wait for me to respond back to you... As we are talking I am in pain severley.. Yes we are alike in many ways.  Gosh I cannot write well right this minute... The letter I wrote you was long... I am so upset... Please wait for it again..  I am hanging on to a thread right now.. Thinking of you..  God bless you.. This letter is not over with.. Find me again to your reply... I want to hear from you agiain... I like the way you express yourself to me..


Luv, Mishi

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Stevie Nicks...wow. So *that's* why she never was much of a vocalist. I'm not either--big ribcage but no pipes. chronic anxiety, all the worse with rebound:deep. Deep indeed.
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I'm so sorry you are struggling so. I see a big pattern of how you scare yourself. I do that too so what I say to you I say to myself. We all know how toxic klonopin is....Most recommend

that we stay away from the news right now....You saw that on the news then you had to think about it and then you posted it. It really isn't good to do that when you really need to focus

on healing. I hope this makes sense. I know when people talk about detox or recovery places you want to go there too. I just wish you could see that you yourself can help yourself heal. I tapered

klonopin and paxil last year easily after years of use. I took a klonopin not thinking about it after a few nights of not sleeping well. Then I was hooked. I started researching and scared the crap out of myself.

At that point I needed to be scared. Last year I spent two months at a psychological healing place in Santa Monica and it made everything worse....I then spent two months at an outpatient program in Loma

Linda....I was even more a wreck and suicidal. They didn't believe me and I got out of there. I came home and my husband packed up all my self help books (probably at least $1,000.00) and drove out of

town and found a dumpster. Guess what? I found bb and actually started to get stable....I have been where you are....I will probably be there again....


I have a teenage son. Guess what? They aren't really supposed to even like you at this age....I told him that the dr. gave me medicine that I need to get out of my system and there is a lot of pain involved.

I apologize to him. I don't complain to him. Right now being busy with sports and school he doesn't really care....You just need to explain that to your children. They are most likely worried about you and anger

is the way they are dealing with it right now....They don't hate you.....


I started reading "What you say when you talk to yourself" by Shad Helmstetter (probably spelled that wrong) and quite a bit clicked for me. The first time I tapered there was no doubt in my mind that I would have side effects. I actually was just lucky....I sure convince myself often now that I will.....I've started getting out more and talking nicer to myself and I've started feeling some relief....


Mishi please start being nicer to yourself......You can fix this not anyone here or any facility can....Bottom line is that you have to stop scaring yourself so you can start tapering and getting relief...I know you can do this...


xoxo Pam

Hi, Pam. I hope you are doing better on your taper and with life..Thank you for writing me such a beautiful long letter.. You are to kind as well as everyone here on the site.. God only know what I would do without you and everyone else here.. You have been thru so much on this journey.. To much for one person to handle.. You are doing it... How?  You are nicer to yourself Tell me How?    Am I just one of those people that cannot stabilize or just a baby not being able to tolerate the real world... This is not the real world on a benzo. It is different and evil.. I do not know  what else to do anymore with this journey.. Have to stay strong. I thought I was until now.. I took all the w/d before.. Why not now?  Cannot face my family anymore. they are scared of this and me..  Maybe that is what makes it harder/ I do not know anymore....  Detoxes are out?  You had a bad journey with that?  I am sorry.. I did also... They do not work... You are able to go out now?  I am so happy for you Pam.  I truly am..  You are lucky to have people around you care about you..  I wish not to be scared around my family anymore.  I have to figure that one out.. It will not be easy.  Hope you are feeling  better and better everyday.  You are healing all the time.. I am praying for you today.  thank you for you support and care for me...Luv, Mishi
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